UN report calls for decriminalization of all sexual activity, including between adults and children

It may be that the UN does not intend to legalize sex between kids and adults, but it is hard to see how their proposal could be enacted without having that effect. If the UN's motives are good, they need to word their proposal more carefully.

The UN was the organization whose "peace keepers" are noted for their sexual exploitation of chidren, including for years buying sex from starving children in Haiti and paying them with cookies and juice.

In March, (2017) U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced new measures to tackle sexual abuse and exploitation by U.N. peacekeepers and other personnel. But the proclamation had a depressingly familiar ring: More than a decade ago, the United Nations commissioned a report that promised to do much the same thing, yet most of the reforms never materialized.

For a full two years after those promises were made, the children in Haiti were passed around from soldier to soldier. And in the years since, peacekeepers have been accused of sexual abuse the world over.

The UN's response:

In response to the AP’s investigation, the U.N.’s head of field support said Wednesday the international body was aware of shortcomings in the system.

Yeah. That's what they'll say when their policies lead to predatory adults going unpunished. They'll say, "sure, there are some isolated cases in which the new guidelines are misused. But the important goal of ______________ will be accomplished by this new model of dealing with child sex."

I left the important goal blank, because I'm not sure what the important goal behind this policy is.

Democrats? Huh?

I think this UN statement is not policy, it’s more of a position paper than anything because it lacks specifics. For example when it refers to adolescents it mentions ’specific contexts” but doesn’t state what they are. I remember that peacekeeper scandal, but I don’t think there is anything nefarious in this thing. The UN has made major efforts in raising awareness of and reducing child marriage and sex trafficking.
Of course you have.

Intelligent people here can see what you are all about on their own. You support this pathway that opens up the ability of adults to exploit children sexually.

This is quite consistent with the established pattern of behavior you have exhibited for over ten years, now.
There you again. It is exactly why any issues like this can not be discussed in a rational way. I don’t support any “pathway”, but that won’t matter because you will claim it (without ever supplying a link) anyway. You have well established pattern of doing this with people You dislike.

In terms of the UN report, I pointed out some of what it actually stated. It isn’t very specific. You choose to interpret it as legalizing pedo. It is specifically about criminal law, and includes the sex trafficking of adolescents in it’s content. In decriminalizing certain “context specific” adolescent sexual activity, it could well mean that these children don’t get charged with prostitution, for example, or any other sorts of crimes in other countries. Given that the UN has taken strong stands against child marriage and trafficking, I find it hard to believe they would then come out with something legalizing pedo.

That‘s the sort of discussion we should be having but you are completely incapable of. If can’t make it about the member or call someone a pedo or pedo supporter, you have nothing to offer.

Better off ignoring you.
There you again. It is exactly why any issues like this can not be discussed in a rational way. I don’t support any “pathway”, but that won’t matter because you will claim it (without ever supplying a link) anyway. You have well established pattern of doing this with people You dislike.

In terms of the UN report, I pointed out some of what it actually stated. It isn’t very specific. You choose to interpret it as legalizing pedo. It is specifically about criminal law, and includes the sex trafficking of adolescents in it’s content. In decriminalizing certain “context specific” adolescent sexual activity, it could well mean that these children don’t get charged with prostitution, for example, or any other sorts of crimes in other countries. Given that the UN has taken strong stands against child marriage and trafficking, I find it hard to believe they would then come out with something legalizing pedo.

That‘s the sort of discussion we should be having but you are completely incapable of. If can’t make it about the member or call someone a pedo or pedo supporter, you have nothing to offer.

Better off ignoring you.
You supported adolescents having sex with adults, and then proceeded to establish adolescence as between 10-19.

The difference between you and I is that I distinguish between adolescents having sex WITH EACH OTHER and adolescents having sex with the adults who have groomed them.

As far as your ignoring me, we tried that once. I fulfilled by end of the bargain, but you didn't.
Back, when the Rotherham Pakistani Rape gang issue was current, a poster named frigidweirdo said that the children were not actually raped, and were indulging in consensual sex, instead. He said the men were just "tapping" these girls who were as young as 11. You agreed with this poster and defended him.

As usual, you distort what was said by taking out of the context of the larger conversation.

This U.N. bill just plays into the hands of people like you who treat horrific levels of predation (and in the case of the Pakistanis, racism,) as a matter of consent by using the fallacy that the child victims of grooming are consenting to their own rape.
I do not treat it as consent any more than you do, but I do understand this is the only way you can communicate. I have repeatedly said children can’t consent, BUT when talking about 16-18 yr olds you are in a grey area where they can “consent” enough enough to get married or have a child or become immancipated. That isn’t my opinion, it’s the reality of laws.
You supported adolescents having sex with adults, and then proceeded to establish adolescence as between 10-19.
I understand this is the only way you know to debate, so I will repeat what I have already said.

No. I did not and do not support adolescents have sex with adults. There is no statement I have made to that effect unless you distort what I have said. Adolescent is not a legal term however, it is a developmental term. I do not support MINORS having sex with adults.

No. I did not "establish" anything. I just googled "when is adolescence" based on another members question. This is the first that popped up:

The difference between you and I is that I distinguish between adolescents having sex WITH EACH OTHER and adolescents having sex with the adults who have groomed them.
No, there is no difference between you and I in that regard, even though you badly wish it were so.

If we stick to adolescents who are minors, then having sex with each other is not the same as adolescents having sex with an adult. If the adult has groomed them for sex, then it is a crime.

As far as your ignoring me, we tried that once. I fulfilled by end of the bargain, but you didn't.
You are certainly entitled to your beliefs.
I understand this is the only way you know to debate, so I will repeat what I have already said.

No. I did not and do not support adolescents have sex with adults. There is no statement I have made to that effect unless you distort what I have said. Adolescent is not a legal term however, it is a developmental term. I do not support MINORS having sex with adults.

No. I did not "establish" anything. I just googled "when is adolescence" based on another members question. This is the first that popped up:

No, there is no difference between you and I in that regard, even though you badly wish it were so.

If we stick to adolescents who are minors, then having sex with each other is not the same as adolescents having sex with an adult. If the adult has groomed them for sex, then it is a crime.

You are certainly entitled to your beliefs.
You have to google the word adolescence, do you?
Democrats? Huh?

I think this UN statement is not policy, it’s more of a position paper than anything because it lacks specifics.
Its language is imperitive:

Consensual sexual conduct, irrespective of the type of sexual activity, the sex/ gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression of the people involved or their marital status, may not be criminalized in any circumstances. Consensual same-sex, as well as consensual different-sex sexual relations, or consensual sexual relations with or between trans, non-binary and other genderdiverse people, or outside marriage – whether pre-marital or extramarital – may, therefore, never be criminalized.

For example when it refers to adolescents it mentions ’specific contexts” but doesn’t state what they are.
What are you seeing that refers to adolescents? I only saw this using the "control f" feature:

Emphasizing that, with respect to the application of criminal law in connection with consent, international human rights law requires paying due regard to: a) the legal capacity of people with disabilities to consent, including through supported decision-making; b) adolescents’ evolving capacity to consent in certain contexts, in fact, even if not in law, when they are below the prescribed minimum age of consent in domestic law; and c) non-discrimination and equality with respect to sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, race, disability and other protected fundamental characteristics;

The language there appears intended to be a foot in the door for legalization of child-adult sex.

"Evolving capacity?" What does that mean? Are twelve year olds in 2023 more capable of thinking through the ramifications of having sex with their thirty-three year old divorced neighbor who has a pool and lets her drink Boone's Farm than twelve year olds were in 1980? Why? Because the internet and video games have made kids so much smarter? Because they read "Gender Queer" in fifth grade? I don't think so.

Look how they dismissively refer to "domestic law," as if it is insignificant because it isn't international.

As I said, if the UN's goal is not to legalize child-adult sex, they would say so explicitly, i.e. "Nothing in this position paper should be understood to mean that the UN advocates legalizing sex between children and adults." Even if they did, that sentence would be inconguous with the rest of that section.
I remember that peacekeeper scandal, but I don’t think there is anything nefarious in this thing. The UN has made major efforts in raising awareness of and reducing child marriage and sex trafficking.
The United Nations does not punish its forces who rape children and neither do the nations who sent those forces. That puts it far down on the list of organizations we should take advice from on the topic of child sex laws.
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There you again. It is exactly why any issues like this can not be discussed in a rational way. I don’t support any “pathway”, but that won’t matter because you will claim it (without ever supplying a link) anyway. You have well established pattern of doing this with people You dislike.

In terms of the UN report, I pointed out some of what it actually stated. It isn’t very specific. You choose to interpret it as legalizing pedo. It is specifically about criminal law, and includes the sex trafficking of adolescents in it’s content. In decriminalizing certain “context specific” adolescent sexual activity, it could well mean that these children don’t get charged with prostitution, for example, or any other sorts of crimes in other countries. Given that the UN has taken strong stands against child marriage and trafficking, I find it hard to believe they would then come out with something legalizing pedo.

That‘s the sort of discussion we should be having but you are completely incapable of. If can’t make it about the member or call someone a pedo or pedo supporter, you have nothing to offer.

Better off ignoring you.
Again, it implies sex with kids ok if the kid consents. That’s sick and illegal
These are other initiatives of the UN for context;

Releasing children’s potential
and minimizing risks
ICTs, the Internet and violence against children

Not An Object: On Sexualization and Exploitation of Women and Girls​

Here is more context:

IMO, The U.N. initiative in regard to removing restrictions on having sex with children needs to be evaluated on what they DO rather than what they say.

It strikes me as the foxes releasing an initiative on how to protect the chickens by removing restrictions on their access to the chicken coop.

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