Unemployment falls to 8.3%

Yea!!!!!! 8.3% wow!...good thing it's not a republican administration or the media would be telling us how bad 8.3% is...don't be fooled by fools. since when is 8.3% a good thing?

With Papa Obama's economic record
the Left has to take whatever they can get

And that's nothing to be proud of.

There are 2.5 million people forced out of the workforce...fewer people looking, and the workforce has shrunk.

Great record! /snyde comment. ;)
Yea!!!!!! 8.3% wow!...good thing it's not a republican administration or the media would be telling us how bad 8.3% is...don't be fooled by fools. since when is 8.3% a good thing?

I know where you are coming from brother

Those Republicans were given a budget surplus and a 4.5% unemployment rate, 10,800 Dow Jones and they left with a $5 trillion debt, 8% unemployment, negative GDP, losing 700,000 jobs a month, collapsing auto companies and a stock market at 8150

Everyone nitpicks the Republicans
Speaking of "ignorant" or more accurately brainwashed, 1/2 a million workers were ADDED to the labor force rolls!

Record 1.2 Million People Fall Out Of Labor Force In One Month, Labor Force Participation Rate Tumbles To Fresh 30 Year Low | ZeroHedge
the labor force increased from 153.9 million to 154.4 million

And that is great.

Now, my question to you....does that include the amount that were dropped from the rolls?

In other words.....it is easy to say "100K" new hires....but if there were 200K lay offs then it isnt nearly as good as it sounds.
The arithmetic is quite easy, 1.2 million dropped off the rolls and 1.7 million were added yielding a net increase in the labor force of 500 thousand. CON$ only report the 1.2 million dropping but not the 1.7 added.

A half-truth is a whole lie.
- Yiddish Proverb

Ummmmm, not at all.
First, there are no "rolls." Seriously, do people really think there's a giant list of everyone in the country and everyone is classified every month?
The data comes from a monthly survey. If you worked, you're employed. If you didn't work and tried to find a job, you're unemployed (they don't ask about UI benefits), if you didn't work or look for work, you 're "not in the labor force."

Second, there was a revision of the population estimates and the population for jan is thus 1,685,000.
So 1.2 million of tha was an increase in. "not in the labor force." the rest are in employed...unemployment went down.
Our economy is recovering in spite of anything Barry and the Offtones might be doing. When you look at the sectors in recovery and the types of jobs being created, it is clear Obama is having no positive impact whatsoever.

As I understand it tis is the slowest recovery after a Recession in
many many years...

If the lefties want to celebrate Obama (as if they need a reason they kiss his ass constantly)
go right ahead...I still don't see anything worth celebrating yet. :(
And that is great.

Now, my question to you....does that include the amount that were dropped from the rolls?

In other words.....it is easy to say "100K" new hires....but if there were 200K lay offs then it isnt nearly as good as it sounds.
The arithmetic is quite easy, 1.2 million dropped off the rolls and 1.7 million were added yielding a net increase in the labor force of 500 thousand. CON$ only report the 1.2 million dropping but not the 1.7 added.

A half-truth is a whole lie.
- Yiddish Proverb

Ummmmm, not at all.
First, there are no "rolls." Seriously, do people really think there's a giant list of everyone in the country and everyone is classified every month?
The data comes from a monthly survey. If you worked, you're employed. If you didn't work and tried to find a job, you're unemployed (they don't ask about UI benefits), if you didn't work or look for work, you 're "not in the labor force."

Second, there was a revision of the population estimates and the population for jan is thus 1,685,000.
So 1.2 million of tha was an increase in. "not in the labor force." the rest are in employed...unemployment went down.

2.5 million jobs lost so the BLS looks and says ""Well, we think 1.2 million have just decided to give up looking for work so we won't count half of them, just to make things more accurate."
I am sure the books will be adjusted (cooked) to make this President look good on unemployment
right before the election.

Plus the MSM will try to put the best spin on it
no matter how high the numbers

Remember how the MSM use to be so concerned about the kind of jobs
under Republicans when the number were low
I am sure the books will be adjusted (cooked) to make this President look good on unemployment
right before the election.

Unemployment has dropped almost 2%... Is that part of cooking the books too?
I am sure the books will be adjusted (cooked) to make this President look good on unemployment
right before the election.

Plus the MSM will try to put the best spin on it
no matter how high the numbers

Remember how the MSM use to be so concerned about the kind of jobs
under Republicans when the number were low
Indeed...'hamburger flippers' and all the rest...and isn't it funny that even some skilled folks that have lost thier jobs would even take those to have some sort of income?

All by design.
Republicans don't believe the numbers. They are so sure their obstructionism has harmed the country they just can't believe it didn't work.

Well, it has. The country could be a lot worse. But even with their obstruction, things are improving.
Republicans don't believe the numbers. They are so sure their obstructionism has harmed the country they just can't believe it didn't work.

Well, it has. The country could be a lot worse. But even with their obstruction, things are improving.
The only obstructionists are Obama and the Statists...Government impeding liberty and the free market.
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Republicans don't believe the numbers. They are so sure their obstructionism has harmed the country they just can't believe it didn't work.

Well, it has. The country could be a lot worse. But even with their obstruction, things are improving.

Actually, come to think of it

the numbers the Left claims as a success have happened since
the Republicans got control of the House

The recovery continues....

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- American employers substantially stepped up their hiring in January, bringing the unemployment rate down for the fifth month in a row.

Employers added 243,000 jobs in January, the Labor Department reported Friday, marking a pick-up in hiring from December, when the economy added 203,000 jobs.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.3%. That is the lowest since February 2009.

Job growth was much stronger than expected. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had forecast 130,000 jobs added in the month, and that the unemployment rate likely ticked up to 8.6%.

I don't even need to read through this one to know how the posts will go:

LibDems will say this is good news for the country and bad news for the Repubs. Most will not actually credit Obama but some will.

ConservaRepubLitarians will be predictibale as always:
1. Obama gets no credit for this good news (I agree with them on this - I just don't agree with them that Obama is the cause of all problems in the universe).
2. There is no good news! (Regardless of what I saw Megan Kelly say on FOX today). It's all a LibDem trick! Things are bad! Let's focus on the bad!

Then the small-minded will start calling each other names.

I can verify that we have more contracts now (I own a national executive recruiting firm) than we have had since 2007 and I am hiring two new people this month.
Guess what? The marginal tax rate does not affect my decision (myth #1). The Magical and All Powerful Obama (according to ConservaRepubLitarians) does not stop me from hiring due to an increased demand for our services. (myth #2).
We've had an average of 10 - 25 contracts in place at a time, since everything crashed, just before Obama took office.
Right now? We have over TWO HUNDRED contracts to find employees for our clients, in virtually every major city (except Detroit) in the country.

ConservaRepubLitarians will be predictibale as always:
1. Obama gets no credit for this good news (I agree with them on this - I just don't agree with them that Obama is the cause of all problems in the universe).
2. There is no good news! (Regardless of what I saw Megan Kelly say on FOX today). It's all a LibDem trick! Things are bad! Let's focus on the bad!

why not? selectivity is a hard task master.....

Jobs Expected to Continue to Lag Economy
Published: February 24, 2004

Job growth is likely to remain tepid even as the economy moves ahead, according to a survey of professional forecasters by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Indeed, the bank said yesterday, the economists' outlook for employment has grown gloomier even as their predictions of economic expansion are becoming more robust.

The 32 economists polled by the Philadelphia Fed, drawn from private business and academia, increased their forecast for economic growth this year to 4.6 percent, on average, from a previous projection of 4.3 percent. Yet at the same time, they trimmed their 2004 forecast of job creation to 1.1 million jobs, from 1.25 million.

Economists have been puzzled for months by the sluggishness of the employment market. The new forecast suggests that they have come to terms with the pattern established in this recovery: fast economic growth being driven by even faster expansion in productivity, with businesses meeting demand by squeezing more output from their current employees instead of hiring more workers.

Mr. Glassman estimated that the nation's output needs to grow some 5 percent a year for several years if the economy is to create jobs for the 2.5 million people who have lost employment since the start of 2001 as well as absorb new workers coming into the job market.

Jobs Expected to Continue to Lag Economy - NYTimes.com


No More Excuses on Jobs
Published: March 12, 2004

As job growth continues to elude the U.S. economy, we're hearing two main excuses from the Bush administration and its supporters: that the real situation is much better than you're hearing, and that to the extent employment is lagging, it's the result of factors outside the administration's control. But after three years of extravagant promises and dismal results, the time for excuses has passed.

more at-
No More Excuses on Jobs - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com

heres Krugman bitching about the Bush bls and the workforce calculations;

And even the less reliable household survey paints a bleak picture of an economy in which jobs have lagged far behind population growth. The fraction of adults who say they are employed fell steeply between early 2001 and the summer of 2003, and has stagnated since then.

But wait -- hasn't the unemployment rate fallen since last summer? Yes, but that's entirely the result of people dropping out of the labor force. Even if you're out of work, you're not counted as unemployed unless you're actively looking for a job.


2004- jan 5.7 feb 5.6 march 5.8 april 5.6 may 5.6 june 5.6 july 5.5 august 5.4 sept. 5.4 oct. 5.5 nov. 5.4 dec. 5.4

I could posts literally dozens like this in an unemployment environment under 5 and 6%......

see how that works?
Nonfarm payrolls increased by 2.2 million over the past 12 months.

The economy is getting better, folks.

sure, and we've been here before at almost exactly the same time last year or was it the year before amigo. lets see it go for several months......

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Hmmm...looks like real jobs to me

Actually 400K jobs a month creation is considered only a stable jobs situation. Unemployment is higher then when our great leader became president and as you point out job creation is still below stable. The reason unemployment went down is the reason that I pointed out.

Since you are changing the subject...are you admitting that the increase in jobs was not part time jobs like you tried to sell us?

No, I'm saying that the job creation was below stable, but when you add people who gave up all together or took part time work, then it was enough combined to drop the unemployment rate slightly.

If a Republican were president right now, you'd be running in circles holding your head like your hair was on fire that the world was ending right now unemployment is so high.

Obama is the first President since WWII to not have one quarter of 4% annual GDP growth. He's a failure and you can't spin your way out of it.
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