Ultra Cool Database of Insurrectionists

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For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
You don't have to worry about insulting his intelligence....he has none.
Yet I crush you in every debate. What does that say for you? CandyCU*T
306-232. scoreboard.
And? Was I running? What does that have to do with your terrible debating skills?

Remember when you were telling us how much you said the blob was going to win? What happened?

That is why I call you Azogthedefeated. You wear it well.

That you have to invoke the c-word to debate someone is just a testament to how pathetic your attempts at manhood are. But then again...your manhood is probably pathetic too. Say hi to the little fella...the next time you break out he microscope and can see him.
Biden lost massively and it took massive voter fraud with hacked voting machine software. No one that is sane actually believes slow Pedo Joe, the human gaffe machine inspired 81 million legitimate votes, dumb ass.

How do you hack a voting machine? They aren't connected to the internet so how does that work? You sound as stupid as Trump.
Says the person who supports putting people on lists

I appreciate the demented bumping of my thread.

Your blob got destroyed by a "gaffe machine".... that it still makes you scream like a little bitch is a nice bonus.

More please.
Why won’t you answer a simple question? Do you believe all Trump voters should be on a list? Yes or no? Even a simpleton like you should be able to answer it.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
You don't have to worry about insulting his intelligence....he has none.
Yet I crush you in every debate. What does that say for you? CandyCU*T
306-232. scoreboard.
And? Was I running? What does that have to do with your terrible debating skills?

Remember when you were telling us how much you said the blob was going to win? What happened?

That is why I call you Azogthedefeated. You wear it well.

That you have to invoke the c-word to debate someone is just a testament to how pathetic your attempts at manhood are. But then again...your manhood is probably pathetic too. Say hi to the little fella...the next time you break out he microscope and can see him.
Biden lost massively and it took massive voter fraud with hacked voting machine software. No one that is sane actually believes slow Pedo Joe, the human gaffe machine inspired 81 million legitimate votes, dumb ass.

How do you hack a voting machine? They aren't connected to the internet so how does that work? You sound as stupid as Trump.
Says the person who supports putting people on lists

I'm on lots and lots of lists.. Everything from being a certified SCUBA diver to being an ARAMCO alumni to being a Red Cross supporter. Too many lists to count.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.

Try this one.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.

Try this one.
This is magnificent. Thanks. I'm going to really examine it when I get a chance.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.

Try this one.
This is magnificent. Thanks. I'm going to really examine it when I get a chance.

You are about to crawl down quite a rabbit hole. Keep hydrated. You're welcome.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.

Try this one.
This is magnificent. Thanks. I'm going to really examine it when I get a chance.

You are about to crawl down quite a rabbit hole. Keep hydrated. You're welcome.
Not tonight. My first night off in about 8 days.... About to sleep for 12 hours or so. LOL

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
You don't have to worry about insulting his intelligence....he has none.
Yet I crush you in every debate. What does that say for you? CandyCU*T
306-232. scoreboard.
And? Was I running? What does that have to do with your terrible debating skills?

Remember when you were telling us how much you said the blob was going to win? What happened?

That is why I call you Azogthedefeated. You wear it well.

That you have to invoke the c-word to debate someone is just a testament to how pathetic your attempts at manhood are. But then again...your manhood is probably pathetic too. Say hi to the little fella...the next time you break out he microscope and can see him.
Biden lost massively and it took massive voter fraud with hacked voting machine software. No one that is sane actually believes slow Pedo Joe, the human gaffe machine inspired 81 million legitimate votes, dumb ass.

How do you hack a voting machine? They aren't connected to the internet so how does that work? You sound as stupid as Trump.
Says the person who supports putting people on lists

I'm on lots and lots of lists.. Everything from being a certified SCUBA diver to being an ARAMCO alumni to being a Red Cross supporter. Too many lists to count.
Aha...and who has access to these lists? Do you or do you not support all those who voted for DJT to be place on a list for all to see? Yes or no?

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.

Try this one.
This is magnificent. Thanks. I'm going to really examine it when I get a chance.

You are about to crawl down quite a rabbit hole. Keep hydrated. You're welcome.
Not tonight. My first night off in about 8 days.... About to sleep for 12 hours or so. LOL
Street walking ain't easy eh? Sad

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
You don't have to worry about insulting his intelligence....he has none.
Yet I crush you in every debate. What does that say for you? CandyCU*T
306-232. scoreboard.
And? Was I running? What does that have to do with your terrible debating skills?

Remember when you were telling us how much you said the blob was going to win? What happened?

That is why I call you Azogthedefeated. You wear it well.

That you have to invoke the c-word to debate someone is just a testament to how pathetic your attempts at manhood are. But then again...your manhood is probably pathetic too. Say hi to the little fella...the next time you break out he microscope and can see him.
Biden lost massively and it took massive voter fraud with hacked voting machine software. No one that is sane actually believes slow Pedo Joe, the human gaffe machine inspired 81 million legitimate votes, dumb ass.

How do you hack a voting machine? They aren't connected to the internet so how does that work? You sound as stupid as Trump.
Says the person who supports putting people on lists

I appreciate the demented bumping of my thread.

Your blob got destroyed by a "gaffe machine".... that it still makes you scream like a little bitch is a nice bonus.

More please.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
You don't have to worry about insulting his intelligence....he has none.
Yet I crush you in every debate. What does that say for you? CandyCU*T
306-232. scoreboard.
And? Was I running? What does that have to do with your terrible debating skills?

Remember when you were telling us how much you said the blob was going to win? What happened?

That is why I call you Azogthedefeated. You wear it well.

That you have to invoke the c-word to debate someone is just a testament to how pathetic your attempts at manhood are. But then again...your manhood is probably pathetic too. Say hi to the little fella...the next time you break out he microscope and can see him.
Biden lost massively and it took massive voter fraud with hacked voting machine software. No one that is sane actually believes slow Pedo Joe, the human gaffe machine inspired 81 million legitimate votes, dumb ass.

How do you hack a voting machine? They aren't connected to the internet so how does that work? You sound as stupid as Trump.
Says the person who supports putting people on lists

I appreciate the demented bumping of my thread.

Your blob got destroyed by a "gaffe machine".... that it still makes you scream like a little bitch is a nice bonus.

More please.
Team Leftard proclaim "victory" while.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
You don't have to worry about insulting his intelligence....he has none.
Yet I crush you in every debate. What does that say for you? CandyCU*T
306-232. scoreboard.
And? Was I running? What does that have to do with your terrible debating skills?

Remember when you were telling us how much you said the blob was going to win? What happened?

That is why I call you Azogthedefeated. You wear it well.

That you have to invoke the c-word to debate someone is just a testament to how pathetic your attempts at manhood are. But then again...your manhood is probably pathetic too. Say hi to the little fella...the next time you break out he microscope and can see him.
Biden lost massively and it took massive voter fraud with hacked voting machine software. No one that is sane actually believes slow Pedo Joe, the human gaffe machine inspired 81 million legitimate votes, dumb ass.

How do you hack a voting machine? They aren't connected to the internet so how does that work? You sound as stupid as Trump.
Says the person who supports putting people on lists

I appreciate the demented bumping of my thread.

Your blob got destroyed by a "gaffe machine".... that it still makes you scream like a little bitch is a nice bonus.

More please.
You like getting bitch-slapped? WTF ever...... none of my business as to how you get your freak on. LOL!

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.

Unless they really ARE terrorists and then they might worry a bit.
Nazis, Communists, and other regimes kept lists. They too pushed reconciliation and deprogramming. So UnAmerican.
I'm on lots and lots of lists.. Everything from being a certified SCUBA diver to being an ARAMCO alumni to being a Red Cross supporter. Too many lists to count.

No fucking way you're oilfield. Were you a "woman" for the Saudi nationals on the rigs? Or a camel fluffer?
Nazis, Communists, and other regimes kept lists. They too pushed reconciliation and deprogramming. So UnAmerican.

For the 20th time or so...

NPR compiled the list... not some "regime".
Once more...you stated that all Trump voters are the same. So by your operational definition ALL Trump voters should be on a list. Yes or no?
Nazis, Communists, and other regimes kept lists. They too pushed reconciliation and deprogramming. So UnAmerican.

For the 20th time or so...

NPR compiled the list... not some "regime".
Once more...you stated that all Trump voters are the same. So by your operational definition ALL Trump voters should be on a list. Yes or no?

No. Don't be stupid.
Yet you constantly tell me that I am the same as the Capitol rioters when I never rioted and have never broken the law in my life. How do you explain that?
Nazis, Communists, and other regimes kept lists. They too pushed reconciliation and deprogramming. So UnAmerican.

For the 20th time or so...

NPR compiled the list... not some "regime".
Once more...you stated that all Trump voters are the same. So by your operational definition ALL Trump voters should be on a list. Yes or no?

No. Don't be stupid.
Yet you constantly tell me that I am the same as the Capitol rioters when I never rioted and have never broken the law in my life. How do you explain that?

You are the same as the Capitol rioters. You cheered when the cops got injured. You celebrate debauchery in your public officials. You look the other way when they lie to you. You're essentially scum.

If you're "pushed too far" you'll bounce a fire extinguisher off of someone's head in the name of "patriotism" too.
Nazis, Communists, and other regimes kept lists. They too pushed reconciliation and deprogramming. So UnAmerican.

For the 20th time or so...

NPR compiled the list... not some "regime".
Once more...you stated that all Trump voters are the same. So by your operational definition ALL Trump voters should be on a list. Yes or no?

No. Don't be stupid.
Yet you constantly tell me that I am the same as the Capitol rioters when I never rioted and have never broken the law in my life. How do you explain that?

You are the same as the Capitol rioters. You cheered when the cops got injured. You celebrate debauchery in your public officials. You look the other way when they lie to you. You're essentially scum.

If you're "pushed too far" you'll bounce a fire extinguisher off of someone's head in the name of "patriotism" too.
So then by that operational definition I should be on the same list, correct? BTW - none of what you said is remotely true but thank you for confirming what a crazy person you are.
The thread title is inaccurate. Here is the correct one:

The Fascist Oligarch Party's Blacklist of People Who Don't Submit to US. The current names are just the beginning.
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