"Unarmed" Black Man Killed By Two White Officers In Atlanta Last Night

The shooting was off camera. Who says it was in the back? What if he stopped running and turned to face the officer and pointed the taser at him? Hopefully the cop was wearing a camera.
I guess we'll have to wait for the body cam video to know. I'm just thinking if the guy is running away, he's headed in the opposite direction.
I've seen them call a thug with a brick in one hand and a machete in the other "UNARMED".

I don't call that unarmed!

It doesn't matter if he had the taser...
Reaching for it makes him Technically


He was attempting to stop them from using it on him. Does that make for additional charges? Yes. Does that give you the excuse to shoot someone while running away? No.

I'm not totally unsympathetic to your argument. However if we must live with enforcement we must also accept the fact that that enforcement is not going to be perfect. Eventually some form of restraint system will have to be developed that allows for the containment of physically large
Detainees who have decided that they are not going to cooperate. Then when that restraint system causes a fatality there will be more marches. if everyone learns that all you need to do to prevent yourself from being arrested is to resist then the arrest powers of the police no longer have any bearing on the enforcement angle.
In effect we lose the enforcement altogether.

If I shoot someone that is running away I get charged with a crime. Should they have found him and arrested him? Absolutely.
There's the conundrum.

Of course, if you are a cop and somebody disarms you of one of your weapons, then obviously they must automatically be considered an armed and potentially deadly dangerous dastardly felonious robbery suspect and a threat to yourself and the pubic at large until they are subdued.

And unless he's a mind-reader, there's no way for the cop who just had his Tazer stolen to know with any certainty whatsoever whether the perp's intention is running to escape, or running to reposition himself to gain a tactical advantage against him, and possibly steal his firearm.

After all, he just got pwned.

The standard is even lower than that because it must be. An attempt to gain the officer's weapon places the detainee squarely in the armed category even if he never gets the weapon.
In Mike Brown's case he was such a large and physically imposing person that he had landed several very heavy blows to the head of the officer and the officer was seeing Stars as he was at the same time also seeing Mike Brown's hand reaching for his gun. Mike Brown signed his own death warrant. If lethal force was not used to stop him he would have eventually overpowered the officer and shot him with his own gun. Now there are those idiots here on this board who would argue that we have no way of knowing that until it actually happens. They want the police officer to wait until he's dead before he protects himself as ridiculous as that sounds.


Apologies if the video does not work but you can find them on twitter.

I put "unarmed" because that is the narrative and yet he clearly physically fought the officers and stole their taser. They shot him while running away. Atlanta will burn again tonight and probably several other cities.

It will be interesting to see how the media plays this. He was being arrested for DUI and CLEARLY fights the officers and CLEARLY steals their taser. But then they shoot him while running away which I am sure will cause the uproar. I ask the simple question of why people think it is okay to and then celebrate people blatantly fighting law enforcement? The disregard for authority and the fact that people think they are above rules was a problem with a generation in this country BEFORE George Floyd. Now? Forget it. I am sure the massive anti-police narrative fueled this guy's fire here in his fight of the officers. That or he was just drunk/stoned out of his mind.

From the cops perspective...I do not know what the "playbook" says if a perp steals their taser. It probably says shoot. Did they have to shoot if he is running away? Probably not. It is hard to see who shoots him...is it a cop out of the screen who the perp is running towards? That changes things completely. The anti-police movement will say they could have shot him in the leg. I will say the asshole could have not fought the officers and stole their taser.

You don't shoot a man in the back. Learned that on the old westerns.

The guy was drunk. He grabbed the tazer so he wouldn't get tazed and then he ran. Definitely not a righteous shoot.
Our cops wrastle with rowdy drunks all the time. No one has been shot yet. Cops have legs. RUN AFTER THE GUY AND TAKE HIM DOWN.

You know so much about the incident and motives.
If the criminal has already assaulted the cops and stole their weapon, the cops have a duty to protect other people that the established criminal may use that weapon on. Duh.
The shooting was off camera. Who says it was in the back? What if he stopped running and turned to face the officer and pointed the taser at him? Hopefully the cop was wearing a camera.
I guess we'll have to wait for the body cam video to know. I'm just thinking if the guy is running away, he's headed in the opposite direction.
Two cops. One drunk. Tazers aren't lethal, even if the guy was sober enough to aim it and close enough to hit anyone with it, even if the guy decided to stop running away and turned to play shoot out. WHAT WERE THESE COPS THINKING? A DUI is not a capital offense and they've got his car. His license plate/registration. They've got his face on their body cameras. They can find him and arrest him for BOTH DUI, resisting arrest and taking the taser, if they were too lazy to run after him.

Apologies if the video does not work but you can find them on twitter.

I put "unarmed" because that is the narrative and yet he clearly physically fought the officers and stole their taser. They shot him while running away. Atlanta will burn again tonight and probably several other cities.

It will be interesting to see how the media plays this. He was being arrested for DUI and CLEARLY fights the officers and CLEARLY steals their taser. But then they shoot him while running away which I am sure will cause the uproar. I ask the simple question of why people think it is okay to and then celebrate people blatantly fighting law enforcement? The disregard for authority and the fact that people think they are above rules was a problem with a generation in this country BEFORE George Floyd. Now? Forget it. I am sure the massive anti-police narrative fueled this guy's fire here in his fight of the officers. That or he was just drunk/stoned out of his mind.

From the cops perspective...I do not know what the "playbook" says if a perp steals their taser. It probably says shoot. Did they have to shoot if he is running away? Probably not. It is hard to see who shoots him...is it a cop out of the screen who the perp is running towards? That changes things completely. The anti-police movement will say they could have shot him in the leg. I will say the asshole could have not fought the officers and stole their taser.

Why would you shoot someone that was running away?
The shooting was off camera. Who says it was in the back? What if he stopped running and turned to face the officer and pointed the taser at him? Hopefully the cop was wearing a camera.
I guess we'll have to wait for the body cam video to know. I'm just thinking if the guy is running away, he's headed in the opposite direction.
Two cops. One drunk. Tazers aren't lethal, even if the guy was sober enough to aim it and close enough to hit anyone with it, even if the guy decided to stop running away and turned to play shoot out. WHAT WERE THESE COPS THINKING? A DUI is not a capital offense and they've got his car. His license plate/registration. They've got his face on their body cameras. They can find him and arrest him for BOTH DUI, resisting arrest and taking the taser, if they were too lazy to run after him.

Nope you're completely wrong. He is already driving a lethal weapon around because he's drunk. He made the choice not to cooperate with the arrest. He showed criminal intent by grabbing the taser and could easily have run down the street and caused all the deaths or injuries to other people which the police within have been held responsible for. You are in the wrong and I think you must know it. If you don't know it then there's something seriously wrong with you.


Apologies if the video does not work but you can find them on twitter.

I put "unarmed" because that is the narrative and yet he clearly physically fought the officers and stole their taser. They shot him while running away. Atlanta will burn again tonight and probably several other cities.

It will be interesting to see how the media plays this. He was being arrested for DUI and CLEARLY fights the officers and CLEARLY steals their taser. But then they shoot him while running away which I am sure will cause the uproar. I ask the simple question of why people think it is okay to and then celebrate people blatantly fighting law enforcement? The disregard for authority and the fact that people think they are above rules was a problem with a generation in this country BEFORE George Floyd. Now? Forget it. I am sure the massive anti-police narrative fueled this guy's fire here in his fight of the officers. That or he was just drunk/stoned out of his mind.

From the cops perspective...I do not know what the "playbook" says if a perp steals their taser. It probably says shoot. Did they have to shoot if he is running away? Probably not. It is hard to see who shoots him...is it a cop out of the screen who the perp is running towards? That changes things completely. The anti-police movement will say they could have shot him in the leg. I will say the asshole could have not fought the officers and stole their taser.

You don't shoot a man in the back. Learned that on the old westerns.

The guy was drunk. He grabbed the tazer so he wouldn't get tazed and then he ran. Definitely not a righteous shoot.
Our cops wrastle with rowdy drunks all the time. No one has been shot yet. Cops have legs. RUN AFTER THE GUY AND TAKE HIM DOWN.

You know so much about the incident and motives.
If the criminal has already assaulted the cops and stole their weapon, the cops have a duty to protect other people that the established criminal may use that weapon on. Duh.

I grant you I'm waiting for the other side of the story and a better video. I'm just basing it on what we've been told, and I'm not imagining any more than you are. If the guy planned on USING the tazer, why didn't he? Just using some common sense here. Which the cops didn't. I've never heard of anyone doing a mass tazing on unsuspecting citizens. That's a ridiculous justification. THE MAN IS DEAD.

Apologies if the video does not work but you can find them on twitter.

I put "unarmed" because that is the narrative and yet he clearly physically fought the officers and stole their taser. They shot him while running away. Atlanta will burn again tonight and probably several other cities.

It will be interesting to see how the media plays this. He was being arrested for DUI and CLEARLY fights the officers and CLEARLY steals their taser. But then they shoot him while running away which I am sure will cause the uproar. I ask the simple question of why people think it is okay to and then celebrate people blatantly fighting law enforcement? The disregard for authority and the fact that people think they are above rules was a problem with a generation in this country BEFORE George Floyd. Now? Forget it. I am sure the massive anti-police narrative fueled this guy's fire here in his fight of the officers. That or he was just drunk/stoned out of his mind.

From the cops perspective...I do not know what the "playbook" says if a perp steals their taser. It probably says shoot. Did they have to shoot if he is running away? Probably not. It is hard to see who shoots him...is it a cop out of the screen who the perp is running towards? That changes things completely. The anti-police movement will say they could have shot him in the leg. I will say the asshole could have not fought the officers and stole their taser.

Why would you shoot someone that was running away?

Because he is a proven danger heading toward innocent victims.
We hire the police to maintain public safety as well as arrest felons. If he managed to get down the street drunk and probably high also I'm guessing there's no telling what he may have done and who he may have done it to.


Apologies if the video does not work but you can find them on twitter.

I put "unarmed" because that is the narrative and yet he clearly physically fought the officers and stole their taser. They shot him while running away. Atlanta will burn again tonight and probably several other cities.

It will be interesting to see how the media plays this. He was being arrested for DUI and CLEARLY fights the officers and CLEARLY steals their taser. But then they shoot him while running away which I am sure will cause the uproar. I ask the simple question of why people think it is okay to and then celebrate people blatantly fighting law enforcement? The disregard for authority and the fact that people think they are above rules was a problem with a generation in this country BEFORE George Floyd. Now? Forget it. I am sure the massive anti-police narrative fueled this guy's fire here in his fight of the officers. That or he was just drunk/stoned out of his mind.

From the cops perspective...I do not know what the "playbook" says if a perp steals their taser. It probably says shoot. Did they have to shoot if he is running away? Probably not. It is hard to see who shoots him...is it a cop out of the screen who the perp is running towards? That changes things completely. The anti-police movement will say they could have shot him in the leg. I will say the asshole could have not fought the officers and stole their taser.

Why would you shoot someone that was running away?

Because he is a proven danger heading toward innocent victims.
We hire the police to maintain public safety as well as arrest felons. If he managed to get down the street drunk and probably high also I'm guessing there's no telling what he may have done and who he may have done it to.


Who told you he was a proven danger? If he was dangerous why didnt he harm someone prior to the cops arriving?
The shooting was off camera. Who says it was in the back? What if he stopped running and turned to face the officer and pointed the taser at him? Hopefully the cop was wearing a camera.
I guess we'll have to wait for the body cam video to know. I'm just thinking if the guy is running away, he's headed in the opposite direction.
Two cops. One drunk. Tazers aren't lethal, even if the guy was sober enough to aim it and close enough to hit anyone with it, even if the guy decided to stop running away and turned to play shoot out. WHAT WERE THESE COPS THINKING? A DUI is not a capital offense and they've got his car. His license plate/registration. They've got his face on their body cameras. They can find him and arrest him for BOTH DUI, resisting arrest and taking the taser, if they were too lazy to run after him.

Nope you're completely wrong. He is already driving a lethal weapon around because he's drunk. He made the choice not to cooperate with the arrest. He showed criminal intent by grabbing the taser and could easily have run down the street and caused all the deaths or injuries to other people which the police within have been held responsible for. You are in the wrong and I think you must know it. If you don't know it then there's something seriously wrong with you.


Trying to stop someone from tasering you is not really showing criminal intent. It can lead to further charges but it's an attempt to protect yourself even if they had a valid reason to taser him.

Apologies if the video does not work but you can find them on twitter.

I put "unarmed" because that is the narrative and yet he clearly physically fought the officers and stole their taser. They shot him while running away. Atlanta will burn again tonight and probably several other cities.

It will be interesting to see how the media plays this. He was being arrested for DUI and CLEARLY fights the officers and CLEARLY steals their taser. But then they shoot him while running away which I am sure will cause the uproar. I ask the simple question of why people think it is okay to and then celebrate people blatantly fighting law enforcement? The disregard for authority and the fact that people think they are above rules was a problem with a generation in this country BEFORE George Floyd. Now? Forget it. I am sure the massive anti-police narrative fueled this guy's fire here in his fight of the officers. That or he was just drunk/stoned out of his mind.

From the cops perspective...I do not know what the "playbook" says if a perp steals their taser. It probably says shoot. Did they have to shoot if he is running away? Probably not. It is hard to see who shoots him...is it a cop out of the screen who the perp is running towards? That changes things completely. The anti-police movement will say they could have shot him in the leg. I will say the asshole could have not fought the officers and stole their taser.

Why would you shoot someone that was running away?

Because he is a proven danger heading toward innocent victims.
We hire the police to maintain public safety as well as arrest felons. If he managed to get down the street drunk and probably high also I'm guessing there's no telling what he may have done and who he may have done it to.


Link me to a mass tazing of innocent citizens.

Apologies if the video does not work but you can find them on twitter.

I put "unarmed" because that is the narrative and yet he clearly physically fought the officers and stole their taser. They shot him while running away. Atlanta will burn again tonight and probably several other cities.

It will be interesting to see how the media plays this. He was being arrested for DUI and CLEARLY fights the officers and CLEARLY steals their taser. But then they shoot him while running away which I am sure will cause the uproar. I ask the simple question of why people think it is okay to and then celebrate people blatantly fighting law enforcement? The disregard for authority and the fact that people think they are above rules was a problem with a generation in this country BEFORE George Floyd. Now? Forget it. I am sure the massive anti-police narrative fueled this guy's fire here in his fight of the officers. That or he was just drunk/stoned out of his mind.

From the cops perspective...I do not know what the "playbook" says if a perp steals their taser. It probably says shoot. Did they have to shoot if he is running away? Probably not. It is hard to see who shoots him...is it a cop out of the screen who the perp is running towards? That changes things completely. The anti-police movement will say they could have shot him in the leg. I will say the asshole could have not fought the officers and stole their taser.

Why would you shoot someone that was running away?

Because he is a proven danger heading toward innocent victims.
We hire the police to maintain public safety as well as arrest felons. If he managed to get down the street drunk and probably high also I'm guessing there's no telling what he may have done and who he may have done it to.


Who told you he was a proven danger? If he was dangerous why didnt he harm someone prior to the cops arriving?

Anyone drunk driving is a proven harm. The problem here, the punishment must fit the crime.

Apologies if the video does not work but you can find them on twitter.

I put "unarmed" because that is the narrative and yet he clearly physically fought the officers and stole their taser. They shot him while running away. Atlanta will burn again tonight and probably several other cities.

It will be interesting to see how the media plays this. He was being arrested for DUI and CLEARLY fights the officers and CLEARLY steals their taser. But then they shoot him while running away which I am sure will cause the uproar. I ask the simple question of why people think it is okay to and then celebrate people blatantly fighting law enforcement? The disregard for authority and the fact that people think they are above rules was a problem with a generation in this country BEFORE George Floyd. Now? Forget it. I am sure the massive anti-police narrative fueled this guy's fire here in his fight of the officers. That or he was just drunk/stoned out of his mind.

From the cops perspective...I do not know what the "playbook" says if a perp steals their taser. It probably says shoot. Did they have to shoot if he is running away? Probably not. It is hard to see who shoots him...is it a cop out of the screen who the perp is running towards? That changes things completely. The anti-police movement will say they could have shot him in the leg. I will say the asshole could have not fought the officers and stole their taser.

You don't shoot a man in the back. Learned that on the old westerns.

The guy was drunk. He grabbed the tazer so he wouldn't get tazed and then he ran. Definitely not a righteous shoot.
Our cops wrastle with rowdy drunks all the time. No one has been shot yet. Cops have legs. RUN AFTER THE GUY AND TAKE HIM DOWN.

You know so much about the incident and motives.
If the criminal has already assaulted the cops and stole their weapon, the cops have a duty to protect other people that the established criminal may use that weapon on. Duh.

I grant you I'm waiting for the other side of the story and a better video. I'm just basing it on what we've been told, and I'm not imagining any more than you are. If the guy planned on USING the tazer, why didn't he? Just using some common sense here. Which the cops didn't. I've never heard of anyone doing a mass tazing on unsuspecting citizens. That's a ridiculous justification. THE MAN IS DEAD.

The guy had already established himself as a threat by assaulting police.
As long as there is law then blacks will die as they disproportionately engage in criminal acts.
Most unfortunately current actions and proposal are focused on eliminating law rather than eliminating the irresponsible conduct.
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