Unemployment falls to 8.3%

I am delighted with the progress of DEVALUE my home has achieved over the last few years. It tickles me to death as it's worth drops - like every other home in America. I also enjoy it when my 401K tanks. It's a fantastic sensation.

My home has gained about 10% over the past three years. Sorry you paid too much in a speculative market.

This thread is proof that good news for America is bad news for Republicans. I can't wait to hear Mittens and Newt spin this.

To reduce the deficit the government is going to stop counting any money it spends after September

"Gee Guys, the bad economy angle is not as strong as it was. I mean even though we have blocked all of Obama's jobs programs, the da*n economy is getting better. What now? Oh Yeah....Let's bring up the Deficit!"

Of course, since Ronald and W created a huge part of it, it should be a good angle. Ride that Horse to November! :clap2:
Isn't that Brad Pitt from Fight Club?

Yes. It's a nom du plume of a group of anonymous bloggers. The handle is not an accident. They have an end of the world meme they've been pushing since they started, irrespective of political party.

i enjoy zerohedge, but they have been consistently wrong in calling for a stock market and dollar collapse and gold going to $5000. they do have some good information though

I agree. I read it most days. But I've been in the investment business for nearly 20 years, and I've learned to cut through the bullshit.
Lots of job growth since the election of 2010, well done Speaker Boehner.... :thup:
The recovery continues....

So people running out of unemployment insurance, quitting looking for a job and taking part time jobs because they can't find fully time work is something you celebrate?

Hmmm...looks like real jobs to me

. Employers have added an average of 201,000 jobs a month in the past three months. That's 50,000 more jobs per month than the economy averaged in each month of 2011.
The Labor Department's January jobs report was filled with other encouraging data and revisions. Hiring was widespread across many high-paying industries. Pay increased for millions of workers. And the economy added 200,000 more jobs last year than initially estimated by government data collectors.

Actually 400K jobs a month creation is considered only a stable jobs situation. Unemployment is higher then when our great leader became president and as you point out job creation is still below stable. The reason unemployment went down is the reason that I pointed out.
The recovery continues....

So people running out of unemployment insurance, quitting looking for a job and taking part time jobs because they can't find fully time work is something you celebrate?

The U-6 number, which counts the above, is at a 36 month low as well.

Right, a 36 month low, but still more then a percent above when our great leader became president.
So people running out of unemployment insurance, quitting looking for a job and taking part time jobs because they can't find fully time work is something you celebrate?

Hmmm...looks like real jobs to me

. Employers have added an average of 201,000 jobs a month in the past three months. That's 50,000 more jobs per month than the economy averaged in each month of 2011.
The Labor Department's January jobs report was filled with other encouraging data and revisions. Hiring was widespread across many high-paying industries. Pay increased for millions of workers. And the economy added 200,000 more jobs last year than initially estimated by government data collectors.

Actually 400K jobs a month creation is considered only a stable jobs situation. Unemployment is higher then when our great leader became president and as you point out job creation is still below stable. The reason unemployment went down is the reason that I pointed out.

Since you are changing the subject...are you admitting that the increase in jobs was not part time jobs like you tried to sell us?
So people running out of unemployment insurance, quitting looking for a job and taking part time jobs because they can't find fully time work is something you celebrate?

The U-6 number, which counts the above, is at a 36 month low as well.

Right, a 36 month low, but still more then a percent above when our great leader became president.

You should read that sentence again and check your math. Hint: Obama took office 36 months ago.
Lots of job growth since the election of 2010, well done Speaker Boehner.... :thup:

No credit to Harry Reid?

Why would you ?

Harry was part of the circle jerk that was our government from 2008 up until we got some Tea Party types in office.

Just hint that you might be responsible or that someone might stand up to "Spend It All" Obama and business will start to reinvest.
Lots of job growth since the election of 2010, well done Speaker Boehner.... :thup:

It must have been that near default that the GOP House almost forced on the nation that did it. You know, the one that led to a downgrade in the US credit rating? Perhaps they should try it again. Maybe that will double the employment numbers.

How true that is.

People saw that the government might actually know how to keep it's fiscal fly zipped and they started to get some hope.

I noticed that all the whining and crying about potentially being downgraded all got quiet after it happened.

Great For America...if it were real.

President Obama is still toast in November.
Lots of job growth since the election of 2010, well done Speaker Boehner.... :thup:

It must have been that near default that the GOP House almost forced on the nation that did it. You know, the one that led to a downgrade in the US credit rating? Perhaps they should try it again. Maybe that will double the employment numbers.

How true that is.

People saw that the government might actually know how to keep it's fiscal fly zipped and they started to get some hope.

I noticed that all the whining and crying about potentially being downgraded all got quiet after it happened.


Yeah...I noticed that the sky didnt fall when that happened...
And then the whole "concern of the negative ramifications" disappeared.

So what was it?

Oh yeah...'the Tea Party is taking the country hostage and it is going to force a downgrade which is going to be a terible thing for us'

Seems the Tea Party didnt hold us hostage...Seems to me the Tea Party was correct when they said..."so, we get downgraded. We deserve what we get and we will learn from it"

Sadly...it doesnt look like anyone learned from iut.
You should read that sentence again and check your math. Hint: Obama took office 36 months ago.

He became Pressident elect 38 months ago...

Kaz's statement was "...became president."

And your response inorporated "when he took office"

Now.....the question is....when you are President Elect...are you deemed as President.

In other words, if a President Elect were to die before he took office...would he receive the same benefits as a President who had left office...Burial, lifetime bennies for the wife, picture in the White House...etc...etc...

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