Ultra Cool Database of Insurrectionists

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For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
The Nazis in Germany declared the Jews were trying to overthrow the government and put them on lists to expedite their later slaughter.
Now the Nazis in America declare Trump supporters are trying to overthrow the government and want to put them on lists.
In both cases they had just finished overthrowing the government themselves. And neither felt any need to provide proof of their claims in court?
Where's the difference? List me MoFos, I'm a Trump supporter and proud of it!!

The Nazis were hard right nationalists and racists. Trump's followers are just uneducated.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
The Nazis in Germany declared the Jews were trying to overthrow the government and put them on lists to expedite their later slaughter.
Now the Nazis in America declare Trump supporters are trying to overthrow the government and want to put them on lists.
In both cases they had just finished overthrowing the government themselves. And neither felt any need to provide proof of their claims in court?
Where's the difference? List me MoFos, I'm a Trump supporter and proud of it!!

Did the Jews storm the capitol in Berlin?
Or was that a hoax that got broadcast on 1/6/21?
My goodness folks....
No, and nobody stormed the Capitol in DC either. Who as even been charged with such much less had it proven in court? You just continue to stir shit that has been stirred far too much already. If the people ever do storm the Capitol there will be no doubt in anyone's mind that that is what has been done.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
The Nazis in Germany declared the Jews were trying to overthrow the government and put them on lists to expedite their later slaughter.
Now the Nazis in America declare Trump supporters are trying to overthrow the government and want to put them on lists.
In both cases they had just finished overthrowing the government themselves. And neither felt any need to provide proof of their claims in court?
Where's the difference? List me MoFos, I'm a Trump supporter and proud of it!!

The Nazis were hard right nationalists and racists. Trump's followers are just uneducated.
So I am uneducated now? Care to compare resumes?

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
The Nazis in Germany declared the Jews were trying to overthrow the government and put them on lists to expedite their later slaughter.
Now the Nazis in America declare Trump supporters are trying to overthrow the government and want to put them on lists.
In both cases they had just finished overthrowing the government themselves. And neither felt any need to provide proof of their claims in court?
Where's the difference? List me MoFos, I'm a Trump supporter and proud of it!!

Did the Jews storm the capitol in Berlin?
Or was that a hoax that got broadcast on 1/6/21?
My goodness folks....
No, and nobody stormed the Capitol in DC either. Who as even been charged with such much less had it proven in court? You just continue to stir shit that has been stirred far too much already. If the people ever do storm the Capitol there will be no doubt in anyone's mind that that is what has been done.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
The Nazis in Germany declared the Jews were trying to overthrow the government and put them on lists to expedite their later slaughter.
Now the Nazis in America declare Trump supporters are trying to overthrow the government and want to put them on lists.
In both cases they had just finished overthrowing the government themselves. And neither felt any need to provide proof of their claims in court?
Where's the difference? List me MoFos, I'm a Trump supporter and proud of it!!

The Nazis were hard right nationalists and racists. Trump's followers are just uneducated.
If they were uneducated they might be Biden supporters if they were also retarded and misinformed.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
The Nazis in Germany declared the Jews were trying to overthrow the government and put them on lists to expedite their later slaughter.
Now the Nazis in America declare Trump supporters are trying to overthrow the government and want to put them on lists.
In both cases they had just finished overthrowing the government themselves. And neither felt any need to provide proof of their claims in court?
Where's the difference? List me MoFos, I'm a Trump supporter and proud of it!!

Did the Jews storm the capitol in Berlin?
Or was that a hoax that got broadcast on 1/6/21?
My goodness folks....
No, and nobody stormed the Capitol in DC either. Who as even been charged with such much less had it proven in court? You just continue to stir shit that has been stirred far too much already. If the people ever do storm the Capitol there will be no doubt in anyone's mind that that is what has been done.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
The Nazis in Germany declared the Jews were trying to overthrow the government and put them on lists to expedite their later slaughter.
Now the Nazis in America declare Trump supporters are trying to overthrow the government and want to put them on lists.
In both cases they had just finished overthrowing the government themselves. And neither felt any need to provide proof of their claims in court?
Where's the difference? List me MoFos, I'm a Trump supporter and proud of it!!

The Nazis were hard right nationalists and racists. Trump's followers are just uneducated.
If they were uneducated they might be Biden supporters if they were also retarded and misinformed.

Didn't you see the violent videos of Trump's more rabid supporters storming the Capitol?

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
The Nazis in Germany declared the Jews were trying to overthrow the government and put them on lists to expedite their later slaughter.
Now the Nazis in America declare Trump supporters are trying to overthrow the government and want to put them on lists.
In both cases they had just finished overthrowing the government themselves. And neither felt any need to provide proof of their claims in court?
Where's the difference? List me MoFos, I'm a Trump supporter and proud of it!!

Did the Jews storm the capitol in Berlin?
Or was that a hoax that got broadcast on 1/6/21?
My goodness folks....
No, and nobody stormed the Capitol in DC either. Who as even been charged with such much less had it proven in court? You just continue to stir shit that has been stirred far too much already. If the people ever do storm the Capitol there will be no doubt in anyone's mind that that is what has been done.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
The Nazis in Germany declared the Jews were trying to overthrow the government and put them on lists to expedite their later slaughter.
Now the Nazis in America declare Trump supporters are trying to overthrow the government and want to put them on lists.
In both cases they had just finished overthrowing the government themselves. And neither felt any need to provide proof of their claims in court?
Where's the difference? List me MoFos, I'm a Trump supporter and proud of it!!

The Nazis were hard right nationalists and racists. Trump's followers are just uneducated.
If they were uneducated they might be Biden supporters if they were also retarded and misinformed.

Didn't you see the violent videos of Trump's more rabid supporters storming the Capitol?
I saw video of a protest in which the vast majority were peaceful with some relatively minor violence around one edge. So far we know that the worst of that violence was initiated and carried out by the Capitol police. I saw no evidence that anyone "stormed" anything. Nor do I know of anyone being charged with any such thing. Mostly what I've seen so far has been left wing hype and propaganda as well as a vast eagerness to rush to judgement with little or no proof.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
Cool. Only 6 of the traitors from Tennessee, 1 from Memphis, 2 from Nashville and 2 from Gallatan, TN. The Zip-tie guy and his mother face the worst charges of the 6, including conspiracy. Sounds like he lost a lot of weapons too. Sucks to be him.
Traitors to what? Tyranny?

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
The Nazis in Germany declared the Jews were trying to overthrow the government and put them on lists to expedite their later slaughter.
Now the Nazis in America declare Trump supporters are trying to overthrow the government and want to put them on lists.
In both cases they had just finished overthrowing the government themselves. And neither felt any need to provide proof of their claims in court?
Where's the difference? List me MoFos, I'm a Trump supporter and proud of it!!

Did the Jews storm the capitol in Berlin?
Or was that a hoax that got broadcast on 1/6/21?
My goodness folks....
No, and nobody stormed the Capitol in DC either. Who as even been charged with such much less had it proven in court? You just continue to stir shit that has been stirred far too much already. If the people ever do storm the Capitol there will be no doubt in anyone's mind that that is what has been done.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
The Nazis in Germany declared the Jews were trying to overthrow the government and put them on lists to expedite their later slaughter.
Now the Nazis in America declare Trump supporters are trying to overthrow the government and want to put them on lists.
In both cases they had just finished overthrowing the government themselves. And neither felt any need to provide proof of their claims in court?
Where's the difference? List me MoFos, I'm a Trump supporter and proud of it!!

The Nazis were hard right nationalists and racists. Trump's followers are just uneducated.
If they were uneducated they might be Biden supporters if they were also retarded and misinformed.

Didn't you see the violent videos of Trump's more rabid supporters storming the Capitol?
I saw video of a protest in which the vast majority were peaceful with some relatively minor violence around one edge. So far we know that the worst of that violence was initiated and carried out by the Capitol police. I saw no evidence that anyone "stormed" anything. Nor do I know of anyone being charged with any such thing. Mostly what I've seen so far has been left wing hype and propaganda as well as a vast eagerness to rush to judgement with little or no proof.

They were hitting the police with golf clubs, crutches, baseball bats and hockey sticks. Smashing windows, shitting on the floor, breaking into offices. Is that peaceful in your world?

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
The Nazis in Germany declared the Jews were trying to overthrow the government and put them on lists to expedite their later slaughter.
Now the Nazis in America declare Trump supporters are trying to overthrow the government and want to put them on lists.
In both cases they had just finished overthrowing the government themselves. And neither felt any need to provide proof of their claims in court?
Where's the difference? List me MoFos, I'm a Trump supporter and proud of it!!

Did the Jews storm the capitol in Berlin?
Or was that a hoax that got broadcast on 1/6/21?
My goodness folks....
No, and nobody stormed the Capitol in DC either. Who as even been charged with such much less had it proven in court? You just continue to stir shit that has been stirred far too much already. If the people ever do storm the Capitol there will be no doubt in anyone's mind that that is what has been done.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
The Nazis in Germany declared the Jews were trying to overthrow the government and put them on lists to expedite their later slaughter.
Now the Nazis in America declare Trump supporters are trying to overthrow the government and want to put them on lists.
In both cases they had just finished overthrowing the government themselves. And neither felt any need to provide proof of their claims in court?
Where's the difference? List me MoFos, I'm a Trump supporter and proud of it!!

The Nazis were hard right nationalists and racists. Trump's followers are just uneducated.
If they were uneducated they might be Biden supporters if they were also retarded and misinformed.

Didn't you see the violent videos of Trump's more rabid supporters storming the Capitol?
I saw video of a protest in which the vast majority were peaceful with some relatively minor violence around one edge. So far we know that the worst of that violence was initiated and carried out by the Capitol police. I saw no evidence that anyone "stormed" anything. Nor do I know of anyone being charged with any such thing. Mostly what I've seen so far has been left wing hype and propaganda as well as a vast eagerness to rush to judgement with little or no proof.

They were hitting the police with golf clubs, crutches, baseball bats and hockey sticks. Smashing windows, shitting on the floor, breaking into offices. Is that peaceful in your world?
Only peaceful when Black Lives Matter do it

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
The Nazis in Germany declared the Jews were trying to overthrow the government and put them on lists to expedite their later slaughter.
Now the Nazis in America declare Trump supporters are trying to overthrow the government and want to put them on lists.
In both cases they had just finished overthrowing the government themselves. And neither felt any need to provide proof of their claims in court?
Where's the difference? List me MoFos, I'm a Trump supporter and proud of it!!

Did the Jews storm the capitol in Berlin?
Or was that a hoax that got broadcast on 1/6/21?
My goodness folks....
No, and nobody stormed the Capitol in DC either. Who as even been charged with such much less had it proven in court? You just continue to stir shit that has been stirred far too much already. If the people ever do storm the Capitol there will be no doubt in anyone's mind that that is what has been done.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
The Nazis in Germany declared the Jews were trying to overthrow the government and put them on lists to expedite their later slaughter.
Now the Nazis in America declare Trump supporters are trying to overthrow the government and want to put them on lists.
In both cases they had just finished overthrowing the government themselves. And neither felt any need to provide proof of their claims in court?
Where's the difference? List me MoFos, I'm a Trump supporter and proud of it!!

The Nazis were hard right nationalists and racists. Trump's followers are just uneducated.
If they were uneducated they might be Biden supporters if they were also retarded and misinformed.

Didn't you see the violent videos of Trump's more rabid supporters storming the Capitol?
I saw video of a protest in which the vast majority were peaceful with some relatively minor violence around one edge. So far we know that the worst of that violence was initiated and carried out by the Capitol police. I saw no evidence that anyone "stormed" anything. Nor do I know of anyone being charged with any such thing. Mostly what I've seen so far has been left wing hype and propaganda as well as a vast eagerness to rush to judgement with little or no proof.

They were hitting the police with golf clubs, crutches, baseball bats and hockey sticks. Smashing windows, shitting on the floor, breaking into offices. Is that peaceful in your world?
Only peaceful when Black Lives Matter do it

The police are supposed to arrest vandals, arsonists, looters and violent people regardless of political party.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
The Nazis in Germany declared the Jews were trying to overthrow the government and put them on lists to expedite their later slaughter.
Now the Nazis in America declare Trump supporters are trying to overthrow the government and want to put them on lists.
In both cases they had just finished overthrowing the government themselves. And neither felt any need to provide proof of their claims in court?
Where's the difference? List me MoFos, I'm a Trump supporter and proud of it!!

Did the Jews storm the capitol in Berlin?
Or was that a hoax that got broadcast on 1/6/21?
My goodness folks....
No, and nobody stormed the Capitol in DC either. Who as even been charged with such much less had it proven in court? You just continue to stir shit that has been stirred far too much already. If the people ever do storm the Capitol there will be no doubt in anyone's mind that that is what has been done.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
The Nazis in Germany declared the Jews were trying to overthrow the government and put them on lists to expedite their later slaughter.
Now the Nazis in America declare Trump supporters are trying to overthrow the government and want to put them on lists.
In both cases they had just finished overthrowing the government themselves. And neither felt any need to provide proof of their claims in court?
Where's the difference? List me MoFos, I'm a Trump supporter and proud of it!!

The Nazis were hard right nationalists and racists. Trump's followers are just uneducated.
If they were uneducated they might be Biden supporters if they were also retarded and misinformed.

Didn't you see the violent videos of Trump's more rabid supporters storming the Capitol?
I saw video of a protest in which the vast majority were peaceful with some relatively minor violence around one edge. So far we know that the worst of that violence was initiated and carried out by the Capitol police. I saw no evidence that anyone "stormed" anything. Nor do I know of anyone being charged with any such thing. Mostly what I've seen so far has been left wing hype and propaganda as well as a vast eagerness to rush to judgement with little or no proof.

They were hitting the police with golf clubs, crutches, baseball bats and hockey sticks. Smashing windows, shitting on the floor, breaking into offices. Is that peaceful in your world?
Only peaceful when Black Lives Matter do it

The police are supposed to arrest vandals, arsonists, looters and violent people regardless of political party.
But they don't and because BLM got away with it all summer these dumbasses did what they did.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
Cool. Only 6 of the traitors from Tennessee, 1 from Memphis, 2 from Nashville and 2 from Gallatan, TN. The Zip-tie guy and his mother face the worst charges of the 6, including conspiracy. Sounds like he lost a lot of weapons too. Sucks to be him.
Traitors to what? Tyranny?
Traitors against the United States of America and the constitutional rule upon which is was founded and stands. Now, most of the traitors are trying to get out of trouble by blaming donny, because he sent them. Won't work, though. He may have sent them, but good Americans would not have gone. That is why they are being charged, jailed, prosecuted, losing their jobs as normal Americans want nothing to do with the insurrectionist scum.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
Cool. Only 6 of the traitors from Tennessee, 1 from Memphis, 2 from Nashville and 2 from Gallatan, TN. The Zip-tie guy and his mother face the worst charges of the 6, including conspiracy. Sounds like he lost a lot of weapons too. Sucks to be him.
It seems like there would be an entire market for weapons that people can no longer have in their house. I imagine most just ignore that part of the pesky court order.
What court order are you talking about? Real or more imaginary BS?

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
You don't have to worry about insulting his intelligence....he has none.
Yet I crush you in every debate. What does that say for you? CandyCU*T
306-232. scoreboard.
And? Was I running? What does that have to do with your terrible debating skills?

Remember when you were telling us how much you said the blob was going to win? What happened?

That is why I call you Azogthedefeated. You wear it well.

That you have to invoke the c-word to debate someone is just a testament to how pathetic your attempts at manhood are. But then again...your manhood is probably pathetic too. Say hi to the little fella...the next time you break out he microscope and can see him.
Biden lost massively and it took massive voter fraud with hacked voting machine software. No one that is sane actually believes slow Pedo Joe, the human gaffe machine inspired 81 million legitimate votes, dumb ass.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
You don't have to worry about insulting his intelligence....he has none.
Yet I crush you in every debate. What does that say for you? CandyCU*T
306-232. scoreboard.
And? Was I running? What does that have to do with your terrible debating skills?

Remember when you were telling us how much you said the blob was going to win? What happened?

That is why I call you Azogthedefeated. You wear it well.

That you have to invoke the c-word to debate someone is just a testament to how pathetic your attempts at manhood are. But then again...your manhood is probably pathetic too. Say hi to the little fella...the next time you break out he microscope and can see him.
Biden lost massively and it took massive voter fraud with hacked voting machine software. No one that is sane actually believes slow Pedo Joe, the human gaffe machine inspired 81 million legitimate votes, dumb ass.

How do you hack a voting machine? They aren't connected to the internet so how does that work? You sound as stupid as Trump.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
Cool. Only 6 of the traitors from Tennessee, 1 from Memphis, 2 from Nashville and 2 from Gallatan, TN. The Zip-tie guy and his mother face the worst charges of the 6, including conspiracy. Sounds like he lost a lot of weapons too. Sucks to be him.
Traitors to what? Tyranny?
Traitors against the United States of America and the constitutional rule upon which is was founded and stands. Now, most of the traitors are trying to get out of trouble by blaming donny, because he sent them. Won't work, though. He may have sent them, but good Americans would not have gone. That is why they are being charged, jailed, prosecuted, losing their jobs as normal Americans want nothing to do with the insurrectionist scum.
Insurrectionists? How quickly leftards forget the actions of you scummy fucks at the inauguration of 2017. Seems that the commie fucks only attack the elderly and women or if the odds are overwhelmingly in their favor. The gutless and cowardly faction defines leftardism

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
You don't have to worry about insulting his intelligence....he has none.
Yet I crush you in every debate. What does that say for you? CandyCU*T
306-232. scoreboard.
And? Was I running? What does that have to do with your terrible debating skills?

Remember when you were telling us how much you said the blob was going to win? What happened?

That is why I call you Azogthedefeated. You wear it well.

That you have to invoke the c-word to debate someone is just a testament to how pathetic your attempts at manhood are. But then again...your manhood is probably pathetic too. Say hi to the little fella...the next time you break out he microscope and can see him.
Biden lost massively and it took massive voter fraud with hacked voting machine software. No one that is sane actually believes slow Pedo Joe, the human gaffe machine inspired 81 million legitimate votes, dumb ass.

How do you hack a voting machine? They aren't connected to the internet so how does that work? You sound as stupid as Trump.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
You don't have to worry about insulting his intelligence....he has none.
Yet I crush you in every debate. What does that say for you? CandyCU*T
306-232. scoreboard.
And? Was I running? What does that have to do with your terrible debating skills?

Remember when you were telling us how much you said the blob was going to win? What happened?

That is why I call you Azogthedefeated. You wear it well.

That you have to invoke the c-word to debate someone is just a testament to how pathetic your attempts at manhood are. But then again...your manhood is probably pathetic too. Say hi to the little fella...the next time you break out he microscope and can see him.
Biden lost massively and it took massive voter fraud with hacked voting machine software. No one that is sane actually believes slow Pedo Joe, the human gaffe machine inspired 81 million legitimate votes, dumb ass.

How do you hack a voting machine? They aren't connected to the internet so how does that work? You sound as stupid as Trump.
Yeah, dumb ass, they were connected to the internet, they could take tabulations and put them on a thumb drive and conveniently lose said thumb drive and there was zero oversight. So, go fuck yourself, troll boy. Gonna come clean with your prior ID?

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
You don't have to worry about insulting his intelligence....he has none.
Yet I crush you in every debate. What does that say for you? CandyCU*T
306-232. scoreboard.
And? Was I running? What does that have to do with your terrible debating skills?

Remember when you were telling us how much you said the blob was going to win? What happened?

That is why I call you Azogthedefeated. You wear it well.

That you have to invoke the c-word to debate someone is just a testament to how pathetic your attempts at manhood are. But then again...your manhood is probably pathetic too. Say hi to the little fella...the next time you break out he microscope and can see him.
Biden lost massively and it took massive voter fraud with hacked voting machine software. No one that is sane actually believes slow Pedo Joe, the human gaffe machine inspired 81 million legitimate votes, dumb ass.

How do you hack a voting machine? They aren't connected to the internet so how does that work? You sound as stupid as Trump.
Says the person who supports putting people on lists
Ah, I get it. Hussein's political adviser and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers was the good guy back in the 20th century but in the brave new world of democrat crazies in the 21st century it seems that Trump supporters are now branded as "insurrectionistics".

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
You don't have to worry about insulting his intelligence....he has none.
Yet I crush you in every debate. What does that say for you? CandyCU*T
306-232. scoreboard.
And? Was I running? What does that have to do with your terrible debating skills?

Remember when you were telling us how much you said the blob was going to win? What happened?

That is why I call you Azogthedefeated. You wear it well.

That you have to invoke the c-word to debate someone is just a testament to how pathetic your attempts at manhood are. But then again...your manhood is probably pathetic too. Say hi to the little fella...the next time you break out he microscope and can see him.
Biden lost massively and it took massive voter fraud with hacked voting machine software. No one that is sane actually believes slow Pedo Joe, the human gaffe machine inspired 81 million legitimate votes, dumb ass.

How do you hack a voting machine? They aren't connected to the internet so how does that work? You sound as stupid as Trump.
Says the person who supports putting people on lists

I appreciate the demented bumping of my thread.

Your blob got destroyed by a "gaffe machine".... that it still makes you scream like a little bitch is a nice bonus.

More please.
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