Underground Railroad? Why Not Above Ground Ships Back To Africa?


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
The satanic MSM keeps pushing idiocy that the "underground railroad" which pulled Black negroids from their home at the plantation where Whites taught them to read and write and to do simple tasks in exchange for room and board and dealing with their sewage, to place them in a competitive environment with legal European immigrants was the right thing to do. Obviously it was not. The Black negroids should have been on a ship back to Africa, the slavery capital of the world, if they had issues with being civilized.
Jefferson, and even the English, offered all that to them, along with cash and supplies. Most turned them down and preferred to stay, so fuck them and their whining. In any event, those that did take them up on it just set themselves up as slave owning plantation owners in Africa, so again, screw them and their insipid complaining.

It reminds me of all the left wing NYC Jews who were forever scheming to screw over the WASPs because some rich drunken Episcopalians didn't want to play golf with them n stuff, then jumping on board the Civil Rights train and thinking they were getting over, only to have all those black radicals get them fired from teaching jobs and other govt. jobs and filling them with their own dumbass AA hires and ruin entire school systems. That was a result of their own bigotry, same as it is with 'Black Culture'. lol they'r even turning the Oscars into street trash brawls; next year comes the drive by shootings, I guess.
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The satanic MSM keeps pushing idiocy that the "underground railroad" which pulled Black negroids from their home at the plantation where Whites taught them to read and write and to do simple tasks in exchange for room and board and dealing with their sewage, to place them in a competitive environment with legal European immigrants was the right thing to do. Obviously it was not. The Black negroids should have been on a ship back to Africa, the slavery capital of the world, if they had issues with being civilized.
This time we'll even give them cabins, 40 acres of sand and a camel.
There is no way now to force them to go back.....what could be done is to set up a program to encourage them to go back freely.....financial system, setting up a friendly host country that would welcome them and provide assistance for them to get established and productive.

That is the only practical and fair solution....since theiy were brought here and did not come of their own accord...we should be willing to finance their return to da muddaland.
The satanic MSM keeps pushing idiocy that the "underground railroad" which pulled Black negroids from their home at the plantation where Whites taught them to read and write and to do simple tasks in exchange for room and board and dealing with their sewage, to place them in a competitive environment with legal European immigrants was the right thing to do. Obviously it was not. The Black negroids should have been on a ship back to Africa, the slavery capital of the world, if they had issues with being civilized.
Mr. Lincoln was right about the blacks......he realized and said we could never live equitably and peacefully with blacks....just too many differences between the two races.

Lincoln wanted to ship them back and if he had not been assasinated he might have begun a movement to do that.
Lincoln wanted to ship them back and if he had not been assasinated he might have begun a movement to do that.

He would have put them back on the plantations; he needed the cotton revenue. He did exactly that in the states he won back, forced them into 'contraband camps' and forced many back onto govt. run plantations where they weren't allowed to leave. Since they wre techincally 'free' he did order that they had to be paid wages, which he set at $3 a month, lol. The average southern plantation owner spent more than that on their slaves out of pocket, at least $60 a year, on top of them growing their own food and free housing, along with medical care. Lincoln just let them die by the hundreds of thousands in camps, like Soviet POWs.
Jefferson, and even the English, offered all that to them, along with cash and supplies. Most turned them down and preferred to stay, so fuck them and their whining. In any event, those that did take them up on it just set themselves up as slave owning plantation owners in Africa, so again, screw them and their insipid complaining.

It reminds me of all the left wing NYC Jews who were forever scheming to screw over the WASPs because some rich drunken Episcopalians didn't want to play golf with them n stuff, then jumping on board the Civil Rights train and thinking they were getting over, only to have all those black radicals get them fired from teaching jobs and other govt. jobs and filling them with their own dumbass AA hires and ruin entire school systems. That was a result of their own bigotry, same as it is with 'Black Culture'. lol they'r even turning the Oscars into street trash brawls; next year comes the drive by shootings, I guess.
Nobody decided to stay in slavery you ignorant racist son of a bitch. Whites have been getting AA since the country started. STFU.
He would have put them back on the plantations; he needed the cotton revenue. He did exactly that in the states he won back, forced them into 'contraband camps' and forced many back onto govt. run plantations where they weren't allowed to leave. Since they wre techincally 'free' he did order that they had to be paid wages, which he set at $3 a month, lol. The average southern plantation owner spent more than that on their slaves out of pocket, at least $60 a year, on top of them growing their own food and free housing, along with medical care. Lincoln just let them die by the hundreds of thousands in camps, like Soviet POWs.
The truth about Mr. Lincoln is out there.......


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Why don't whites go back to Europe since they have problems with the government here.
Whites have been getting AA since the country started. STFU.
Slavery-white affirmative action-whites were given freedom blacks could not have
Various nationalization acts- whites were given citizenship blacks were not allowed.
Dred Scott-white affirmative action, blacks had no rights whites were bound to respect.
Jim Crow Apartheid-white preferences in everything

All of this is white affirmative action.

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