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Understanding The Revolution….

The left doesn't want the economy to be taken over by the government. It wants something similar to what the Scandinavian countries do. You know, those countries with better health, education and levels of happiness.
accept that the democrats want to take guns just like the Nazi, which shoots your premise down.
Sorry but I don't accept that the democrats want to take away guns from everyone, just criminals, minors, the mentally ill, and people that don't know how and when to use them properly.

Maybe they'd believe you if half the retards at that protest weren't waving signs that said something to the effect of "Abolish the second amendment."
correct, they have no rights, so the kids protesting guns are meaningless right?
Not sure what rabbit hole you are going down but kids do have rights. They don't have the same rights as adults but they have rights and one of them is the 1st amendment.
correct, they have no rights, so the kids protesting guns are meaningless right?
Not sure what rabbit hole you are going down but kids do have rights. They don't have the same rights as adults but they have rights and one of them is the 1st amendment.
they can't vote. guess what that means? can they drive, get a job under age 16?
The lack of understanding that you evince, on a daily if not moment to moment basis, is monumental.

Today's Democrat Party stands for the very same things that the Communist Party did.
The lack of honesty and integrity that you evince, on a daily if not moment to moment basis, is monumental.

You have never been able to show that today's Democrat Party stands for the very same things that the Communist Party did. You may be able to misquote and distort what some Democrats have said as you have demonstrated in the past but for every such quote I believe I could come up with a GOP quote that sounds a lot like something from the Nazi Party.

Of course I have.

Your shutting your eyes real tight doesn't change the fact.

5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property)
1. The Family

2. Individuality

3. Eternal Truths

4. Nations

5. The Past

5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property) | Jon Miltimore

.....take a look at the aims of the Communist Party, USA, and the aims of the modern Democrat Party.

Watch, and note the consubstantial basis of both the aims of the Communist Party and the Democrat Party:

......it is ...extraordinary.....the correspondence between the aims of the communist party and the aims of the Democrats.....

1. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

2. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.

3. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

4. . Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

5. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

6. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

7. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

8. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

10. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

11. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

12. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

13. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

Now....wouldn't an honest appraisal agree that all or almost all are clearly the aims and direction of Democrats/Liberals/Progressive leaders?

I got 'em from a website of declared communist goals...

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

You might take a look at this one, too.
10 planks of Communist manifesto
Communist Manifesto 10 Planks

1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

"Obama Set To Propose Taxes On Capital Gains, Inheritance, And Wall Street"
Obama Set To Propose Taxes On Capital Gains, Inheritance, And Wall Street - Shadowproof

And this:

"Government control of private sector activity...is aptly described as Bolshevik- or Marxist, socialist, collectivist, statist, or, for that matter, fascist, too.Indeed, nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917(Banks, insurance companies and means of communications were also taken over by Soviet authorities immediately."
Dziewanowski, "A History of Soviet Russia," p. 107.

They didn't call it ObamaCare....

....we are now free of that inordinate fear of communism.... Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter: UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME - Address at Commencement Exercises at the University

President Barack Obama downplayed the differences between capitalism and communism, claiming that they are just “intellectual arguments.” He urged those at a town hall eventin Buenos Aires, Argentina on Wednesday to “just choose from what works.”
Obama Downplays Difference Between Capitalism, Communism [VIDEO]
I appreciate you being green and recycling your old posts. I didn't accept them the first few times and they are no better with age. Do you have anything new to say?
correct, they have no rights, so the kids protesting guns are meaningless right?
Not sure what rabbit hole you are going down but kids do have rights. They don't have the same rights as adults but they have rights and one of them is the 1st amendment.
they can't vote. guess what that means? can they drive, get a job under age 16?
Please eschew obfuscation. What is your point?
they believe that all men are created equal means equal their entire lives not creation. That individuality is important to be successful. They want everyone to be the same. they think a vagina is a penis I guess. They think money is not important. even though it has been the entire life cycle of man. Not sure their koolaid, but they should stop drinking.
You may speak for all liberals but for me, I believe we are all created equal and every child deserves an equal chance to succeed or fail. That chance shouldn't depend on the success of their parents. That is in the best interests of the child, the parents, and the country.

Let's get this straight....you post in support of the party that harvests the organs of children.

Don't pretend you have any concern for them.
correct, they have no rights, so the kids protesting guns are meaningless right?
Not sure what rabbit hole you are going down but kids do have rights. They don't have the same rights as adults but they have rights and one of them is the 1st amendment.
they can't vote. guess what that means? can they drive, get a job under age 16?
Please eschew obfuscation. What is your point?
they aren't equal to adults. Is what I'm saying. destroys your entire argument.
accept that the democrats want to take guns just like the Nazi, which shoots your premise down.
Sorry but I don't accept that the democrats want to take away guns from everyone, just criminals, minors, the mentally ill, and people that don't know how and when to use them properly.

Gads, if not for lies, you'd be mute.

Of course it is the Democrat plan to confiscate guns and eliminate the second amendment.

Confiscation is exactly what the Democrats/Liberals/Leftists are all about.

That's why they bring up Australia.
Australia uses a mandated confiscation.

"Recently, Australia managed to take away tens of thousands, millions of handguns. In one year, they were all gone. Can we do that? If we can't, why can't we?" a man asked [Hillary] Clinton.

"In the Australian example, as I recall, that was a buyback program," Clinton responded. "The Australian government, as part of trying to clamp down on the availability of automatic weapons, offered a good price for buying hundreds of thousands of guns. Then, they basically clamped down, going forward, in terms of having more of a background check approach, more of a permitting approach, but they believe, and I think the evidence supports them, that by offering to buyback those guns, they were able to curtail the supply and set a different standard for gun purchases in the future … So I think that's worth considering. I do not know enough detail to tell you how we would do it, or how would it work, but certainly your example is worth looking at."

"Hillary: Australia-style gun control ‘worth looking at’"
Hillary: Australia-style gun control ‘worth looking at’

"But both she and Barack Obama, along with other prominent Democrats, have invoked England and Australia as models America should consider adopting."

Democrats' "Australian-Style" Solution
The left doesn't want the economy to be taken over by the government. It wants something similar to what the Scandinavian countries do. You know, those countries with better health, education and levels of happiness.

Let's check:

"The Economist: The Nordic countries are reinventing their model of capitalism, says Adrian Wooldridge
Feb 2nd 2013 |From the print edition

  1. THIRTY YEARS AGO Margaret Thatcher turned Britain into the world’s leading centre of “thinking the unthinkable”. Today that distinction has passed to Sweden….Sweden has reduced public spending as a proportion of GDP from 67% in 1993 to 49% today…. It has also cut the top marginal tax rate by 27 percentage points since 1983, to 57%, and scrapped a mare’s nest of taxes on property, gifts, wealth and inheritance. This year it is cutting the corporate-tax rate from 26.3% to 22%.
  2. Sweden has also donned the golden straitjacket of fiscal orthodoxy with its pledge to produce a fiscal surplus over the economic cycle. Its public debt fell from 70% of GDP in 1993 to 37% in 2010, and its budget moved from an 11% deficit to a surplus of 0.3% over the same period.
  3. Most daringly, it has introduced a universal system of school vouchers and invited private schools to compete with public ones. Private companies also vie with each other to provide state-funded health services and care for the elderly….Sweden is pioneering “a new conservative model”…
  4. …Sweden’s quiet revolution has brought about a dramatic change in its economic performance. The two decades from 1970 were a period of decline: the country was demoted from being the world’s fourth-richest in 1970 to 14th-richest in 1993, …The two decades from 1990 were a period of recovery: GDP growth between 1993 and 2010 averaged 2.7% a year and productivity 2.1% a year, compared with 1.9% and 1% respectively for the main 15 EU countries.
  5. For most of the 20th century Sweden prided itself on offering what Marquis Childs called, in his 1936 book of that title, a “Middle Way” between capitalism and socialism…As the decades rolled by, the middle way veered left. The government kept growing: public spending as a share of GDP nearly doubled from 1960 to 1980 and peaked at 67% in 1993.
    1. Taxes kept rising. The Social Democrats (who ruled Sweden for 44 uninterrupted years from 1932 to 1976 and for 21 out of the 24 years from 1982 to 2006) kept squeezing business. “The era of neo-capitalism is drawing to an end,” said Olof Palme, the party’s leader, in 1974. “It is some kind of socialism that is the key to the future.”
  6. The other Nordic countries have been moving in the same direction,… Denmark has one of the most liberal labour markets in Europe. It also allows parents to send children to private schools at public expense and make up the difference in cost with their own money. Finland is harnessing the skills of venture capitalists and angel investors to promote innovation and entrepreneurship.
  7. But the new Nordic model begins with the individual rather than the state. It begins with fiscal responsibility rather than pump-priming: all four Nordic countries have AAA ratings and debt loads significantly below the euro-zone average. It begins with choice and competition rather than paternalism and planning.
    1. The leftward lurch has been reversed: rather than extending the state into the market, the Nordics are extending the market into the state.
  8. “The welfare state we have is excellent in most ways,” says Gunnar Viby Mogensen, a Danish historian. “We only have this little problem. We can’t afford it.”
  9. ….they have reached the future first. They are grappling with problems that other countries too will have to deal with in due course, such as what to do when you reach the limits of big government and how to organise society when almost all women work.
  10. … the new Nordic model is proving strikingly successful. The Nordics dominate indices of competitiveness as well as of well-being. Their high scores in both types of league table mark a big change since the 1980s when welfare took precedence over competitiveness.”
Northern lights

a. reduced public spending as a proportion of GDP
b. cut the top marginal tax rate
c. scrapped a mare’s nest of taxes on property, gifts, wealth and inheritance.
d. cutting the corporate-tax rate
e. pledge to produce a fiscal surplus
f. public debt fell from 70% of GDP in 1993 to 37% in 2010
g. budget moved from an 11% deficit to a surplus of 0.3%
h. a universal system of school vouchers
i. invited private schools to compete with public ones.
j. Private companies also vie with each other to provide state-funded health services and care for the elderly

the new Nordic model begins with the individual rather than the state.
Sweden is pioneering “a new conservative model”…
Maybe they'd believe you if half the retards at that protest weren't waving signs that said something to the effect of "Abolish the second amendment."
I don't think "Abolish the second amendment" is the same thing as wanting to ban all guns. At least it isn't for me. Owning a car isn't a constitutional right yet there were an estimated 263.6 million registered passenger vehicles in the United States in 2015.
Confounding said:
Let's get this straight....you post in support of the party that harvests the organs of children.

Don't pretend you have any concern for them.

"Your argument is invalid because abortion."

That's pretty weak even for you.

Wait......are you denying the post????

Does Planned Parenthood harvest the organs and sell them?????

Does the Democrat party insist on funding Planned Parenthood???

Does Planned Parenthood kick back 'donations' to the Democrat Party?????

Or....are you simply embarrassed at where you send your political support.....to murderers.
Maybe they'd believe you if half the retards at that protest weren't waving signs that said something to the effect of "Abolish the second amendment."
I don't think "Abolish the second amendment" is the same thing as wanting to ban all guns. At least it isn't for me. Owning a car isn't a constitutional right yet there were an estimated 263.6 million registered passenger vehicles in the United States in 2015.

"At least it isn't for me."


Do you vote Democrat?
the new Nordic model begins with the individual rather than the state.
Sweden is pioneering “a new conservative model”…

Cool, well if you support what they're doing over there then let's get it done. Can we start with healthcare?
4. Valiant efforts were made during the 1800s to find a socio-economic model to benefit the greatest number of citizens.
A number of communes were created, all based on the flawed principle of '"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" .....

.....and every one failed.

Sloth, indolence, greed and self-aggrandizement always sunk the endeavor.

But the believers wouldn't give up!!!

....clearly, there was a need to rescue socialism, Marxism, from the failures of the communes, the basic view…..the malleability of human nature was never in doubt. (Hillary Clinton pounded it in her college thesis.)

Only, now, the 'new society' was to be force on everyone, they would be compelled, under the most stringent of plans: the gulag.

5. The central societal belief was the same as the communes dictated: the abolition of private property….just from a voluntary to a compulsory system.

6. “THE BOLSHEVIST REVOLUTION of October, 1917 [1], did not overthrow the Kerensky government alone, it overthrew the whole social system that was based on private property.”
Leon Trotsky: Literature and Revolution (1. Pre-Revolutionary Art)

Exactly what the Democrat's "Occupy Wall Street" was all about.
You evidently never knew about the utopian religious settlements in the US that failed also...

Brook Farm (1841-1846): The Transcendentalist Romance

Fruitlands (1843-1844): The Farm Without Farmers

New Harmony (1825-1829): The Boatload of Knowledge

Oneida (1848−1881): The Complex Marriage

The Shakers (1745-): The Simple Life

5 19th-Century Utopian Communities in the United States

the new Nordic model begins with the individual rather than the state.
Sweden is pioneering “a new conservative model”…

Cool, well if you support what they're doing over there then let's get it done. Can we start with healthcare?

You should read more carefully.....

    1. Taxes kept rising. The Social Democrats (who ruled Sweden for 44 uninterrupted years from 1932 to 1976 and for 21 out of the 24 years from 1982 to 2006) kept squeezing business. “The era of neo-capitalism is drawing to an end,” said Olof Palme, the party’s leader, in 1974. “It is some kind of socialism that is the key to the future.”
  1. The other Nordic countries have been moving in the same direction,… Denmark has one of the most liberal labour markets in Europe. It also allows parents to send children to private schools at public expense and make up the difference in cost with their own money. Finland is harnessing the skills of venture capitalists and angel investors to promote innovation and entrepreneurship.
  2. But the new Nordic model begins with the individual rather than the state. It begins with fiscal responsibility rather than pump-priming: all four Nordic countries have AAA ratings and debt loads significantly below the euro-zone average. It begins with choice and competition rather than paternalism and planning.
    1. The leftward lurch has been reversed: rather than extending the state into the market, the Nordics are extending the market into the state.
  3. “The welfare state we have is excellent in most ways,” says Gunnar Viby Mogensen, a Danish historian. “We only have this little problem. We can’t afford it.”
Wait......are you denying the post????

Does Planned Parenthood harvest the organs and sell them?????

Does the Democrat party insist on funding Planned Parenthood???

Does Planned Parenthood kick back 'donations' to the Democrat Party?????

Or....are you simply embarrassed at where you send your political support.....to murderers.

Abortion is only a small part of what Planned Parenthood does. They help a lot of women that really need help. I remember the baby parts controversy. I honestly never saw the video so I don't have much to say about it. Abortion is one of those things I don't know how to feel about. I see both sides of the argument honestly. I actually read something that said in Europe people can tell the gender before the window has passed and will just kill the baby if it's not the one they wanted. That's pretty fucked up. It's dangerous to not allow legal and safe abortions though, because it's just like if you ban drugs and guns. People will just do the same thing through far more questionable means.
Maybe they'd believe you if half the retards at that protest weren't waving signs that said something to the effect of "Abolish the second amendment."
I don't think "Abolish the second amendment" is the same thing as wanting to ban all guns. At least it isn't for me. Owning a car isn't a constitutional right yet there were an estimated 263.6 million registered passenger vehicles in the United States in 2015.
what does it mean then?

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