Unconstitutional: N Y to Check Social Media of Gun Buyers.

I really dont care if they call for such laws in dem cities.
That just means more dead dems.
Republicans will be the only ones whose applications are declined.
Only because we don't cost places like stormfront.
The fail is consistent.
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack your rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.

19. Trump Trump Trump TrumpTrump Trump
Only in your alleged mind.
I really dont care if they call for such laws in dem cities.
That just means more dead dems.
Republicans will be the only ones whose applications are declined.
Only because we don't cost places like stormfront.
The fail is consistent.
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack your rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.

19. Trump Trump Trump TrumpTrump Trump
Only in your alleged mind.
LOL Troll, you girls make the same claims, as unfounded as they are, every day. I've got twenty years watching you cowardly lying scum do it.
Last edited:
Tad difference between the police talking to a minor who posts he wants to shoot up a school and denying Constitutional Rights to an adult over a perceived meme.
What "perceived meme" are you talking about? Are you projecting again and making up shit to be alarmed over? Just like you think that making AR's illegal will somehow trigger the government into somehow (without the military's help) taking over the citizenry and turning us into a dictatorship where we are all helpless slaves.
What defines and who defines a social media post that would deny you your Constitutional Rights?

My point exactly.
L.E. admits it is difficult to know what is just "hot air" and what is a true threat. No one has a crystal ball. My theory is that if a person is so full of hate/anger that they are talking violence and showing off their weapons and have a target they hate, WHY ON EARTH would you want to give them a gun?
So you’re ok with me deciding your rights should be suspended. Or maybe a board composed of Trump appointees.
FOCUS. They are talking about scanning social media to see if there are huge red flags before someone purchases a gun.
that would need to be put into the overall process somehow and all the guy has to say is "i don't have an account" cause many don't and more bail from it daily.
I really dont care if they call for such laws in dem cities.
That just means more dead dems.
Republicans will be the only ones whose applications are declined.
Only because we don't cost places like stormfront.
HAMAS, ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood are more your style.
Riiiight, because I'm such a terrorist, lol
You just accused me of being a Nazi, you fucking dumbass.
Yet another unconstitutional government overreach. Just set fire to the document none of these corrupt politicians abide by it anyway.
Meanwhile.....where guns are shunned......crime is soaring

London police target ‘moped bandits’ by driving into them in new crime-fighting tactic
Meanwhile, police across the United Kingdom are fighting rising numbers of knife-related crimes.

During the first six months of the year, police recorded 39,332 knife crime offenses -- a 12 percent increase over last year, according to the Office for National Statistics. Other violent crimes, including murder and robbery, also increased by double-digit percentages.

Wherever liberals / leftists control.....Death, drugs & violence reign supreme.
Love violence? Vote Left
I really dont care if they call for such laws in dem cities.
That just means more dead dems.
Republicans will be the only ones whose applications are declined.
Only because we don't cost places like stormfront.
The fail is consistent.
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack your rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.

19. Trump Trump Trump TrumpTrump Trump
Only in your alleged mind.
LOL Troll, you girls make the same claims, as unfounded as they are, every day. I've got twenty years watching what you cowardly lying scum do it.
Youve been this confused for 20 years? Damn. That must really suck.
No Tucker the Dems are not going to disarm the population.

So why are you constantly trying?

Why are you so paranoid? For as many years as you have been scared of someone coming to get your guns, how many times has someone actually come to your door to do that?

Gun siezures under Maryland 'Red Flag' law exceed expectations

Maryland officers serving "red flag" gun removal order fatally shoot armed man - CBS News

What’s your point ? “Red flag” laws require that someone is a danger . The guy in your link sure did seem to fall under that definition .

They never disclosed the reason for the order, so you don’t really know that, do you
Of course they didn't. And then even the school districts admission that he was participating in the Promise Program means nothing either, huh?

Backlash follows revelations that Parkland shooter was referred to PROMISE program

You really should read your own links. As your link says, that program is a way to avoid arrest for behavior at school by placing the student in a temporary series of sessions to try to moderate their behavior. Sort of a shock program. Cruz was assigned to be involved for 3 days several months before the shooting. All legal means to limit his behavior was used, but since he hadn't done anything that could legally limit his access to guns, nothing could be done. Obama had nothing to do with it.

Of course he didn't. Nothing he ever did resulted in disaster.

Obama's statements or actions had nothing to do with the shooting at Parkland, even if you wish it was different.

DumBama started the Promise Program; a program designed to reduce statistics of criminal activity.

The school administrators were strong Obama supporters and were even one of the first to participate.

They admitted sending this kid to the program later claiming he didn't attend and they didn't address the issue.

After the shooting, it was discovered there were all kinds of warning signs on social media, in school, and from friends, but nobody did anything about it.

Obama's policies had nothing to do with it.

What doesn't add up here?

Promis program only counts for misdemeanors. As a minor .

Even if he was busted for some juvenile misdemeanor , crazy Florida would still sell the kid an AR.

What the Promise Program did was encourage schools and authorities to look the other way when those minor crimes were committed. All kinds of warning signs were out there including dozens of calls to police about Cruz's home, videos and violent acts by this kid.
No Tucker the Dems are not going to disarm the population.

So why are you constantly trying?

Why are you so paranoid? For as many years as you have been scared of someone coming to get your guns, how many times has someone actually come to your door to do that?

Gun siezures under Maryland 'Red Flag' law exceed expectations

Maryland officers serving "red flag" gun removal order fatally shoot armed man - CBS News

The one month old program in Maryland temporarily removes guns from crazies who have given indications they could be a danger to others. Are you a crazy that has given reason to believe you might shoot someone? When did they temporarily confiscate your guns, or anyone you know?

Alleged crazies. You just said nobody is coming for anyone’s guns. Was that a lie?
I really dont care if they call for such laws in dem cities.
That just means more dead dems.
Republicans will be the only ones whose applications are declined.
Only because we don't cost places like stormfront.
HAMAS, ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood are more your style.
Riiiight, because I'm such a terrorist, lol
You just accused me of being a Nazi, you fucking dumbass.
Where? I have it on good authority that the stormfront are not Nazis.

Really, just ask them.
These traitors are all crying and defending the "immigrants" and wanting the USA to take in all these illegals because they are suffering tyranny at the hands of their government and mistreatment by the cartels. They are ignoring the fact that this kind of abuse of the people can ONLY happen where firearm ownership is prohibited. And that, is just what they want for us. Enslavement and no hope. Once you realize this fact you will probably agree there is no bigger threat to this country then treasonous goddamn liberals!
I really dont care if they call for such laws in dem cities.
That just means more dead dems.
Republicans will be the only ones whose applications are declined.
Only because we don't cost places like stormfront.
HAMAS, ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood are more your style.
Riiiight, because I'm such a terrorist, lol

You support the people who support terrorism.
Meanwhile.....where guns are shunned......crime is soaring

London police target ‘moped bandits’ by driving into them in new crime-fighting tactic
Meanwhile, police across the United Kingdom are fighting rising numbers of knife-related crimes.

During the first six months of the year, police recorded 39,332 knife crime offenses -- a 12 percent increase over last year, according to the Office for National Statistics. Other violent crimes, including murder and robbery, also increased by double-digit percentages.

Wherever liberals / leftists control.....Death, drugs & violence reign supreme.
Love violence? Vote Left
Which is why these "immigrants" have to leave their own countries!
No Tucker the Dems are not going to disarm the population.

So why are you constantly trying?

Why are you so paranoid? For as many years as you have been scared of someone coming to get your guns, how many times has someone actually come to your door to do that?

Gun siezures under Maryland 'Red Flag' law exceed expectations

Maryland officers serving "red flag" gun removal order fatally shoot armed man - CBS News

What’s your point ? “Red flag” laws require that someone is a danger . The guy in your link sure did seem to fall under that definition .

They never disclosed the reason for the order, so you don’t really know that, do you

They have to go to court and get a judge to order .The guy shows up at the door with gun in hand. Struggle ensues .

Just reading the story you can pick out that the old man was a danger. You imply the police just randomly showed up at his door .
I really dont care if they call for such laws in dem cities.
That just means more dead dems.
Republicans will be the only ones whose applications are declined.
Only because we don't cost places like stormfront.
HAMAS, ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood are more your style.
Riiiight, because I'm such a terrorist, lol

You support the people who support terrorism.
sure i do lmao! can you show me where?
The only way to achieve compliance to the dimshits control is to disarm all “other” party voters. After all anyone not voting dimshit murdering scum has to be crazy huh nutsi pokeholsi.
A blatant violation of the First and Second and Sixth Amendments. These Blue State Dims are indistinguishable from Stalinists.

Those looking to buy a gun in New York may need to submit their social media profiles and search history prior to purchase if new firearm legislation in the state becomes law.

Under the legislation drafted by Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and State Senator Kevin Parker, both Democrats, up to three years’ worth of search history on social media would be able to be reviewed, ABC Action News reported.

Senate Bill 9191, according to WHAM, mandates "social media and search engine reviews prior to the approval of an application or renewal of a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver; requires a person applying for a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver or a renewal of such license to consent to having his or her social media accounts and search engine history reviewed and investigated for certain posts and/or searches over a period of 1-3 years prior to the approval of such application or renewal; defines terms." Under the proposed legislation, law enforcement officials could investigate "commonly known profane slurs used or biased language used to describe race, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, disability or sexual orientation; threatening health or safety of another person, or an act of terrorism."

I suggest you read each of the Amendments very carefully, and if you need help find someone who can explain how the 10th Amendment impacts your comment and how privacy of We the People is not guaranteed anywhere in COTUS.
Did I mention the 10th Amendment? I don't think I did. This legislation clearly violates the two of the amendments I listed. However, the 6th Amendment isn't one of the Amendments I wanted to list. It's the 4th Amendment:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

4th doesn't apply to social media. Why? Because social media is a public place. Simply looking at someone's social media on a publicly accessible platform isn't "unreasonable search and seizure". That applies to your house, and also means that the police can't check your house without a warrant or just cause to enter your house.
Oh please . You wipe your ass with the rest of the constitution. But get all holier than thou with the 2nd .
I take it you approve of this exercise in fascism. Next they will require that you be a snowflake in good standing. I'm sure you will endorse that as well.

Vacuous pieces of shit like Timmy are drones. They'd be OK with democrooks passing a law forcing the wearing of armband ID.

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