Under God

When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.

Well, I guess that the religious Right want allow us to escape their preaching, even on the politics form.

when our political system dictates how and when religion can be practiced, the topic belongs in the politics forum. When our central government intrudes on the free practice of religion its a political issue.

Explain, in detail, how our political system dictates how and when a religion can be "practiced". Again, be very specific.
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.

So when did we abandon God ? How about a timeframe on when this happened ?

Maybe abandon was a poor choice of words on my part. What I am getting at is the federal government's moves to restrict the practice of religion (except islam).. No prayers to start the school day, no prayer before a high school football game, no nativity scenes, no menoras.

It doesn't have to be just Christian prayers. A school could do a Christian prayer, then a jewish prayer the next day, then a muslim prayer, then a hindu prayer, then a Shinto prayer, then a wicken prayer, and that last day say nothing for the atheists.

One of the things Hitler and all maniacal dictators do is prohibit the practice of religion, then they take away guns, then they denigrate the rich--------------sound familiar?
No one is stopping kids from praying at school, you just can't force people of different religions to adhere to one ideology of religion..

Wrong, group prayer is not allowed in public schools, no matter what religion is involved.

Equally important, the pledge of allegiance is no longer said at the beginning of the school day. Tell me, who is offended by pledging allegiance to his/her country?

No one is prevented from praying in school, no one. You can pray anytime you want and as often as you want. What you can't do is for anyone in the administration to lead students in prayer.

Would you want the Muslim teacher requiring a reading from the Quran every morning? No. You'd pitch a fit and fall into it if that happened. But, both the Muslim and the Christian student can privately pray anytime they want to. You know, the kind of prayer Jesus called for, not the public prayer he was vehemently opposed to.

But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. Mathew 6:6

And my children, in California public school, say the pledge of allegiance every morning.
Christian principles are the drivers for moral structure and framework. When that framework is eroded by the decline of Christian principles you begin to see the decline of morals, respect, betterment of the whole instead of one self, and trust though out the societal fabric. Society, which generally does not recognize that it was built on this foundation of principles, does recognize there is a problem but not what. I wonder what the world will be like in the future when these principles are no longer prevalent in society.
Christian principles are the drivers for moral structure and framework. When that framework is eroded by the decline of Christian principles you begin to see the decline of morals, respect, betterment of the whole instead of one self, and trust though out the societal fabric. Society, which generally does not recognize that it was built on this foundation of principles, does recognize there is a problem but not what. I wonder what the world will be like in the future when these principles are no longer prevalent in society.
When was America a christian nation?
Christian principles are the drivers for moral structure and framework. When that framework is eroded by the decline of Christian principles you begin to see the decline of morals, respect, betterment of the whole instead of one self, and trust though out the societal fabric. Society, which generally does not recognize that it was built on this foundation of principles, does recognize there is a problem but not what. I wonder what the world will be like in the future when these principles are no longer prevalent in society.
When was America a christian nation?

It wasn't a "Christian" nation, but it was developed by people who had Christian principles using Christian principles to guide them. That's not saying religion itself was used, but the moral temperament derived from it, or specifically that came from it.
Christian principles are the drivers for moral structure and framework. When that framework is eroded by the decline of Christian principles you begin to see the decline of morals, respect, betterment of the whole instead of one self, and trust though out the societal fabric.

Substitute "Muslim" for " Christian" and guess what, by God, that's what the crazy Muslims say. There are now two of you agreeing with radical Muslims. Weird.
but it was developed by people who had Christian principles using Christian principles to guide them. T

Back in the good ole days, when white men were kings and slaves were property.

You thinking of those good old Christian days?
Except the only reference to slavery in the context you raise is that of equality for all. I thought you lefties loved equality.
1 Corinthians 12:13 For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
No country can ever abandon God, Redfish. Who can ever make God go away? But since you are an atheist, this is a troll thread. So, mods, please put this in the flame zone.

Atheist? where did you get such a foolish idea? I am a devout Christian and practicing Methodist. Why would you say such a thing?
No devout christian Methodist is a racist: that is not possible. You are clearly an atheist if you continue to make decisions based on race.

This nation has never abandoned God.

are you on drugs? I am not a racist. I practice the words of MLK, I do not judge by skin color, I judge by actions and words, and based on that I judge you to be an idiot who should be institutionalized for lunacy no matter what color you are.

You on the left are trying to get God taken off our money, out of our pledge, and out of our schools. YOU are exactly what you claim not to be.

the moral code of this country, and most civilized nations, is based on judeo Christian teachings of what is right and what is wrong.
God told us, The love of money is the root of all Evil, and yet YOU actually think it's good for us to put God's name on it???


foolish analogy attempt. but look at your quote "the LOVE of money" not "money". Money is a medium of exchange, putting "in God we trust" on our money is to encourage the fair exchange of goods and services.

But I still don't think God wants the association with the Almighty Dollar.... You can not serve two masters, God and Money is what he also said, because you'll love one, and hate the other...without even realizing it, perhaps?

And I don't mean to take away the point of your thread with my pettiness....

But I think there are a lot of Christians who have walked away from God, while claiming they are the ones following Christ....

They've walked away from what we were taught in the parable of the sheep and the goats, what we were taught in the parable of the good Samaritan, what we were taught about loving the enemy, not showing favoritism to the Rich, who our neighbors are.....etc etc etc

Christians lost their Trust in God.... they stopped doing good, in all that they do and say....and expect God's protection while pointing out it is not them, it is always the "other guy", while failing to take the plank out of their own eye.....

If Christians Trusted God as we say on our money, we would know deep in our heart and soul that God will protect us, if we follow what Christ taught....take in the refugees in harm's way, help the Mexicans struggling to make ends meet, going to visit those in prison, welcoming the Stranger.....

Instead, we do the COMPLETE opposite, and wonder why we are in a world of trouble....? It's us Christians lack of TRUST IN GOD, In God we Trust....we make excuses of why we don't follow what He taught us about our neighbors, while pompously pointing our fingers at Abortion, or gays, which was NOT focused on in the Gospels at all?

It IS TIME for us to take the planks out of our eyes before trying to remove the piece of sawdust out of the other person's eye.

We need to do good in all that we say and do, FOLLOW what he taught, AND Trust God....as example: know that if we take in some Syrian refugees because we Want to Help them as fellow human beings, that God will protect us and favor us and this will be what is better for us in the long run...

Yes, in the one example above, that is easier said than done....we've lost our Faith in Him, we need to look no further than ourselves, for the loss of blessings...imo.
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When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.

So when did we abandon God ? How about a timeframe on when this happened ?

Maybe abandon was a poor choice of words on my part. What I am getting at is the federal government's moves to restrict the practice of religion (except islam).. No prayers to start the school day, no prayer before a high school football game, no nativity scenes, no menoras.

It doesn't have to be just Christian prayers. A school could do a Christian prayer, then a jewish prayer the next day, then a muslim prayer, then a hindu prayer, then a Shinto prayer, then a wicken prayer, and that last day say nothing for the atheists.

One of the things Hitler and all maniacal dictators do is prohibit the practice of religion, then they take away guns, then they denigrate the rich--------------sound familiar?
No one is stopping kids from praying at school, you just can't force people of different religions to adhere to one ideology of religion..

Wrong, group prayer is not allowed in public schools, no matter what religion is involved.

Equally important, the pledge of allegiance is no longer said at the beginning of the school day. Tell me, who is offended by pledging allegiance to his/her country?
Group prayer does happen at schools, as long as it is not coercive on others and does not disrupt the educational process.

Hitler did not take away in prayers, you silly. You have to show that he did, and you can't. He did lower the boom on churches and clergy who opposed the Reich.

You sound familiar: you don't about which you are talking.
but it was developed by people who had Christian principles using Christian principles to guide them. T

Back in the good ole days, when white men were kings and slaves were property.

You thinking of those good old Christian days?
Except the only reference to slavery in the context you raise is that of equality for all. I thought you lefties loved equality.
1 Corinthians 12:13 For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
Negro chattel slavery was defended by many whites as a positive good for the slaves.
Maybe abandon was a poor choice of words on my part. What I am getting at is the federal government's moves to restrict the practice of religion (except islam).. No prayers to start the school day, no prayer before a high school football game, no nativity scenes, no menoras.

It doesn't have to be just Christian prayers. A school could do a Christian prayer, then a jewish prayer the next day, then a muslim prayer, then a hindu prayer, then a Shinto prayer, then a wicken prayer, and that last day say nothing for the atheists.

One of the things Hitler and all maniacal dictators do is prohibit the practice of religion, then they take away guns, then they denigrate the rich--------------sound familiar?
No one is stopping kids from praying at school, you just can't force people of different religions to adhere to one ideology of religion..

Wrong, group prayer is not allowed in public schools, no matter what religion is involved.

Equally important, the pledge of allegiance is no longer said at the beginning of the school day. Tell me, who is offended by pledging allegiance to his/her country?
Group prayer is allowed in schools, just not the way you want it, like it used to be where it was forced..I never prayed along..Screw that...now it is voluntary.No one, and I mean no one is restricted from praying..yet in the Bible Jesus tells how to pray and when..he said to go be alone to speak to God..

My kids is in school and the Pledge is given everyday...

yep, you can pray silently in your head anywhere and any time that you want. That has always been the case.

Is your kid in a public or private school where the pledge is said every day?
Public, Noel jr. high..

that's great, not many do that
Christian principles are the drivers for moral structure and framework. When that framework is eroded by the decline of Christian principles you begin to see the decline of morals, respect, betterment of the whole instead of one self, and trust though out the societal fabric.

Substitute "Muslim" for " Christian" and guess what, by God, that's what the crazy Muslims say. There are now two of you agreeing with radical Muslims. Weird.

Attributing this to "muslim" thinking is a far fetched and irrational conclusion. What a "drive by assault" on the subject. Strange. "Almost" a Troll.

It built a framework that provides a basis for morality, honor, trust, truth, fairness, and consequences for ones actions. Principles are not a religion. Don't confuse the two. Also, I don't see a lot of Christians killing in the name of religion today. Maybe it goes back to the principles it helps define in human beings.

I can have an thought, convey it, disagree with someone, and still respect their view. That comes from those principles.
But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.

By God that's what them crazy Muslims say. You agreeing with radical Muslims now? Interesting.

The difference, and its significant, is that islam is more than a religion, it is a form of government and body of law. The religion IS the government, the religious heads are the government heads.

So, no I am not agreeing with muslims.
but it was developed by people who had Christian principles using Christian principles to guide them. T

Back in the good ole days, when white men were kings and slaves were property.

You thinking of those good old Christian days?
Except the only reference to slavery in the context you raise is that of equality for all. I thought you lefties loved equality.
1 Corinthians 12:13 For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
Negro chattel slavery was defended by many whites as a positive good for the slaves.
And blacks provided the slaves, so WTF is your point outside of displaying your room temperature IQ?
When this country abandoned God, the decline began. Some of you may disagree, and that's just fine. But a nation that does not follow God's teachings is a nation that will crumble and die.

So when did we abandon God ? How about a timeframe on when this happened ?

Maybe abandon was a poor choice of words on my part. What I am getting at is the federal government's moves to restrict the practice of religion (except islam).. No prayers to start the school day, no prayer before a high school football game, no nativity scenes, no menoras.

It doesn't have to be just Christian prayers. A school could do a Christian prayer, then a jewish prayer the next day, then a muslim prayer, then a hindu prayer, then a Shinto prayer, then a wicken prayer, and that last day say nothing for the atheists.

One of the things Hitler and all maniacal dictators do is prohibit the practice of religion, then they take away guns, then they denigrate the rich--------------sound familiar?
No one is stopping kids from praying at school, you just can't force people of different religions to adhere to one ideology of religion..

Wrong, group prayer is not allowed in public schools, no matter what religion is involved.

Equally important, the pledge of allegiance is no longer said at the beginning of the school day. Tell me, who is offended by pledging allegiance to his/her country?
Group prayer does happen at schools, as long as it is not coercive on others and does not disrupt the educational process.

Hitler did not take away in prayers, you silly. You have to show that he did, and you can't. He did lower the boom on churches and clergy who opposed the Reich.

You sound familiar: you don't about which you are talking.

how is it coercive if you can opt out? No one was ever forced to take part in a morning prayer or Bible reading in school.

However, if you go to a muslim or catholic school, you will be required to participate. Do you understand the difference?
but it was developed by people who had Christian principles using Christian principles to guide them. T

Back in the good ole days, when white men were kings and slaves were property.

You thinking of those good old Christian days?
Except the only reference to slavery in the context you raise is that of equality for all. I thought you lefties loved equality.
1 Corinthians 12:13 For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
Negro chattel slavery was defended by many whites as a positive good for the slaves.

The people who believed that were wrong, as were the blacks in Africa who sold other blacks into slavery.

You are very naïve if you think slavery was just a white issue.
Atheist? where did you get such a foolish idea? I am a devout Christian and practicing Methodist. Why would you say such a thing?
No devout christian Methodist is a racist: that is not possible. You are clearly an atheist if you continue to make decisions based on race.

This nation has never abandoned God.

are you on drugs? I am not a racist. I practice the words of MLK, I do not judge by skin color, I judge by actions and words, and based on that I judge you to be an idiot who should be institutionalized for lunacy no matter what color you are.

You on the left are trying to get God taken off our money, out of our pledge, and out of our schools. YOU are exactly what you claim not to be.

the moral code of this country, and most civilized nations, is based on judeo Christian teachings of what is right and what is wrong.
God told us, The love of money is the root of all Evil, and yet YOU actually think it's good for us to put God's name on it???


foolish analogy attempt. but look at your quote "the LOVE of money" not "money". Money is a medium of exchange, putting "in God we trust" on our money is to encourage the fair exchange of goods and services.

But I still don't think God wants the association with the Almighty Dollar.... You can not serve two masters, God and Money is what he also said, because you'll love one, and hate the other...without even realizing it, perhaps?

And I don't mean to take away the point of your thread with my pettiness....

But I think there are a lot of Christians who have walked away from God, while claiming they are the ones following Christ....

They've walked away from what we were taught in the parable of the sheep and the goats, what we were taught in the parable of the good Samaritan, what we were taught about loving the enemy, not showing favoritism to the Rich, who our neighbors are.....etc etc etc

Christians lost their Trust in God.... they stopped doing good, in all that they do and say....and expect God's protection while pointing out it is not them, it is always the "other guy", while failing to take the plank out of their own eye.....

If Christians Trusted God as we say on our money, we would know deep in our heart and soul that God will protect us, if we follow what Christ taught....take in the refugees in harm's way, help the Mexicans struggling to make ends meet, going to visit those in prison, welcoming the Stranger.....

Instead, we do the COMPLETE opposite, and wonder why we are in a world of trouble....? It's us Christians lack of TRUST IN GOD, In God we Trust....we make excuses of why we don't follow what He taught us about our neighbors, while pompously pointing our fingers at Abortion, or gays, which was NOT focused on in the Gospels at all?

It IS TIME for us to take the planks out of our eyes before trying to remove the piece of sawdust out of the other person's eye.

We need to do good in all that we say and do, FOLLOW what he taught, AND Trust God....as example: know that if we take in some Syrian refugees because we Want to Help them as fellow human beings, that God will protect us and favor us and this will be what is better for us in the long run...

Yes, in the one example above, that is easier said than done....we've lost our Faith in Him, we need to look no further than ourselves, for the loss of blessings...imo.

God would not want us to take in Syrian "refugees" if they were determined to kill us. The fact is that we have no way of knowing which ones are good people and which ones are terrorists who want YOU and ME dead. Until we have a foolproof system of vetting them, we need to halt the inflow. God does not want us to do stupid things that put our children at risk.

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