Under God

When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.

There is no god. Men wrote the stories that make up your bibles. Men wrote stories that make up all religion's documents.

Every nation that had belief in god/s has crumbled in the past. No amount of submission to fantasy has ever done a single thing to improve human life. Prayers do nothing. Religion is a fraud. There is no Santa Claus. There is no tooth fairy. Grow up and take full responsibility for yourself and those you choose to call friends.
I bet Christmas is fun around your house.
We have been generally a nation of Christians, but the government is secular per the Constitution.

Jefferson, a deist, used enlightenment language in referring to a Creator. He never uses Jesus or Jehovah or Christian denotation generally associated with acknowledging deity.
Reread my post, and please learn to read critically. I did not refer to the government. Unlike you lefties, I do not refer to the government of the United States as the United States.

And Jefferson - not a Deist, not a Christian, not anything - absolutely named the Christian God in the Declaration.
Quit stuttering. I was replying in the form that best examined your comments in terms of what I was interested in. I am not interested in religious dogma, only in the government and its constitution. It is created to protect the civil liberties of all citizens, not just religionists.

Jefferson was a Deist not a Christian and he did not name the Christian God in the Declaration.

Laws of Nature and of Nature's God and Creator

Such were terms that deists and Christians both could climb on board with.

Jefferson recognized no miraculous virgin birth, no miracles, detested the priestcraft of the priesthood, etc, etc, etc.

He belonged to his Vestry because it was also the county government structure in Virginia.

He referred to himself as Christian, a sect of one (himself).

He created the Jefferson Bible by cutting out all the phantasms the which he abhorred.

Read more carefully.
If you were interested in the government and the Constitution, then why did you answer my post? Off topic much?

Supreme Judge and divine Providence were names the Americans could get on board with, too.

You have not read the Declaration, have you. Let alone, my posts.
Stuttering again, I see. Show me how in the Declaration that Jefferson was referring to the Christian God. You can't.
I just did. Are you daft?
The terms, as I told you, were compromises the deists AND christians could accept. That does not mean that Jesus or Jehovah are clearly mentioned in the document, because they are not. The signers merely recognized Jefferson's compromise language.
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.
If I could give you 100 gold stars for this thread, I would!
We have been generally a nation of Christians, but the government is secular per the Constitution.

Jefferson, a deist, used enlightenment language in referring to a Creator. He never uses Jesus or Jehovah or Christian denotation generally associated with acknowledging deity.
Reread my post, and please learn to read critically. I did not refer to the government. Unlike you lefties, I do not refer to the government of the United States as the United States.

And Jefferson - not a Deist, not a Christian, not anything - absolutely named the Christian God in the Declaration.

The Declaration of Independence carries no legal weight and is NOT a "governing" document - it is a "founding" document. We are governed by the Constitution.

Declaration of Independence and Christianity Myth
Um, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress.
That does not make it part of the US Constitution. Are you really this devious? Yet you are so easily found out.
Obamacare is not part of the Constitution, either. Good, it's not a law.
Petulant much? You can make an argument for such, but you will lose. The Declaration was not adopted as part of the Constitution, fact.
We have been generally a nation of Christians, but the government is secular per the Constitution.

Jefferson, a deist, used enlightenment language in referring to a Creator. He never uses Jesus or Jehovah or Christian denotation generally associated with acknowledging deity.
Reread my post, and please learn to read critically. I did not refer to the government. Unlike you lefties, I do not refer to the government of the United States as the United States.

And Jefferson - not a Deist, not a Christian, not anything - absolutely named the Christian God in the Declaration.

The Declaration of Independence carries no legal weight and is NOT a "governing" document - it is a "founding" document. We are governed by the Constitution.

Declaration of Independence and Christianity Myth
Um, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress.
That does not make it part of the US Constitution. Are you really this devious? Yet you are so easily found out.
Obamacare is not part of the Constitution, either. Good, it's not a law.

SCOTUS determines what the Constitution allows and supports. Many things we enjoy today are not "specifically" listed in the Constitution. The Constitution simply provides a framework.
Reread my post, and please learn to read critically. I did not refer to the government. Unlike you lefties, I do not refer to the government of the United States as the United States.

And Jefferson - not a Deist, not a Christian, not anything - absolutely named the Christian God in the Declaration.
Quit stuttering. I was replying in the form that best examined your comments in terms of what I was interested in. I am not interested in religious dogma, only in the government and its constitution. It is created to protect the civil liberties of all citizens, not just religionists.

Jefferson was a Deist not a Christian and he did not name the Christian God in the Declaration.

Laws of Nature and of Nature's God and Creator

Such were terms that deists and Christians both could climb on board with.

Jefferson recognized no miraculous virgin birth, no miracles, detested the priestcraft of the priesthood, etc, etc, etc.

He belonged to his Vestry because it was also the county government structure in Virginia.

He referred to himself as Christian, a sect of one (himself).

He created the Jefferson Bible by cutting out all the phantasms the which he abhorred.

Read more carefully.
If you were interested in the government and the Constitution, then why did you answer my post? Off topic much?

Supreme Judge and divine Providence were names the Americans could get on board with, too.

You have not read the Declaration, have you. Let alone, my posts.
Stuttering again, I see. Show me how in the Declaration that Jefferson was referring to the Christian God. You can't.
I just did. Are you daft?
The terms, as I told you, were compromises the deists AND christians could accept. That does not mean that Jesus or Jehovah are clearly mentioned in the document, because they are not. The signers merely recognized Jefferson's compromise language.
Yes, you are daft.
The names Supreme Judge and divine Providence appear throughout rabinnic and Christian literature. Nowhere else.
Get a clue, Son. Seriously.
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.

stupidest assertion ever. the country was intended to be secular. that is why we have a 1st amendment.

btw, the whole "under G-d" thing wasn't in the pledge until the mccarthy era and was a way of sticking it to the commies.

learn your history.
Quit stuttering. I was replying in the form that best examined your comments in terms of what I was interested in. I am not interested in religious dogma, only in the government and its constitution. It is created to protect the civil liberties of all citizens, not just religionists.

Jefferson was a Deist not a Christian and he did not name the Christian God in the Declaration.

Laws of Nature and of Nature's God and Creator

Such were terms that deists and Christians both could climb on board with.

Jefferson recognized no miraculous virgin birth, no miracles, detested the priestcraft of the priesthood, etc, etc, etc.

He belonged to his Vestry because it was also the county government structure in Virginia.

He referred to himself as Christian, a sect of one (himself).

He created the Jefferson Bible by cutting out all the phantasms the which he abhorred.

Read more carefully.
If you were interested in the government and the Constitution, then why did you answer my post? Off topic much?

Supreme Judge and divine Providence were names the Americans could get on board with, too.

You have not read the Declaration, have you. Let alone, my posts.
Stuttering again, I see. Show me how in the Declaration that Jefferson was referring to the Christian God. You can't.
I just did. Are you daft?
The terms, as I told you, were compromises the deists AND christians could accept. That does not mean that Jesus or Jehovah are clearly mentioned in the document, because they are not. The signers merely recognized Jefferson's compromise language.
Yes, you are daft.
The names Supreme Judge and divine Providence appear throughout rabinnic and Christian literature. Nowhere else.
Get a clue, Son. Seriously.
But in this case are sops to the Christians so that the freedom of religion and non-Christians could all sign on together.

No one Jesus, or Jehovah, or Daddy God. Nor of the Christian religion.

Same same with the Consitution.

So you are a returned LDS missionary to Norway.
We have been generally a nation of Christians, but the government is secular per the Constitution.

Jefferson, a deist, used enlightenment language in referring to a Creator. He never uses Jesus or Jehovah or Christian denotation generally associated with acknowledging deity.
Reread my post, and please learn to read critically. I did not refer to the government. Unlike you lefties, I do not refer to the government of the United States as the United States.

And Jefferson - not a Deist, not a Christian, not anything - absolutely named the Christian God in the Declaration.

The Declaration of Independence carries no legal weight and is NOT a "governing" document - it is a "founding" document. We are governed by the Constitution.

Declaration of Independence and Christianity Myth
Um, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress.
That does not make it part of the US Constitution. Are you really this devious? Yet you are so easily found out.
Obamacare is not part of the Constitution, either. Good, it's not a law.

you don't know much about our system of law, do you? our laws are comprised of the constitution, it's caselaw and all of our federal, state, municipal laws. they don't have to be included in the constitution to be constitutional. they just can't be prohibited. and the ACA has already been upheld.

so what are you talking about?
You are stutter writing. You are not an expert on what is "genuine LDS faith."

I have been a member of the genuine LDS faith for my entire life, more than half a century, as have been all my ancestors for a few generations back. I have at least one great-great-grandfather who is known to have directly associated with Joseph Smith.

I think I have a solid basis on which to claim far more expertise on the subject, than you could possibly have—and certainly more credibility than anyone who thinks that the genuine Mormon faith has anything meaningful to do with some of the more bizarre, distant offshoots thereof.

So you better start reading and writing more carefully. Your leaders are still making bizarre decisions, the latest being problematic "Gospel Topics" essays and persecution of LDS children of LGBT parents.

The issue the SLC-based denomination is facing is that two generations of converts want a more mainstream church and the millennial youth born into the church who demand such a church.

The white ancient Rocky Mountain pioneer descendants' leadership must start fishing and stop cutting bait. If they don't change, the genxrs and millennials will in the next twenty years.

The Mormon church's policies regarding homosexuality and other forms of sexual immorality and perversion are the same as those of every other Christian church except for those which have openly and willfully rebelled against the God that they now falsely profess to worship..

Not to speak for other churches, but this church is not a democracy, run according to the vicissitudes of a corrupt and unstable society; it is run by prophets who take their policy from God; and it has, and will continue to be run according to God's will, and not according the the folly of mortal men.

If the “genxrs and millennials” want a church of men, rather than a church of God, then there are other churches out there that they will find more to their liking.
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If you were interested in the government and the Constitution, then why did you answer my post? Off topic much?

Supreme Judge and divine Providence were names the Americans could get on board with, too.

You have not read the Declaration, have you. Let alone, my posts.
Stuttering again, I see. Show me how in the Declaration that Jefferson was referring to the Christian God. You can't.
I just did. Are you daft?
The terms, as I told you, were compromises the deists AND christians could accept. That does not mean that Jesus or Jehovah are clearly mentioned in the document, because they are not. The signers merely recognized Jefferson's compromise language.
Yes, you are daft.
The names Supreme Judge and divine Providence appear throughout rabinnic and Christian literature. Nowhere else.
Get a clue, Son. Seriously.
But in this case are sops to the Christians so that the freedom of religion and non-Christians could all sign on together.

No one Jesus, or Jehovah, or Daddy God. Nor of the Christian religion.

Same same with the Consitution.

So you are a returned LDS missionary to Norway.
You're making less sense than usual.

Take a break, maybe. Have a life.
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.

There is no god. Men wrote the stories that make up your bibles. Men wrote stories that make up all religion's documents.

Every nation that had belief in god/s has crumbled in the past. No amount of submission to fantasy has ever done a single thing to improve human life. Prayers do nothing. Religion is a fraud. There is no Santa Claus. There is no tooth fairy. Grow up and take full responsibility for yourself and those you choose to call friends.
I bet Christmas is fun around your house.

I have pity for those that are bribed into believing in that crap. I choose to give what I can when it means the most. Obviously I reject your rituals.
"endowed by their creator" "in God we trust". Yes, the first amendment allows free speech and the practice of the religion, or not, of your choice. We do not have a national religion like muslim countries. But our constitution is based on views of right and wrong as taught by all religions.

When the leaders of a country denigrate religion, or in Obama's case Christianity, the end result will be chaos. Read the run up to the Third Reich if you care to learn from history.
I'd say that Christianity has been our national religion. It was never our official religion, but the probity of the God of Abraham and the New Testament bestowed upon us the assurance that our cessession from the commonwealth was under His guidance and protection. Per the Declaration of Independence.
We have been generally a nation of Christians, but the government is secular per the Constitution.

Jefferson, a deist, used enlightenment language in referring to a Creator. He never uses Jesus or Jehovah or Christian denotation generally associated with acknowledging deity.
Reread my post, and please learn to read critically. I did not refer to the government. Unlike you lefties, I do not refer to the government of the United States as the United States.

And Jefferson - not a Deist, not a Christian, not anything - absolutely named the Christian God in the Declaration.

The Declaration of Independence carries no legal weight and is NOT a "governing" document - it is a "founding" document. We are governed by the Constitution.

Declaration of Independence and Christianity Myth
Um, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress.

Let me dumb it down for you. Think of the Declaration of Independence as the colonists filing for divorce from England.

The Declaration of Independence is the statement adopted by the Second Continental Congress meeting at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 4, 1776, which announced that the thirteen American colonies,[2] then at war with the Kingdom of Great Britain, regarded themselves as thirteen newly independent sovereign states, and no longer under British rule.

United States Declaration of Independence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reread my post, and please learn to read critically. I did not refer to the government. Unlike you lefties, I do not refer to the government of the United States as the United States.

And Jefferson - not a Deist, not a Christian, not anything - absolutely named the Christian God in the Declaration.

The Declaration of Independence carries no legal weight and is NOT a "governing" document - it is a "founding" document. We are governed by the Constitution.

Declaration of Independence and Christianity Myth
Um, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress.
That does not make it part of the US Constitution. Are you really this devious? Yet you are so easily found out.
Obamacare is not part of the Constitution, either. Good, it's not a law.

you don't know much about our system of law, do you? our laws are comprised of the constitution, it's caselaw and all of our federal, state, municipal laws. they don't have to be included in the constitution to be constitutional. they just can't be prohibited. and the ACA has already been upheld.

so what are you talking about?
What are you babbling about? Who said laws had to be included in the Constitution?

Who - wha - eh?

Join you buddy Jake; you two should have a most captivating conversation.
The Declaration of Independence carries no legal weight and is NOT a "governing" document - it is a "founding" document. We are governed by the Constitution.

Declaration of Independence and Christianity Myth
Um, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress.
That does not make it part of the US Constitution. Are you really this devious? Yet you are so easily found out.
Obamacare is not part of the Constitution, either. Good, it's not a law.

you don't know much about our system of law, do you? our laws are comprised of the constitution, it's caselaw and all of our federal, state, municipal laws. they don't have to be included in the constitution to be constitutional. they just can't be prohibited. and the ACA has already been upheld.

so what are you talking about?
What are you babbling about? Who said laws had to be included in the Constitution?

Who - wha - eh?

Join you buddy Jake; you two should have a most captivating conversation.

no one is babbling, religious nutter. you said that the ACA was not included in the constitution so was not law.

are you so stupid that you don't remember what you posted moments ago?

or is it that you don't have the level of comprehension to understand the response?
Um, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress.
That does not make it part of the US Constitution. Are you really this devious? Yet you are so easily found out.
Obamacare is not part of the Constitution, either. Good, it's not a law.

you don't know much about our system of law, do you? our laws are comprised of the constitution, it's caselaw and all of our federal, state, municipal laws. they don't have to be included in the constitution to be constitutional. they just can't be prohibited. and the ACA has already been upheld.

so what are you talking about?
What are you babbling about? Who said laws had to be included in the Constitution?

Who - wha - eh?

Join you buddy Jake; you two should have a most captivating conversation.

no one is babbling, religious nutter. you said that the ACA was not included in the constitution so was not law.
Oh, good grief.

Sarcasm, Sweetheart.
I am opening a new thread for those who are interested in the LDS church harming children, so we don't troll "Under Gods".

Bob Blaylock, the LDS Church, and the church's harming of children (opening a new thread)

You are stutter writing. You are not an expert on what is "genuine LDS faith."

I have been a member of the genuine LDS faith for my entire life, more than half a century, as have been all my ancestors for a few generations back. I have at least one great-great-grandfather who is known to have directly associated with Joseph Smith.

I think I have a solid basis on which to claim far more expertise on the subject, than you could possibly have—and certainly more credibility than anyone who thinks that the genuine Mormon faith has anything meaningful to do with some of the more bizarre, distant offshoots thereof.

So you better start reading and writing more carefully. Your leaders are still making bizarre decisions, the latest being problematic "Gospel Topics" essays and persecution of LDS children of LGBT parents.

The issue the SLC-based denomination is facing is that two generations of converts want a more mainstream church and the millennial youth born into the church who demand such a church.

The white ancient Rocky Mountain pioneer descendants' leadership must start fishing and stop cutting bait. If they don't change, the genxrs and millennials will in the next twenty years.

The Mormon church's policies regarding homosexuality and other forms of sexual immorality and perversion are the same as those of every other Christian church except for those which have openly and willfully rebelled against the God that they now falsely profess to worship..

Not to speak for other churches, but this church is not a democracy, run according to the vicissitudes of a corrupt and unstable society; it is run by prophets who take their policy from God; and it has, and will continue to be run according to God's will, and not according the the folly of mortal men.

If the “genxrs and millennials” want a church of men, rather than a church of God, then there are other churches out there that they will find more to their liking.

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