Undecideds Favor Trump After Debate

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
All of those stated Harris did nothing but attack Trump during the debate while being overly vague about what she would do. Most cited Trump being better on the economy and blame Biden for Americans being unable to afford life while Harris does nothing to differentiate between herself and Biden on economic policies.

On a personal note, I think Trump scored a home run in the closing arguments where he stated if Kamala Harris has all of these plans to help Americans then why hasn't she and Biden already done them in 3 1/2 years.
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All of those stated Harris did nothing but attack Trump during the debate while being overly vague about what she would do. Most cited Trump being better on the economy and blame Biden for Americans being unable to afford life while Harris does nothing to differentiate between herself and Biden on economic policies.

They must not have asked all the Swifties who were just given their orders.
All of those stated Harris did nothing but attack Trump during the debate while being overly vague about what she would do. Most cited Trump being better on the economy and blame Biden for Americans being unable to afford life while Harris does nothing to differentiate between herself and Biden on economic policies.

On a personal note, I think Trump scored a home run in the closing arguments where he stated if Kamala Harris has all of these plans to help Americans then why hasn't she and Biden already done them in 3 1/2 years.
It's good to have a dream. :auiqs.jpg:
All of those stated Harris did nothing but attack Trump during the debate while being overly vague about what she would do. Most cited Trump being better on the economy and blame Biden for Americans being unable to afford life while Harris does nothing to differentiate between herself and Biden on economic policies.

On a personal note, I think Trump scored a home run in the closing arguments where he stated if Kamala Harris has all of these plans to help Americans then why hasn't she and Biden already done them in 3 1/2 years.
Yea but notice she came from the middle class? She wasn't born rich like Trump.
Depends on what you call the middle class. Swift's family were very far from being paupers. She is not a rags to riches story. But, I give her credit where credit is due. She made herself one of the one percenters that she and the democrats despise so much. But, it's alright if THEY are the one percenters. At least they don't get mega rich off the backs of ordinary Americans though. Oh, wait a minute, I guess she does.
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65% of viewers thought Harris did better than Trump.
The article talks about undecideds thinking Trump did better and Harris, once again, not really detailing what she wants to do, other than being a carbon copy of Biden, who those undecideds blame for Americans not being able to afford life.
Let me act like you guys now.

What do you think "rich" is?

Harris grew up well off, not middle class as most people think it. Hell I grew up more middle class than she did. My father was a technician for check sorting machines and my mom a nurse.
All of those stated Harris did nothing but attack Trump during the debate while being overly vague about what she would do. Most cited Trump being better on the economy and blame Biden for Americans being unable to afford life while Harris does nothing to differentiate between herself and Biden on economic policies.

On a personal note, I think Trump scored a home run in the closing arguments where he stated if Kamala Harris has all of these plans to help Americans then why hasn't she and Biden already done them in 3 1/2 years.
Hold onto that one "Some undecided voters not convinced"

and then run away from this one

usmb harris trump debate who won sample WAPO.jpg
Clinton, not born rich. Obama, not born rich. Biden, not born rich. Kamala not born rich. See the theme?

Bush and Trump, silver spoons.
That made them easier to be groomed for political positions. They would have mentors who paid the freight for their loyalty. The theme is none of them give the lower classes massive tax cuts. And they play the groups within the lower classes against each other. If Kamala came up with a massive tax cut if in the tax code we pay every year, there may be some movement. Until they do, Progs cannot because they play class warfare within the lower classes. Come on Progs. Keep the Trump tax cuts and do not let it run out. Then double the standard deduction and lower the tax percentage in each tax bracket. That would tell us they are for the peasants. They are not.

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