Unemployment falls to 8.3%

We should raise taxes -right now to really "help" this economy

Didn't the Papa Obama administration claim
unemployment was not going to go above 8 percent
if he passed his Pork Bill?
He did and it shot up...and not to be outdone he asked for more...and now he's demanding a raise in the Debt ceiling. I say give it to him but with the caviat that the same amount of cuts in government happen as well...or forget it.

Fold the government tent. Shut it down.
We should raise taxes -right now to really "help" this economy

Didn't the Papa Obama administration claim
unemployment was not going to go above 8 percent
if he passed his Pork Bill?
He did and it shot up...and not to be outdone he asked for more...and now he's demanding a raise in the Debt ceiling. I say give it to him but with the caviat that the same amount of cuts in government happen as well...or forget it.

Fold the government tent. Shut it down.

The Left is so desperate to have some good economic news
from his failed Pork Bill

What did Papa Obama say about a pig and lipstick?

The recovery continues....

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- American employers substantially stepped up their hiring in January, bringing the unemployment rate down for the fifth month in a row.

Employers added 243,000 jobs in January, the Labor Department reported Friday, marking a pick-up in hiring from December, when the economy added 203,000 jobs.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.3%. That is the lowest since February 2009.

Job growth was much stronger than expected. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had forecast 130,000 jobs added in the month, and that the unemployment rate likely ticked up to 8.6%.

I don't even need to read through this one to know how the posts will go:

LibDems will say this is good news for the country and bad news for the Repubs. Most will not actually credit Obama but some will.

ConservaRepubLitarians will be predictibale as always:
1. Obama gets no credit for this good news (I agree with them on this - I just don't agree with them that Obama is the cause of all problems in the universe).
2. There is no good news! (Regardless of what I saw Megan Kelly say on FOX today). It's all a LibDem trick! Things are bad! Let's focus on the bad!

Then the small-minded will start calling each other names.

I can verify that we have more contracts now (I own a national executive recruiting firm) than we have had since 2007 and I am hiring two new people this month.
Guess what? The marginal tax rate does not affect my decision (myth #1). The Magical and All Powerful Obama (according to ConservaRepubLitarians) does not stop me from hiring due to an increased demand for our services. (myth #2).
We've had an average of 10 - 25 contracts in place at a time, since everything crashed, just before Obama took office.
Right now? We have over TWO HUNDRED contracts to find employees for our clients, in virtually every major city (except Detroit) in the country.

That doesn't explain what it is that you do. I also deal in contracts and here in Charlotte things are slowing down. So what industry are you in? How many people will those contracts employee? How long will those contracts last? Many aspects that you have not yet defined.
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We should raise taxes -right now to really "help" this economy

Didn't the Papa Obama administration claim
unemployment was not going to go above 8 percent
if he passed his Pork Bill?
He did and it shot up...and not to be outdone he asked for more...and now he's demanding a raise in the Debt ceiling. I say give it to him but with the caviat that the same amount of cuts in government happen as well...or forget it.

Fold the government tent. Shut it down.

The Left is so desperate to have some good economic news
from his failed Pork Bill

What did Papa Obama say about a pig and lipstick?



(Images: EIB )
here's the thing that drives me crazy...

if no politician passed any laws, ever, the economy would still ebb and flow and go trough some major peaks and some major dips. and if politicians had zero affect on the economy, the majority of americans would be cheering when things got better (and never cheer when things were bad). but, since some people are so into party before country (and could care less about families that are suffering), they hope that the economy stays bad (again, regardless of how it affect their fellow americans) so that their side can regain power. i've seen both set of partisans do it during my long life. i would be embarrassed in myself if i cheered for bad times just to get a guy elected to an office. it's as if parents didn't teach their kids about priorities (and now those kids are voting).
here's the thing that drives me crazy...

if no politician passed any laws, ever, the economy would still ebb and flow and go trough some major peaks and some major dips. and if politicians had zero affect on the economy, the majority of americans would be cheering when things got better (and never cheer when things were bad). but, since some people are so into party before country (and could care less about families that are suffering), they hope that the economy stays bad (again, regardless of how it affect their fellow americans) so that their side can regain power. i've seen both set of partisans do it during my long life. i would be embarrassed in myself if i cheered for bad times just to get a guy elected to an office. it's as if parents didn't teach their kids about priorities (and now those kids are voting).

It is even worse when politicians try to divide Americans with class envy
oh never mind
Not so great when the workforce has shrunk. Obama shouldn't be so happy...as most have given up looking. Obama is shrinking the workforce.

Series Id: LNS11300000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Labor Force Participation Rate
Labor force status: Civilian labor force participation rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over


It's a meaningless stat used only by people with the intent to deceive. The labor force today is growing as the participation rate declines.
Looks like the meaningless stat peaked with Clinton and started down with Bush.


Record 1.2 Million People Fall Out Of Labor Force In One Month, Labor Force Participation Rate Tumbles To Fresh 30 Year Low | ZeroHedge
the labor force increased from 153.9 million to 154.4 million
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Its good news,people want to prosper regardless what the Gov.does or doesn't do,getting a Chris Mathews over a tid bit? Last week new unemployment filings were up,while we are seeing some improvements hardly a Mathews moment.
At this point in time
the Left can not run on Papa Obama's economic record

Which is why they are playing the old standbys, class envy and race card

The Worst Economic Recovery Since The Great Depression

The record of President Obama’s first three years in office is in, and nothing that happens now can go back and change that.
What that record shows is that President Obama, with his throwback, old-fashioned, 1970s Keynesian economics, has put America through the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression.

So much for Hope & Change

Not so great when the workforce has shrunk. Obama shouldn't be so happy...as most have given up looking. Obama is shrinking the workforce.

Series Id: LNS11300000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Labor Force Participation Rate
Labor force status: Civilian labor force participation rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over


It's a meaningless stat used only by people with the intent to deceive. The labor force today is growing as the participation rate declines.
Looks like the meaningless stat peaked with Clinton and started down with Bush.

Record 1.2 Million People Fall Out Of Labor Force In One Month, Labor Force Participation Rate Tumbles To Fresh 30 Year Low | ZeroHedge
the labor force increased from 153.9 million to 154.4 million

So the statistics from the Government that you and your fellow Statists support is meaningless?

Really Gracie?

And by the way? The labor force IS shrinking, so naturally the unemployment numbers that came out reflect it.

You are an idiot. The economy is NOT recovering. That is impossible when the jobs lost no longer exist, and people aren't looking any longer and aren't counted in the tripe posted by the OP.
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Not so great when the workforce has shrunk. Obama shouldn't be so happy...as most have given up looking. Obama is shrinking the workforce.

Series Id: LNS11300000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Labor Force Participation Rate
Labor force status: Civilian labor force participation rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over


It's a meaningless stat used only by people with the intent to deceive. The labor force today is growing as the participation rate declines.
Looks like the meaningless stat peaked with Clinton and started down with Bush.

Record 1.2 Million People Fall Out Of Labor Force In One Month, Labor Force Participation Rate Tumbles To Fresh 30 Year Low | ZeroHedge
the labor force increased from 153.9 million to 154.4 million

So the statistics from the Government that you and your fellow Statists support is meaningless?

Really Gracie?

And by the way? The labor force IS shrinking, so naturally the unemployment numbers that came out reflect it.

You are an idiot. The economy is NOT recovering. That is impossible when the jobs lost no longer exist, and people aren't looking any longer and aren't counted in the tripe posted by the OP.
Learn to read!!!
It's a meaningless stat used only by people with the intent to deceive. The labor force today is growing as the participation rate declines.
Looks like the meaningless stat peaked with Clinton and started down with Bush.

Record 1.2 Million People Fall Out Of Labor Force In One Month, Labor Force Participation Rate Tumbles To Fresh 30 Year Low | ZeroHedge
the labor force increased from 153.9 million to 154.4 million

So the statistics from the Government that you and your fellow Statists support is meaningless?

Really Gracie?

And by the way? The labor force IS shrinking, so naturally the unemployment numbers that came out reflect it.

You are an idiot. The economy is NOT recovering. That is impossible when the jobs lost no longer exist, and people aren't looking any longer and aren't counted in the tripe posted by the OP.
Learn to read!!!
Graph doesn't quite jive...you're excused...workforce has shrunk under Obama. Can't escape it.
So the statistics from the Government that you and your fellow Statists support is meaningless?

Really Gracie?

And by the way? The labor force IS shrinking, so naturally the unemployment numbers that came out reflect it.

You are an idiot. The economy is NOT recovering. That is impossible when the jobs lost no longer exist, and people aren't looking any longer and aren't counted in the tripe posted by the OP.
Learn to read!!!
Graph doesn't quite jive...you're excused...workforce has shrunk under Obama. Can't escape it.

Papa Obama:

FIRST President To Never Witness More Than 4% GDP Growth

The Bond Downgrade President
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Learn to read!!!
Graph doesn't quite jive...you're excused...workforce has shrunk under Obama. Can't escape it.

Papa Obama:

FIRST President To Never Witness More Than 4% GDP Growth

The Bond Downgrade President

^This. Correct. But he said today we are on our way...two 'Summers of recovery' with a shrinking workforce. People out of work and on the dole.

How does he explain the rise in foodstamp participation under his watch?

He's really packing them into the 'safety net' isn't he?
must be all that stimulas...actually no, that was spent a long time ago.
Maybee it's the "pass this bill right now" jobs bill...actually no, senate dems took a shit on that bill.
Probably ending the Bush tax cuts...actually no, he and dems failed.

If you liberals are happy, then thank the GOP.

They forgot to mention the summer of recovery was two years out.

Oh and the stimulus.......It will kick in any day now...seriously.....

The Stimulus has come and gone. It did what it was supposed to do, stimulate the economy and stop a depression

Thats right...........all those shovel ready jobs!!! The only people who would have been depressed were the teachers unions........pretty much where all the $$ went. A few other unions as well.

Keynesian economics is gay............never worked in the history of the world. But since this is a POLITICS forum, lets face it........MOST folks think the stimulus didnt do dick.
They forgot to mention the summer of recovery was two years out.

Oh and the stimulus.......It will kick in any day now...seriously.....

The Stimulus has come and gone. It did what it was supposed to do, stimulate the economy and stop a depression

Thats right...........all those shovel ready jobs!!! The only people who would have been depressed were the teachers unions........pretty much where all the $$ went. A few other unions as well.

Keynesian economics is gay............never worked in the history of the world. But since this is a POLITICS forum, lets face it........MOST folks think the stimulus didnt do dick.
Porkulus didn't do anything bu pay back the O's contributors/pals...

Did zero for the private sector.
Yea!!!!!! 8.3% wow!...good thing it's not a republican administration or the media would be telling us how bad 8.3% is...don't be fooled by fools. since when is 8.3% a good thing?
Record 1.2 Million People Fall Out Of Labor Force In One Month, Labor Force Participation Rate Tumbles To Fresh 30 Year Low
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/03/2012 08:51 -0500

BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics Unemployment Withholding taxes

A month ago, we joked when we said that for Obama to get the unemployment rate to negative by election time, all he has to do is to crush the labor force participation rate to about 55%. Looks like the good folks at the BLS heard us: it appears that the people not in the labor force exploded by an unprecedented record 1.2 million. No, that's not a typo: 1.2 million people dropped out of the labor force in one month! So as the labor force increased from 153.9 million to 154.4 million, the non institutional population increased by 242.3 million meaning, those not in the labor force surged from 86.7 million to 87.9 million. Which means that the civilian labor force tumbled to a fresh 30 year low of 63.7% as the BLS is seriously planning on eliminating nearly half of the available labor pool from the unemployment calculation. As for the quality of jobs, as withholding taxes roll over Year over year, it can only mean that the US is replacing high paying FIRE jobs with low paying construction and manufacturing. So much for the improvement.

Record 1.2 Million People Fall Out Of Labor Force In One Month, Labor Force Participation Rate Tumbles To Fresh 30 Year Low | ZeroHedge

awesome economy!!!:banana::boobies::banana::boobies::banana:

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