Ultra Cool Database of Insurrectionists

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For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
Best defense is a good offense. There are very few of us left and I am done being a punching bag for the far left. Persons like CC are evil fools.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
You don't have to worry about insulting his intelligence....he has none.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
"You guys"? I wasn't anywhere near the Capitol and condemn those that were there rioting. Lists in general are bad. They fact that you dismiss how my parents feel shows what an awful human being you are. Thanks for confirming that. Maybe someone will put you on a list and we'll see how you like it?

Trump supporters.... I'm sure you were cheering with all 140 injuries to the cops in the name of "patriotism".

If I joined in an insurrection, I would expect to be on a list. They all should be on the no-fly list so they can't assemble easily again....because we all know what happens when blob supporters get together. People get injured and often die.

A lot of Trump rallies....Charlottesville....Kenosha....The Capitol... Its what you guys do. You crave violence.
Once again, lists in general are bad. I am not sure what you don't understand about that? It is a slippery slope. Maybe I'll start a list of overt antisemites and put you on it? You are a hateful old bat, aren't you?

Feel free dick-less. Oh my goodness...a news organization listed all of the blob supporters who were rounded up by the cops after they broke the law. You don't want to be on the list...here's an idea...don't break the law.

You've sank to a new low here dumb fuck.
I am OK with a list of law breakers. I am not OK with a list of Trump donors being released. But that happened too.

Maybe you leftists should stop making lists? How does that sound? Evil CU*T

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
Best defense is a good offense. There are very few of us left and I am done being a punching bag for the far left. Persons like CC are evil fools.

Your parents didn't storm the Capitol.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
Best defense is a good offense. There are very few of us left and I am done being a punching bag for the far left. Persons like CC are evil fools.

1/6/21...you guys sure were offensive.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
You don't have to worry about insulting his intelligence....he has none.
Yet I crush you in every debate. What does that say for you? CandyCU*T

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
Best defense is a good offense. There are very few of us left and I am done being a punching bag for the far left. Persons like CC are evil fools.

Your parents didn't storm the Capitol.
Neither did these people. Lists in general are bad and Leftists always take it the extra mile. Slippery slope. Oh and F*CK YOU. Don't be snide with me little man.


For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
"You guys"? I wasn't anywhere near the Capitol and condemn those that were there rioting. Lists in general are bad. They fact that you dismiss how my parents feel shows what an awful human being you are. Thanks for confirming that. Maybe someone will put you on a list and we'll see how you like it?

Trump supporters.... I'm sure you were cheering with all 140 injuries to the cops in the name of "patriotism".

If I joined in an insurrection, I would expect to be on a list. They all should be on the no-fly list so they can't assemble easily again....because we all know what happens when blob supporters get together. People get injured and often die.

A lot of Trump rallies....Charlottesville....Kenosha....The Capitol... Its what you guys do. You crave violence.
Once again, lists in general are bad. I am not sure what you don't understand about that? It is a slippery slope. Maybe I'll start a list of overt antisemites and put you on it? You are a hateful old bat, aren't you?

Feel free dick-less. Oh my goodness...a news organization listed all of the blob supporters who were rounded up by the cops after they broke the law. You don't want to be on the list...here's an idea...don't break the law.

You've sank to a new low here dumb fuck.
I am OK with a list of law breakers.

That is what the thread is about....your fellow blob supporters who are being hunted down like dogs.

And you start screaming about Jews for some reason.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
You don't have to worry about insulting his intelligence....he has none.
Yet I crush you in every debate. What does that say for you? CandyCU*T
306-232. scoreboard.
I'm tired of you, Candycorn. You bring nothing to the debate bar snitching and laughing emojis.
You are a time thief rat.
Those people who protested on Jan 6th are heroes. They fought for democracy, election integrity and the American Way.
It's sad how Americans turned on them.
Well foreigner in the American way go fuck your self and mind your business in your own fucking country. Who gives a fuck what you think.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
"You guys"? I wasn't anywhere near the Capitol and condemn those that were there rioting. Lists in general are bad. They fact that you dismiss how my parents feel shows what an awful human being you are. Thanks for confirming that. Maybe someone will put you on a list and we'll see how you like it?

Trump supporters.... I'm sure you were cheering with all 140 injuries to the cops in the name of "patriotism".

If I joined in an insurrection, I would expect to be on a list. They all should be on the no-fly list so they can't assemble easily again....because we all know what happens when blob supporters get together. People get injured and often die.

A lot of Trump rallies....Charlottesville....Kenosha....The Capitol... Its what you guys do. You crave violence.
Once again, lists in general are bad. I am not sure what you don't understand about that? It is a slippery slope. Maybe I'll start a list of overt antisemites and put you on it? You are a hateful old bat, aren't you?

Feel free dick-less. Oh my goodness...a news organization listed all of the blob supporters who were rounded up by the cops after they broke the law. You don't want to be on the list...here's an idea...don't break the law.

You've sank to a new low here dumb fuck.
I am OK with a list of law breakers.

That is what the thread is about....your fellow blob supporters who are being hunted down like dogs.

And you start screaming about Jews for some reason.
You stupid bitch.

#1) They aren't my fellow supporters. Are the rioters from BLM your fellow supporters?
#2) I said it was a slippery slope. With you leftists you always take advantage. Gay marriage is one example. Everyone was for it and now you slip in trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls and using girl locker rooms. I don't trust leftists.

I said MY PARENTS and they are right. Once you start making lists, where do you stop. Why not make a list of ALL Trump voters since you lump us all in together anyway?

You are a moron! And you are an overt antisemite.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
You don't have to worry about insulting his intelligence....he has none.
Yet I crush you in every debate. What does that say for you? CandyCU*T
306-232. scoreboard.
And? Was I running? What does that have to do with your terrible debating skills?

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
"You guys"? I wasn't anywhere near the Capitol and condemn those that were there rioting. Lists in general are bad. They fact that you dismiss how my parents feel shows what an awful human being you are. Thanks for confirming that. Maybe someone will put you on a list and we'll see how you like it?

Trump supporters.... I'm sure you were cheering with all 140 injuries to the cops in the name of "patriotism".

If I joined in an insurrection, I would expect to be on a list. They all should be on the no-fly list so they can't assemble easily again....because we all know what happens when blob supporters get together. People get injured and often die.

A lot of Trump rallies....Charlottesville....Kenosha....The Capitol... Its what you guys do. You crave violence.
Once again, lists in general are bad. I am not sure what you don't understand about that? It is a slippery slope. Maybe I'll start a list of overt antisemites and put you on it? You are a hateful old bat, aren't you?

Feel free dick-less. Oh my goodness...a news organization listed all of the blob supporters who were rounded up by the cops after they broke the law. You don't want to be on the list...here's an idea...don't break the law.

You've sank to a new low here dumb fuck.
I am OK with a list of law breakers.

That is what the thread is about....your fellow blob supporters who are being hunted down like dogs.

And you start screaming about Jews for some reason.
You stupid bitch.

#1) They aren't my fellow supporters. Are the rioters from BLM your fellow supporters?
#2) I said it was a slippery slope. With you leftists you always take advantage. Gay marriage is one example. Everyone was for it and now you slip in trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls and using girl locker rooms. I don't trust leftists.

I said MY PARENTS and they are right. Once you start making lists, where do you stop. Why not make a list of ALL Trump voters since you lump us all in together anyway?

You are a moron! And you are an overt antisemite.
That is what the thread is about....your fellow blob supporters who are being hunted down like dogs.

And you start screaming about Jews for some reason.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
"You guys"? I wasn't anywhere near the Capitol and condemn those that were there rioting. Lists in general are bad. They fact that you dismiss how my parents feel shows what an awful human being you are. Thanks for confirming that. Maybe someone will put you on a list and we'll see how you like it?

Trump supporters.... I'm sure you were cheering with all 140 injuries to the cops in the name of "patriotism".

If I joined in an insurrection, I would expect to be on a list. They all should be on the no-fly list so they can't assemble easily again....because we all know what happens when blob supporters get together. People get injured and often die.

A lot of Trump rallies....Charlottesville....Kenosha....The Capitol... Its what you guys do. You crave violence.
Once again, lists in general are bad. I am not sure what you don't understand about that? It is a slippery slope. Maybe I'll start a list of overt antisemites and put you on it? You are a hateful old bat, aren't you?

Feel free dick-less. Oh my goodness...a news organization listed all of the blob supporters who were rounded up by the cops after they broke the law. You don't want to be on the list...here's an idea...don't break the law.

You've sank to a new low here dumb fuck.
I am OK with a list of law breakers.

That is what the thread is about....your fellow blob supporters who are being hunted down like dogs.

And you start screaming about Jews for some reason.
You stupid bitch.

#1) They aren't my fellow supporters. Are the rioters from BLM your fellow supporters?
#2) I said it was a slippery slope. With you leftists you always take advantage. Gay marriage is one example. Everyone was for it and now you slip in trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls and using girl locker rooms. I don't trust leftists.

I said MY PARENTS and they are right. Once you start making lists, where do you stop. Why not make a list of ALL Trump voters since you lump us all in together anyway?

You are a moron! And you are an overt antisemite.
That is what the thread is about....your fellow blob supporters who are being hunted down like dogs.

And you start screaming about Jews for some reason.
I said lists are bad. See you again lump all Trump voters together. So to you those at the Capitol and those who weren't there are the same. Thanks for making my point.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
You don't have to worry about insulting his intelligence....he has none.
Yet I crush you in every debate. What does that say for you? CandyCU*T
306-232. scoreboard.
And? Was I running? What does that have to do with your terrible debating skills?

Remember when you were telling us how much you said the blob was going to win? What happened?

That is why I call you Azogthedefeated. You wear it well.

That you have to invoke the c-word to debate someone is just a testament to how pathetic your attempts at manhood are. But then again...your manhood is probably pathetic too. Say hi to the little fella...the next time you break out he microscope and can see him.
I'm tired of you, Candycorn. You bring nothing to the debate bar snitching and laughing emojis.
You are a time thief rat.
Those people who protested on Jan 6th are heroes. They fought for democracy, election integrity and the American Way.
It's sad how Americans turned on them.
They're being hunted down like dogs.

Hunted down like dogs by fascists seeking to silence any dissent.

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

How was I supposed to know they are Jews?
Because I am a Jew. I believed I told you that. My error.

You sure are insulting.
You don't have to worry about insulting his intelligence....he has none.
Yet I crush you in every debate. What does that say for you? CandyCU*T
306-232. scoreboard.
And? Was I running? What does that have to do with your terrible debating skills?

Remember when you were telling us how much you said the blob was going to win? What happened?

That is why I call you Azogthedefeated. You wear it well.

That you have to invoke the c-word to debate someone is just a testament to how pathetic your attempts at manhood are. But then again...your manhood is probably pathetic too. Say hi to the little fella...the next time you break out he microscope and can see him.
Mistakes happen. It was a guesstimate. I didn't realize that 81 million votes would be cast for a corpse. What does that have to do with lists being bad? You again and many times lump me in with actual white supremacists, vandals, etc. So in your eyes I am the same person as those at the Capitol. Yes or no? And hence I should be on a list too? Yes or no?

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
The Nazis in Germany declared the Jews were trying to overthrow the government and put them on lists to expedite their later slaughter.
Now the Nazis in America declare Trump supporters are trying to overthrow the government and want to put them on lists.
In both cases they had just finished overthrowing the government themselves. And neither felt any need to provide proof of their claims in court?
Where's the difference? List me MoFos, I'm a Trump supporter and proud of it!!

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
The Nazis in Germany declared the Jews were trying to overthrow the government and put them on lists to expedite their later slaughter.
Now the Nazis in America declare Trump supporters are trying to overthrow the government and want to put them on lists.
In both cases they had just finished overthrowing the government themselves. And neither felt any need to provide proof of their claims in court?
Where's the difference? List me MoFos, I'm a Trump supporter and proud of it!!

Did the Jews storm the capitol in Berlin?
Or was that a hoax that got broadcast on 1/6/21?
My goodness folks....

For a play-by-play of the Trump supporters and their mounting legal troubles....you can use the database above. Stories of the folks are framed like below:

View attachment 458122

Pretty much the poster-child for a Trump supporter...

The parent article is below:

The NPR story is accessible in the link above. Hopefully they'll keep it updated as the cases play out.
"Poster child for Trump supporter"...I have seen this before. Replace "Trump supporter" with Jew. My parents are right. People like CC are pure terrorists who want to eliminate anyone who thinks disparately. Very sad.

Jews didn't behave like Trump supporters.

Subjective...once you start making lists, bad shit happens. My parents are terrified. Should not be the case. They have been Republican donors long before Trump now they are worried they will be put on some list. That is not right. If you can't see that then you're bling.

I was a Republican for 35 years. Your parents aren't terrorists.. They have NOTHING to fear.
They are Jews who escaped the old Soviet Union. Many of their relatives died in WW2 and or concentration camps. Their passports in the old Soviet Union were stamped "Jew". Candycorn the CU*T finds it funny but to them it is very real. I agree that they have nothing to worry about but I didn't live through the hardships they did. To dismiss their fears is ignorant.

No...I find it hilarious that you're bringing Jews into this thread as if NPR making a list of blob supporting insurrectionists has anything to do with the Holocaust.

Have you developed that much of a victim complex?
I said MY PARENTS....can you not read? I also said I don't think they have anything to worry about but I didn't go through the hardships they did. Always being on lists for being Jews. Why I believe lists in general are bad. You have zero sympathy and thats fine but don't dismiss their concerns. You have no idea what it was like to grow up with 90% of your family dead due to the Holocaust and WW2 and to continue to be labeled a Jew. That is until they came here and now they are seeing lists again. I don't blame them and try to calm them down almost daily. They have been in this country for 43 years mind you. Taxpayers. Good people. Their opinions matter.

Again...that you're bringing Jews into this thread is hilarious as if there is a comparison between NPR reporting on you guys trying to overthrow the government and the Holocaust.

You've become a professional victim.
The Nazis in Germany declared the Jews were trying to overthrow the government and put them on lists to expedite their later slaughter.
Now the Nazis in America declare Trump supporters are trying to overthrow the government and want to put them on lists.
In both cases they had just finished overthrowing the government themselves. And neither felt any need to provide proof of their claims in court?
Where's the difference? List me MoFos, I'm a Trump supporter and proud of it!!

Did the Jews storm the capitol in Berlin?
Or was that a hoax that got broadcast on 1/6/21?
My goodness folks....
Nope. Don't dodge. You said ALL Trump supporters are the same. You said I am the same as those vandals. So by your own operational definition I belong on that list. Yes or no? Answer the question.
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