Understanding Donald Trump

He is an American first and foremost

If someone has the state confiscate land for their own profit, that is actually Un-American. I shouldn't have to explain this to people. But then, who would support a sociopath except another bird of a feather :rolleyes:
He's an independent thinker and that's what we need.

Agreed and that's why the Cuckservatives are afraid of him, The Donald is everything they aren't.

The Establishment aka The Globalist Puppet Masters, they just want yet another puppet to control....they know they won't be able to control Trump, that's why they hate him.

Doesn't the crinkling from your tinfoil hat get on your nerves once in a while? This mishmash of bumper sticker slogans makes no sense and doesn't actually say anything, but I bet it gives you a little thrill of fear whenever you contemplate whatever vast, shadowy conspiracy you think it reveals.

Huh? What is wrong with you? You always come across as if with you you're CONSTANTLY in the grip of "it's THAT TIME of month"....CONSTANT PMT!
I have heaped my share of criticisms on Donald Trump and am still not sure he would be the strongest candidate to run in the general election. However, I am starting to understand why such a wide range of people are supporting him--from secular conservatives and moderates (such as Jesse Ventura, Carl Icahn, Gary Buse) to staunch religious conservatives (such as Sarah Palin, Phyllis Schlafly, Jerry Falwell Jr., and Robert Jeffress)--and why even people like Bob Dole have said that although they are supporting someone else they would gladly back Trump if he gets the nomination because they think he's an intelligent, effective leader who would make a good president.

Most of these people grasp the one key, central, overriding fact about Donald Trump: He is an American first and foremost and a Republican a distant second, and he judges every policy by whether or not it would be best for America, regardless of how some other people or nations might feel about it.

Trump's economic plan is clearly center-right and would be a huge step forward from where we are now. However, overall he is not the most conservative GOP candidate. In fact, were it not for his positions on immigration and internal security, he would be widely regarded as the least conservative GOP candidate and perhaps even as something of a moderate with conservative leanings on some issues. Overall, he is a conservative, but he is not as conservative as Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, or Marco Rubio, among others.

The key difference with Trump, aside from his centrist and even liberal views on a few issues, and what makes him so appealing to so many people, is that he is a genuine patriot who puts loyalty to country far above loyalty to any political party and who has no qualms about criticizing Republican policies and leaders when he disagrees with them, including the Iraq War, George W, Bush, etc., etc.

No offense to you, but this is a giant load of horse apples.

The one key, central, overriding fact about Donald Trump: he's a narcissist first and foremost, and EVERYTHING is a distant second; he judges every policy by whether or not it benefits Donald Trump at the moment, regardless of whether or not it's good for the United States, or even whether or not it contradicts his own statements previously.

Trump's economic plan is clearly Trump-centric, and designed to benefit billionaire real estate developers like Donald Trump. It might benefit other people; in might not. Either way, it's irrelevant to Trump. His positions on immigration and internal security aren't "conservative"; they're childish and xenophobic. He would be widely regarded as the least conservative GOP candidate because he IS the least conservative GOP candidate. Up until six months or so before announcing his candidacy, he was a liberal. Not moderate; LIBERAL.

1) He supported Obama's stimulus, calling it "what we need", talking about Obama "building infrastructure, building great projects, putting people to work in that sense".

2) He supported the auto bailouts, saying, "The government should stand behind them 100%, because they make wonderful products".

3) He supported the bank bailouts, calling them "something that has to get done".

4) Far from championing that most basic conservative principle - smaller, less-invasive government - Trump promises even more of the one-man-rule, governing-by-fiat experience that we've had under Barack Obama.

5) He has advocated a massive wealth tax. Not an income tax, a tax on ASSETS.

6) He has a history of raising money for far-left liberals like the Clintons and Al Sharpton. In October 2011, he told Sean Hannity, "I was Obama's biggest cheerleader." He has donated to the Clinton Foundation, and donated to the campaigns of Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

7) He has a history of championing Planned Parenthood; is anyone REALLY buying his sudden "evolution" to being pro-life CONVENIENTLY timed just as he decided to run for the GOP nomination?

8) He has a history of championing single-payer health coverage, saying, "Everybody's got to be covered" and "the government's going to pay for it".

9) He wrote in his book The America We Deserve that he supported a ban on "assault weapons". Miraculously, he "evolved" on that last year also, right before announcing his candidacy.

10) He's a BIG fan of eminent domain, otherwise known as "no such thing as a right to own property". He even tried to use it to bully an old woman out of her home because he wanted to build a parking lot there. He refers to that as "the greater good".

11) He's not only been in business with George Soros, he had a RICO complaint filed against him in regards to that deal. That might ought to give pause to some of the people excoriating Ted Cruz for getting a loan from Goldman Sachs.

OF COURSE he's never had qualms about criticizing Republicans; that's because HE'S ALWAYS BEEN A LIBERAL.

If you can find me any of these apocryphal "conservative, patriotic" positions of his that date farther back than last year, I'd love to hear them.

Donald Trump is Barack Obama in Republican clothing.

If his comments are a giant load of horse apples....your comments are a giant load of horsecrap.
I have heaped my share of criticisms on Donald Trump and am still not sure he would be the strongest candidate to run in the general election. However, I am starting to understand why such a wide range of people are supporting him--from secular conservatives and moderates (such as Jesse Ventura, Carl Icahn, Gary Buse) to staunch religious conservatives (such as Sarah Palin, Phyllis Schlafly, Jerry Falwell Jr., and Robert Jeffress)--and why even people like Bob Dole have said that although they are supporting someone else they would gladly back Trump if he gets the nomination because they think he's an intelligent, effective leader who would make a good president.

Most of these people grasp the one key, central, overriding fact about Donald Trump: He is an American first and foremost and a Republican a distant second, and he judges every policy by whether or not it would be best for America, regardless of how some other people or nations might feel about it.

Trump's economic plan is clearly center-right and would be a huge step forward from where we are now. However, overall he is not the most conservative GOP candidate. In fact, were it not for his positions on immigration and internal security, he would be widely regarded as the least conservative GOP candidate and perhaps even as something of a moderate with conservative leanings on some issues. Overall, he is a conservative, but he is not as conservative as Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, or Marco Rubio, among others.

The key difference with Trump, aside from his centrist and even liberal views on a few issues, and what makes him so appealing to so many people, is that he is a genuine patriot who puts loyalty to country far above loyalty to any political party and who has no qualms about criticizing Republican policies and leaders when he disagrees with them, including the Iraq War, George W, Bush, etc., etc.

Trump's a douche.

I hope that helps.
He has been accused of rape on prime time UK tv tonight.

Who accused him of this? Are we in Bill Clinton territory?

Did Bill Clinton rape someone?

Tommy says Trump is being accused of rape....Bill Clinton multiple times accused of rape by different women.
You are a fukng tool. If Clinton raped someone does that make it ok for Trump to do so ? What an idiot.

You are a fool. I never said that.
He's an independent thinker and that's what we need.

Agreed and that's why the Cuckservatives are afraid of him, The Donald is everything they aren't.

The Establishment aka The Globalist Puppet Masters, they just want yet another puppet to control....they know they won't be able to control Trump, that's why they hate him.

Doesn't the crinkling from your tinfoil hat get on your nerves once in a while? This mishmash of bumper sticker slogans makes no sense and doesn't actually say anything, but I bet it gives you a little thrill of fear whenever you contemplate whatever vast, shadowy conspiracy you think it reveals.

You obviously have a thing for George Soros and Goldman Sachs, if anyone mentions them in anything less than adoring tones, you completely lose your rag and head off the deep-end. There are several other George Soros/Goldman Sachs cheerleaders, thankfully the majority know George Soros/Goldman Sachs are evil POS.

He's an independent thinker and that's what we need.

Agreed and that's why the Cuckservatives are afraid of him, The Donald is everything they aren't.

The Establishment aka The Globalist Puppet Masters, they just want yet another puppet to control....they know they won't be able to control Trump, that's why they hate him.

Doesn't the crinkling from your tinfoil hat get on your nerves once in a while? This mishmash of bumper sticker slogans makes no sense and doesn't actually say anything, but I bet it gives you a little thrill of fear whenever you contemplate whatever vast, shadowy conspiracy you think it reveals.

Huh? What is wrong with you? You always come across as if with you you're CONSTANTLY in the grip of "it's THAT TIME of month"....CONSTANT PMT!

I'm allergic to stupidity. It makes my teeth ache and my skin itch.

If we're quite done with the whole "You're so MEAN!!!" whinge, perhaps you could produce a post on the topic that makes some sense? If you want to run off the playground and tattle to the teacher first, I can wait.
I have heaped my share of criticisms on Donald Trump and am still not sure he would be the strongest candidate to run in the general election. However, I am starting to understand why such a wide range of people are supporting him--from secular conservatives and moderates (such as Jesse Ventura, Carl Icahn, Gary Buse) to staunch religious conservatives (such as Sarah Palin, Phyllis Schlafly, Jerry Falwell Jr., and Robert Jeffress)--and why even people like Bob Dole have said that although they are supporting someone else they would gladly back Trump if he gets the nomination because they think he's an intelligent, effective leader who would make a good president.

Most of these people grasp the one key, central, overriding fact about Donald Trump: He is an American first and foremost and a Republican a distant second, and he judges every policy by whether or not it would be best for America, regardless of how some other people or nations might feel about it.

Trump's economic plan is clearly center-right and would be a huge step forward from where we are now. However, overall he is not the most conservative GOP candidate. In fact, were it not for his positions on immigration and internal security, he would be widely regarded as the least conservative GOP candidate and perhaps even as something of a moderate with conservative leanings on some issues. Overall, he is a conservative, but he is not as conservative as Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, or Marco Rubio, among others.

The key difference with Trump, aside from his centrist and even liberal views on a few issues, and what makes him so appealing to so many people, is that he is a genuine patriot who puts loyalty to country far above loyalty to any political party and who has no qualms about criticizing Republican policies and leaders when he disagrees with them, including the Iraq War, George W, Bush, etc., etc.

No offense to you, but this is a giant load of horse apples.

The one key, central, overriding fact about Donald Trump: he's a narcissist first and foremost, and EVERYTHING is a distant second; he judges every policy by whether or not it benefits Donald Trump at the moment, regardless of whether or not it's good for the United States, or even whether or not it contradicts his own statements previously.

Trump's economic plan is clearly Trump-centric, and designed to benefit billionaire real estate developers like Donald Trump. It might benefit other people; in might not. Either way, it's irrelevant to Trump. His positions on immigration and internal security aren't "conservative"; they're childish and xenophobic. He would be widely regarded as the least conservative GOP candidate because he IS the least conservative GOP candidate. Up until six months or so before announcing his candidacy, he was a liberal. Not moderate; LIBERAL.

1) He supported Obama's stimulus, calling it "what we need", talking about Obama "building infrastructure, building great projects, putting people to work in that sense".

2) He supported the auto bailouts, saying, "The government should stand behind them 100%, because they make wonderful products".

3) He supported the bank bailouts, calling them "something that has to get done".

4) Far from championing that most basic conservative principle - smaller, less-invasive government - Trump promises even more of the one-man-rule, governing-by-fiat experience that we've had under Barack Obama.

5) He has advocated a massive wealth tax. Not an income tax, a tax on ASSETS.

6) He has a history of raising money for far-left liberals like the Clintons and Al Sharpton. In October 2011, he told Sean Hannity, "I was Obama's biggest cheerleader." He has donated to the Clinton Foundation, and donated to the campaigns of Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

7) He has a history of championing Planned Parenthood; is anyone REALLY buying his sudden "evolution" to being pro-life CONVENIENTLY timed just as he decided to run for the GOP nomination?

8) He has a history of championing single-payer health coverage, saying, "Everybody's got to be covered" and "the government's going to pay for it".

9) He wrote in his book The America We Deserve that he supported a ban on "assault weapons". Miraculously, he "evolved" on that last year also, right before announcing his candidacy.

10) He's a BIG fan of eminent domain, otherwise known as "no such thing as a right to own property". He even tried to use it to bully an old woman out of her home because he wanted to build a parking lot there. He refers to that as "the greater good".

11) He's not only been in business with George Soros, he had a RICO complaint filed against him in regards to that deal. That might ought to give pause to some of the people excoriating Ted Cruz for getting a loan from Goldman Sachs.

OF COURSE he's never had qualms about criticizing Republicans; that's because HE'S ALWAYS BEEN A LIBERAL.

If you can find me any of these apocryphal "conservative, patriotic" positions of his that date farther back than last year, I'd love to hear them.

Donald Trump is Barack Obama in Republican clothing.

If his comments are a giant load of horse apples....your comments are a giant load of horsecrap.

Brilliant, incisive, comprehensive rebuttal you've got there.

Remind me, which state are you registered in to vote in the US Presidential election of 2016?
He's an independent thinker and that's what we need.

Agreed and that's why the Cuckservatives are afraid of him, The Donald is everything they aren't.

The Establishment aka The Globalist Puppet Masters, they just want yet another puppet to control....they know they won't be able to control Trump, that's why they hate him.

Doesn't the crinkling from your tinfoil hat get on your nerves once in a while? This mishmash of bumper sticker slogans makes no sense and doesn't actually say anything, but I bet it gives you a little thrill of fear whenever you contemplate whatever vast, shadowy conspiracy you think it reveals.

You obviously have a thing for George Soros and Goldman Sachs, if anyone mentions them in anything less than adoring tones, you completely lose your rag and head off the deep-end. There are several other George Soros/Goldman Sachs cheerleaders, thankfully the majority know George Soros/Goldman Sachs are evil POS.

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Uh huh. Just in case you missed it, you're still babbling nonsense, Mensa Girl. And since the last time I checked, you have fuck and all and nothing else at stake in this election, you might want to pipe the fuck down a little with your incoherent outbursts and let those of us who are actually INVOLVED have a serious debate on the issues, thank you so very much.
I have heaped my share of criticisms on Donald Trump and am still not sure he would be the strongest candidate to run in the general election. However, I am starting to understand why such a wide range of people are supporting him--from secular conservatives and moderates (such as Jesse Ventura, Carl Icahn, Gary Buse) to staunch religious conservatives (such as Sarah Palin, Phyllis Schlafly, Jerry Falwell Jr., and Robert Jeffress)--and why even people like Bob Dole have said that although they are supporting someone else they would gladly back Trump if he gets the nomination because they think he's an intelligent, effective leader who would make a good president.

Most of these people grasp the one key, central, overriding fact about Donald Trump: He is an American first and foremost and a Republican a distant second, and he judges every policy by whether or not it would be best for America, regardless of how some other people or nations might feel about it.

Trump's economic plan is clearly center-right and would be a huge step forward from where we are now. However, overall he is not the most conservative GOP candidate. In fact, were it not for his positions on immigration and internal security, he would be widely regarded as the least conservative GOP candidate and perhaps even as something of a moderate with conservative leanings on some issues. Overall, he is a conservative, but he is not as conservative as Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, or Marco Rubio, among others.

The key difference with Trump, aside from his centrist and even liberal views on a few issues, and what makes him so appealing to so many people, is that he is a genuine patriot who puts loyalty to country far above loyalty to any political party and who has no qualms about criticizing Republican policies and leaders when he disagrees with them, including the Iraq War, George W, Bush, etc., etc.

No offense to you, but this is a giant load of horse apples.

The one key, central, overriding fact about Donald Trump: he's a narcissist first and foremost, and EVERYTHING is a distant second; he judges every policy by whether or not it benefits Donald Trump at the moment, regardless of whether or not it's good for the United States, or even whether or not it contradicts his own statements previously.

Trump's economic plan is clearly Trump-centric, and designed to benefit billionaire real estate developers like Donald Trump. It might benefit other people; in might not. Either way, it's irrelevant to Trump. His positions on immigration and internal security aren't "conservative"; they're childish and xenophobic. He would be widely regarded as the least conservative GOP candidate because he IS the least conservative GOP candidate. Up until six months or so before announcing his candidacy, he was a liberal. Not moderate; LIBERAL.

1) He supported Obama's stimulus, calling it "what we need", talking about Obama "building infrastructure, building great projects, putting people to work in that sense".

2) He supported the auto bailouts, saying, "The government should stand behind them 100%, because they make wonderful products".

3) He supported the bank bailouts, calling them "something that has to get done".

4) Far from championing that most basic conservative principle - smaller, less-invasive government - Trump promises even more of the one-man-rule, governing-by-fiat experience that we've had under Barack Obama.

5) He has advocated a massive wealth tax. Not an income tax, a tax on ASSETS.

6) He has a history of raising money for far-left liberals like the Clintons and Al Sharpton. In October 2011, he told Sean Hannity, "I was Obama's biggest cheerleader." He has donated to the Clinton Foundation, and donated to the campaigns of Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

7) He has a history of championing Planned Parenthood; is anyone REALLY buying his sudden "evolution" to being pro-life CONVENIENTLY timed just as he decided to run for the GOP nomination?

8) He has a history of championing single-payer health coverage, saying, "Everybody's got to be covered" and "the government's going to pay for it".

9) He wrote in his book The America We Deserve that he supported a ban on "assault weapons". Miraculously, he "evolved" on that last year also, right before announcing his candidacy.

10) He's a BIG fan of eminent domain, otherwise known as "no such thing as a right to own property". He even tried to use it to bully an old woman out of her home because he wanted to build a parking lot there. He refers to that as "the greater good".

11) He's not only been in business with George Soros, he had a RICO complaint filed against him in regards to that deal. That might ought to give pause to some of the people excoriating Ted Cruz for getting a loan from Goldman Sachs.

OF COURSE he's never had qualms about criticizing Republicans; that's because HE'S ALWAYS BEEN A LIBERAL.

If you can find me any of these apocryphal "conservative, patriotic" positions of his that date farther back than last year, I'd love to hear them.

Donald Trump is Barack Obama in Republican clothing.

If his comments are a giant load of horse apples....your comments are a giant load of horsecrap.

Brilliant, incisive, comprehensive rebuttal you've got there.

Remind me, which state are you registered in to vote in the US Presidential election of 2016?

Considering the occupant of White House in general always believes they CONTROL the world and that EVERY nation must comply with Washington DCs demands or risk sanctions or bombing or whatever....then I think I have an absolute right to be bothered and allowed to comment about American Presidential candidates and the election.

IF America didn't arrogantly believe that Europa was an automatic vassal, IF America STFU and minded it's own business and didn't stick it's nose in SOVEREIGN NATIONS INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL AFFAIRS, then I wouldn't care one iota, but they DO and so I do care.

So I don't care what you comment or think.
He's an independent thinker and that's what we need.

Agreed and that's why the Cuckservatives are afraid of him, The Donald is everything they aren't.

The Establishment aka The Globalist Puppet Masters, they just want yet another puppet to control....they know they won't be able to control Trump, that's why they hate him.

Doesn't the crinkling from your tinfoil hat get on your nerves once in a while? This mishmash of bumper sticker slogans makes no sense and doesn't actually say anything, but I bet it gives you a little thrill of fear whenever you contemplate whatever vast, shadowy conspiracy you think it reveals.

Huh? What is wrong with you? You always come across as if with you you're CONSTANTLY in the grip of "it's THAT TIME of month"....CONSTANT PMT!

I'm allergic to stupidity. It makes my teeth ache and my skin itch.

If we're quite done with the whole "You're so MEAN!!!" whinge, perhaps you could produce a post on the topic that makes some sense? If you want to run off the playground and tattle to the teacher first, I can wait.

You have absolutely no manners, which says a great deal about you.
My thinking on Trump is that would he look at the government as a way to pour money into the funnels in which he would then have access to, in which many golden fountains flow from them like raging golden streams out of Washington these days ? I mean what businessman on earth could you find that would'nt want to control the flow of some of that money in order to benefit his empire that has been created ?

He's already answered about how he used the bankruptcy's to his advantage legally right ? He said he used the laws on the books to his advantage, and hey could you blame him ? OK, but would he change those laws by prompting legislation that to be submitted, otherwise if he felt they were foolish in the ways that he used them at the time ? How exactly is he looking at this job and what it can do for him or is it really about us with this guy ?
He has been accused of rape on prime time UK tv tonight.

Who accused him of this? Are we in Bill Clinton territory?

Did Bill Clinton rape someone?

Tommy says Trump is being accused of rape....Bill Clinton multiple times accused of rape by different women.
You are a fukng tool. If Clinton raped someone does that make it ok for Trump to do so ? What an idiot.
Trump could shoot someone, and the far right would defend him.

Oh, puh-leaze. Go watch the clip where he said that. He was clearly, obviously joking. It was humorous hyperbole, nothing more. And many of Trump's supporters are not "far right" by any stretch. They know that Trump opposes privatizing Social Security, for example, and that he largely agrees with folks like Elizabeth Warren on trade (he opposes the TPP and favors using tariffs to protect American industries from unfair foreign competition, as does Warren and as do labor unions--by the way, the GOP used to strongly, ardently favor protective tariffs).

You show your own extreme and jaded bias when you keep pretending that Trump is somehow "far right."
"far right" is a correct and accurate description of the so-called Tea Party movement.

"far right" is a good description for much of your writings.

Americans know to be careful of your type.

Donald is egomaniacal, I believe, and does not have the temperament to be president.
He's an independent thinker and that's what we need.

Agreed and that's why the Cuckservatives are afraid of him, The Donald is everything they aren't.

The Establishment aka The Globalist Puppet Masters, they just want yet another puppet to control....they know they won't be able to control Trump, that's why they hate him.

Doesn't the crinkling from your tinfoil hat get on your nerves once in a while? This mishmash of bumper sticker slogans makes no sense and doesn't actually say anything, but I bet it gives you a little thrill of fear whenever you contemplate whatever vast, shadowy conspiracy you think it reveals.

Huh? What is wrong with you? You always come across as if with you you're CONSTANTLY in the grip of "it's THAT TIME of month"....CONSTANT PMT!

I'm allergic to stupidity. It makes my teeth ache and my skin itch.

If we're quite done with the whole "You're so MEAN!!!" whinge, perhaps you could produce a post on the topic that makes some sense? If you want to run off the playground and tattle to the teacher first, I can wait.

You have absolutely no manners, which says a great deal about you.

Sorry, who are you, and why was I caring about your opinion?

Oh, that's right, no one and I wasn't.

I know, why don't you waste yet another post wailing at me that I'm mean and you don't like me, because maybe THAT time, it and you will miraculously become important.

Bottom line, Sparkles: you don't live here, you're not voting, and this isn't kindergarten. Maybe in Canada, you've gotten used to being able to control what people think and say, but this isn't about Canada. Really, very little in the world actually is.

Personally, I'm done having my time wasted and the debate derailed by, "Globalist Puppet Masters! You're a meaniehead! I don't know what the issues are, but here's my VERY IMPORTANT opinion about them! Blather blather blather no one gives a crap!" Ta, dearie.

My thinking on Trump is that would he look at the government as a way to pour money into the funnels in which he would then have access to, in which many golden fountains flow from them like raging golden streams out of Washington these days ? I mean what businessman on earth could you find that would'nt want to control the flow of some of that money in order to benefit his empire that has been created ?

He's already answered about how he used the bankruptcy's to his advantage legally right ? He said he used the laws on the books to his advantage, and hey could you blame him ? OK, but would he change those laws by prompting legislation that to be submitted, otherwise if he felt they were foolish in the ways that he used them at the time ? How exactly is he looking at this job and what it can do for him or is it really about us with this guy ?

Thank God, someone else finally gets it. "I'm not owned by corporate bigwigs!" is meaningless if you ARE the corporate bigwig. And it's painfully obvious that on any issue that doesn't directly benefit Donald Trump, he really, genuinely doesn't give a furry rat's ass.
I have heaped my share of criticisms on Donald Trump and am still not sure he would be the strongest candidate to run in the general election. However, I am starting to understand why such a wide range of people are supporting him--from secular conservatives and moderates (such as Jesse Ventura, Carl Icahn, Gary Buse) to staunch religious conservatives (such as Sarah Palin, Phyllis Schlafly, Jerry Falwell Jr., and Robert Jeffress)--and why even people like Bob Dole have said that although they are supporting someone else they would gladly back Trump if he gets the nomination because they think he's an intelligent, effective leader who would make a good president.

Most of these people grasp the one key, central, overriding fact about Donald Trump: He is an American first and foremost and a Republican a distant second, and he judges every policy by whether or not it would be best for America, regardless of how some other people or nations might feel about it.

Trump's economic plan is clearly center-right and would be a huge step forward from where we are now. However, overall he is not the most conservative GOP candidate. In fact, were it not for his positions on immigration and internal security, he would be widely regarded as the least conservative GOP candidate and perhaps even as something of a moderate with conservative leanings on some issues. Overall, he is a conservative, but he is not as conservative as Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, or Marco Rubio, among others.

The key difference with Trump, aside from his centrist and even liberal views on a few issues, and what makes him so appealing to so many people, is that he is a genuine patriot who puts loyalty to country far above loyalty to any political party and who has no qualms about criticizing Republican policies and leaders when he disagrees with them, including the Iraq War, George W, Bush, etc., etc.
But then why has he flip flopped on issues that adults should have firm views on?
6 of Donald Trump’s biggest campaign-trail flip-flops

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