Unemployment falls to 8.3%

Unemployment falls to 8.3%

I say keep it rollin. We got a long way to go. Good thing we didn't have that cap & tax, heh?

You need to change your name from fact finder to propaganda believer.

Fact: Unemployment INCREASES by 849,000 persons from Dec.2011 to Jan.2012
Liberal math:

5% unemployment - omgwereinarecession !

9% unemployment- great news !

Conservative Logic:

Reagan had a significantly worse unemployment record than Obama for the first 3 years of his term.

Reagan = God
Obama = bad
I am delighted with the progress of DEVALUE my home has achieved over the last few years. It tickles me to death as it's worth drops - like every other home in America. I also enjoy it when my 401K tanks. It's a fantastic sensation.

I know that this is a response to an old post, but I just had to say this:

The real estate market collapsed before Obama took office. I guess you must have missed that.

Oh, and if your 401k has "tanked" since Obama took office, then you have made some REALLY FUCKING BAD CHOICES in your investments.

Because the stock market has gone up 6000 points since Obama's inauguration.

New home sales are the lowest they've been since 1963, but i feel much better Obama's taking it in the right direction....:thup:
And he is demanding a program to forgive the debt and restructure home payments certain people should have never been given in the first place. it's just continuing the fannie/Freddie debacvle on the backs of the taxpayers...

Obama Has Learned Nothing From the Mortgage Meltdown Mess
The recovery continues....

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- American employers substantially stepped up their hiring in January, bringing the unemployment rate down for the fifth month in a row.

Employers added 243,000 jobs in January, the Labor Department reported Friday, marking a pick-up in hiring from December, when the economy added 203,000 jobs.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.3%. That is the lowest since February 2009.

Job growth was much stronger than expected. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had forecast 130,000 jobs added in the month, and that the unemployment rate likely ticked up to 8.6%.

January jobs report: Hiring ramps up, unemployment falls - Feb. 3, 2012

And you're still on Food Stamps? Shit man, get dressed and out of the trailer. There's shitload of "Shovel Ready" shit jobs you're probably qualified for. Make sure you fill 'er up at $4.00 a gallon before heading out...


Oops, there's one American who isn't happy...
Liberal math:

5% unemployment - omgwereinarecession !

9% unemployment- great news !

Conservative Logic:

Reagan had a significantly worse unemployment record than Obama for the first 3 years of his term.

Reagan = God
Obama = bad

So Reagan spent a trillion dollars to take the unemployment rate from 8% to 10%? ....:eusa_liar:

Yes, Reagan added significantly to the debt, and ran significant deficits, just like Obama did.

Next question?
Conservative Logic:

Reagan had a significantly worse unemployment record than Obama for the first 3 years of his term.

Reagan = God
Obama = bad

So Reagan spent a trillion dollars to take the unemployment rate from 8% to 10%? ....:eusa_liar:

Yes, Reagan added significantly to the debt, and ran significant deficits, just like Obama did.

Next question?
Reagan was dealing with a Democrat Congress...Same as Obama...

You need to change your name from fact finder to propaganda believer.

Fact: Unemployment INCREASES by 849,000 persons from Dec.2011 to Jan.2012

Wow, that is a line of unmitigated crap.

look at the U.S. Govt's Bureau of Labor Statistics monthly report.

Dec. 2011 . Jan. 2012
153.373 . . . 153.485 . . . Civilian labor force (millions)
140.681 . . . 139.944 . . . No. of persons employed (millions)
12.692 . . . . 13.541 . . . No. of persons unemployed (millions)
. . 8.3% . . . . 8.8% . . . . Unemployment rate (percent)

These are the raw numbers, compiled by the government. See them at: Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population

Looks to me like the unemployment rate went UP from Dec. 2011 to Jan 2012. And the number of people unemployed went UP, by 849 thousand people. (6.7% MORE people were unemployed in Jan than in Dec).

"Seasonal adjustments" have somehow made this go away.
In all seriousness - a genuine question...

Why do you guys still insist on using this number? (now 8.3%)
Even MSNBC acknowledged last month that the unemployment number is misleading at best, as it does not address the record number of employable people dropping out of the market - as well as removes the context that underemployment is a more serious problem than unemployment.

Please answer this question in a legitimate, specific way.
It doesn't matter which index you use. The fact is that the employment picture is improving. We are creating over 200,000 jobs a month and they aren't government jobs. The total unemployment rate U6 which includes those that have dropped out of the labor market started rising in 2006 long before Obama took office. It peaked in late 2009 at about 17.5% and has fell to below 15%. Both indexes have been in a downtrend since 2009. It's pretty clear where unemployment is headed. If the current trend continues, we should see U3, the traditional reported unemployment rate at about 7.4% by the end of 2012.

Unemployment rate drops to 8.3 percent - CSMonitor.com

Why do we insist on using 8.3%? Because if Bush or McCain was in office, they would be using it.

Just like Bush didn't include the Iraq war in his budget but Obama does. But you will never hear a Republican point that out. They just point to Obama's budget and say, "look how much he is spending"!!!!

No matter how great Obama is, and so far so good considering the circumstances, right wingers will never admit it. Just like with Clinton.

I am mad at Clinton and Obama too. But only for going along with Flopper's party.

Remember when debating a right winger, right is wrong, left is right, black is white, up is down. No matter how bad Bush was, things were fine. Now that Obama is in, the sky is falling and its his fault. But they didn't even acknowledge the great recession was happening because they wanted McCain or Romney to win. Remember? Romney said Michigan was in a one state recession and McCain said the fundamentals of our economy were strong.

I can't wait to run against Mitt. The last two times he ran he lost to Ted Kennedy and McCain. I'm sooo scared. And Obama hasn't even had to spend any money thanks to Newt.
We use U3 because it is the traditional measure of unemployment. Every administration and the press quotes U3. When you see see U6 quoted you know the writer is attempting to emphasize the unemployment problem because U6 will always be higher than U3. In the recession in 2001, Democrats were quoting U6 and Republicans are now quoting U6, all to emphasize how bad the employment is.

It doesn't matters whether you use U1, U2, U3, U4, U5, or U6, because they move in lock step with each other. Just pick one and stick with it. U3 is the official unemployment rate and is most widely reported.

There are several reasons why we don't use U6. First it is not comparable before 1994. The index includes marginally employed, part time workers. and those who are no longer seeking employment.
Reagan was dealing with a Democrat Congress...Same as Obama...


Ahh, I see.

If something good happens, then it's the Republicans that made it happen.

If something bad happens, then it's the Democrats that did it.


Look, if you people want to blame Obama for everything, which seems to be your M.O., then when comparisons are made to other presidents, you can't suddenly change the circumstances.

The facts remain:

This economy is almost exactly like the economy of Reagan's first term, except that Reagan performed slightly worse.
The recovery continues....

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- American employers substantially stepped up their hiring in January, bringing the unemployment rate down for the fifth month in a row.

Employers added 243,000 jobs in January, the Labor Department reported Friday, marking a pick-up in hiring from December, when the economy added 203,000 jobs.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.3%. That is the lowest since February 2009.

Job growth was much stronger than expected. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had forecast 130,000 jobs added in the month, and that the unemployment rate likely ticked up to 8.6%.

January jobs report: Hiring ramps up, unemployment falls - Feb. 3, 2012

At least a million people were removed from the equation making the numbers look better for Obama...This will continue until election to make Obama look good.:eusa_whistle:
Reagan was dealing with a Democrat Congress...Same as Obama...


Ahh, I see.

If something good happens, then it's the Republicans that made it happen.

If something bad happens, then it's the Democrats that did it.


Look, if you people want to blame Obama for everything, which seems to be your M.O., then when comparisons are made to other presidents, you can't suddenly change the circumstances.

The facts remain:

This economy is almost exactly like the economy of Reagan's first term, except that Reagan performed slightly worse.
Reagan has been out of office and deceased for some time...

Reagan didn't have to deal with these kinds of figures Obama has run up.

Conservative Logic:

Reagan had a significantly worse unemployment record than Obama for the first 3 years of his term.

Reagan = God
Obama = bad

So Reagan spent a trillion dollars to take the unemployment rate from 8% to 10%? ....:eusa_liar:

Yes, Reagan added significantly to the debt, and ran significant deficits, just like Obama did.

Next question?

Show us when Reagan presided over 10% unemployment and spent 800 billion dollars to get there.........:eusa_whistle:
look at the U.S. Govt's Bureau of Labor Statistics monthly report.

Dec. 2011 . Jan. 2012
153.373 . . . 153.485 . . . Civilian labor force (millions)
140.681 . . . 139.944 . . . No. of persons employed (millions)
12.692 . . . . 13.541 . . . No. of persons unemployed (millions)
. . 8.3% . . . . 8.8% . . . . Unemployment rate (percent)

These are the raw numbers, compiled by the government. See them at: Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population

Looks to me like the unemployment rate went UP from Dec. 2011 to Jan 2012. And the number of people unemployed went UP, by 849 thousand people. (6.7% MORE people were unemployed in Jan than in Dec).

"Seasonal adjustments" have somehow made this go away.

Ahh, now I see.

You feel that "Seasonal Adjustments" are somehow being used to rewrite the unemployment numbers.

Do you understand the reason for seasonal adjustments?

Here, let me lay it out for you:

"Seasonally adjusted" is a process whereby normal seasonal changes are removed or discounted from monthly data. Taking employment as an example, we know that some industries show large fluctuations in employment because they need more or less employees at certain times of the year. Ski resorts, for instance, hire far more employees in the winter months to accommodate snow skiing season. Employment in education fluctuates greatly at the beginning and the ending of the school year. Retail businesses typically hire more employees during the holiday season late in the year

What is a "Seasonal Adjustment"?

If you want to change the numbers to be non-seasonally adjusted, then you'll have to change the numbers for the past 50 years in a similar manner to make any kind of meaningful comparison.
And once again we see conservatives wishing their fellow Americans continue to suffer so the right might realize some perceived political gain.

Very sad and telling.

it sure is....

Jobs Expected to Continue to Lag Economy
Published: February 24, 2004

Job growth is likely to remain tepid even as the economy moves ahead, according to a survey of professional forecasters by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Indeed, the bank said yesterday, the economists' outlook for employment has grown gloomier even as their predictions of economic expansion are becoming more robust.

The 32 economists polled by the Philadelphia Fed, drawn from private business and academia, increased their forecast for economic growth this year to 4.6 percent, on average, from a previous projection of 4.3 percent. Yet at the same time, they trimmed their 2004 forecast of job creation to 1.1 million jobs, from 1.25 million.

Economists have been puzzled for months by the sluggishness of the employment market. The new forecast suggests that they have come to terms with the pattern established in this recovery: fast economic growth being driven by even faster expansion in productivity, with businesses meeting demand by squeezing more output from their current employees instead of hiring more workers.

Mr. Glassman estimated that the nation's output needs to grow some 5 percent a year for several years if the economy is to create jobs for the 2.5 million people who have lost employment since the start of 2001 as well as absorb new workers coming into the job market.

Jobs Expected to Continue to Lag Economy - NYTimes.com


No More Excuses on Jobs
Published: March 12, 2004

As job growth continues to elude the U.S. economy, we're hearing two main excuses from the Bush administration and its supporters: that the real situation is much better than you're hearing, and that to the extent employment is lagging, it's the result of factors outside the administration's control. But after three years of extravagant promises and dismal results, the time for excuses has passed.

more at-
No More Excuses on Jobs - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com

heres Krugman bitching about the Bush bls and the workforce calculations;

And even the less reliable household survey paints a bleak picture of an economy in which jobs have lagged far behind population growth. The fraction of adults who say they are employed fell steeply between early 2001 and the summer of 2003, and has stagnated since then.

But wait -- hasn't the unemployment rate fallen since last summer? Yes, but that's entirely the result of people dropping out of the labor force. Even if you're out of work, you're not counted as unemployed unless you're actively looking for a job.


2004- jan 5.7 feb 5.6 march 5.8 april 5.6 may 5.6 june 5.6 july 5.5 august 5.4 sept. 5.4 oct. 5.5 nov. 5.4 dec. 5.4

I could posts literally dozens like this in an unemployment environment under 5 and 6%......

I know I'll have to repeat this like a hundred times, but I am patient and cyber ink is cheap.
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Reagan was dealing with a Democrat Congress...Same as Obama...


Ahh, I see.

If something good happens, then it's the Republicans that made it happen.

If something bad happens, then it's the Democrats that did it.


Look, if you people want to blame Obama for everything, which seems to be your M.O., then when comparisons are made to other presidents, you can't suddenly change the circumstances.

The facts remain:

This economy is almost exactly like the economy of Reagan's first term, except that Reagan performed slightly worse.

Papa Obama is presiding over the slowest jobs recovery since they have been keeping

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

Next you will be telling us that Papa Obama's energy policies really worked
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