ukrainian nat'l guardsmen open fire on home crowd

"Krasnoarmeysk, together with many other places in southeastern Ukraine, has been conducting an autonomy referendum. Following the National Guard's interference, the voting was stopped.

"Four schools got seized by masked men; all the people had to be evacuated.

"'They threatened us and said that they were sent by the Kiev authorities,' Sergey, a local resident, told RT.

"By that time, over 47,000 people had cast their ballots, self-defense forces said."

Does anyone else wonder why Russia isn't using UAVs against the "National Guard"?
"'They threatened us and said that they were sent by the Kiev authorities,' Sergey, a local resident, told RT.

"By that time, over 47,000 people had cast their ballots, self-defense forces said."

Does anyone else wonder why Russia isn't using UAVs against the "National Guard"?

The bold, underlined part doesn't surprise me one bit.

The US has no business whatsoever getting involved in this fracas.

A commander of the volunteer militia, known as the Dnepr group and hailing from another region more solidly in Ukrainian government control, said his orders were not specifically to stop the voting, but to secure a nearby building.An angry crowd formed, and one woman yelled, “They are preventing the people from expressing themselves!”The scene darkened, with the voting already eforgotten and a group of local men taunting the militiamen, who took up positions in City Hall and made a show of cocking their Kalashnikov assault rifles. One man in the group who advanced on them, ignoring warning shots over his head, was shot and killed, and another was wounded.In Dobropole, another town in the Donetsk region,
Reuters is reporting that the Moldava breakaway of Transdienestria has just delivered a petition to Moscow to rejoin Russia. That was expected but still, it will rattle a few cages.

The end of the USA as a liberal stronghold is a good thing.

Oooh, I was waiting for that.

Estonia would be instant WWIII.
Everyone knew the the reason Transdienestria broke away from Moldava was so it could rejoin Russia. This is an expected event. Moldava won't be far behind. Then Belarus.
I doubt Obama and his lackey's in Europe will risk WWIII over the Ukraine but their inability to stop Russia will eventually mean the end of this country as you're used to knowing it, and thank God.

Why don't you get a head start and run away now?
"What the result means is unclear yet. Even people at the polling stations had very different opinions.

"Some thought they were casting their ballot to join Russia; some people believed they were voting for more power in eastern Ukraine.

"The organisers give different answers, too, when you ask them.

"But they now claim a great victory.

"They will be emboldened and are already talking about forming a parallel government, even a parallel military structure.

"It is an important moment in this crisis. There are now deep divisions, even at family level and between neighbours. Stepping back, and mending what has been broken is becoming increasingly difficult."

"Deep family level and between neighbors" sounds like impending civil war in Ukraine.

Wonder who gets rich(er) from than?

BBC News - East Ukraine separatists back union with Russia

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