Underage Intoxicated Malia Obama Accosts Homosexual White House Correspondent In NYC Nightclub

Alcoholic slut? 2nd grade insult? Dead giveaway for zero education. Doesn't even know the def of liberal. From the Latin free. Sort of takes away your argument when you have no idea of the meaning of words you are spewing
She Fuken approched and attacked him dumbass!
On top of that she was in a 21 and over bar.

Both bad choices on her part,she brought the shit on herself.

First off its a Gateway Putin article which is fake

2nd show me where she attacked him..lol...

She verbally attacked him dumbass.

Lucian B. Wintrich @lucianwintrich
Again, for the record, 18 year old Malia Obama literally scolded me for being in the same (21+) lounge in NYC as her

:rofl: I am horrified


Cherry picking....the first sign that you lost.

You are the one cherry picking....

Far from verbally abusive...and BTW the guy tweeting is gay ...Oh No..

the action of a person who scolds; a rebuke;reproof:
I got a scolding for being late again.
Was he white? Because that would make her a racist, homophobe, drunk.
Maybe the kkk reporter insulted her first?
Nothing like a world shattering story for our super educated white boy posters. Shows the level of their intelligence. College anyone??
The person alleged to have been taking pictures when the kid came over and complained about the rude and probibited behavior in the private club. The club made the photo taker delete the photos.
He's the one who posted his version all over social media for his 2 minutes of fame. If it was another girl with no name recognition we would never know his name. Yea, that makes him the asshole. With a doubt. Social media whore among other things.

Get real!! The dudes a fuken reporter what would you expect him to do other than report the incident?

Ooohhhh... He's a reporter. We'll I'll never doubt his word again. :rolleyes:

He is not a reporter...haaaa he is a gay guy trying to get 2 minutes of fame

He's a White House correspondent dipshit.

She approached him and made a scene,sounds to me like she was looking for her two minutes.
Maybe she should stick with twerking and weed....

White House Correspondent w/ @GatewayPundit,

I don't trust a word he has to say....except that she was there..

There were other witnesses.
Maybe you should read the article.
Looks like she's like her mother, unhinged and hateful. Seems she's like her alleged father, narcissistic beyond the pale. Also, she has another trait like her alleged father, lawbreaker! It's a trait that all blacks have.


You can take the negro from the ghetto but you can never take the ghetto from the negro.

It's too bad that no one educated the trailer park out of you. Back to your meth lab, Cletus.

Am I lying? Truth hurt?
I'll allow your sorry ass to believe that so long as it makes you feel better Toad.
After all, I am a man of the people.

Lying? Yes, bigotry is based on lies. I truly don't believe what I wrote about you, just giving you an example of how ignorant you sound.
The happenings in the OP article don't make my world go 'round in any way whatsoever.

Furthermore I'd bet the reporter exaggerated the incident a tad for sensationalism.

I can't get outraged or even really form an opinion here.
Looks like she's like her mother, unhinged and hateful. Seems she's like her alleged father, narcissistic beyond the pale. Also, she has another trait like her alleged father, lawbreaker! It's a trait that all blacks have.


You can take the negro from the ghetto but you can never take the ghetto from the negro.

It's too bad that no one educated the trailer park out of you. Back to your meth lab, Cletus.

Am I lying? Truth hurt?
I'll allow your sorry ass to believe that so long as it makes you feel better Toad.
After all, I am a man of the people.

Lying? Yes, bigotry is based on lies. I truly don't believe what I wrote about you, just giving you an example of how ignorant you sound.

Follow along...Ignorance is ignoring the actions and behaviors of the masses as if it doesn't exist and then grouping the 98% in with the 2% all out of fear and consideration of "bigotry".
Stereotyping and profiling is actually quite intuitive. Don't be scared to be intelligent.
The happenings in the OP article don't make my world go 'round in any way whatsoever.

Furthermore I'd bet the reporter exaggerated the incident a tad for sensationalism.

I can't get outraged or even really form an opinion here.

And look at the hatred in this thread, I am sure she understands now that even though her father is not the president anymore doesn't keep her away from the haters trying to make a quick buck.

It must suck to grow up like that.
The happenings in the OP article don't make my world go 'round in any way whatsoever.

Furthermore I'd bet the reporter exaggerated the incident a tad for sensationalism.

I can't get outraged or even really form an opinion here.

And look at the hatred in this thread, I am sure she understands now that even though her father is not the president anymore doesn't keep her away from the haters trying to make a quick buck.

It must suck to grow up like that.

Reminds me a little of how you people went after the Bush twins
Remember how the Palin children were brutalized?
Even the one that had Down Syndrome. Democrats attacked the poor little fella on a constant basis!
I remember how they attacked the Bush's when one of their daughters got caught drinking, but are silent when Obama's kid smokes pot and drinks.

Actually the Bush sisters wrote the Obama girls a kind letter after that reporter made fun of their cloths and was fired... They are actually friends...

The bush girls were falling over drunk,which I don't blame them with the torture the haters put on them..
Remember how the Palin children were brutalized?
Even the one that had Down Syndrome. Democrats attacked the poor little fella on a constant basis!
I remember how they attacked the Bush's when one of their daughters got caught drinking, but are silent when Obama's kid smokes pot and drinks.
There is absolutely no evidence that this kid was smoking anything or drinking alcohol. Underage persons frequenting these kinds of establishments in NY are legal and common. The only thing in evidence is that a reporter tried to take pictures in a private club where photo taking was forbidden and the kid, upon seeing the reporter taking photos approached him and complained to staff, which made the photo taker delete the photos, as per club rules. Everything else is made up bullshyt
Look at what is said about Michelle..and Obama by the haters and you wonder why the democrats are on the warpath from 8 years of this ugliness..
Eight years of her ugliness was enough.

Melania is certainly much easier on the eye.
That's because MO and BONOBO adopted both girls.
She was in the bar illegally.
You LIBs are pathetic.
Do you also believe the blunt she was caught smoking wasn't really dope?
A couple of months ago I predicted within a few years she's going to be tripping on heroin on a fucking street corner in Nice.
I guess BONOBO's "led from behind" also applied to raising his adopted daughters.
Looks like she's like her mother, unhinged and hateful. Seems she's like her alleged father, narcissistic beyond the pale. Also, she has another trait like her alleged father, lawbreaker! It's a trait that all blacks have.

She shouldn't act like that... :eek-52:
First off she's not 21 so she can't drink alcohol in the USA
And second her father was the President of the USA, she should have a good and polite behaviour!
I'm pretty sure her father is not happy for that... :omg:

How do you know she was drinking?
Ya. The soon-to-be heroin addict was only drinking Pepsi. SUUUUURE.
Remember how the Palin children were brutalized?
Even the one that had Down Syndrome. Democrats attacked the poor little fella on a constant basis!
I remember how they attacked the Bush's when one of their daughters got caught drinking, but are silent when Obama's kid smokes pot and drinks.
There is absolutely no evidence that this kid was smoking anything or drinking alcohol. Underage persons frequenting these kinds of establishments in NY are legal and common. The only thing in evidence is that a reporter tried to take pictures in a private club where photo taking was forbidden and the kid, upon seeing the reporter taking photos approached him and complained to staff, which made the photo taker delete the photos, as per club rules. Everything else is made up bullshyt
She was caught smoking what looked like a joint a little while back.
Looks like she's like her mother, unhinged and hateful. Seems she's like her alleged father, narcissistic beyond the pale. Also, she has another trait like her alleged father, lawbreaker! It's a trait that all blacks have.

She shouldn't act like that... :eek-52:
First off she's not 21 so she can't drink alcohol in the USA
And second her father was the President of the USA, she should have a good and polite behaviour!
I'm pretty sure her father is not happy for that... :omg:

How do you know she was drinking?
Ya. The soon-to-be heroin addict was only drinking Pepsi. SUUUUURE.

Maybe Obamacare that you all flopped and look foolish will pay for her rehab...Bunch of clowns..

Or maybe the Fake Wiretapping will catch her smoking crack... Yeah the republicans looking Dope this week...
Remember how the Palin children were brutalized?
Even the one that had Down Syndrome. Democrats attacked the poor little fella on a constant basis!
I remember how they attacked the Bush's when one of their daughters got caught drinking, but are silent when Obama's kid smokes pot and drinks.
There is absolutely no evidence that this kid was smoking anything or drinking alcohol. Underage persons frequenting these kinds of establishments in NY are legal and common. The only thing in evidence is that a reporter tried to take pictures in a private club where photo taking was forbidden and the kid, upon seeing the reporter taking photos approached him and complained to staff, which made the photo taker delete the photos, as per club rules. Everything else is made up bullshyt
She was caught smoking what looked like a joint a little while back.

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