UN: US inequality reaching a dangerous level due to Trump's 'cruel' measures

And MANY OTHERS have not and have earned their own way.
There is a big difference between earning your own way and becoming obscenely wealthy with the help of special favors and advantages.

It's amazing to watch you libtards go insane over your hatred of talent, entrepreneurship, and success.
Just because people have different opinions as yours does not mean they are going insane. That kind of comment just indicates you are unable to articulate an academic or legitimate response. My opinions are based on my own years of experience and empirical data I have accumulated. I have more exposure to very wealthy and successful people because of where I live and the kind of businesses I operated before retiring. If you think "who you know" is not important in the business community than you don't know much about business.

Your personal anecdotes hold no water here. Sorry. The principal of the situation remains the same, and you are not to say that ALL or even MOST business owners are successful BECAUSE OF the government rather than IN SPITE of the government.
First, the principals of the situation as you state are based on your subjective opinions and ideology and your opinion is of no more expertise of value as mine.
Second, you are interpreting my comment inaccurately and giving an edited version with your own spin.

So? Maybe you should just tell us what you are trying to say here without the personal anecdotes. Thanks.
Do you have a link to that? McDonald's is pretty volatile the last few years but their profits seem to be between 1 billion and 2 billion dollars a quarter. Does UCLA make a billion dollars a semester?

Well ... How much do you think UCLA controls in revenue in a semester?
You looked up what McDonalds controls in gross profit ... Why didn't you go as far as figuring out what UCLA brings in?
My guess is either that you aren't really interested ... Or don't know how to figure it out.

Which is it ... :dunno:

As a heads up ... The annual revenues for UCLA (2016) were $6.8 billion (and that's just one college).
Measure that against McDonalds shareholder profit during the active semesters.


If government giving "perks" to businesses is what really bothered you, then you would be against government subsidizing ANY businesses. Yet you aren't. What would make anyone think that a government organization would be more trustworthy than any business owner, I don't know the answer to that. They complain about the government on the one hand while they tell us all to "trust them" on the other. Makes absolutely no sense.
Government perks and advantages benefits only benefit specific companies. That means other companies are disadvantaged
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Do you have a link to that? McDonald's is pretty volatile the last few years but their profits seem to be between 1 billion and 2 billion dollars a quarter. Does UCLA make a billion dollars a semester?

Well ... How much do you think UCLA controls in revenue in a semester?
You looked up what McDonalds controls in gross profit ... Why didn't you go as far as figuring out what UCLA brings in?
My guess is either that you aren't really interested ... Or don't know how to figure it out.

Which is it ... :dunno:

As a heads up ... The annual revenues for UCLA (2016) were $6.8 billion (and that's just one college).
Measure that against McDonalds shareholder profit during the active semesters.



I don't think they really understand that a lot of companies are owned by shareholders and that profits are divided up with dividends. Lol. :D
This tirade against America is really very say. American's are hard workers and not lazy people looking for handouts. The root of criticism of some of the richest Americans is that some, even many, have received special treatment and advantages due to inherited class positions in society. Not to be confused with inherited financial wealth, inherited class positions have to do with education and connections to opportunity.

And MANY OTHERS have not and have earned their own way.
There is a big difference between earning your own way and becoming obscenely wealthy with the help of special favors and advantages.

It's amazing to watch you libtards go insane over your hatred of talent, entrepreneurship, and success.
Just because people have different opinions as yours does not mean they are going insane. That kind of comment just indicates you are unable to articulate an academic or legitimate response. My opinions are based on my own years of experience and empirical data I have accumulated. I have more exposure to very wealthy and successful people because of where I live and the kind of businesses I operated before retiring than the average person. If you think "who you know" is not important in the business community than you don't know much about business.

I'm a big fan of "who you know". In fact I think it should be the primary reason for doing business.
Companies should be able to do business with whoever they want without the government's interference.
Do you have a link to that? McDonald's is pretty volatile the last few years but their profits seem to be between 1 billion and 2 billion dollars a quarter. Does UCLA make a billion dollars a semester?

Well ... How much do you think UCLA controls in revenue in a semester?
You looked up what McDonalds controls in gross profit ... Why didn't you go as far as figuring out what UCLA brings in?
My guess is either that you aren't really interested ... Or don't know how to figure it out.

Which is it ... :dunno:

As a heads up ... The annual revenues for UCLA (2016) were $6.8 billion (and that's just one college).
Measure that against McDonalds shareholder profit during the active semesters.



They think Ronald McDonald is off, taking his private corporate jet to some tropical villa. :D Lol.
Do you have a link to that? McDonald's is pretty volatile the last few years but their profits seem to be between 1 billion and 2 billion dollars a quarter. Does UCLA make a billion dollars a semester?

Well ... How much do you think UCLA controls in revenue in a semester?
You looked up what McDonalds controls in gross profit ... Why didn't you go as far as figuring out what UCLA brings in?
My guess is either that you aren't really interested ... Or don't know how to figure it out.

Which is it ... :dunno:

As a heads up ... The annual revenues for UCLA (2016) were $6.8 billion (and that's just one college).
Measure that against McDonalds shareholder profit during the active semesters.


You are comparing total UCLA revenue to McDonalds profits.
.....inequality?? poor blacks get into pricey private high schools and college because they are poor and black--.......whites get denied acceptance to college because they are white
....not only do the poor get mucho tax breaks, they get child tax deductions--then they get ANOTHER child deduction for the EIC .....if you have 4 kids [ while being stupid by not knowing/have multiple fathers/etc ] you still get the tax credits/welfare/etc ..I know..my niece has 4 kids and no fathers/husbands!! and she gets mucho welfare--so after having the first 1 or 2 with the fathers not being around/leaving/not caring--she had TWO MORE!!!! very stupid...it's hard enough raising and paying for 2 with 2 parents !!
Apparently, leftists think everyone should make the same or nearly the same amount of money, regardless of whether or not they TRIED to do the right things in their lives, made the right decisions or not, put in the hard work or not. They want everyone to be "equal" without seeing that this would mean everyone was POOR. You cannot create a culture of takers by rewarding them to continue to TAKE without giving anything back and continuing to take from the ones who DO actually contribute. It just doesn't work that way in the real world. The only way these things work is in leftist la-la socialist utopia land, which obviously will NEVER exist based on human nature.
All these shrill screechers so pathetically pleading in defense of the rich would be funny if not so pathetic. They are in such a state that they take this post, "It is constantly amazing that the 'rich' have not learned the lessons of history and continue to push things to a breaking point, one that will break bad for them even more than for the rest of us.", as an attack. Then they spin it into promoting all they detest, as if it promoted anything at all. A simple observation from history, taken in such a way, shows extreme insecurity, to say the least. Note that even the word rich is in apostrophes to set it apart, saying that the word itself has dubious connotations.
When such a minute percentage of the population concentrates such an overwhelming percentage of the wealth to the evident detriment of the overwhelming majority, a very dangerous social cocktail is made. It is a cocktail even more dangerous when shaken.
Shareholders are investing their money into a business with the expectations of getting HIGH DIVIDENDS off of their investment. You are crying because investors are making MORE money than an 8-hour a day (at MOST) employee is making. Most McDonald's employees are probably only part-timers anyways. There are jobs that are just not worth a lot of pay because it does not take a lot of skill or sacrifice on your part to do them. A janitor should not make as much as a brain surgeon, for instance.
You are comparing total UCLA revenue to McDonalds profits.

Well, yeah ... I didn't make a comparison as to cost analysis, nor the difference in "profit".
UCLA is a public institution and is not for profit.

I made a comparison for the benefit of recognizing the enormous amount of money both control during the same time period.
Someone is getting rich either way ... Furthermore ... I compared that amount to one college versus McDonalds worldwide.

All these shrill screechers so pathetically pleading in defense of the rich would be funny if not so pathetic. They are in such a state that they take this post, "It is constantly amazing that the 'rich' have not learned the lessons of history and continue to push things to a breaking point, one that will break bad for them even more than for the rest of us.", as an attack. Then they spin it into promoting all they detest, as if it promoted anything at all. A simple observation from history, taken in such a way, shows extreme insecurity, to say the least. Note that even the word rich is in apostrophes to set it apart, saying that the word itself has dubious connotations.
When such a minute percentage of the population concentrates such an overwhelming percentage of the wealth to the evident detriment of the overwhelming majority, a very dangerous social cocktail is made. It is a cocktail even more dangerous when shaken.

If you had no opportunities to open your own business or invest in a business, then you might have a point. You have NO POINT, and if you do, then your points just don't add up to anything that makes any kind of sense in the real world.
This tirade against America is really very say. American's are hard workers and not lazy people looking for handouts. The root of criticism of some of the richest Americans is that some, even many, have received special treatment and advantages due to inherited class positions in society. Not to be confused with inherited financial wealth, inherited class positions have to do with education and connections to opportunity.

And MANY OTHERS have not and have earned their own way.
There is a big difference between earning your own way and becoming obscenely wealthy with the help of special favors and advantages.

What "point" does a person have when citing history, other than the point history makes?
Of course the shareholders who take the risks investing their money into the businesses are going to get more back than a minimum wage level employee who is not taking any such risks and who is being paid for doing a relatively simple task that most teenagers and uneducated people can do. :dunno: If that upsets you, then YOU need to do something about that to better yourself and open more opportunities.

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