Unconstitutional: N Y to Check Social Media of Gun Buyers.

A blatant violation of the First and Second and Sixth Amendments. These Blue State Dims are indistinguishable from Stalinists.

Those looking to buy a gun in New York may need to submit their social media profiles and search history prior to purchase if new firearm legislation in the state becomes law.

Under the legislation drafted by Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and State Senator Kevin Parker, both Democrats, up to three years’ worth of search history on social media would be able to be reviewed, ABC Action News reported.

Senate Bill 9191, according to WHAM, mandates "social media and search engine reviews prior to the approval of an application or renewal of a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver; requires a person applying for a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver or a renewal of such license to consent to having his or her social media accounts and search engine history reviewed and investigated for certain posts and/or searches over a period of 1-3 years prior to the approval of such application or renewal; defines terms." Under the proposed legislation, law enforcement officials could investigate "commonly known profane slurs used or biased language used to describe race, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, disability or sexual orientation; threatening health or safety of another person, or an act of terrorism."

I say if the people of New York want this, let them have it. Then we can all watch and see how it works. Just as long as the Feds don’t start passing more strict gun laws across the board, I’m cool.

What if they could get access to the internet anonymous social boards, like this one?

Could they?


This isn't a private board. Anybody can come here view what we talk about unlike other media where your privacy is expected and even promised.
And what is this supposed to accomplish? Even if you post on Fakebook that illegals should be shot, that is not a crime and so therefore they have no grounds to deny you a gun purchase.
It is not a crime to say it, but why would anyone in their right mind say such trash? Does someone who says that deserve a gun? No.
That is the issue. People can say stupid stuff, and it is not the governments place to define what stupid talk is or is not.
Yet when that kid who shot up Parkland said "stupid stuff" on his social media, a lot of people called that a failure of the police and the system meant to protect us. You can't have it both ways. I realize there were more red flags than that, but a gun background check isn't going to be able to check that extensively into anyone's history--especially not juvenile history.
There have been example after example of people bragging and showing off their weapons on social media and spewing hate, threatening to kill. And then they did.
Tad difference between the police talking to a minor who posts he wants to shoot up a school and denying Constitutional Rights to an adult over a perceived meme.
What "perceived meme" are you talking about? Are you projecting again and making up shit to be alarmed over? Just like you think that making AR's illegal will somehow trigger the government into somehow (without the military's help) taking over the citizenry and turning us into a dictatorship where we are all helpless slaves.
Not the government persae, but the government controlled by certain people could very well have an agenda to do just that. When the signs are evident, the people react.
A blatant violation of the First and Second and Sixth Amendments. These Blue State Dims are indistinguishable from Stalinists.

Those looking to buy a gun in New York may need to submit their social media profiles and search history prior to purchase if new firearm legislation in the state becomes law.

Under the legislation drafted by Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and State Senator Kevin Parker, both Democrats, up to three years’ worth of search history on social media would be able to be reviewed, ABC Action News reported.

Senate Bill 9191, according to WHAM, mandates "social media and search engine reviews prior to the approval of an application or renewal of a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver; requires a person applying for a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver or a renewal of such license to consent to having his or her social media accounts and search engine history reviewed and investigated for certain posts and/or searches over a period of 1-3 years prior to the approval of such application or renewal; defines terms." Under the proposed legislation, law enforcement officials could investigate "commonly known profane slurs used or biased language used to describe race, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, disability or sexual orientation; threatening health or safety of another person, or an act of terrorism."

I suggest you read each of the Amendments very carefully, and if you need help find someone who can explain how the 10th Amendment impacts your comment and how privacy of We the People is not guaranteed anywhere in COTUS.
Did I mention the 10th Amendment? I don't think I did. This legislation clearly violates the two of the amendments I listed. However, the 6th Amendment isn't one of the Amendments I wanted to list. It's the 4th Amendment:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

4th doesn't apply to social media. Why? Because social media is a public place. Simply looking at someone's social media on a publicly accessible platform isn't "unreasonable search and seizure". That applies to your house, and also means that the police can't check your house without a warrant or just cause to enter your house.

Like hell it doesn’t. You can set privacy settings on social media. It’s your thoughts. Requiring any govt body access to this to exercise a God-given right is a Constitutional violation.
No Tucker the Dems are not going to disarm the population.

So why are you constantly trying?

Why are you so paranoid? For as many years as you have been scared of someone coming to get your guns, how many times has someone actually come to your door to do that?
The very definition of progressivism is your thoughts attempting to become a reality over time. Just like y'all thought you had progressed to Hillary being the first female president, but wow did that go south for y'all.

Sometimes the push back happens, and it shocks the progressives who figured that they had slowly perfected their strategy.
Old Lady has a point, after every mass shooting it seems that people are bashing the police for not putting together the pieces before hand.

In nine of ten incidents the perps were on police radar, and had been for some time.
The Demon-crats have a bad habbit of causing the police whom they battle with constantly, to then stand down for political reasons, and they do this in trying to satisfy those who are at war with the police, society, religion's, and anything else they hate.
Old Lady has a point, after every mass shooting it seems that people are bashing the police for not putting together the pieces before hand.

In nine of ten incidents the perps were on police radar, and had been for some time.
The Demon-crats have a bad habbit of causing the police whom they battle with constantly, to then stand down for political reasons, and they do this in trying to satisfy those who are at war with the police, society, religion's, and anything else they hate.

Who can blame the police? The Ferguson Effect will go on for a long time if not forever.
Old Lady has a point, after every mass shooting it seems that people are bashing the police for not putting together the pieces before hand.

In nine of ten incidents the perps were on police radar, and had been for some time.
The Demon-crats have a bad habbit of causing the police whom they battle with constantly, to then stand down for political reasons, and they do this in trying to satisfy those who are at war with the police, society, religion's, and anything else they hate.

Who can blame the police? The Ferguson Effect will go on for a long time if not forever.
The Demon-crats work hard to exploit any weakness found in our current platforms, and they do this to try and break down the platforms in order to put in place there platforms in which they see as being perfect for their future agenda's.
Old Lady has a point, after every mass shooting it seems that people are bashing the police for not putting together the pieces before hand.

In nine of ten incidents the perps were on police radar, and had been for some time.
The Demon-crats have a bad habbit of causing the police whom they battle with constantly, to then stand down for political reasons, and they do this in trying to satisfy those who are at war with the police, society, religion's, and anything else they hate.

Who can blame the police? The Ferguson Effect will go on for a long time if not forever.
The Demon-crats work hard to exploit any weakness found in our current platforms, and they do this to try and break down the platforms in order to put in place there platforms in which they see as being perfect for their future agenda's.

The way I look at it is most every situation, Democrats side with evil and Republicans side with good.

The Ferguson Effect has had devastating effects across the country including my suburb as well. Our police used to stop speeders, people with one headlight, erratic driving and so on. Now they don't do any traffic patrol at all, not even the school zones where people are driving over twice the speed limit.

I'm not so concerned about driving offenses, but they used to be able to get the bad guys before they started trouble. Many times they arrested people with an expired license or no license at all, fictitious license plates, warrants either from here or a neighboring city, illegal firearm possession or illegal narcotics. It sent a clear message our burb was no place to be driving around if you were wanted somewhere or were not legal.

Sure, they will come out when you need them, and in our suburb, in a matter of seconds for an emergency. But that does not stop the troublemakers from coming here in the first place. Now we have to wait for a crime before the police do something.

I don't fault our police. Nobody wants to be targeted because the MSM made a race case from something that was not. Most times these officers have to leave their job or career altogether. They and their families receive constant death threats. They have to be on guard every minute of every day. Who needs it?

And this is what happens when evil gets the upper hand against the good.
Old Lady has a point, after every mass shooting it seems that people are bashing the police for not putting together the pieces before hand.

In nine of ten incidents the perps were on police radar, and had been for some time.
The Demon-crats have a bad habbit of causing the police whom they battle with constantly, to then stand down for political reasons, and they do this in trying to satisfy those who are at war with the police, society, religion's, and anything else they hate.

Who can blame the police? The Ferguson Effect will go on for a long time if not forever.
The Demon-crats work hard to exploit any weakness found in our current platforms, and they do this to try and break down the platforms in order to put in place there platforms in which they see as being perfect for their future agenda's.

The way I look at it is most every situation, Democrats side with evil and Republicans side with good.

The Ferguson Effect has had devastating effects across the country including my suburb as well. Our police used to stop speeders, people with one headlight, erratic driving and so on. Now they don't do any traffic patrol at all, not even the school zones where people are driving over twice the speed limit.

I'm not so concerned about driving offenses, but they used to be able to get the bad guys before they started trouble. Many times they arrested people with an expired license or no license at all, fictitious license plates, warrants either from here or a neighboring city, illegal firearm possession or illegal narcotics. It sent a clear message our burb was no place to be driving around if you were wanted somewhere or were not legal.

Sure, they will come out when you need them, and in our suburb, in a matter of seconds for an emergency. But that does not stop the troublemakers from coming here in the first place. Now we have to wait for a crime before the police do something.

I don't fault our police. Nobody wants to be targeted because the MSM made a race case from something that was not. Most times these officers have to leave their job or career altogether. They and their families receive constant death threats. They have to be on guard every minute of every day. Who needs it?

And this is what happens when evil gets the upper hand against the good.
Remember how bad Mexico got, and this in concerns of the powerful cartel's, and how the federallies were out gunned, out monied, and (in this huge corruption that cast fear in the poor citizens whom had to side with the cartel's), they were outnumbered as well ??

They (the federallies) had to start covering their faces and hiding their identities in order to do law enforcement work, along with infiltration work that would bring justice inside of the situation.

If not careful, we could easily go down those roads if we aren't already there.

According to you're words, it's already started.
Fourth Amendment, right up front.

Not sure of the laws in New York. Can cities override state law? In Virginia, they cannot.

Gun purchasers may need to submit social media history under proposed New York legislation

Yeah, this ignores multiple amendments. At first I thought, so they are going to look at your social media accounts, which would violate the 2nd, but not so much the 4th. Then I read the part about 3 years worth of search engine history and then realized where the 4th came in. Not to mention who does not clear their history on a regular basis?
Social media is public, so where is the violation? It could have stopped some of our mass killers, couldn't it? Who had clear threats and "red flags" on their social media accounts?

A little Fascism never hurt anyone
there is also simply *no legal requirement* to even HAVE a social media account. i get the idea behind the effort but how do you enforce it?

me at gun shop: I'll take that ruger blackhawk .44 magnum right there
gun shop: fill this out and let me do a background check

we wait

a bit later

gun shop: ok that was fine but now i need to see your facebook page...
me: i don't have one
gun shop: myspace?
me: bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
gun shop: twitter
me: i have one for my website but have not used it but twice this year and once was by mistake...

how do you enforce this when nothing is required, legal or even defined?

again, i get the idea but the reality is this would fail and only make finding common ground harder. i mean if the police can be called to a home shooting and the police make no effort THEN to have mental stability checked by a doctor, i don't see how a minimum wage counter worker looking at my facebook page, if i have one, would help at all.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh

Like I said earlier, even if they could get this passed and nobody challenges them, a mass shooter would purchase their guns elsewhere. Nothing get's solved; it only looks like they're trying to solve something.

You don't have to give your name on any social media account. Nobody is carding you like they do at a bar. I could get an account by calling myself Ray from Atlanta and nobody would know the difference. Or I can setup several accounts, and under my real name, post stuff about how cute animals are and how much I follow my religion with my family of four and lifelong wife. Who would know the difference?
that seems to be as good a way to put it as any i suppose. i know the liberals *want* the gun violence to end and they see "oh just get rid of the guns" as the quickest solution. it won't help and it does kill the rights of 99% of the people who safely handle guns daily.
Fourth Amendment, right up front.

Not sure of the laws in New York. Can cities override state law? In Virginia, they cannot.

Gun purchasers may need to submit social media history under proposed New York legislation
I would say yes, those laws are unconstitutional, unnecessary, and improper.

Here is the common law, codified in New York's Constitution:
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.
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there is also simply *no legal requirement* to even HAVE a social media account. i get the idea behind the effort but how do you enforce it?

me at gun shop: I'll take that ruger blackhawk .44 magnum right there
gun shop: fill this out and let me do a background check

we wait

a bit later

gun shop: ok that was fine but now i need to see your facebook page...
me: i don't have one
gun shop: myspace?
me: bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
gun shop: twitter
me: i have one for my website but have not used it but twice this year and once was by mistake...

how do you enforce this when nothing is required, legal or even defined?

again, i get the idea but the reality is this would fail and only make finding common ground harder. i mean if the police can be called to a home shooting and the police make no effort THEN to have mental stability checked by a doctor, i don't see how a minimum wage counter worker looking at my facebook page, if i have one, would help at all.

"Folks, liberals measure success by intent. Conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh

Like I said earlier, even if they could get this passed and nobody challenges them, a mass shooter would purchase their guns elsewhere. Nothing get's solved; it only looks like they're trying to solve something.

You don't have to give your name on any social media account. Nobody is carding you like they do at a bar. I could get an account by calling myself Ray from Atlanta and nobody would know the difference. Or I can setup several accounts, and under my real name, post stuff about how cute animals are and how much I follow my religion with my family of four and lifelong wife. Who would know the difference?
that seems to be as good a way to put it as any i suppose. i know the liberals *want* the gun violence to end and they see "oh just get rid of the guns" as the quickest solution. it won't help and it does kill the rights of 99% of the people who safely handle guns daily.

They may want gun violence to end but their leaders use that violence to promote taking away our guns. Their leaders really don't want gun violence to end. That's the problem.
In nine of ten incidents the perps were on police radar, and had been for some time.
The Demon-crats have a bad habbit of causing the police whom they battle with constantly, to then stand down for political reasons, and they do this in trying to satisfy those who are at war with the police, society, religion's, and anything else they hate.

Who can blame the police? The Ferguson Effect will go on for a long time if not forever.
The Demon-crats work hard to exploit any weakness found in our current platforms, and they do this to try and break down the platforms in order to put in place there platforms in which they see as being perfect for their future agenda's.

The way I look at it is most every situation, Democrats side with evil and Republicans side with good.

The Ferguson Effect has had devastating effects across the country including my suburb as well. Our police used to stop speeders, people with one headlight, erratic driving and so on. Now they don't do any traffic patrol at all, not even the school zones where people are driving over twice the speed limit.

I'm not so concerned about driving offenses, but they used to be able to get the bad guys before they started trouble. Many times they arrested people with an expired license or no license at all, fictitious license plates, warrants either from here or a neighboring city, illegal firearm possession or illegal narcotics. It sent a clear message our burb was no place to be driving around if you were wanted somewhere or were not legal.

Sure, they will come out when you need them, and in our suburb, in a matter of seconds for an emergency. But that does not stop the troublemakers from coming here in the first place. Now we have to wait for a crime before the police do something.

I don't fault our police. Nobody wants to be targeted because the MSM made a race case from something that was not. Most times these officers have to leave their job or career altogether. They and their families receive constant death threats. They have to be on guard every minute of every day. Who needs it?

And this is what happens when evil gets the upper hand against the good.
Remember how bad Mexico got, and this in concerns of the powerful cartel's, and how the federallies were out gunned, out monied, and (in this huge corruption that cast fear in the poor citizens whom had to side with the cartel's), they were outnumbered as well ??

They (the federallies) had to start covering their faces and hiding their identities in order to do law enforcement work, along with infiltration work that would bring justice inside of the situation.

If not careful, we could easily go down those roads if we aren't already there.

According to you're words, it's already started.

I know it has. Our gun and violent crime rate has been on the decline since the early 90's until Ferguson. In white areas, police protocol hasn't changed, but in mixed or black areas, it's gotten worse.

Two summers ago I was sitting on my front porch taking a break from yard work. I was watching two people across the street in an empty parking lot doing a drug deal. A cop was sitting at the stop light just looking at them. I thought I was going to see some action, but when the light turned green, he just drove off. About three weeks ago I was at a stop light and there was a cop facing me going in the opposite direction. The guy in front of me just crashed the light to make a left turn like the cop wasn't even there. The cop ignored it.

Evil (Democrats) has won and now things are much worse as usual with Democrats. Now cops are afraid to do their jobs. If people supported the cops and voiced their support like we conservatives did instead of their opposition, the Ferguson Effect might have never happened. Lord knows how many people died in the streets because of Democrats

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