UN: US inequality reaching a dangerous level due to Trump's 'cruel' measures

So? You have the same exact opportunities as any other business owner. What's the problem?


I've been in biz for 20 yrs now, and this is just my recent biz.....

So, where's my taxpayer bailout $$$, my Congresscritter to create legislative advantages for me, my obnoxious tax cuts & offshore tax havens.....oh and club med justice when i screw the public?


If you are looking for a bailout, legislative advantages, tax cuts or cushy accommodations when you screw your consumers ...
Then it's obvious you suck at business and should find more productive opportunities.

If you need help finding offshore tax havens ... Try Google to assist in your search ... :thup:

Making America into a country that is hostile towards business and success is certainly NOT the right move here. You are just hurting EVERYBODY with your tantrums in that case.
I don't know, but your bailouts happened BEFORE Trump. Was your business deemed "to big to fail?" Obama did some TARP bail outs. I will assume you are also against subsidies for certain corporations.

Yet Trump was a bailout recipient Chris
Trump Signs Bailout Pact
and 'too big to fail' is codespaek for socialism for the rich, capitalism for the rest of us.

As to TARP , every GubMit program has it's waste, you can debate weather it be a handout or handup if you'd like

Okay, well maybe not the SAME opportunities, but opportunities nonetheless. :D I will admit that some people have a LOT MORE opportunities and choices than some others. That is why I would not be against putting some kind of controls/limits on how much we are charged for higher education. Denying some people a higher education is kind of like stacking the odds against them.

The cost of higher education is the lion in the tall grass ... :thup:

UCLA (one college) brings in more revenue in tuition in one semester than McDonalds makes in profit worldwide during the same time period.
Yet ... McDonalds is an evil corporation ... And UCLA is a bastion of Progressive fairness, equality and higher learning.


Do you have a link to that? McDonald's is pretty volatile the last few years but their profits seem to be between 1 billion and 2 billion dollars a quarter. Does UCLA make a billion dollars a semester?
Then it's obvious you suck at business and should find more productive opportunities.

my dear lad....

I've survived 2 decades on my own, fat & happy

want to reduce the debate to lame anecdotals?

I'll hurt ,trust me

Making America into a country that is hostile towards business and success is certainly NOT the right move here

How enlightening Chris

next you'll be telling us how great multi level marketing is & spamming us

Yet Trump was a bailout recipient Chris
Trump Signs Bailout Pact
and 'too big to fail' is codespaek for socialism for the rich, capitalism for the rest of us.

As to TARP , every GubMit program has it's waste, you can debate weather it be a handout or handup if you'd like


You can thank your dependence on the government for that ... :thup:

Stop bitching about the power you want to grant a bunch of corrupt nit-wits in Washington DC.
They don't care about you ... You keep pointing out examples of their failure ... And your stupid ass keeps asking for more.

I am poor...I don't sit around bitching about it. Both me and my wife are in college full time working towards degrees and we run a business on the side....its hard hell yes but in the end it will be worth it AND medicaid and food stamps aren't being cut off they are being changed so people have to work,volunteer or attend college to get them....in the long run it gets people OFF of food stamps and medicaid and into the workforce.
This tirade against America is really very say. American's are hard workers and not lazy people looking for handouts. The root of criticism of some of the richest Americans is that some, even many, have received special treatment and advantages due to inherited class positions in society. Not to be confused with inherited financial wealth, inherited class positions have to do with education and connections to opportunity.

And MANY OTHERS have not and have earned their own way.
There is a big difference between earning your own way and becoming obscenely wealthy with the help of special favors and advantages.
Making America into a country that is hostile towards business and success is certainly NOT the right move here

How enlightening Chris

next you'll be telling us how great multi level marketing is & spamming us


What are you saying here? That you think it is a good move to make America into the land of punishing success and rewarding failure? That just tells me that you know nothing of human nature.
This tirade against America is really very say. American's are hard workers and not lazy people looking for handouts. The root of criticism of some of the richest Americans is that some, even many, have received special treatment and advantages due to inherited class positions in society. Not to be confused with inherited financial wealth, inherited class positions have to do with education and connections to opportunity.

And MANY OTHERS have not and have earned their own way.
There is a big difference between earning your own way and becoming obscenely wealthy with the help of special favors and advantages.

BUSINESSES are given special advantages because we want them to be successful because they ARE the economy, like it or not. Without businesses, there are no jobs. Without jobs, there is no money. Without money, there is no economy. You can not expect to have a healthy economy when you reward failure and punish success. You REWARD success. I don't see any need to punish failure either though, unless you were to turn to crime or something. And, as has been pointed out, if it is the GOVERNMENT who is giving corporations and businesses special favors, then what in the WORLD makes you think that the government is going to help YOU out? Your entire argument makes absolutely no sense in any world.
Economics 101: When businesses are doing well financially, they tend to grow and expand, and CREATE more jobs for more people. People working is always a good thing and never a negative when it comes to the economy. People NOT working because that big bad business is making too much money is a BAD and NEGATIVE thing. :dunno:
This tirade against America is really very say. American's are hard workers and not lazy people looking for handouts. The root of criticism of some of the richest Americans is that some, even many, have received special treatment and advantages due to inherited class positions in society. Not to be confused with inherited financial wealth, inherited class positions have to do with education and connections to opportunity.

And MANY OTHERS have not and have earned their own way.
There is a big difference between earning your own way and becoming obscenely wealthy with the help of special favors and advantages.

It's amazing to watch you libtards go insane over your hatred of talent, entrepreneurship, and success.
Stagnating business growth is going to be even more harmful to the overall health of the economy than stagnating wages would, if you want to be honest and put things into perspective and live here in reality. Overburdening companies that cannot afford it does not encourage the business to grow and expand and branch out and hire more people. It encourages a company to hoard and sit on their money and CUT expenses and pass them onto their consumers.
This tirade against America is really very say. American's are hard workers and not lazy people looking for handouts. The root of criticism of some of the richest Americans is that some, even many, have received special treatment and advantages due to inherited class positions in society. Not to be confused with inherited financial wealth, inherited class positions have to do with education and connections to opportunity.

And MANY OTHERS have not and have earned their own way.
There is a big difference between earning your own way and becoming obscenely wealthy with the help of special favors and advantages.

It's amazing to watch you libtards go insane over your hatred of talent, entrepreneurship, and success.
Just because people have different opinions as yours does not mean they are going insane. That kind of comment just indicates you are unable to articulate an academic or legitimate response. My opinions are based on my own years of experience and empirical data I have accumulated. I have more exposure to very wealthy and successful people because of where I live and the kind of businesses I operated before retiring than the average person. If you think "who you know" is not important in the business community than you don't know much about business.
This tirade against America is really very say. American's are hard workers and not lazy people looking for handouts. The root of criticism of some of the richest Americans is that some, even many, have received special treatment and advantages due to inherited class positions in society. Not to be confused with inherited financial wealth, inherited class positions have to do with education and connections to opportunity.

And MANY OTHERS have not and have earned their own way.
There is a big difference between earning your own way and becoming obscenely wealthy with the help of special favors and advantages.

It's amazing to watch you libtards go insane over your hatred of talent, entrepreneurship, and success.
Just because people have different opinions as yours does not mean they are going insane. That kind of comment just indicates you are unable to articulate an academic or legitimate response. My opinions are based on my own years of experience and empirical data I have accumulated. I have more exposure to very wealthy and successful people because of where I live and the kind of businesses I operated before retiring. If you think "who you know" is not important in the business community than you don't know much about business.

Your personal anecdotes hold no water here. Sorry. The principal of the situation remains the same, and you are not to say that ALL or even MOST business owners are successful BECAUSE OF the government rather than IN SPITE of the government.
If government giving "perks" to businesses is what really bothered you, then you would be against government subsidizing ANY businesses. Yet you aren't. What would make anyone think that a government organization would be more trustworthy than any business owner, I don't know the answer to that. They complain about the government on the one hand while they tell us all to "trust them" on the other. Makes absolutely no sense.
This tirade against America is really very say. American's are hard workers and not lazy people looking for handouts. The root of criticism of some of the richest Americans is that some, even many, have received special treatment and advantages due to inherited class positions in society. Not to be confused with inherited financial wealth, inherited class positions have to do with education and connections to opportunity.

And MANY OTHERS have not and have earned their own way.
There is a big difference between earning your own way and becoming obscenely wealthy with the help of special favors and advantages.

It's amazing to watch you libtards go insane over your hatred of talent, entrepreneurship, and success.
Just because people have different opinions as yours does not mean they are going insane. That kind of comment just indicates you are unable to articulate an academic or legitimate response. My opinions are based on my own years of experience and empirical data I have accumulated. I have more exposure to very wealthy and successful people because of where I live and the kind of businesses I operated before retiring. If you think "who you know" is not important in the business community than you don't know much about business.

Your personal anecdotes hold no water here. Sorry. The principal of the situation remains the same, and you are not to say that ALL or even MOST business owners are successful BECAUSE OF the government rather than IN SPITE of the government.
First, the principals of the situation as you state are based on your subjective opinions and ideology and your opinion is of no more expertise of value as mine.
Second, you are interpreting my comment inaccurately and giving an edited version with your own spin.

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