Unbelievable! DJIA closes at 29,030 and the idiot Democrats impeach Trump!

You forgot to click your heels three times there, Dorothy.
And your response means what?
Be clear dude.
What are you suggesting about OZ?

This is the real world, not your lunatic alternate reality where President Trump is “continuing” Hussein era policies, and where you are anything but a raging TDS lunatic.

I truly don't respect ANYTHING you say dotard.
You have a Durham Avi, and what has Durham done for you?

How about you argue the Moscow Project.
Check the new post.
Trump is Russia deep.


“Trump is Russia”.

Thanks for proving my last post. Gawd it’s scary to think lunatics like you are walking the streets.
Obama takes the DOW to 6600 and he gets the Nobel?

Actually, that's what it bottomed out at from Bush's Great Recession in little over a month after Obama entered office. It ended up about 19800 when Obama left office.

That's a 200% increase.

Well, no ... actually ... Democrats impeached Trump almost a month ago.

Right! We have to RUSH this through, there is no time to waste, the fate of the country is at stake if we don't do this immediately! Hurry, hurry, we have to pass this so we can learn what's in it! Oh, right, that was a different emergency where we needed to RUSH to pass Obamacare so we could learn all the ways we were getting screwed!

He was still impeached on December 18th, 2019.

Unbelievable! DJIA closes at 29,030 and the idiot Democrats impeach Trump!

Only because he committed a crime.

Oh, what crime was included in the Articles of Impeachment? Do name it please
Abuse of power is a crime. So is obstruction of Congress.

Sorry for your luck.

So he was impeached, in large part, due to obstructing Congress during his impeachment trial. LOL...the very definition of yet another process crime the Democrats are trying to drum up. It is sad you guys are dumb enough to fall for this partisan crap.
Are you seriously claiming that abuse of power is not a crime?

I think before you pose that question, you need to set parameters first....For instance;

a. Define abuse of power - Are you claiming that the phone call itself was the abuse, or what was said in the phone call? And if it is the latter, then you need to show within the transcript exactly what was the point at which the President allegedly abused his power...

b. Statutes in the US Code - What statues in the law were broken? Cite the US Code, and be specific....
Cite the sections of the U.S. Code.
Yeah, not playing your silly game.

Yeah, you're a fucking liar and have been exposed.
Are you seriously trying to argue that abuse of power and obstruction of Congress are not crimes?

If so then you are even dumber than I thought.

And considering how dumb I thought you were that's quite an accomplishment.


List the statutes.

Funny how you can't.

Abuse of power is an opinion. You can't cite the federal code because there is nothing in it. Obstruction of CONGRESS? :lmao:

Pelosi thinks she's fucking Joseph Stalin, but she isn't. The executive is a COEQUAL BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT, they are not the servant of the sleazy traitor fucks in the house.

You're an idiot, just like your filthy party.

Ask a lawyer.

Are you seriously trying to argue that abuse of power isn't a crime?

You're asking one. It is a simple and irrefutable fact that there is no crime in the entire United States Code called "abuse of power" or "obstruction of Congress."
I do not believe you
Unbelievable! DJIA closes at 29,030 and the idiot Democrats impeach Trump!

Only because he committed a crime.

Oh, what crime was included in the Articles of Impeachment? Do name it please
Abuse of power is a crime. So is obstruction of Congress.

Sorry for your luck.

So he was impeached, in large part, due to obstructing Congress during his impeachment trial. LOL...the very definition of yet another process crime the Democrats are trying to drum up. It is sad you guys are dumb enough to fall for this partisan crap.
Nixon was impeached for a cover up.
And your response means what?
Be clear dude.
What are you suggesting about OZ?

This is the real world, not your lunatic alternate reality where President Trump is “continuing” Hussein era policies, and where you are anything but a raging TDS lunatic.

I truly don't respect ANYTHING you say dotard.
You have a Durham Avi, and what has Durham done for you?

How about you argue the Moscow Project.
Check the new post.
Trump is Russia deep.


“Trump is Russia”.

Thanks for proving my last post. Gawd it’s scary to think lunatics like you are walking the streets.
Obama takes the DOW to 6600 and he gets the Nobel?

Actually, that's what it bottomed out at from Bush's Great Recession in little over a month after Obama entered office. It ended up about 19800 when Obama left office.

That's a 200% increase.

And think what it COULD have been if Obama wasn't as the attached points out anti-business, anti-America and over all more interested
in tearing the USA down economically AND physically! Tell me why any idiot would want a 1 million barrel tanker on open seas endangering
the entire west coast of the USA VS 700 barrels traveling one mile in a buried pipeline on dry land.
But most uninformed people never heard this from the totally biased MSM!
EXCEPT, if you had even half a brain, instead of your victim identity politics all of the time, you might realize that the HAVES and the HAVENOTS is a continuous sliding scale where anyone in this country is free to be as poor and needy as they want, or as rich and powerful as they want: black, white, woman, man, it all just depends on your ability, your drive, your desire, and some opportunity. And any rich and successful person will tell you that opportunities are MADE, they don't just HAPPEN.


It takes years of personal sacrifice and self-discipline to pull oneself out of the lower classes. Some are not willing to do it. And, there are not any shortcuts!
oh yea...

Poor thing. You must be one of those that hasn't been told that wages among lower wage workers has been growing faster under Trump than Obama. CNN and the Democratic candidates for President just flat out make up stuff and the ignorant lap it up.
Nominal wages have dropped this past year.

real wages rose 1.1 percent.

Schrödinger's economy. It's simultaneously at record setting highs and very strong while at the same time concerning enough that companies can't afford to give out bonuses and/or provide satisfactory raises.

Fucking liar.
Its the US bureau of labor & statistics that says real wages rose 1.1 percent last year, not me. I'm just delivering the message.
Your $1.0 tril. federal deficit spending spree: GOP-Trump Making America Slump Again, aka "MASA" in de House--and Clearly in charge!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even Moses of Egypt education: Knew subjugation, and how to keep it going--(Deut 23: 19-20)
This is the real world, not your lunatic alternate reality where President Trump is “continuing” Hussein era policies, and where you are anything but a raging TDS lunatic.

I truly don't respect ANYTHING you say dotard.
You have a Durham Avi, and what has Durham done for you?

How about you argue the Moscow Project.
Check the new post.
Trump is Russia deep.


“Trump is Russia”.

Thanks for proving my last post. Gawd it’s scary to think lunatics like you are walking the streets.
Obama takes the DOW to 6600 and he gets the Nobel?

Actually, that's what it bottomed out at from Bush's Great Recession in little over a month after Obama entered office. It ended up about 19800 when Obama left office.

That's a 200% increase.

And think what it COULD have been if Obama wasn't as the attached points out anti-business, anti-America and over all more interested
in tearing the USA down economically AND physically! Tell me why any idiot would want a 1 million barrel tanker on open seas endangering
the entire west coast of the USA VS 700 barrels traveling one mile in a buried pipeline on dry land.
But most uninformed people never heard this from the totally biased MSM!
View attachment 300840
It couldn't have done any better. Y'all fluff Impeached Trump as if he's the best president ever for the economy, yet the rate of growth under Obam has continued at about the same rate as it has under Impeached Trump.
And your response means what?
Be clear dude.
What are you suggesting about OZ?

This is the real world, not your lunatic alternate reality where President Trump is “continuing” Hussein era policies, and where you are anything but a raging TDS lunatic.

I truly don't respect ANYTHING you say dotard.
You have a Durham Avi, and what has Durham done for you?

How about you argue the Moscow Project.
Check the new post.
Trump is Russia deep.


“Trump is Russia”.

Thanks for proving my last post. Gawd it’s scary to think lunatics like you are walking the streets.
Obama takes the DOW to 6600 and he gets the Nobel?

Actually, that's what it bottomed out at from Bush's Great Recession in little over a month after Obama entered office. It ended up about 19800 when Obama left office.

That's a 200% increase.

When comparing the Dow Jones index under Obama and Trump, I see a lot of numbers thrown around by people on both sides that don't really paint a complete picture. On the one hand, there's a lot of talk right now about the Dow reaching its highest number to date. On the other side, Democrats have been quick to diminish the significance of the gains since Trump took office by making the argument you made above.

While it's true that the Dow dropped close to 7,000 in Feb-March 2009, comparing the movement of the index from Jan 2009 to Jan 2017 during Obama's two terms (the oft cited "200% increase") to the movement from Jan 2017 to the present under Trump is not an apples to apples comparison.

The following factors need to be taken into account in order to compare the relative movement of the index:

  • First, the Dow's historical high point prior to Obama taking office was approximately 14,000, which occurred during the 3rd Qtr of 2007 -- remaining there basically through the end of 2007 -- until the markets went bearish to kick off 2008 due to the real estate crisis (notably, the Dow dropped 1,000 points in just the first two weeks of 2008).
  • The market rebounded pretty quickly from the low point in March 2009, with the Dow climbing to about 11,000 within a year (March 2010). The Dow fluctuated for the next 20 months or so, climbing up to 13,000 in mid-2011, then dropping back to 11,000 in November 2011.
  • The Dow returned to its previous record high of 14,000 in Jan-Feb 2013 (the start of Obama's second term), and reached a high of approx 19,800 in January 2017 when Trump was inaugurated.
  • The increase between Jan 2013 to Jan 2017 from the Dow's previous high (14,000) to the high when Obama left office/Trump was inaugurated (19,800) -- was an increase of 5,800 points -- 29% of the Dow's total points as of that date.
Interestingly, because the Dow first returned to its former record high right at the start of Obama's second term, that benchmark lines up almost perfectly to define the Dow's movement in each of Obama's two terms. In other words, during his first term (Jan 2009 to Jan 2013) the Dow recovered. During his second term (Jan 2013 to Jan 2017), the Dow gained.

By comparison -- although based on incomplete data because a full term hasn't been completed -- the Dow's upward trajectory since January 2017 has climbed from the prior record high (19,800) to the new record high (29,300 currently). That's an increase of 9,500 points -- or 32% of the Dow's total points -- in 3 years.

The Dow's movement during Trump's current term won't be an apples to apples comparison to the high-to-high gain during Obama's 2013-2017 term until the end of the current term in Jan 2021. Obviously the Dow could do one of 3 things by then. It could increase, it could decrease, or it could end up right where it is now. If it continues to increase proportionally, it would represent a gain amounting to 40% of the Dow's total points. But anything can happen. However, if we compare the identical time period (from Jan 2013 to today's date in 2016), the Dow was at approx. 16,000, an increase of 2,000 points during the exact same time period to the date. However, that's a difficult comparison, as the market was crashing at this same point in 2016, having dropped 2,000 points between Dec 29, 2015 and Jan 20, 2016.

With all of that said, I'm in no way suggesting that all movement in the financial market indices is attributable to the President at that time. There is no question that actions by the executive can have a profound impact on the financial market, but anyone who understands the machinations that drive the indices knows that the market does not move tit-for-tat with the acts of the President, so take all of this stuff for what it's worth.
Last edited:
And all for a nothing issue! Exactly what "high crimes and misdemeanors" did Trump do? Where is the proof? Yet the proof that Trump wants Americans do have a better life is all around best illustrated by
today's closing OVER 29030 for the DJIA.

Could this have been accomplished under Obama?
NOPE... NOT when you read the attached because basically Obama didn't want America to be better!
Remember he said it would take a magic wand to create jobs. Remember he told the world America had
seen better days. Remember Obama said these exact words on his nomination and you tell me
if this wasn't a "god-like" persona!
the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?: "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal ..."

And yet the truly politically ONLY way to get back to Trump is impeachment.

You are looking at the demise of the Democratic party...

View attachment 300554
Ijit. The Dow has nothing to do with most Americans.

and when someone is an j sane criminal , they should be impeached.

now ship up
Yeah, not playing your silly game.

Yeah, you're a fucking liar and have been exposed.
Are you seriously trying to argue that abuse of power and obstruction of Congress are not crimes?

If so then you are even dumber than I thought.

And considering how dumb I thought you were that's quite an accomplishment.


List the statutes.

Funny how you can't.

Abuse of power is an opinion. You can't cite the federal code because there is nothing in it. Obstruction of CONGRESS? :lmao:

Pelosi thinks she's fucking Joseph Stalin, but she isn't. The executive is a COEQUAL BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT, they are not the servant of the sleazy traitor fucks in the house.

You're an idiot, just like your filthy party.

Ask a lawyer.

Are you seriously trying to argue that abuse of power isn't a crime?

You're asking one. It is a simple and irrefutable fact that there is no crime in the entire United States Code called "abuse of power" or "obstruction of Congress."

I do not believe you

Which part? That I'm an attorney, or that the articles of impeachment do not assert any crimes that are recognized under the United States Code? If it's the former, I'd be happy to PM you my professional info if you'd agree to keep it private, I'm not an inflammatory bastard like some of the people on here (at least I try not to be), and I actually have nice discussions via PM with some people on here that I tend to disagree with politically. Who knows, you might even have a case I could help you with. I practice in federal court all around the country -- 17 federal jurisdictions to date.
And all for a nothing issue! Exactly what "high crimes and misdemeanors" did Trump do? Where is the proof? Yet the proof that Trump wants Americans do have a better life is all around best illustrated by
today's closing OVER 29030 for the DJIA.

Could this have been accomplished under Obama?
NOPE... NOT when you read the attached because basically Obama didn't want America to be better!
Remember he said it would take a magic wand to create jobs. Remember he told the world America had
seen better days. Remember Obama said these exact words on his nomination and you tell me
if this wasn't a "god-like" persona!
the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?: "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal ..."

And yet the truly politically ONLY way to get back to Trump is impeachment.

You are looking at the demise of the Democratic party...

View attachment 300554
Ijit. The Dow has nothing to do with most Americans.

and when someone is an j sane criminal , they should be impeached.

now ship up

What makes up "most Americans".... Is it 50% ? 60%?

Given that 60% of all American workers have access to 401K’s, HSA participationis at an all time high, low-cost and hands-off passive index investing options for amateur investors are more prevalent than ever before, and access to IRA’s and brokerage accounts is easier and cheaper than ever before, this is a surprising and really disturbing trend.
The Percent of Americans who Own Stock Hits Record Low
How many people own stocks?

To be precise, a narrow majority of Americans does own stocks, according to credible recent studies.
What percentage of Americans own stocks?

So if a majority of Americans own stocks. And you still think the DJIA has nothing to do?

PLUS... where are your FACTS PLEASE!
Yeah, not playing your silly game.

Yeah, you're a fucking liar and have been exposed.
Are you seriously trying to argue that abuse of power and obstruction of Congress are not crimes?

If so then you are even dumber than I thought.

And considering how dumb I thought you were that's quite an accomplishment.


List the statutes.

Funny how you can't.

Abuse of power is an opinion. You can't cite the federal code because there is nothing in it. Obstruction of CONGRESS? :lmao:

Pelosi thinks she's fucking Joseph Stalin, but she isn't. The executive is a COEQUAL BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT, they are not the servant of the sleazy traitor fucks in the house.

You're an idiot, just like your filthy party.

Ask a lawyer.

Are you seriously trying to argue that abuse of power isn't a crime?

You're asking one. It is a simple and irrefutable fact that there is no crime in the entire United States Code called "abuse of power" or "obstruction of Congress."

I do not believe you

Which part? That I'm an attorney, or that the articles of impeachment do not assert any crimes that are recognized under the United States Code? If it's the former, I'd be happy to PM you my professional info if you'd agree to keep it private, I'm not an inflammatory bastard like some of the people on here (at least I try not to be), and I actually have nice discussions via PM with some people on here that I tend to disagree with politically. Who knows, you might even have a case I could help you with. I practice in federal court all around the country -- 17 federal jurisdictions to date.
A statute need not be violated to warrant impeachment. Abuse of power is a violation of the publics' trust and is an impeachable offense. Articles of impeachment on abuse of power have been drawn up 3 times now in committee in U.S. history. Nixon, it never made it to the House floor. Clinton, it voted down by the House. Trump, it was passed by the House.
also,,,,we were losing up to 700,000 jobs a month when Obama was President, and yet, he gets a Nobel Peace Prize,,,christ, Obama could of used a portable toilet at some construction site, and he still gets a Nobel
also,,,,we were losing up to 700,000 jobs a month when Obama was President, and yet, he gets a Nobel Peace Prize,,,christ, Obama could of used a portable toilet at some construction site, and he still gets a Nobel
Seems unlike you, the Nobel Committee was able to recognize those job losses were the result of Bush's Great Recession and not Obama.

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