Under God

Well, we have one candidate for President who has been married for decades, another who is a confessed adulterer and on his 3rd wife and wants to nail his daughter.

Which one are you supporting?

Given that choice, which I will admit is far short of the choice that I'd ideally like to have, I will support the one who was not a willing and knowing accessory to multiple known instances of violent rape and sexual assault

You’re right; Trump was Mike Tyson’s manager briefly. Good call.
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.

Well, I guess that the religious Right want allow us to escape their preaching, even on the politics form.
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.
Ignorant nonsense.

The country didn’t ‘abandon “god”’; the notion is sophomoric idiocy.

Following the original intent of the Framers to keep church and state separate has no bearing whatsoever on current events.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence reflects the original understanding of the Founding Generation that government should not seek to promote or advance religious dogma, or become excessively entangled in religious dogma, and that when government concerns itself with religion it is to do so only in a secular context.

Indeed, the purpose of the First Amendment is to safeguard citizens’ religious liberties from the ignorance and stupidity advanced by the thread premise.

"endowed by their creator" "in God we trust". Yes, the first amendment allows free speech and the practice of the religion, or not, of your choice. We do not have a national religion like muslim countries. But our constitution is based on views of right and wrong as taught by all religions.

When the leaders of a country denigrate religion, or in Obama's case Christianity, the end result will be chaos. Read the run up to the Third Reich if you care to learn from history.
I'd say that Christianity has been our national religion. It was never our official religion, but the probity of the God of Abraham and the New Testament bestowed upon us the assurance that our cessession from the commonwealth was under His guidance and protection. Per the Declaration of Independence.
We have been generally a nation of Christians, but the government is secular per the Constitution.

Jefferson, a deist, used enlightenment language in referring to a Creator. He never uses Jesus or Jehovah or Christian denotation generally associated with acknowledging deity.
No country can ever abandon God, Redfish. Who can ever make God go away? But since you are an atheist, this is a troll thread. So, mods, please put this in the flame zone.

Atheist? where did you get such a foolish idea? I am a devout Christian and practicing Methodist. Why would you say such a thing?
No devout christian Methodist is a racist: that is not possible. You are clearly an atheist if you continue to make decisions based on race.

This nation has never abandoned God.
are you on drugs? I am not a racist. I practice the words of MLK, I do not judge by skin color, I judge by actions and words, and based on that I judge you to be an idiot who should be institutionalized for lunacy no matter what color you are. You on the left are trying to get God taken off our money, out of our pledge, and out of our schools. YOU are exactly what you claim not to be. the moral code of this country, and most civilized nations, is based on judeo Christian teachings of what is right and what is wrong.
God is not going anywhere, you lunatic. He does not need your atheistic help. You are an atheist because you do not know Him. Our moral codes are based on certain religious values and secular ethics, which can be found in all cultures.

you are the lunatic here, jakey boy.

you are correct that our morals and ethics come from religious values as well as secular ethics, and that SOME of them can be found in all cultures. In muslim countries the Koran is also the book of legal statutes and laws. That is where we differ from them.

There is a clear movement in this country to subvert God to the state and the elites who rule. When the people believe in a higher power, the power of the state is limited, and that is exactly what the founders intended. What you libs don't realize is that you are asking for a North Korea type system where no dissent is permitted and nothing is valued higher than the words of the supreme ruler.

You fools would turn obozo into Kim.
There is a clear movement in the US to subvert God to the far right evangelicals who wish to rule America as they believe it should be, although they are a small minority. Thus, they like the radical jihadists, say God is on their side.

The far right wishes to impose a North Korean elite that governs us all in the name of God.

Not going to happen.
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.

Well, I guess that the religious Right want allow us to escape their preaching, even on the politics form.

That's my biggest gripe with religious nuts - they want to force their delusional nuttery into our politics and dictate how we all live.
Well, we have one candidate for President who has been married for decades, another who is a confessed adulterer and on his 3rd wife and wants to nail his daughter.

Which one are you supporting?

Given that choice, which I will admit is far short of the choice that I'd ideally like to have, I will support the one who was not a willing and knowing accessory to multiple known instances of violent rape and sexual assault perpetrated by her scumbag husband.
Bob, you may not be a worse person than HRC or DT, but certain denominations of the LDS horribly abuse women and girls and children.

Almost never listen to a Mormon talking about sexual perversions of other people. Many of them are the ones who like Joseph Smith as a marriage guide. Plese do not give us Mormon nonsense, Bob, because many of your co-religionists are not a decent example of good Mormonism.

Everyone should be wary of the Lakhotas and Bob Blaylocks and the rest when they talk for or against religion.
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When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.
Ignorant nonsense.

The country didn’t ‘abandon “god”’; the notion is sophomoric idiocy.

Following the original intent of the Framers to keep church and state separate has no bearing whatsoever on current events.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence reflects the original understanding of the Founding Generation that government should not seek to promote or advance religious dogma, or become excessively entangled in religious dogma, and that when government concerns itself with religion it is to do so only in a secular context.

Indeed, the purpose of the First Amendment is to safeguard citizens’ religious liberties from the ignorance and stupidity advanced by the thread premise.

"endowed by their creator" "in God we trust". Yes, the first amendment allows free speech and the practice of the religion, or not, of your choice. We do not have a national religion like muslim countries. But our constitution is based on views of right and wrong as taught by all religions.

When the leaders of a country denigrate religion, or in Obama's case Christianity, the end result will be chaos. Read the run up to the Third Reich if you care to learn from history.
I'd say that Christianity has been our national religion. It was never our official religion, but the probity of the God of Abraham and the New Testament bestowed upon us the assurance that our cessession from the commonwealth was under His guidance and protection. Per the Declaration of Independence.
We have been generally a nation of Christians, but the government is secular per the Constitution.

Jefferson, a deist, used enlightenment language in referring to a Creator. He never uses Jesus or Jehovah or Christian denotation generally associated with acknowledging deity.
Reread my post, and please learn to read critically. I did not refer to the government. Unlike you lefties, I do not refer to the government of the United States as the United States.

And Jefferson - not a Deist, not a Christian, not anything - absolutely named the Christian God in the Declaration.
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.
Ignorant nonsense.

The country didn’t ‘abandon “god”’; the notion is sophomoric idiocy.

Following the original intent of the Framers to keep church and state separate has no bearing whatsoever on current events.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence reflects the original understanding of the Founding Generation that government should not seek to promote or advance religious dogma, or become excessively entangled in religious dogma, and that when government concerns itself with religion it is to do so only in a secular context.

Indeed, the purpose of the First Amendment is to safeguard citizens’ religious liberties from the ignorance and stupidity advanced by the thread premise.

"endowed by their creator" "in God we trust". Yes, the first amendment allows free speech and the practice of the religion, or not, of your choice. We do not have a national religion like muslim countries. But our constitution is based on views of right and wrong as taught by all religions.

When the leaders of a country denigrate religion, or in Obama's case Christianity, the end result will be chaos. Read the run up to the Third Reich if you care to learn from history.
I'd say that Christianity has been our national religion. It was never our official religion, but the probity of the God of Abraham and the New Testament bestowed upon us the assurance that our cessession from the commonwealth was under His guidance and protection. Per the Declaration of Independence.
We have been generally a nation of Christians, but the government is secular per the Constitution.

Jefferson, a deist, used enlightenment language in referring to a Creator. He never uses Jesus or Jehovah or Christian denotation generally associated with acknowledging deity.
Reread my post, and please learn to read critically. I did not refer to the government. Unlike you lefties, I do not refer to the government of the United States as the United States.

And Jefferson - not a Deist, not a Christian, not anything - absolutely named the Christian God in the Declaration.

The Declaration of Independence carries no legal weight and is NOT a "governing" document - it is a "founding" document. We are governed by the Constitution.

Declaration of Independence and Christianity Myth
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.
Ignorant nonsense.

The country didn’t ‘abandon “god”’; the notion is sophomoric idiocy.

Following the original intent of the Framers to keep church and state separate has no bearing whatsoever on current events.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence reflects the original understanding of the Founding Generation that government should not seek to promote or advance religious dogma, or become excessively entangled in religious dogma, and that when government concerns itself with religion it is to do so only in a secular context.

Indeed, the purpose of the First Amendment is to safeguard citizens’ religious liberties from the ignorance and stupidity advanced by the thread premise.

"endowed by their creator" "in God we trust". Yes, the first amendment allows free speech and the practice of the religion, or not, of your choice. We do not have a national religion like muslim countries. But our constitution is based on views of right and wrong as taught by all religions.

When the leaders of a country denigrate religion, or in Obama's case Christianity, the end result will be chaos. Read the run up to the Third Reich if you care to learn from history.
I'd say that Christianity has been our national religion. It was never our official religion, but the probity of the God of Abraham and the New Testament bestowed upon us the assurance that our cessession from the commonwealth was under His guidance and protection. Per the Declaration of Independence.
We have been generally a nation of Christians, but the government is secular per the Constitution.

Jefferson, a deist, used enlightenment language in referring to a Creator. He never uses Jesus or Jehovah or Christian denotation generally associated with acknowledging deity.
Reread my post, and please learn to read critically. I did not refer to the government. Unlike you lefties, I do not refer to the government of the United States as the United States.

And Jefferson - not a Deist, not a Christian, not anything - absolutely named the Christian God in the Declaration.
Quit stuttering. I was replying in the form that best examined your comments in terms of what I was interested in. I am not interested in religious dogma, only in the government and its constitution. It is created to protect the civil liberties of all citizens, not just religionists.

Jefferson was a Deist not a Christian and he did not name the Christian God in the Declaration.

Laws of Nature and of Nature's God and Creator

Such were terms that deists and Christians both could climb on board with.

Jefferson recognized no miraculous virgin birth, no miracles, detested the priestcraft of the priesthood, etc, etc, etc.

He belonged to his Vestry because it was also the county government structure in Virginia.

He referred to himself as Christian, a sect of one (himself). He, however, with Madison prevented Governor Patrick Henry from created an established religion in Virginia.

He created the Jefferson Bible by cutting out all the phantasms the which he abhorred.

Read more carefully.
Last edited:
Bob, you may not be a worse person than HRC or DT, but certain denominations of the LDS horribly abuse women and girls and children.

Almost never listen to a Mormon talking about sexual perversions of other people. Many of them are the ones who like Joseph Smith as a marriage guide. Plese [sic] do not give us Mormon nonsense, Bob, because many of your co-religionists are not a decent example of good Mormonism.

The “certain denominations of the LDS” of which you speak have nothing to do with the genuine LDS faith, other than a distant historical connection. They are not my “co-religionists”, and neither I nor my religion are responsible for them and their abuses. They split off from us more than a century ago, and went off into some very bizarre and twisted directions that are not at all reflective of genuine LDS doctrine or practices.
Ignorant nonsense.

The country didn’t ‘abandon “god”’; the notion is sophomoric idiocy.

Following the original intent of the Framers to keep church and state separate has no bearing whatsoever on current events.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence reflects the original understanding of the Founding Generation that government should not seek to promote or advance religious dogma, or become excessively entangled in religious dogma, and that when government concerns itself with religion it is to do so only in a secular context.

Indeed, the purpose of the First Amendment is to safeguard citizens’ religious liberties from the ignorance and stupidity advanced by the thread premise.

"endowed by their creator" "in God we trust". Yes, the first amendment allows free speech and the practice of the religion, or not, of your choice. We do not have a national religion like muslim countries. But our constitution is based on views of right and wrong as taught by all religions.

When the leaders of a country denigrate religion, or in Obama's case Christianity, the end result will be chaos. Read the run up to the Third Reich if you care to learn from history.
I'd say that Christianity has been our national religion. It was never our official religion, but the probity of the God of Abraham and the New Testament bestowed upon us the assurance that our cessession from the commonwealth was under His guidance and protection. Per the Declaration of Independence.
We have been generally a nation of Christians, but the government is secular per the Constitution.

Jefferson, a deist, used enlightenment language in referring to a Creator. He never uses Jesus or Jehovah or Christian denotation generally associated with acknowledging deity.
Reread my post, and please learn to read critically. I did not refer to the government. Unlike you lefties, I do not refer to the government of the United States as the United States.

And Jefferson - not a Deist, not a Christian, not anything - absolutely named the Christian God in the Declaration.
Quit stuttering. I was replying in the form that best examined your comments in terms of what I was interested in. I am not interested in religious dogma, only in the government and its constitution. It is created to protect the civil liberties of all citizens, not just religionists.

Jefferson was a Deist not a Christian and he did not name the Christian God in the Declaration.

Laws of Nature and of Nature's God and Creator

Such were terms that deists and Christians both could climb on board with.

Jefferson recognized no miraculous virgin birth, no miracles, detested the priestcraft of the priesthood, etc, etc, etc.

He belonged to his Vestry because it was also the county government structure in Virginia.

He referred to himself as Christian, a sect of one (himself).

He created the Jefferson Bible by cutting out all the phantasms the which he abhorred.

Read more carefully.
If you were interested in the government and the Constitution, then why did you answer my post? Off topic much?

Supreme Judge and divine Providence were names the Americans could get on board with, too.

You have not read the Declaration, have you. Let alone, my posts.
Ignorant nonsense.

The country didn’t ‘abandon “god”’; the notion is sophomoric idiocy.

Following the original intent of the Framers to keep church and state separate has no bearing whatsoever on current events.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence reflects the original understanding of the Founding Generation that government should not seek to promote or advance religious dogma, or become excessively entangled in religious dogma, and that when government concerns itself with religion it is to do so only in a secular context.

Indeed, the purpose of the First Amendment is to safeguard citizens’ religious liberties from the ignorance and stupidity advanced by the thread premise.

"endowed by their creator" "in God we trust". Yes, the first amendment allows free speech and the practice of the religion, or not, of your choice. We do not have a national religion like muslim countries. But our constitution is based on views of right and wrong as taught by all religions.

When the leaders of a country denigrate religion, or in Obama's case Christianity, the end result will be chaos. Read the run up to the Third Reich if you care to learn from history.
I'd say that Christianity has been our national religion. It was never our official religion, but the probity of the God of Abraham and the New Testament bestowed upon us the assurance that our cessession from the commonwealth was under His guidance and protection. Per the Declaration of Independence.
We have been generally a nation of Christians, but the government is secular per the Constitution.

Jefferson, a deist, used enlightenment language in referring to a Creator. He never uses Jesus or Jehovah or Christian denotation generally associated with acknowledging deity.
Reread my post, and please learn to read critically. I did not refer to the government. Unlike you lefties, I do not refer to the government of the United States as the United States.

And Jefferson - not a Deist, not a Christian, not anything - absolutely named the Christian God in the Declaration.

The Declaration of Independence carries no legal weight and is NOT a "governing" document - it is a "founding" document. We are governed by the Constitution.

Declaration of Independence and Christianity Myth
Um, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress.
Bob, you may not be a worse person than HRC or DT, but certain denominations of the LDS horribly abuse women and girls and children.

Almost never listen to a Mormon talking about sexual perversions of other people. Many of them are the ones who like Joseph Smith as a marriage guide. Plese [sic] do not give us Mormon nonsense, Bob, because many of your co-religionists are not a decent example of good Mormonism.

The “certain denominations of the LDS” of which you speak have nothing to do with the genuine LDS faith, other than a distant historical connection. They are not my “co-religionists”, and neither I nor my religion are responsible for them and their abuses. They split off from us more than a century ago, and went off into some very bizarre and twisted directions that are not at all reflective of genuine LDS doctrine or practices.
You are stutter writing. You are not an expert on what is "genuine LDS faith." The "distant" historical connection, you silly, is JOSEPH SMITH, the founder of polygamy and theo-democracy and chooser of crazies like Brigham Young and Parley Pratt in your LDS denomiantion. Brigham Young and John Taylor are the demi-gods of the active polygamous LDS denominations today.

So you better start reading and writing more carefully. Your leaders are still making bizarre decisions, the latest being problematic "Gospel Topics" essays and persecution of LDS children of LGBT parents.

The issue the SLC-based denomination is facing is that two generations of converts want a more mainstream church and the millennial youth born into the church who demand such a church.

The white ancient Rocky Mountain pioneer descendants' leadership must start fishing and stop cutting bait. If they don't change, the genxrs and millennials will in the next twenty years.
"endowed by their creator" "in God we trust". Yes, the first amendment allows free speech and the practice of the religion, or not, of your choice. We do not have a national religion like muslim countries. But our constitution is based on views of right and wrong as taught by all religions.

When the leaders of a country denigrate religion, or in Obama's case Christianity, the end result will be chaos. Read the run up to the Third Reich if you care to learn from history.
I'd say that Christianity has been our national religion. It was never our official religion, but the probity of the God of Abraham and the New Testament bestowed upon us the assurance that our cessession from the commonwealth was under His guidance and protection. Per the Declaration of Independence.
We have been generally a nation of Christians, but the government is secular per the Constitution.

Jefferson, a deist, used enlightenment language in referring to a Creator. He never uses Jesus or Jehovah or Christian denotation generally associated with acknowledging deity.
Reread my post, and please learn to read critically. I did not refer to the government. Unlike you lefties, I do not refer to the government of the United States as the United States.

And Jefferson - not a Deist, not a Christian, not anything - absolutely named the Christian God in the Declaration.
Quit stuttering. I was replying in the form that best examined your comments in terms of what I was interested in. I am not interested in religious dogma, only in the government and its constitution. It is created to protect the civil liberties of all citizens, not just religionists.

Jefferson was a Deist not a Christian and he did not name the Christian God in the Declaration.

Laws of Nature and of Nature's God and Creator

Such were terms that deists and Christians both could climb on board with.

Jefferson recognized no miraculous virgin birth, no miracles, detested the priestcraft of the priesthood, etc, etc, etc.

He belonged to his Vestry because it was also the county government structure in Virginia.

He referred to himself as Christian, a sect of one (himself).

He created the Jefferson Bible by cutting out all the phantasms the which he abhorred.

Read more carefully.
If you were interested in the government and the Constitution, then why did you answer my post? Off topic much?

Supreme Judge and divine Providence were names the Americans could get on board with, too.

You have not read the Declaration, have you. Let alone, my posts.
Stuttering again, I see. Show me how in the Declaration that Jefferson was referring to the Christian God. You can't.
"endowed by their creator" "in God we trust". Yes, the first amendment allows free speech and the practice of the religion, or not, of your choice. We do not have a national religion like muslim countries. But our constitution is based on views of right and wrong as taught by all religions.

When the leaders of a country denigrate religion, or in Obama's case Christianity, the end result will be chaos. Read the run up to the Third Reich if you care to learn from history.
I'd say that Christianity has been our national religion. It was never our official religion, but the probity of the God of Abraham and the New Testament bestowed upon us the assurance that our cessession from the commonwealth was under His guidance and protection. Per the Declaration of Independence.
We have been generally a nation of Christians, but the government is secular per the Constitution.

Jefferson, a deist, used enlightenment language in referring to a Creator. He never uses Jesus or Jehovah or Christian denotation generally associated with acknowledging deity.
Reread my post, and please learn to read critically. I did not refer to the government. Unlike you lefties, I do not refer to the government of the United States as the United States.

And Jefferson - not a Deist, not a Christian, not anything - absolutely named the Christian God in the Declaration.

The Declaration of Independence carries no legal weight and is NOT a "governing" document - it is a "founding" document. We are governed by the Constitution.

Declaration of Independence and Christianity Myth
Um, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress.
That does not make it part of the US Constitution. Are you really this devious? Yet you are so easily found out.
Norwegan: are you an American who formerly served an LDS mission to Norway?
I'd say that Christianity has been our national religion. It was never our official religion, but the probity of the God of Abraham and the New Testament bestowed upon us the assurance that our cessession from the commonwealth was under His guidance and protection. Per the Declaration of Independence.
We have been generally a nation of Christians, but the government is secular per the Constitution.

Jefferson, a deist, used enlightenment language in referring to a Creator. He never uses Jesus or Jehovah or Christian denotation generally associated with acknowledging deity.
Reread my post, and please learn to read critically. I did not refer to the government. Unlike you lefties, I do not refer to the government of the United States as the United States.

And Jefferson - not a Deist, not a Christian, not anything - absolutely named the Christian God in the Declaration.
Quit stuttering. I was replying in the form that best examined your comments in terms of what I was interested in. I am not interested in religious dogma, only in the government and its constitution. It is created to protect the civil liberties of all citizens, not just religionists.

Jefferson was a Deist not a Christian and he did not name the Christian God in the Declaration.

Laws of Nature and of Nature's God and Creator

Such were terms that deists and Christians both could climb on board with.

Jefferson recognized no miraculous virgin birth, no miracles, detested the priestcraft of the priesthood, etc, etc, etc.

He belonged to his Vestry because it was also the county government structure in Virginia.

He referred to himself as Christian, a sect of one (himself).

He created the Jefferson Bible by cutting out all the phantasms the which he abhorred.

Read more carefully.
If you were interested in the government and the Constitution, then why did you answer my post? Off topic much?

Supreme Judge and divine Providence were names the Americans could get on board with, too.

You have not read the Declaration, have you. Let alone, my posts.
Stuttering again, I see. Show me how in the Declaration that Jefferson was referring to the Christian God. You can't.
I just did. Are you daft?
I'd say that Christianity has been our national religion. It was never our official religion, but the probity of the God of Abraham and the New Testament bestowed upon us the assurance that our cessession from the commonwealth was under His guidance and protection. Per the Declaration of Independence.
We have been generally a nation of Christians, but the government is secular per the Constitution.

Jefferson, a deist, used enlightenment language in referring to a Creator. He never uses Jesus or Jehovah or Christian denotation generally associated with acknowledging deity.
Reread my post, and please learn to read critically. I did not refer to the government. Unlike you lefties, I do not refer to the government of the United States as the United States.

And Jefferson - not a Deist, not a Christian, not anything - absolutely named the Christian God in the Declaration.

The Declaration of Independence carries no legal weight and is NOT a "governing" document - it is a "founding" document. We are governed by the Constitution.

Declaration of Independence and Christianity Myth
Um, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress.
That does not make it part of the US Constitution. Are you really this devious? Yet you are so easily found out.
Obamacare is not part of the Constitution, either. Good, it's not a law.
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.

There is no god. Men wrote the stories that make up your bibles. Men wrote stories that make up all religion's documents.

Every nation that had belief in god/s has crumbled in the past. No amount of submission to fantasy has ever done a single thing to improve human life. Prayers do nothing. Religion is a fraud. There is no Santa Claus. There is no tooth fairy. Grow up and take full responsibility for yourself and those you choose to call friends.

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