Unbelievable! DJIA closes at 29,030 and the idiot Democrats impeach Trump!

And all for a nothing issue! Exactly what "high crimes and misdemeanors" did Trump do? Where is the proof? Yet the proof that Trump wants Americans do have a better life is all around best illustrated by
today's closing OVER 29030 for the DJIA.

Could this have been accomplished under Obama?
NOPE... NOT when you read the attached because basically Obama didn't want America to be better!
Remember he said it would take a magic wand to create jobs. Remember he told the world America had
seen better days. Remember Obama said these exact words on his nomination and you tell me
if this wasn't a "god-like" persona!
the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?: "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal ..."

And yet the truly politically ONLY way to get back to Trump is impeachment.

You are looking at the demise of the Democratic party...

View attachment 300554

America is better than ever, and the Dems can’t stand it.
And all for a nothing issue! Exactly what "high crimes and misdemeanors" did Trump do? Where is the proof? Yet the proof that Trump wants Americans do have a better life is all around best illustrated by
today's closing OVER 29030 for the DJIA.

Could this have been accomplished under Obama?
NOPE... NOT when you read the attached because basically Obama didn't want America to be better!
Remember he said it would take a magic wand to create jobs. Remember he told the world America had
seen better days. Remember Obama said these exact words on his nomination and you tell me
if this wasn't a "god-like" persona!
the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?: "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal ..."

And yet the truly politically ONLY way to get back to Trump is impeachment.

You are looking at the demise of the Democratic party...

View attachment 300554

America is better than ever, and the Dems can’t stand it.

When American wins, democrats lose.
And all for a nothing issue! Exactly what "high crimes and misdemeanors" did Trump do? Where is the proof? Yet the proof that Trump wants Americans do have a better life is all around best illustrated by
today's closing OVER 29030 for the DJIA.

Could this have been accomplished under Obama?
NOPE... NOT when you read the attached because basically Obama didn't want America to be better!
Remember he said it would take a magic wand to create jobs. Remember he told the world America had
seen better days. Remember Obama said these exact words on his nomination and you tell me
if this wasn't a "god-like" persona!
the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?: "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal ..."

And yet the truly politically ONLY way to get back to Trump is impeachment.

You are looking at the demise of the Democratic party...

View attachment 300554
You think the casino run by 5-6 people gives a shit about the country.

The casino is open to all!
Except those stupid dweebs like you that always have been broke and always will be broke.

You're talking about 80% of the population. Only 20% of Americans own stock.

Cite the sections of the U.S. Code.
Yeah, not playing your silly game.

Yeah, you're a fucking liar and have been exposed.
Are you seriously trying to argue that abuse of power and obstruction of Congress are not crimes?

If so then you are even dumber than I thought.

And considering how dumb I thought you were that's quite an accomplishment.


List the statutes.

Funny how you can't.

Abuse of power is an opinion. You can't cite the federal code because there is nothing in it. Obstruction of CONGRESS? :lmao:

Pelosi thinks she's fucking Joseph Stalin, but she isn't. The executive is a COEQUAL BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT, they are not the servant of the sleazy traitor fucks in the house.

You're an idiot, just like your filthy party.

Ask a lawyer.

Are you seriously trying to argue that abuse of power isn't a crime?

You're asking one. It is a simple and irrefutable fact that there is no crime in the entire United States Code called "abuse of power" or "obstruction of Congress."
See that's the funny thing about Impeachment Article 2...the House charged Trump with Obstruction of Congress (I'll admit that's a new one)
A new one?

Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton both faced impeachment over obstruction of justice
Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton both faced impeachment over obstruction of justice

You traitor fucks didn't charge Obstruction of justice, because you lying sacks of shit couldn't even begin to support such a claim. So Nazicunt Pelosi and Adam the lying Schitt invented "Obstruction of Congress," as if the executive is an inferior branch that must answer to the Stalinist scum of the house.

Here we have one little triggered bitch. Uncensored2008
Lol at your demise. Happy for you in your misery.
And all for a nothing issue! Exactly what "high crimes and misdemeanors" did Trump do? Where is the proof? Yet the proof that Trump wants Americans do have a better life is all around best illustrated by
today's closing OVER 29030 for the DJIA.

Could this have been accomplished under Obama?
NOPE... NOT when you read the attached because basically Obama didn't want America to be better!
Remember he said it would take a magic wand to create jobs. Remember he told the world America had
seen better days. Remember Obama said these exact words on his nomination and you tell me
if this wasn't a "god-like" persona!
the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?: "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal ..."

And yet the truly politically ONLY way to get back to Trump is impeachment.

You are looking at the demise of the Democratic party...

View attachment 300554

America is better than ever, and the Dems can’t stand it.
It is the far right Liberals that can't stand it.

Lies, just triggered lies.
I'm left leaning, far from wacko liberal, but sure, I'll vote (D) in next Presidential election.
And life is wonderful.
FACT, the trump continuation of Obama has been awesome, regardless of what trump has destroyed.

Trump continuation of Obama.
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
And all for a nothing issue! Exactly what "high crimes and misdemeanors" did Trump do? Where is the proof? Yet the proof that Trump wants Americans do have a better life is all around best illustrated by
today's closing OVER 29030 for the DJIA.

Could this have been accomplished under Obama?
NOPE... NOT when you read the attached because basically Obama didn't want America to be better!
Remember he said it would take a magic wand to create jobs. Remember he told the world America had
seen better days. Remember Obama said these exact words on his nomination and you tell me
if this wasn't a "god-like" persona!
the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?: "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal ..."

And yet the truly politically ONLY way to get back to Trump is impeachment.

You are looking at the demise of the Democratic party...

View attachment 300554

America is better than ever, and the Dems can’t stand it.
It is the far right Liberals that can't stand it.

Lies, just triggered lies.
I'm left leaning, far from wacko liberal, but sure, I'll vote (D) in next Presidential election.
And life is wonderful.
FACT, the trump continuation of Obama has been awesome, regardless of what trump has destroyed.

Trump continuation of Obama.
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama

You forgot to click your heels three times there, Dorothy.
You forgot to click your heels three times there, Dorothy.
And your response means what?
Be clear dude.
What are you suggesting about OZ?

This is the real world, not your lunatic alternate reality where President Trump is “continuing” Hussein era policies, and where you are anything but a raging TDS lunatic.
And all for a nothing issue! Exactly what "high crimes and misdemeanors" did Trump do? Where is the proof? Yet the proof that Trump wants Americans do have a better life is all around best illustrated by
today's closing OVER 29030 for the DJIA.

Could this have been accomplished under Obama?
NOPE... NOT when you read the attached because basically Obama didn't want America to be better!
Remember he said it would take a magic wand to create jobs. Remember he told the world America had
seen better days. Remember Obama said these exact words on his nomination and you tell me
if this wasn't a "god-like" persona!
the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?: "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal ..."

And yet the truly politically ONLY way to get back to Trump is impeachment.

You are looking at the demise of the Democratic party...

View attachment 300554

Well, no ... actually ... Democrats impeached Trump almost a month ago.
You forgot to click your heels three times there, Dorothy.
And your response means what?
Be clear dude.
What are you suggesting about OZ?

This is the real world, not your lunatic alternate reality where President Trump is “continuing” Hussein era policies, and where you are anything but a raging TDS lunatic.

I truly don't respect ANYTHING you say dotard.
You have a Durham Avi, and what has Durham done for you?

How about you argue the Moscow Project.
Check the new post.
Trump is Russia deep.
You forgot to click your heels three times there, Dorothy.
And your response means what?
Be clear dude.
What are you suggesting about OZ?

This is the real world, not your lunatic alternate reality where President Trump is “continuing” Hussein era policies, and where you are anything but a raging TDS lunatic.

I truly don't respect ANYTHING you say dotard.
You have a Durham Avi, and what has Durham done for you?

How about you argue the Moscow Project.
Check the new post.
Trump is Russia deep.


“Trump is Russia”.

Thanks for proving my last post. Gawd it’s scary to think lunatics like you are walking the streets.
You forgot to click your heels three times there, Dorothy.
And your response means what?
Be clear dude.
What are you suggesting about OZ?

This is the real world, not your lunatic alternate reality where President Trump is “continuing” Hussein era policies, and where you are anything but a raging TDS lunatic.

I truly don't respect ANYTHING you say dotard.
You have a Durham Avi, and what has Durham done for you?

How about you argue the Moscow Project.
Check the new post.
Trump is Russia deep.


“Trump is Russia”.

Thanks for proving my last post. Gawd it’s scary to think lunatics like you are walking the streets.
Obama takes the DOW to 6600 and he gets the Nobel?
We can impeach Trump and the Dow does not seem to care
No, but the voters love Trump. The left has turned itself to none other than a jealous Salieri, while Trump is in there pitching for the working man with a home run for everyone. Go Trump! :woohoo:
Obama takes the DOW to 6600 and he gets the Nobel?

You misspelled 18,000.

Thank you President Obama.

Gawd, it hurts you cons so much to admit that anything favorable trump is just an OBAMA continuation.

Show me an Economic Chart that trumpstain has reversed on OBAMA.
Just show us.

otherwise anything you claim trump has done, is really just a trend. an OBAMA trend.
Trends are good.

Well, no ... actually ... Democrats impeached Trump almost a month ago.

Right! We have to RUSH this through, there is no time to waste, the fate of the country is at stake if we don't do this immediately! Hurry, hurry, we have to pass this so we can learn what's in it! Oh, right, that was a different emergency where we needed to RUSH to pass Obamacare so we could learn all the ways we were getting screwed!

Well, no ... actually ... Democrats impeached Trump almost a month ago.

Right! We have to RUSH this through, there is no time to waste, the fate of the country is at stake if we don't do this immediately! Hurry, hurry, we have to pass this so we can learn what's in it! Oh, right, that was a different emergency where we needed to RUSH to pass Obamacare so we could learn all the ways we were getting screwed!
The budget was the same story, last minute jam it through no time to read through the 2000 pages of pork and beans.

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