Unbelievable! DJIA closes at 29,030 and the idiot Democrats impeach Trump!

also,,,,we were losing up to 700,000 jobs a month when Obama was President, and yet, he gets a Nobel Peace Prize,,,christ, Obama could of used a portable toilet at some construction site, and he still gets a Nobel
Seems unlike you, the Nobel Committee was able to recognize those job losses were the result of Bush's Great Recession and not Obama.

The Nobel committee are racists.
They awarded Obama Oct, 9, 2009 (at eight and a half months, after being nominated less than two weeks in office),, citing Obama's promotion of nuclear nonproliferation and a "new climate" in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world.
2009 Nobel Peace Prize - Wikipedia

Consider that. Nominated just 2 weeks in office!
Obama was a black man president. That's why he won as the committee are racists. Pure and simple!
Yeah, you're a fucking liar and have been exposed.
Are you seriously trying to argue that abuse of power and obstruction of Congress are not crimes?

If so then you are even dumber than I thought.

And considering how dumb I thought you were that's quite an accomplishment.


List the statutes.

Funny how you can't.

Abuse of power is an opinion. You can't cite the federal code because there is nothing in it. Obstruction of CONGRESS? :lmao:

Pelosi thinks she's fucking Joseph Stalin, but she isn't. The executive is a COEQUAL BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT, they are not the servant of the sleazy traitor fucks in the house.

You're an idiot, just like your filthy party.

Ask a lawyer.

Are you seriously trying to argue that abuse of power isn't a crime?

You're asking one. It is a simple and irrefutable fact that there is no crime in the entire United States Code called "abuse of power" or "obstruction of Congress."

I do not believe you

Which part? That I'm an attorney, or that the articles of impeachment do not assert any crimes that are recognized under the United States Code? If it's the former, I'd be happy to PM you my professional info if you'd agree to keep it private, I'm not an inflammatory bastard like some of the people on here (at least I try not to be), and I actually have nice discussions via PM with some people on here that I tend to disagree with politically. Who knows, you might even have a case I could help you with. I practice in federal court all around the country -- 17 federal jurisdictions to date.
A statute need not be violated to warrant impeachment. Abuse of power is a violation of the publics' trust and is an impeachable offense. Articles of impeachment on abuse of power have been drawn up 3 times now in committee in U.S. history. Nixon, it never made it to the House floor. Clinton, it voted down by the House. Trump, it was passed by the House.

What was the exact act of "Abuse of power"

Plus the hurry of the Democrats to "impeach" Trump is that if he wins again in 2020... the current "Abuse of power", i.e.
He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage."
LINK: The articles of impeachment against President Trump, annotated

This is a purely political action because Trump wins again in 2020 the ability to influence his re-election is moot!
As a consequence, the impeachment is purely political.

Actually, that's what it bottomed out at from Bush's Great Recession in little over a month after Obama entered office. It ended up about 19800 when Obama left office.

That's a 200% increase.

The DJIA was around 14,000 before the Democrat caused housing/mortgage/financial meltdown. So let's be real, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama oversaw the slowest recovery from a recession in history. We spent $1 TRILLION on a needless recovery package that sent us on the way with TRILLION DOLLAR deficits for years. How was that a good thing?

So, in fact, President Obama raised the DJIA from 14,000 to 19,800. A modest increase over eight years.
Nixon was impeached for a cover up.

Specifically, what did President Donald Trump cover-up?

As you know, President Richard Nixon tried to cover up an underlying FELONY. The break-in at the Watergate Hotel.

President Nixon would never have been impeached were it not for the cover-up. Instead of his "I am not a crook" speech, he had done a mia culpa, even though he had no prior knowledge of the break-in.

The same with President Bill Clinton. Had he gone on TV and NOT looked America in the eye, and shook his finger at us stating that he had NOT had sex with that woman, but instead did a mia culpa and begged forgiveness, he'd have never been impeached.

None of this is the case with President Donald Trump, there is no underlying crime and certainly no felony. After more than three years, the Democrats are still trying to undo the 2016 election.
Obama takes the DOW to 6600 and he gets the Nobel?

You misspelled 18,000.

Thank you President Obama.

Gawd, it hurts you cons so much to admit that anything favorable trump is just an OBAMA continuation.
Show me an Economic Chart that trumpstain has reversed on OBAMA.
Just show us.

otherwise anything you claim trump has done, is really just a trend. an OBAMA trend.
Trends are good.
Well, kiss my grits. The Clinton War Room is alive and well even though unemployed after writing the Steele-Clinton Dossier. :muahaha:
And all for a nothing issue! Exactly what "high crimes and misdemeanors" did Trump do? Where is the proof? Yet the proof that Trump wants Americans do have a better life is all around best illustrated by
today's closing OVER 29030 for the DJIA.

Could this have been accomplished under Obama?
NOPE... NOT when you read the attached because basically Obama didn't want America to be better!
Remember he said it would take a magic wand to create jobs. Remember he told the world America had
seen better days. Remember Obama said these exact words on his nomination and you tell me
if this wasn't a "god-like" persona!
the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?: "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal ..."

And yet the truly politically ONLY way to get back to Trump is impeachment.

You are looking at the demise of the Democratic party...

View attachment 300554

America is better than ever, and the Dems can’t stand it.
It is the far right Liberals that can't stand it.

Lies, just triggered lies.
I'm left leaning, far from wacko liberal, but sure, I'll vote (D) in next Presidential election.
And life is wonderful.
FACT, the trump continuation of Obama has been awesome, regardless of what trump has destroyed.

Trump continuation of Obama.
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
Trump continuation of Obama
And you just earned my Pants on Fire award of the day for publishing the same balderdash 12 times in a row using the swishandpost method.
also,,,,we were losing up to 700,000 jobs a month when Obama was President, and yet, he gets a Nobel Peace Prize,,,christ, Obama could of used a portable toilet at some construction site, and he still gets a Nobel
Seems unlike you, the Nobel Committee was able to recognize those job losses were the result of Bush's Great Recession and not Obama.

The Nobel committee are racists.
They awarded Obama Oct, 9, 2009 (at eight and a half months, after being nominated less than two weeks in office),, citing Obama's promotion of nuclear nonproliferation and a "new climate" in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world.
2009 Nobel Peace Prize - Wikipedia

Consider that. Nominated just 2 weeks in office!
Obama was a black man president. That's why he won as the committee are racists. Pure and simple!

Your $1.0 tril. federal deficit spending spree: GOP-Trump Making America Slump Again, aka "MASA" in de House--and Clearly in charge!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even Moses of Egypt education: Knew subjugation, and how to keep it going--(Deut 23: 19-20)

A statute need not be violated to warrant impeachment. Abuse of power is a violation of the publics' trust and is an impeachable offense. Articles of impeachment on abuse of power have been drawn up 3 times now in committee in U.S. history. Nixon, it never made it to the House floor. Clinton, it voted down by the House. Trump, it was passed by the House.

IF, as you say the House voted down impeaching President Clinton, how was he impeached?
also,,,,we were losing up to 700,000 jobs a month when Obama was President, and yet, he gets a Nobel Peace Prize,,,christ, Obama could of used a portable toilet at some construction site, and he still gets a Nobel
Seems unlike you, the Nobel Committee was able to recognize those job losses were the result of Bush's Great Recession and not Obama.

The Nobel Committee LIKE you are totally ignorant of the role Obama played in the housing bubble issue!

For example Barney Franks ADMITS he was wrong!

Barney Frank Comes Home to the Facts By Larry Kudlow August 21, 2010
For years, Frank was a staunch supporter of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the giant government housing agencies that played such an enormous role in the financial meltdown that thrust the economy into the Great Recession. But in a recent CNBC interview, Frank told me that he was ready to say goodbye to Fannie and Freddie.
"I hope by next year we'll have abolished Fannie and Freddie," he said. Remarkable. And he went on to say that "it was a great mistake to push lower-income people into housing they couldn't afford and couldn't really handle once they had it." He then added, "I had been too sanguine about Fannie and Freddie."
Barney Frank admits truth about Fannie

FACT: Obama represented ACORN during the following lawsuit that did as Barney said...it was a great mistake to push lower-income people into housing they couldn't afford"

So now that I've proven from the mouth of the major protector of FANNIE/FREDDIE that the cause of the housing bubble was what Franks said...
you obviously are very very ignorant of the history of Obama's role in the 1995 ACORN/Citibank decision that started this it was a great mistake to push lower-income people into housing they couldn't afford and couldn't really handle once they had it"!

in the Buycks-Roberson v. Citibank Fed. Sav. Bank, 1994 suit against redlining. Most significant of all, ACORN was the driving force behind a 1995 regulatory revision pushed through by the Clinton Administration that greatly expanded the CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) and laid the groundwork for the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac borne financial crisis we now confront. Barack Obama was the attorney representing ACORN in this effort.
With this new authority, ACORN used its subsidiary, ACORN Housing, to promote subprime loans more aggressively.
In 1999, under pressure from the Clinton administration, Fannie Mae, the nation's largest home mortgage underwriter, relaxed credit requirements on the loans it would purchase from other banks and lenders, hoping that easing these restrictions would result in increased loan availability for minority and low-income buyers.
Rham Emmanuel, NOW OBAMA CHIEF OF STAFF and Jamie Gorelick were employees and directors of Fannie and freddie took between the two took out over $20 million. Gorelick was appointed Vice Chairman of Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) from 1997 to 2003. She served alongside former Clinton Administration official Franklin Raines During that period, Fannie Mae developed a $10 billion accounting scandal.
Gorelick took home $26.46 million in the period from 1998 to 2002 (she left in that year, so she wasn’t there for the entire period under investigation).
Of that figure, nearly $15 million came from EPS bonuses.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Invest in Democrats - OpenSecrets News
And all for a nothing issue! Exactly what "high crimes and misdemeanors" did Trump do? Where is the proof? Yet the proof that Trump wants Americans do have a better life is all around best illustrated by
today's closing OVER 29030 for the DJIA.

Could this have been accomplished under Obama?
NOPE... NOT when you read the attached because basically Obama didn't want America to be better!
Remember he said it would take a magic wand to create jobs. Remember he told the world America had
seen better days. Remember Obama said these exact words on his nomination and you tell me
if this wasn't a "god-like" persona!
the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?: "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal ..."

And yet the truly politically ONLY way to get back to Trump is impeachment.

You are looking at the demise of the Democratic party...

View attachment 300554
An impeachment without a single statutory crime.

They still refuse to admit that they LOST the 2016 election.

That's OK, Trump will hang this around their neck, win the Presidency and with the GOP retaking the House, by by Iran Nancy!

Markets Surge to New Record on Trump Trade News! Up Nearly 267 Points – Investors Ignore Crazy Pelosi’s Sham Impeachment Scam
Specifically, what did President Donald Trump cover-up?
Do you tRumplings live under rocks?

Major memory loss?

Too much crack?

You kids keep asking me to tell you things that have been in the news for months.

It takes years of personal sacrifice and self-discipline to pull oneself out of the lower classes. Some are not willing to do it. And, there are not any shortcuts!
oh yea...

Poor thing. You must be one of those that hasn't been told that wages among lower wage workers has been growing faster under Trump than Obama. CNN and the Democratic candidates for President just flat out make up stuff and the ignorant lap it up.
Nominal wages have dropped this past year.

real wages rose 1.1 percent.

Schrödinger's economy. It's simultaneously at record setting highs and very strong while at the same time concerning enough that companies can't afford to give out bonuses and/or provide satisfactory raises.

Fucking liar.
Its the US bureau of labor & statistics that says real wages rose 1.1 percent last year, not me. I'm just delivering the message.

Yet you linked to the hacks at politifraud.


United States Wages and Salaries Growth
And all for a nothing issue! Exactly what "high crimes and misdemeanors" did Trump do? Where is the proof? Yet the proof that Trump wants Americans do have a better life is all around best illustrated by
today's closing OVER 29030 for the DJIA.

Could this have been accomplished under Obama?
NOPE... NOT when you read the attached because basically Obama didn't want America to be better!
Remember he said it would take a magic wand to create jobs. Remember he told the world America had
seen better days. Remember Obama said these exact words on his nomination and you tell me
if this wasn't a "god-like" persona!
the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?: "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal ..."

And yet the truly politically ONLY way to get back to Trump is impeachment.

You are looking at the demise of the Democratic party...

View attachment 300554
Ijit. The Dow has nothing to do with most Americans.

and when someone is an j sane criminal , they should be impeached.

now ship up

Lying commie.

52% of Americans have stock - that's more than half. Adjusted for the fact that a quarter of the population are children, the VAST majority of people are invested in the markets.

What Percent Of Americans Own Stocks?
Specifically, what did President Donald Trump cover-up?
Do you tRumplings live under rocks?

Major memory loss?

Too much crack?

You kids keep asking me to tell you things that have been in the news for months.

You think that by dodging you're actually getting ahead?

Dude, you're a fucking liar and a reprobate. You can't come up with any crime by Trump, nor can your treasonous, pile of shit party.

This entire farce is designed for one purpose, to corrupt and alter our elections.
Specifically, what did President Donald Trump cover-up?
Do you tRumplings live under rocks?

Major memory loss?

Too much crack?

You kids keep asking me to tell you things that have been in the news for months.

You think that by dodging you're actually getting ahead?

Dude, you're a fucking liar and a reprobate. You can't come up with any crime by Trump, nor can your treasonous, pile of shit party.

This entire farce is designed for one purpose, to corrupt and alter our elections.
They're chipping away at the Constitution so they can take over the world.
Specifically, what did President Donald Trump cover-up?
Do you tRumplings live under rocks?

Major memory loss?

Too much crack?

You kids keep asking me to tell you things that have been in the news for months.

You think that by dodging you're actually getting ahead?

Dude, you're a fucking liar and a reprobate. You can't come up with any crime by Trump, nor can your treasonous, pile of shit party.

This entire farce is designed for one purpose, to corrupt and alter our elections.
Nope. You are asking questions any kid with a TV knows the answer to.
Are you seriously trying to argue that abuse of power and obstruction of Congress are not crimes?

If so then you are even dumber than I thought.

And considering how dumb I thought you were that's quite an accomplishment.


List the statutes.

Funny how you can't.

Abuse of power is an opinion. You can't cite the federal code because there is nothing in it. Obstruction of CONGRESS? :lmao:

Pelosi thinks she's fucking Joseph Stalin, but she isn't. The executive is a COEQUAL BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT, they are not the servant of the sleazy traitor fucks in the house.

You're an idiot, just like your filthy party.

Ask a lawyer.

Are you seriously trying to argue that abuse of power isn't a crime?

You're asking one. It is a simple and irrefutable fact that there is no crime in the entire United States Code called "abuse of power" or "obstruction of Congress."

I do not believe you

Which part? That I'm an attorney, or that the articles of impeachment do not assert any crimes that are recognized under the United States Code? If it's the former, I'd be happy to PM you my professional info if you'd agree to keep it private, I'm not an inflammatory bastard like some of the people on here (at least I try not to be), and I actually have nice discussions via PM with some people on here that I tend to disagree with politically. Who knows, you might even have a case I could help you with. I practice in federal court all around the country -- 17 federal jurisdictions to date.
A statute need not be violated to warrant impeachment. Abuse of power is a violation of the publics' trust and is an impeachable offense. Articles of impeachment on abuse of power have been drawn up 3 times now in committee in U.S. history. Nixon, it never made it to the House floor. Clinton, it voted down by the House. Trump, it was passed by the House.

What was the exact act of "Abuse of power"

Plus the hurry of the Democrats to "impeach" Trump is that if he wins again in 2020... the current "Abuse of power", i.e.
He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage."
LINK: The articles of impeachment against President Trump, annotated

This is a purely political action because Trump wins again in 2020 the ability to influence his re-election is moot!
As a consequence, the impeachment is purely political.
The abuse of power was using the power of his office to solicit a foreign leader to investigate a political rival.

Actually, that's what it bottomed out at from Bush's Great Recession in little over a month after Obama entered office. It ended up about 19800 when Obama left office.

That's a 200% increase.

The DJIA was around 14,000 before the Democrat caused housing/mortgage/financial meltdown. So let's be real, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama oversaw the slowest recovery from a recession in history. We spent $1 TRILLION on a needless recovery package that sent us on the way with TRILLION DOLLAR deficits for years. How was that a good thing?

So, in fact, President Obama raised the DJIA from 14,000 to 19,800. A modest increase over eight years.

Thanks to OUR policies, homeownership in America is at an all time high!", Gee Duhbya Bush, 2004 RNC speach

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