Unemployment falls to 8.3%

It must have been that near default that the GOP House almost forced on the nation that did it. You know, the one that led to a downgrade in the US credit rating? Perhaps they should try it again. Maybe that will double the employment numbers.

How true that is.

People saw that the government might actually know how to keep it's fiscal fly zipped and they started to get some hope.

I noticed that all the whining and crying about potentially being downgraded all got quiet after it happened.


Yeah...I noticed that the sky didnt fall when that happened...
And then the whole "concern of the negative ramifications" disappeared.

So what was it?

Oh yeah...'the Tea Party is taking the country hostage and it is going to force a downgrade which is going to be a terible thing for us'

Seems the Tea Party didnt hold us hostage...Seems to me the Tea Party was correct when they said..."so, we get downgraded. We deserve what we get and we will learn from it"

Sadly...it doesnt look like anyone learned from iut.

The treasonous Tea Party hurt the country, but failed to destroy it as they tried to.

The Bush tax cuts expire in Dec. The autiomatic spending cuts kick in next Jan. We are leaving Afghanistan.

Now if we would just pass the Buffett Rule, we might be able to balance the budget.
Claiming that a drop in the U3 or the U6 is "good news" (or a rise in said numbers is "bad news") without taking a look at the number of people who were added, or in this case, fell off the rolls is just ignorant...
Right, a 36 month low, but still more then a percent above when our great leader became president.

You should read that sentence again and check your math. Hint: Obama took office 36 months ago.

He became Pressident elect 38 months ago...
He got the nomination 40 months ago so to DittoTards the Bush Depression is the Obama Recession. Everything Bush fucked up is Obama's fault. :cuckoo:

November 6, 2008
RUSH: The Obama recession is in full swing, ladies and gentlemen. Stocks are dying, which is a precursor of things to come. This is an Obama recession. Might turn into a depression.

March 2, 2009
RUSH: To say that Obama has been in office only one month is not accurate from an effect on the world and an effect on the country standpoint. Barack Obama has been the controlling political authority on the economy for six months.
“Anyone who says we’re in a recession, or heading into one—especially the worst one since the Great Depression—is making up his own private definition of ‘recession.’"
-Donald Luskin, September 14th, 2008. Lehman collapsed the next day.

We never came out of the recession. Only Washington DC came out of recession by printing tons of money pushing up GDP. It never trickled out to the rest of the country. The rest of us are still in recession. You idiots are out of touch & the voters will be reminding you of that fact in November.

Remember Bush sent everyone $500? He just threw that on the debt. Borrowed it from the Chinese.

Without that stimulus, THAT DIDN"T WORK, Bush was in a recession.

But you guys didn't care about those details. You just said that we were not in a recession. And if we didn't like it we could send our $500 back. Remember having that attitude?

But now that we are really not in a recession, you say we are? Partisan says what?

At least everyone got a check when Bush was in office. Now Obama deficit spent $20,000 per citizen or $72,555 per family & all the money went to his political cronies. You assholes claim to be the party of fairness but the reality you are just criminals. I would much rather have had $72,555 checks going to every family than the billions that went to political cronies.
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Claiming that a drop in the U3 or the U6 is "good news" (or a rise in said numbers is "bad news") without taking a look at the number of people who were added, or in this case, fell off the rolls is just ignorant...

No, ignorance is trying to turn good news into bad news for political gain.
How true that is.

People saw that the government might actually know how to keep it's fiscal fly zipped and they started to get some hope.

I noticed that all the whining and crying about potentially being downgraded all got quiet after it happened.


Yeah...I noticed that the sky didnt fall when that happened...
And then the whole "concern of the negative ramifications" disappeared.

So what was it?

Oh yeah...'the Tea Party is taking the country hostage and it is going to force a downgrade which is going to be a terible thing for us'

Seems the Tea Party didnt hold us hostage...Seems to me the Tea Party was correct when they said..."so, we get downgraded. We deserve what we get and we will learn from it"

Sadly...it doesnt look like anyone learned from iut.

The treasonous Tea Party hurt the country, but failed to destroy it as they tried to.

The Bush tax cuts expire in Dec. The autiomatic spending cuts kick in next Jan. We are leaving Afghanistan.

Now if we would just pass the Buffett Rule, we might be able to balance the budget.

What are you......like 3?
Saying something like that is as childsih as people who call Obama a Kenyan.
Grow up.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
3.2 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
Auto sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Home sales are up.
Unemployment is down.

GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.

Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead, and we are out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.
You should read that sentence again and check your math. Hint: Obama took office 36 months ago.

He became Pressident elect 38 months ago...
He got the nomination 40 months ago so to DittoTards the Bush Depression is the Obama Recession. Everything Bush fucked up is Obama's fault. :cuckoo:

November 6, 2008
RUSH: The Obama recession is in full swing, ladies and gentlemen. Stocks are dying, which is a precursor of things to come. This is an Obama recession. Might turn into a depression.

March 2, 2009
RUSH: To say that Obama has been in office only one month is not accurate from an effect on the world and an effect on the country standpoint. Barack Obama has been the controlling political authority on the economy for six months.

Get off your "I hate the GOP and all those that think differently than me" kick and pay attention.

Your comment to me was way off base.
Claiming that a drop in the U3 or the U6 is "good news" (or a rise in said numbers is "bad news") without taking a look at the number of people who were added, or in this case, fell off the rolls is just ignorant...
Speaking of "ignorant" or more accurately brainwashed, 1/2 a million workers were ADDED to the labor force rolls!

Record 1.2 Million People Fall Out Of Labor Force In One Month, Labor Force Participation Rate Tumbles To Fresh 30 Year Low | ZeroHedge
the labor force increased from 153.9 million to 154.4 million
GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
3.2 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
Auto sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Home sales are up.
Unemployment is down.

GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.

Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead, and we are out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.

Here we go with the Cram (Chris Spam).

Otherwise known as ink when he gets handed something he does not like...he just inks off and splits.

Don't give him bad news on Friday or ruin his cottoncandy view of Obama....his mother will only have to spend that much more time changing his sheets.
Claiming that a drop in the U3 or the U6 is "good news" (or a rise in said numbers is "bad news") without taking a look at the number of people who were added, or in this case, fell off the rolls is just ignorant...

No, ignorance is trying to turn good news into bad news for political gain.

It is ignorant to claim something is "good news" while ignoring or dismissing the bad stuff...
Claiming that a drop in the U3 or the U6 is "good news" (or a rise in said numbers is "bad news") without taking a look at the number of people who were added, or in this case, fell off the rolls is just ignorant...

No, ignorance is trying to turn good news into bad news for political gain.

It is ignorant to claim something is "good news" while ignoring or dismissing the bad stuff...

Where seldom was heard....the discoura.......
Claiming that a drop in the U3 or the U6 is "good news" (or a rise in said numbers is "bad news") without taking a look at the number of people who were added, or in this case, fell off the rolls is just ignorant...
Speaking of "ignorant" or more accurately brainwashed, 1/2 a million workers were ADDED to the labor force rolls!

Record 1.2 Million People Fall Out Of Labor Force In One Month, Labor Force Participation Rate Tumbles To Fresh 30 Year Low | ZeroHedge
the labor force increased from 153.9 million to 154.4 million

And that is great.

Now, my question to you....does that include the amount that were dropped from the rolls?

In other words.....it is easy to say "100K" new hires....but if there were 200K lay offs then it isnt nearly as good as it sounds.
He became Pressident elect 38 months ago...
He got the nomination 40 months ago so to DittoTards the Bush Depression is the Obama Recession. Everything Bush fucked up is Obama's fault. :cuckoo:

November 6, 2008
RUSH: The Obama recession is in full swing, ladies and gentlemen. Stocks are dying, which is a precursor of things to come. This is an Obama recession. Might turn into a depression.

March 2, 2009
RUSH: To say that Obama has been in office only one month is not accurate from an effect on the world and an effect on the country standpoint. Barack Obama has been the controlling political authority on the economy for six months.

Get off your "I hate the GOP and all those that think differently than me" kick and pay attention.

Your comment to me was way off base.
You brought up your MessiahRushie's rationalization for blaming the Bush economy on Obama, so don't get sore when I make you eat his stupid words. You parrot your programmer at your own risk!
t 3 years later we're 85% full employment and 1 credit downgrade already. If you're telling us Obama is doing anything other than willfuly and consciously dragging down the economy, then yes, you're his fullfer and you should have custom kneepads for your efforts

It's rare that armchair psychiatrists get to watch meltdowns.


If you're just referring to Frankie, he's been acting like this for years.

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