Unborn Baby at 18 Weeks

At what point do you think a fetus/child can "think?" How would you measure/determine that?

I think a detectable heartbeat would be a more precise measure of human development.

P.S. Your comparison to an already dying person in a coma is not apropos.
It is our brains that make us humans unique. I'd turn to science to measure/determine 'thinking'. Every animal has a heart so that won't tell us anything.

Please explain how a fetus before brain development is different from a person in a coma.
:auiqs.jpg:Brain? It's our DNA that makes us unique. Our DNA is what makes us human. good grief
Just because something looks human and has human DNA I wouldn't necessarily say it was human.

Umm, that's exactly what makes it human. WTF?

IMHO, to be human requires doing things a only a human can do: think. If that 18-week fetus can think, then yes it is human. If the brain is not yet developed then no, it is not a human.

Your opinion is irrelevant. Science confirms that life begins at conception. If you assault a 2 month pregnant woman and cause her to miscarry, you will be charged with homicide. If you kill a child who suffers from anencephaly, you will be charged with homicide. If you kill a person with severe downs, you will be charged with homicide. "Thinking" is not a pre-requisite for the sanctity of human life. Only in abortion land are these precedents ignored.

Let me ask you a question. If a person is in a coma and their brain shows no higher-level activity, should the family be allowed to take that person off life support knowing he/she/it will die?

These situations are not based solely upon brain activity but also the patient's likelihood of recovery. It is not remotely the same as snuffing out a life in it's gestational stages, which if left to it's own will develop just fine in the overwhelming majority of cases.
Kinda curious how a 1965 photo makes it into "current events."
Read da linky.

It’s now photo of the year of the last century.

I did. Photograph of the century by who? I don't see any credible source to that label for a 55 year old picture.
A very small photographer with a tiny camera.


Not a Democrat and one sick pervert...

So let cut the nonsense about one side only rapes kids...

Also Bill Frist was pro-Abortion from a medical standpoint and some Republicans are fine with first trimester abortions...
Your opinion is irrelevant. Science confirms that life begins at conception. If you assault a 2 month pregnant woman and cause her to miscarry, you will be charged with homicide. If you kill a child who suffers from anencephaly, you will be charged with homicide. If you kill a person with severe downs, you will be charged with homicide. "Thinking" is not a pre-requisite for the sanctity of human life. Only in abortion land are these precedents ignored.
Yet there are questions that science can't answer and then opinion is all we have. One example would be voting or drinking: when is someone old enough to make those decisions? These are human things that science can not answer.
Dude... what? It's DNA registers as human the moment it is conceived.
Every cell in my body has DNA that registers as human. So what rights do these cells have?

The DNA does indeed prove what is being discussed is human. I have no idea why many are so unwilling to discuss something factually. The question then becomes is it a person. What we discuss is alive. It is human. Neither can be denied.

The question is when do we have a "person". Do I believe that happens from conception? I do. Can I prove that scientifically? No.
If you assault a 2 month pregnant woman and cause her to miscarry, you will be charged with homicide.

That varies from state to state, which demonstrates why the federal government has no business in determining abortion policy. (If it did, it should label countries with different policies as terrorist organizations.) Roe v. Wade had no justifiable reason other than to muzzle abortion opponents. That hasn't worked, and SCOTUS should reverse that atrocious decision.
Dude... what? It's DNA registers as human the moment it is conceived.
Every cell in my body has DNA that registers as human. So what rights do these cells have?

The same rights that you do as you are the sum of your parts. If I slash you with a knife I will damage your cells. I will also be charged with assault.

You need to find a better approach to your argument because right now you just look obtuse.
Your opinion is irrelevant. Science confirms that life begins at conception. If you assault a 2 month pregnant woman and cause her to miscarry, you will be charged with homicide. If you kill a child who suffers from anencephaly, you will be charged with homicide. If you kill a person with severe downs, you will be charged with homicide. "Thinking" is not a pre-requisite for the sanctity of human life. Only in abortion land are these precedents ignored.
Yet there are questions that science can't answer and then opinion is all we have. One example would be voting or drinking: when is someone old enough to make those decisions? These are human things that science can not answer.

You are conflating immutable biological science with fluid social constructs. Like I said, stop being obtuse.
Dude... what? It's DNA registers as human the moment it is conceived.
Every cell in my body has DNA that registers as human. So what rights do these cells have?

The same rights that you do as you are the sum of your parts. If I slash you with a knife I will damage your cells. I will also be charged with assault.

You need to find a better approach to your argument because right now you just look obtuse.
So all my cells are mine to do with as I please? Does that include a fertilized egg if it was a part of my body?
You are conflating immutable biological science with fluid social constructs. Like I said, stop being obtuse.
And you are conflating social constructs (e.g., when is an abortion OK) with immutable biological science (e.g., what is the scientific definition of a human being). I do agree that one of us is being obtuse, you just haven't convinced me that it's me.
Dude... what? It's DNA registers as human the moment it is conceived.
Every cell in my body has DNA that registers as human. So what rights do these cells have?

The same rights that you do as you are the sum of your parts. If I slash you with a knife I will damage your cells. I will also be charged with assault.

You need to find a better approach to your argument because right now you just look obtuse.
So all my cells are mine to do with as I please? Does that include a fertilized egg if it was a part of my body?
No. A FERTILIZED EGG is ANOTHER human being.

Nothing more evil than a person LOOKING for an excuse to kill another innocent human being!

BTW, your profile says you're MALE. Do you believe you carry fertilized eggs?
You debate like an ignorant child who thinks he's the smartest guy in the room.
Then show me I'm not, dazzle me with your brilliance. (You'll never be able to do it since it is not a case of who is smarter, it is a difference in values.)

Until then I'm rubber, you're glue...
So all my cells are mine to do with as I please? Does that include a fertilized egg if it was a part of my body?
No. A FERTILIZED EGG is ANOTHER human being.

Nothing more evil than a person LOOKING for an excuse to kill another innocent human being!

BTW, your profile says you're MALE. Do you believe you carry fertilized eggs?
I don't consider every sack of human DNA to be a person. That brain-dead coma patient is a human being but not a person.

You're right about me carrying fertilized eggs, I should not have said if, I should have said when.
Dude... what? It's DNA registers as human the moment it is conceived.
Every cell in my body has DNA that registers as human. So what rights do these cells have?

The same rights that you do as you are the sum of your parts. If I slash you with a knife I will damage your cells. I will also be charged with assault.

You need to find a better approach to your argument because right now you just look obtuse.
So all my cells are mine to do with as I please? Does that include a fertilized egg if it was a part of my body?

The fertilized egg has unique DNA. It is no longer you. It is someone else. Have you NEVER had a biology class in your life?
So all my cells are mine to do with as I please? Does that include a fertilized egg if it was a part of my body?
No. A FERTILIZED EGG is ANOTHER human being.

Nothing more evil than a person LOOKING for an excuse to kill another innocent human being!

BTW, your profile says you're MALE. Do you believe you carry fertilized eggs?
I don't consider every sack of human DNA to be a person. That brain-dead coma patient is a human being but not a person.

You're right about me carrying fertilized eggs, I should not have said if, I should have said when.

That brain-dead coma patient is a human being but not a person.

If you truly believe that, I suggest you walk into a hospital and shoot one. Come back and let us know how that works out for you.
So all my cells are mine to do with as I please? Does that include a fertilized egg if it was a part of my body?
No. A FERTILIZED EGG is ANOTHER human being.

Nothing more evil than a person LOOKING for an excuse to kill another innocent human being!

BTW, your profile says you're MALE. Do you believe you carry fertilized eggs?
I don't consider every sack of human DNA to be a person. That brain-dead coma patient is a human being but not a person.

You're right about me carrying fertilized eggs, I should not have said if, I should have said when.

That brain-dead coma patient is a human being but not a person.

If you truly believe that, I suggest you walk into a hospital and shoot one. Come back and let us know how that works out for you.
Yep. The law, and science says he is

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