Under God

When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.

So when did you abandon god?

foolish question, I did not, and there are millions like me. But many others have abandoned God and either worship the state or themselves.
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.

You mean like when the country was "under God" you could be arrested for opening your business on a Sunday?

You mean like when the country was "under God" black people were being dragged out of their homes and lynched and had crosses burned in their yards?

You mean like when the country was "under God" the northern part and the southern part slaughtered each other for five years?

You mean like when the country was "under God" people were imprisoned for drinking alcohol?

The fact of the matter is nobody in this country is prevented from following their religious beliefs and raising their families accordingly. What people like you really mean when you say the country has turned away from God is that you can no longer use the government to force me and everyone else to adhere to YOUR particular religion's beliefs.

nice try, but none of those things were supported or condoned by people who practiced God's teachings.

Haha, nice try, but


This country was far more religious in those days. Not being able to open your business on Sunday was due to Sunday being observance of the Lord's day. The same men hanging brown people from trees in their pointed hoods could be seen sitting in church every Sunday. The Prohibition movement can be traced back to a woman named Carrie Nation who was an ultra religious screwball and thought alcohol and tight clothes on woman was a sin in God's eyes.

If you're going to say that these acts were supported nor condoned by people who practiced God's teachings, despite several instances of them actually admitting so, then I assume you judge the actions of ISIS similarly compared to Islam?

No, of course you don't.

Yes, there was Godlessness in our past, and its returning because of confused people like you.

Good. We don't need mythology to understand the difference of right and wrong. Religion oppresses people's free will.
I know there are folks that believe that there is no such thing as God in the first place. You also have those that do not actually believe that the ultimate omni present spirit with humans could possibly exist and of course those cannot perceive that guidance instructions could be given through people that have dedicated themselves to try to be holy before that spirit in every way that they could. In that denial they also cannot accept the fact that instructions to live by were given to humans that lived long before they were a twinkle in their daddy's eyes. We also have those who rather think to the flesh verses try to walk in that spirit. In all of that there is a place where a majority can and does turn their backs on God. When that happens and people follow these ignorant and blind souls and the confusion ensues. Many who thought they were committed to God do turn their backs on God as they attempt to live forever in their own sins. This does not mean that their souls won't be saved but it can mean that they are in for a lot of fiery trials and tribulation. This does not mean that they have the right to pull the others down into their own pits of despair through their own ignorance and sins. A cloak of skins given to the human to help cover their own shame (nakedness) was never intended as a covering to be wolves disguised as sheep in the flock. So all the little immature cry babies need to get over themselves as they do not get to take all the others down into their dark holes with them.
We don't need mythology to understand the difference of right and wrong. Religion oppresses people's free will.

I hope you didn't give those statements too much thought. Otherwise, you might have to explain how you understand right and wrong. But remember, don't be judgemental...
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No country can ever abandon God, Redfish. Who can ever make God go away? But since you are an atheist, this is a troll thread. So, mods, please put this in the flame zone.

Atheist? where did you get such a foolish idea? I am a devout Christian and practicing Methodist. Why would you say such a thing?
No devout christian Methodist is a racist: that is not possible. You are clearly an atheist if you continue to make decisions based on race.

This nation has never abandoned God.
are you on drugs? I am not a racist. I practice the words of MLK, I do not judge by skin color, I judge by actions and words, and based on that I judge you to be an idiot who should be institutionalized for lunacy no matter what color you are. You on the left are trying to get God taken off our money, out of our pledge, and out of our schools. YOU are exactly what you claim not to be. the moral code of this country, and most civilized nations, is based on judeo Christian teachings of what is right and what is wrong.
God is not going anywhere, you lunatic. He does not need your atheistic help. You are an atheist because you do not know Him. Our moral codes are based on certain religious values and secular ethics, which can be found in all cultures.
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.

You mean like when the country was "under God" you could be arrested for opening your business on a Sunday?

You mean like when the country was "under God" black people were being dragged out of their homes and lynched and had crosses burned in their yards?

You mean like when the country was "under God" the northern part and the southern part slaughtered each other for five years?

You mean like when the country was "under God" people were imprisoned for drinking alcohol?

The fact of the matter is nobody in this country is prevented from following their religious beliefs and raising their families accordingly. What people like you really mean when you say the country has turned away from God is that you can no longer use the government to force me and everyone else to adhere to YOUR particular religion's beliefs.

nice try, but none of those things were supported or condoned by people who practiced God's teachings.

Yes, there was Godlessness in our past, and its returning because of confused people like you.
Yes, Christians supported blue laws. Yes, Christians supported lynchings of black people and burning crosses. Yes, Christians supported temperance and arresting those who drank alcohol.

Redfish, you no longer believe in God because you are telling lies about Him.
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.
Ignorant nonsense.

The country didn’t ‘abandon “god”’; the notion is sophomoric idiocy.

Following the original intent of the Framers to keep church and state separate has no bearing whatsoever on current events.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence reflects the original understanding of the Founding Generation that government should not seek to promote or advance religious dogma, or become excessively entangled in religious dogma, and that when government concerns itself with religion it is to do so only in a secular context.

Indeed, the purpose of the First Amendment is to safeguard citizens’ religious liberties from the ignorance and stupidity advanced by the thread premise.

So many words, so little understanding. The First Amendment prohibited the Federal Government from establishing a national religion (e.g., the Church of England). It did not prohibit the States from recognizing their own predominant religions until the 14th Amendment provided an excuse through the invention of "reverse incorporation."
You fool. The states eliminated the last incorporated religions almost forty years before the 14th Amendment. Reverse incorporation protects you gun nuts as well as the atheists.
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.
Funny ha-ha.

Funny sad too.
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.
Ignorant nonsense.

The country didn’t ‘abandon “god”’; the notion is sophomoric idiocy.

Following the original intent of the Framers to keep church and state separate has no bearing whatsoever on current events.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence reflects the original understanding of the Founding Generation that government should not seek to promote or advance religious dogma, or become excessively entangled in religious dogma, and that when government concerns itself with religion it is to do so only in a secular context.

Indeed, the purpose of the First Amendment is to safeguard citizens’ religious liberties from the ignorance and stupidity advanced by the thread premise.

"endowed by their creator" "in God we trust". Yes, the first amendment allows free speech and the practice of the religion, or not, of your choice. We do not have a national religion like muslim countries. But our constitution is based on views of right and wrong as taught by all religions.

When the leaders of a country denigrate religion, or in Obama's case Christianity, the end result will be chaos. Read the run up to the Third Reich if you care to learn from history.
I'd say that Christianity has been our national religion. It was never our official religion, but the probity of the God of Abraham and the New Testament bestowed upon us the assurance that our cessession from the commonwealth was under His guidance and protection.

Per the Declaration of Independence.
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.

You mean like when the country was "under God" you could be arrested for opening your business on a Sunday?

You mean like when the country was "under God" black people were being dragged out of their homes and lynched and had crosses burned in their yards?

You mean like when the country was "under God" the northern part and the southern part slaughtered each other for five years?

You mean like when the country was "under God" people were imprisoned for drinking alcohol?

The fact of the matter is nobody in this country is prevented from following their religious beliefs and raising their families accordingly. What people like you really mean when you say the country has turned away from God is that you can no longer use the government to force me and everyone else to adhere to YOUR particular religion's beliefs.

nice try, but none of those things were supported or condoned by people who practiced God's teachings.

Haha, nice try, but


This country was far more religious in those days. Not being able to open your business on Sunday was due to Sunday being observance of the Lord's day. The same men hanging brown people from trees in their pointed hoods could be seen sitting in church every Sunday. The Prohibition movement can be traced back to a woman named Carrie Nation who was an ultra religious screwball and thought alcohol and tight clothes on woman was a sin in God's eyes.

If you're going to say that these acts were supported nor condoned by people who practiced God's teachings, despite several instances of them actually admitting so, then I assume you judge the actions of ISIS similarly compared to Islam?

No, of course you don't.

Yes, there was Godlessness in our past, and its returning because of confused people like you.

Good. We don't need mythology to understand the difference of right and wrong. Religion oppresses people's free will.

the people you mentioned were hypocrites, they did not practice what they claimed to believe. They were much like the democrats and liberals of today.
No country can ever abandon God, Redfish. Who can ever make God go away? But since you are an atheist, this is a troll thread. So, mods, please put this in the flame zone.

Atheist? where did you get such a foolish idea? I am a devout Christian and practicing Methodist. Why would you say such a thing?
No devout christian Methodist is a racist: that is not possible. You are clearly an atheist if you continue to make decisions based on race.

This nation has never abandoned God.
are you on drugs? I am not a racist. I practice the words of MLK, I do not judge by skin color, I judge by actions and words, and based on that I judge you to be an idiot who should be institutionalized for lunacy no matter what color you are. You on the left are trying to get God taken off our money, out of our pledge, and out of our schools. YOU are exactly what you claim not to be. the moral code of this country, and most civilized nations, is based on judeo Christian teachings of what is right and what is wrong.
God is not going anywhere, you lunatic. He does not need your atheistic help. You are an atheist because you do not know Him. Our moral codes are based on certain religious values and secular ethics, which can be found in all cultures.

you are the lunatic here, jakey boy.

you are correct that our morals and ethics come from religious values as well as secular ethics, and that SOME of them can be found in all cultures. In muslim countries the Koran is also the book of legal statutes and laws. That is where we differ from them.

There is a clear movement in this country to subvert God to the state and the elites who rule. When the people believe in a higher power, the power of the state is limited, and that is exactly what the founders intended.

What you libs don't realize is that you are asking for a North Korea type system where no dissent is permitted and nothing is valued higher than the words of the supreme ruler.

You fools would turn obozo into Kim.
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.

If you're talking about a Christian God and if your criteria for success is how many people self Identify as Christians in a given country, I think you must be saying Equatorial Guinea and Mexico are more successful countries than the USofA - am I wrong about that?

But if what you're talking about is just the total number of people that self-identify as Christian then you're probably talking about the USofA, er uh, at least the most evangie areas of the USofA - in the USofA the states that self-identify as the most evangie are coincidentally the same states, with the most lax gun laws, the most gun ownership and-----and of course, it follows that the states with the most guns are also the same states with the most gun violence.

Based on your cause and effect scenario, if you live in a high evangie/Christian area, the more likely it is that you'll die-----you'll die at the muzzle of a gun - evangies have a higher percentage of homiciders and suiciders than the more sane parts of the country.

It is happening all around us, and the most amazing thing to see is the blindness and denial from those who will not acknowledge it, in spite of the proof that surrounds them.
Particularly some of the Latter Day Saint denominations. Good post, bob.
are those the bastards that keep rolling up to my house on bicycles trying to save me before I finish my first cup of coffee in the morning?
not sure Jesus would knock on my door that early unless he was bringing fresh donuts or something.
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.

Someday the sun will burn out and the human race will cease to exist. Why do you care about supernatural beings?
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.

Well, we have one candidate for President who has been married for decades, another who is a confessed adulterer and on his 3rd wife and wants to nail his daughter.

Which one are you supporting?
Well, we have one candidate for President who has been married for decades, another who is a confessed adulterer and on his 3rd wife and wants to nail his daughter.

Which one are you supporting?

Given that choice, which I will admit is far short of the choice that I'd ideally like to have, I will support the one who was not a willing and knowing accessory to multiple known instances of violent rape and sexual assault perpetrated by her scumbag husband.

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