Understanding "Replacement Theory"....It's A Fact


No, that's not what that will mean. Why do you think a minority majority society would govern like racist whites would? 🤣

But you've essentially admitted that only the Democrats are racists.

They have always been the party of racism, segregation, and second class citizenship.....and you've claimed to be copacetic with that.

It's important that you keep reminding all of that.
No, that's not what that will mean. Why do you think a minority majority society would govern like racist whites would? 🤣
Racist whites like stupid Joe Biden?
We're going back to "color-blind" as soon as the GOP takes control of the government again.
Besides, I want "mixed" races tracked accurately. Of those 12% "black" voters, how many are really "mixed" race?
When there are no "Minorities" there are no special benefits, like set asides for "minority" businesses.
It will be a level playing field. Race won't matter at all.
Racist whites like stupid Joe Biden?
We're going back to "color-blind" as soon as the GOP takes control of the government again.
Besides, I want "mixed" races tracked accurately. Of those 12% "black" voters, how many are really "mixed" race?
When there are no "Minorities" there are no special benefits, like set asides for "minority" businesses.
It will be a level playing field. Race won't matter at all.
Stop projecting.
But you've essentially admitted that only the Democrats are racists.

They have always been the party of racism, segregation, and second class citizenship.....and you've claimed to be copacetic with that.

It's important that you keep reminding all of that.
White southerners have always been deeply racist. Doesn't matter if they were Democrats or Republicans. If you look back at the vote against civil rights in 64 and the voting rights act in 65 you clearly see that Democrats and Republicans in the South all voted against them. All except 2 Democrats. Every white politician in south voted against blacks have equal rights just 57 years ago because white southerners, regardless of party affiliation, have always been deeply and deplorably racist.
Racist whites like stupid Joe Biden?
We're going back to "color-blind" as soon as the GOP takes control of the government again.
Besides, I want "mixed" races tracked accurately. Of those 12% "black" voters, how many are really "mixed" race?
When there are no "Minorities" there are no special benefits, like set asides for "minority" businesses.
It will be a level playing field. Race won't matter at all.
Just because minorities and mixed race people will eventually be the dominant demographic doesn't mean they will be the economic majority or the majority in leadership. This will probably be cause for more redistributive legislation, not less you moron.
She supports the same position as those racist democrats.

She is against the Hart-Cellars Act.

That was the point being made.
No she doesn't. She's spent the entire thread lambasting them for passing it.

You clearly aren't seeing the same thing I'm seeing.
So what you are saying is white southerners have always been shit people? I largely agree. 😁
Its time to leave the urban safety areas and bring your violent wings to these areas. Antifa, BLM, Abortion Activists and the rest. Bring them. If nothing happens then you know. We all know. But there must be violence. Violence, Destruction, Carnage, Maiming and even Deaths. No pushback and you are home free. This needs to end. For we are not living in this nation. People we hear about and do not hear about have turned it into a hell.
Just because minorities and mixed race people will eventually be the dominant demographic doesn't mean they will be the economic majority or the majority in leadership. This will probably be cause for more redistributive legislation, not less you moron.
Who knows if it's even about that.

Remember, they want to "preserve the white race for themselves and their children".
Its time to leave the urban safety areas and bring your violent wings to these areas. Antifa, BLM, Abortion Activists and the rest. Bring them. If nothing happens then you know. We all know. But there must be violence. Violence, Destruction, Carnage, Maiming and even Deaths. No pushback and you are home free. This needs to end. For we are not living in this nation. People we hear about and do not hear about have turned it into a hell.
We don't need violence. Your demographic replacement is already underhand, largely through legal means. (Rises in interracial births coupled with declines in white ones)
When there are no "Minorities" there are no special benefits, like set asides for "minority" businesses.
It will be a level playing field. Race won't matter at all.

How naïve. You have racists in positions of business or social power who see anybody darker than George Hamilton as a target for discrimination.
How many blacks got killed in the democrat urban plantations this year?
Is that like "mass murder"?
Actually I posted in another thread that Illinois is 30th in gun violence in the US.

Want to know who the top states are?
White southerners have always been deeply racist. Doesn't matter if they were Democrats or Republicans. If you look back at the vote against civil rights in 64 and the voting rights act in 65 you clearly see that Democrats and Republicans in the South all voted against them. All except 2 Democrats. Every white politician in south voted against blacks have equal rights just 57 years ago because white southerners, regardless of party affiliation, have always been deeply and deplorably racist.
"White southerners have always been deeply racist. Doesn't matter if they were Democrats or Republicans."

Watch me smash another custard pie in your ugly, lying kisser.

Eisenhower received at least one-third of the vote in every state in the Old Confederacy.

The same is true for Nixon in 1960, when the pro-Civil Rights Nixon
, who…was representing an Administration that enforced Brown v. Board, carried Virginia, Tennessee and Florida. ….Republicans picked up their first elected Southern Senate seat in history in a 1960 special election shortly after the election.

In 1964, Goldwater did break through in the Deep South. “
The Southern Strategy Myth and the Lost Majority

“The second trendline in the data is ideology.
To accept the Southern Strategy myth that race is the dominant reason why white Southerners would find a home in the GOP, you have to ignore the role of (among other issues) economics, religion, and foreign policy/national security. “

Soooo….why did the South end up in the Republican camp? Not due to the preposterous and slanderous allegations of the Democrats, i.e., that they’re all racists, both the Southern voters and the Republican Party.
Here is the answer in microcosm: because neither the Southern voter nor the GOP is racist:

a. 1966 Republican Bo Calloway ran against Democrat Lester Maddox, who “gained national attention for refusing to serve blacks in his popular cafeteria near the Georgia Tech campus. Newsmen tipped off about the confrontation reported how restaurant patrons and employees wielded ax handles while Mr. Maddox waved a pistol. …”
About Questia | Questia, Your Online Research Library

Maddox was endorsed by Democrat Jimmy Carter in the above governor’s race. When the race was too close to call, the Democrat state legislature gave it to Maddox.

b.1966- Republican Spiro Agnew ran against Democrat segregationists George Mahoney for governor of Maryland. Agnew enacted some of the first laws in the nation against race discrimination in public housing. “Agnew signed the state's first open-housing laws and succeeded in getting the repeal of an anti-miscegenationlaw.”
Spiro Agnew - Wikipedia

c.1966- pro-integrationist Republican Winthrop Rockefeller won Arkansas, replacing Bill Clinton-pal Orval Faubus.

Not all Democrats were segregationists, but all segregationists were Democrats
! And…there were enough of them to demand compliance from the rest of the party.

One would imagine that, in the face of this onslaught of facts that they can’t refute, the Democrat voters would change their support.
They won’t because they can’t: for the weak mind, indoctrination is indelible.
No she doesn't. She's spent the entire thread lambasting them for passing it.

You clearly aren't seeing the same thing I'm seeing.

I’ll be more clear. She blasted the democrats for passing it. Yet agreed with the racist democrats for being against it.
No she doesn't. She's spent the entire thread lambasting them for passing it.

You clearly aren't seeing the same thing I'm seeing.

This is why one should never start a patty-cake game with a three year old......it neve ends.

Betty-Jety is the three year old mentally.

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