Understanding "Replacement Theory"....It's A Fact

"White southerners have always been deeply racist. Doesn't matter if they were Democrats or Republicans."

Watch me smash another custard pie in your ugly, lying kisser.

Eisenhower received at least one-third of the vote in every state in the Old Confederacy.

The same is true for Nixon in 1960, when the pro-Civil Rights Nixon
, who…was representing an Administration that enforced Brown v. Board, carried Virginia, Tennessee and Florida. ….Republicans picked up their first elected Southern Senate seat in history in a 1960 special election shortly after the election.

In 1964, Goldwater did break through in the Deep South. “
The Southern Strategy Myth and the Lost Majority

“The second trendline in the data is ideology.
To accept the Southern Strategy myth that race is the dominant reason why white Southerners would find a home in the GOP, you have to ignore the role of (among other issues) economics, religion, and foreign policy/national security. “

Soooo….why did the South end up in the Republican camp? Not due to the preposterous and slanderous allegations of the Democrats, i.e., that they’re all racists, both the Southern voters and the Republican Party.
Here is the answer in microcosm: because neither the Southern voter nor the GOP is racist:

a. 1966 Republican Bo Calloway ran against Democrat Lester Maddox, who “gained national attention for refusing to serve blacks in his popular cafeteria near the Georgia Tech campus. Newsmen tipped off about the confrontation reported how restaurant patrons and employees wielded ax handles while Mr. Maddox waved a pistol. …”
About Questia | Questia, Your Online Research Library

Maddox was endorsed by Democrat Jimmy Carter in the above governor’s race. When the race was too close to call, the Democrat state legislature gave it to Maddox.

b.1966- Republican Spiro Agnew ran against Democrat segregationists George Mahoney for governor of Maryland. Agnew enacted some of the first laws in the nation against race discrimination in public housing. “Agnew signed the state's first open-housing laws and succeeded in getting the repeal of an anti-miscegenationlaw.”
Spiro Agnew - Wikipedia

c.1966- pro-integrationist Republican Winthrop Rockefeller won Arkansas, replacing Bill Clinton-pal Orval Faubus.

Not all Democrats were segregationists, but all segregationists were Democrats
! And…there were enough of them to demand compliance from the rest of the party.

One would imagine that, in the face of this onslaught of facts that they can’t refute, the Democrat voters would change their support.
They won’t because they can’t: for the weak mind, indoctrination is indelible.
You keep talking about political parties, I'm talking about people. The white southern population has always been deeply racist. If you disagree tell me when they stopped being racist and how that change came about.
Just because minorities and mixed race people will eventually be the dominant demographic doesn't mean they will be the economic majority or the majority in leadership. This will probably be cause for more redistributive legislation, not less you moron.
LOL!!!!!!!!! OMG!
Just because your IQ is 15 points lower doesn't mean you get "equity".
To be a doctor you need to pass tests.
To be a lawyer...
To be an engineer or scientist...
To qualify for an Ivy League school...

So Mr. Low IQ, explain why, when there are NO MAJORITIES to blame, why you expect more "redistributive legislation"?????

That make no sense. Waiting....
How many blacks got killed in the democrat urban plantations this year?
Is that like "mass murder"?
Why constantly post the number of shootings in Chicago (Illinois), when Illinois isn't even in the top half of states in gun violence.

US States With the Highest Level of Gun Violence

Rank State Rate
1 Alaska 24.5
2 Alabama 22.9
3 Montana 22.5
4 Louisiana 21.7
5 Mississippi 21.5
6 Missouri 21.5
7 Arkansas 20.3
8 Wyoming 18.8
9 West Virginia 18.6
10 New Mexico 18.5
11 Tennessee 18.4
12 South Carolina 17.7
13 Oklahoma 17.2
14 Nevada 16.7
15 Idaho 16.4
16 Kentucky 16.2
17 Kansas 16.0
18 Arizona 15.8
19 Georgia 15.4
20 Indiana 15.3
21 Utah 14.0
22 North Carolina 13.7
23 Ohio 13.7
24 Colorado 13.4
25 North Dakota 13.2
26 Pennsylvania 12.5
27 Florida 12.4
28 Texas 12.4
29 Maryland 12.3
30 Illinois 12.1
31 Oregon 12.1
32 United States 12.0

Illinois is barely above the national average.
This is why one should never start a patty-cake game with a three year old......it neve ends.

Betty-Jety is the three year old mentally.

And yet every time challenged, you have nothing but puerile name calling and insults.

Wonder why that is?
How many blacks got killed in the democrat urban plantations this year?
Is that like "mass murder"?
"324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years

324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years – American Free Press



LOL!!!!!!!!! OMG!
Just because your IQ is 15 points lower doesn't mean you get "equity".
To be a doctor you need to pass tests.
To be a lawyer...
To be an engineer or scientist...
To qualify for an Ivy League school...

So Mr. Low IQ, explain why, when there are NO MAJORITIES to blame, why you expect more "redistributive legislation"?????

That make no sense. Waiting....
How do I explain, demographic distribution compared to wealth and economic distribution to a moron? You understand they aren't the same thing right? Just because minorities are replacing you demographically doesn't mean they are going to suddenly have a portional ownership of economic wealth. And do you think once we have the social and political numbers to change that, that we won't? How naive are you boy? 😄
You keep talking about political parties, I'm talking about people. The white southern population has always been deeply racist. If you disagree tell me when they stopped being racist and how that change came about.

No you're not, lying -scum:

In answer to this….. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

“I don't know, it all sounds pretty wonderful to me.”

Understanding "Replacement Theory"....It's A Fact post #69

That's your party, and you find it 'wonderful.'


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Why constantly post the number of shootings in Chicago (Illinois), when Illinois isn't even in the top half of states in gun violence.

US States With the Highest Level of Gun Violence

Rank State Rate
1 Alaska 24.5
2 Alabama 22.9
3 Montana 22.5
4 Louisiana 21.7
5 Mississippi 21.5
6 Missouri 21.5
7 Arkansas 20.3
8 Wyoming 18.8
9 West Virginia 18.6
10 New Mexico 18.5
11 Tennessee 18.4
12 South Carolina 17.7
13 Oklahoma 17.2
14 Nevada 16.7
15 Idaho 16.4
16 Kentucky 16.2
17 Kansas 16.0
18 Arizona 15.8
19 Georgia 15.4
20 Indiana 15.3
21 Utah 14.0
22 North Carolina 13.7
23 Ohio 13.7
24 Colorado 13.4
25 North Dakota 13.2
26 Pennsylvania 12.5
27 Florida 12.4
28 Texas 12.4
29 Maryland 12.3
30 Illinois 12.1
31 Oregon 12.1
32 United States 12.0

Illinois is barely above the national average.
Blue Cities.
No you're not, lying -scum:

In answer to this….. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

“I don't know, it all sounds pretty wonderful to me.”

Understanding "Replacement Theory"....It's A Fact post #69

That's your party, and you find it 'wonderful.'
You keep wanting to go back to talking about political parties, I'm talking about racist southern whites. I don't care what party they belonged to. I'm not white. I'd be happy if America pissed on all their legacies. So tell me, when did southern whites stop being deplorable assclowns? When they left the union to protect slavery? When they voted against ending segregation? When?
How naïve. You have racists in positions of business or social power who see anybody darker than George Hamilton as a target for discrimination.
A racist like "you ain't black" Joe Xiden? Who targets race anymore?
We were getting color-blind until the democrats needed a race card to play.

Discrimination like excluding Asians from colleges because their "Tiger Moms" made them top students, and minority kids were out selling drugs and flash mobbing?
You mean discrimination like that?
The courts will never go along with preferential treatment based on race when they are not a "minority"
You keep wanting to go back to talking about political parties, I'm talking about racist southern whites. I don't care what party they belonged to. I'm not white. I'd be happy if America pissed on all their legacies. So tell me, when did southern whites stop being deplorable assclowns? When they left the union to protect slavery? When they voted against ending segregation? When?

You praised your party, "wonderful" in response to infanticide, racism, and every other totalitarian design.

You are a gift: you prove everything I have said about the Democrat Party.....it is made up of fools and lying scum.

Did I leave out 'vulgar' and 'trash'???

Consider it added.
Why constantly post the number of shootings in Chicago (Illinois), when Illinois isn't even in the top half of states in gun violence.
In democrat run cities gun violence kills THOUSANDS a year.
Ten dead in Buffalo doesn't move that decimal point...

You praised your party, "wonderful" in response to infanticide, racism, and every other totalitarian design.
No, I merely find your characterizations amusing and uninteresting as far as stimulating conversation goes. You call it infanticide, I call it pro choice, who gives a shit. I'm not going to feel bad because you called me a supporter of infanticide you clown. Boo fucking hoo.
You are a gift: you prove everything I have said about the Democrat Party.....it is made up of fools and lying scum.
Prove to who? This is the more interesting discussion. Who in the mainstream believes the Democratic party is the party of white racists?
Did I leave out 'vulgar' and 'trash'???

Consider it added.
I don't care if you're offended either. You cant beat my argument. I have absolutely no interest in protecting white southern Democrats like the Clintons, I'm happy to throw all racist white southerners under the bus. Now what clown? 😄
A racist like "you ain't black" Joe Xiden? Who targets race anymore?
We were getting color-blind until the democrats needed a race card to play.

Racist refers to somebody discriminating AGAINST a race, not somebody giving them a fair shot.
No, I merely find your characterizations amusing and uninteresting as far as stimulating conversation goes. You call it infanticide, I call it pro choice, who gives a shit. I'm not going to feel bad because you called me a supporter of infanticide you clown. Boo fucking hoo.

Prove to who? This is the more interesting discussion. Who in the mainstream believes the Democratic party is the party of white racists?

I don't care if you're offended either. You cant beat my argument. I have absolutely no interest in protecting white southern Democrats like the Clintons, I'm happy to throw all racist white southerners under the bus. Now what clown? 😄

I love your posts!

They are not just easily proven to be lies, but document everything I try to prove to those who haven't made up their minds about your sort, Democrats.

5 to 10 times more read a thread than post in one.......and those are my target audience, my educational mission.
And you are a great help in documenting what the Left/Democrats really are.

And thanks for proving what I said about Replacement Theory.....

Your testimony was dispositive!

“ I'm happy to be part of the immigrant/mixed race/birth right citizenship brigade helping to demographically replace white Americans. “

Understanding "Replacement Theory"....It's A Fact post #57
Last edited:
I love your posts!

They are not just easily proven to be lies, but document everything I try to prove to those who haven't made up their minds about your sort, Democrats.

5 to 10 more read a thread than post in one.......and those are my target audience, my educational mission.
And you are a great help in documenting what the Left/Democrats really are.

And thanks for proving what I said about Replacement Theory.....

Your testimony was dispositive!

“ I'm happy to be part of the immigrant/mixed race/birth right citizenship brigade helping to demographically replace white Americans. “

Understanding "Replacement Theory"....It's A Fact post #57
Good. Spread my message to all your cuck white friends. 😄 What can you do about it?

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