Unemployment falls to 8.3%

Is no one concerned that we're being manipulated?

If these unemployment were real and a minimum 6.5 million unemployed Americans that aren't included in the statistics actually were. I'd be comfortable that were moving in the right direction and happy about it....but get real.

This link is an interesting read, though I expect rejected as partisan lies by Democrats..it's a start on the road to reality.

Manipulation 101: The Real Unemployment Rate

I certainly wish that conservative fans of talk radio would finally realize that fact.
See, FDR kept unemployment at 20% from 1933 until 1940 because that stimulated the economy.

Are you writing this down?

Listening to Limbaugh right now, spinning as hard as he possibly can, throwing out statistics that completely ignore the trajectory of the unemployment rate or the economy. "If the economy is so good, why are X million men between the age of 25 and 34 living with their parents?" -- too funny.

Haven't heard anyone say the economy is "so good", Rush. That's one of your standard straw man arguments. The economy is slowly, very slowly, coming back after a historically massive, complicated, deep and widespread recession. The damage is far from being repaired, since the real estate market was so badly damaged and remains so (as many predicted).

This morning's unemployment rate was good news, Rush. It doesn't mean all is well, but if you really care about America, you'd admit that it was good news.

Whaddaya say, Rush?

Whats really funny is that you are listening to him and I am not :lol: Does Rush give you those warm fuzy's in the morning feeling?
In all seriousness - a genuine question...

Why do you guys still insist on using this number? (now 8.3%)
Even MSNBC acknowledged last month that the unemployment number is misleading at best, as it does not address the record number of employable people dropping out of the market - as well as removes the context that underemployment is a more serious problem than unemployment.

Please answer this question in a legitimate, specific way.
It doesn't matter which index you use. The fact is that the employment picture is improving. We are creating over 200,000 jobs a month and they aren't government jobs. The total unemployment rate U6 which includes those that have dropped out of the labor market started rising in 2006 long before Obama took office. It peaked in late 2009 at about 17.5% and has fell to below 15%. Both indexes have been in a downtrend since 2009. It's pretty clear where unemployment is headed. If the current trend continues, we should see U3, the traditional reported unemployment rate at about 7.4% by the end of 2012.

Unemployment rate drops to 8.3 percent - CSMonitor.com
See, FDR kept unemployment at 20% from 1933 until 1940 because that stimulated the economy.

Are you writing this down?

And the Republican solution was........Prosperity is just around the corner
In all seriousness - a genuine question...

Why do you guys still insist on using this number? (now 8.3%)
Even MSNBC acknowledged last month that the unemployment number is misleading at best, as it does not address the record number of employable people dropping out of the market - as well as removes the context that underemployment is a more serious problem than unemployment.

Please answer this question in a legitimate, specific way.
It doesn't matter which index you use. The fact is that the employment picture is improving. We are creating over 200,000 jobs a month and they aren't government jobs. The total unemployment rate U6 which includes those that have dropped out of the labor market started rising in 2006 long before Obama took office. It peaked in late 2009 at about 17.5% and has fell to below 15%. Both indexes have been in a downtrend since 2009. It's pretty clear where unemployment is headed. If the current trend continues, we should see U3, the traditional reported unemployment rate at about 7.4% by the end of 2012.

Unemployment rate drops to 8.3 percent - CSMonitor.com

Going is right


Participation in the Labor Force. The unemployment rate would be even higher than it is now had participation in the labor force not declined as much as it has over the past few years. The rate of participation in the labor force fell from 66 percent in 2007 to an average of 64 percent in the second half of 2011, an unusually large decline over so short a time. About a third of that decline reflects factors other than the downturn, such as the aging of the baby-boom generation. But even with those factors removed, the estimated decline in that rate during the past four years is larger than has been typical of past downturns, even after accounting for the greater severity of this downturn. Had that portion of the decline in the labor force participation rate since 2007 that is attributable to neither the aging of the baby boomers nor the downturn in the business cycle (on the basis of the experience in previous downturns) not occurred, the unemployment rate in the fourth quarter of 2011 would have been about 1¼ percentage points higher than the actual rate of 8.7 percent.

If things continue as they are

This election will be on

Does Papa Obama deserve to be reelected?

At this point, the majority say no....
About 5 trillion got us what
nothing much
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Well Shit.. Democrats are so desperate for good news (I can understand that) that they prefer to keep their heads in the sand, nothing new there I suppose.

Political Party over reason..eh
In all seriousness - a genuine question...

Why do you guys still insist on using this number? (now 8.3%)
Even MSNBC acknowledged last month that the unemployment number is misleading at best, as it does not address the record number of employable people dropping out of the market - as well as removes the context that underemployment is a more serious problem than unemployment.

Please answer this question in a legitimate, specific way.
It doesn't matter which index you use. The fact is that the employment picture is improving. We are creating over 200,000 jobs a month and they aren't government jobs. The total unemployment rate U6 which includes those that have dropped out of the labor market started rising in 2006 long before Obama took office. It peaked in late 2009 at about 17.5% and has fell to below 15%. Both indexes have been in a downtrend since 2009. It's pretty clear where unemployment is headed. If the current trend continues, we should see U3, the traditional reported unemployment rate at about 7.4% by the end of 2012.

Unemployment rate drops to 8.3 percent - CSMonitor.com

Why do we insist on using 8.3%? Because if Bush or McCain was in office, they would be using it.

Just like Bush didn't include the Iraq war in his budget but Obama does. But you will never hear a Republican point that out. They just point to Obama's budget and say, "look how much he is spending"!!!!

No matter how great Obama is, and so far so good considering the circumstances, right wingers will never admit it. Just like with Clinton.

I am mad at Clinton and Obama too. But only for going along with Flopper's party.

Remember when debating a right winger, right is wrong, left is right, black is white, up is down. No matter how bad Bush was, things were fine. Now that Obama is in, the sky is falling and its his fault. But they didn't even acknowledge the great recession was happening because they wanted McCain or Romney to win. Remember? Romney said Michigan was in a one state recession and McCain said the fundamentals of our economy were strong.

I can't wait to run against Mitt. The last two times he ran he lost to Ted Kennedy and McCain. I'm sooo scared. And Obama hasn't even had to spend any money thanks to Newt.
Papa Obama has spent at almost twice the rate of Bush per year

Straight up - that is just the facts

His pork bill was a failure
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The recovery continues....

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- American employers substantially stepped up their hiring in January, bringing the unemployment rate down for the fifth month in a row.

Employers added 243,000 jobs in January, the Labor Department reported Friday, marking a pick-up in hiring from December, when the economy added 203,000 jobs.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.3%. That is the lowest since February 2009.

Job growth was much stronger than expected. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had forecast 130,000 jobs added in the month, and that the unemployment rate likely ticked up to 8.6%.

January jobs report: Hiring ramps up, unemployment falls - Feb. 3, 2012

Your are being played my friend.

The 8.3% is jobs filled over jobs available.....

but since the number of jobs (the denominator)has fallen due to the Obama administration, the rate is inflated:

"The private sector has 1.1 million fewer jobs - and the overall economy about 1.6 million fewer jobs - than in February 2009, when Obama and congressional Democrats approved a $787 billion economic stimulus that the White House said would save or create 3.5 million jobs."
Despite weak economy, history professor's system predicts Obama 'very strong' for reelection

The 8.3% doesn't mean more folks are working vis-a-vis original number of jobs...simply a greater percent of a smaller number of jobs.

Oh my! Every month we're treated to a new, interesting, and absolutely wrong claim about how the unemployment rate is calculated. This one is extra interesting.

You know they publish the methodology, right? You can find it right here on the interwebs!
See, FDR kept unemployment at 20% from 1933 until 1940 because that stimulated the economy.

Are you writing this down?

And the Republican solution was........Prosperity is just around the corner

Better than the Democrat solution which was to let the Japanese sink 4 battleships at Pearl Harbor

That wasn't the Japanese. It was what we like to call....."an inside job"

Those battleships were rigged with thermite which caused them to sink
Well Shit.. Democrats are so desperate for good news (I can understand that) that they prefer to keep their heads in the sand, nothing new there I suppose.

Political Party over reason..eh

We were bleeding 7 million jobs before the 2008 election, when Bush was in office, and your side said things were fine. .

We are now adding jobs and you say things couldn't be worse.

Who's head is in the sand?

Just like with Clinton. No matter how good they are, people like you will never admit it. It must be something else. Is it god, gays or guns. Because you probably don't make enough to be voting GOP.
"head in the sand" ?

Not the American people


More States Move to GOP in 2011
Seventeen states solidly or leaning Republican, up from 10 in 2010
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And the Republican solution was........Prosperity is just around the corner

Better than the Democrat solution which was to let the Japanese sink 4 battleships at Pearl Harbor

That wasn't the Japanese. It was what we like to call....."an inside job"

Those battleships were rigged with thermite which caused them to sink

We had the Japanese codes, Dear. We knew the invasion fleet was inbound and so we sent the carriers in the opposite direction, gave the AA teams the weekend off and all but set kindling under the airplanes.
Papa Obama has spent at almost twice the rate of Bush per year

Straight up - that is just the facts

His pork bill was a failure

You are counting things that are Bush's fault. The bank bailout. The stimulus. The wars. Bush neglected infrastructure for 8 years.

Think about that. Bush ignores our infrastucture for 8 years and bankrupts the country, and then Obama takes office and has to fix what Bush broke, but you won't let him spend any money.

But our infrastructure is falling apart. Bush should have spent money rebuilding our infrastructure, but instead he gave it all to Haloburton. So now Obama has to spend money on things Bush should have done.

And then sending all those jobs overseas??? It is obvious to any thinking person the GOP did all this bad shit on purpose.

The bank bailout was the biggest bank robbery in world history. And Bush went on TV and told us to give the bankers the money or else.

You broke ass right wingers who vote with the billionaires should be ashamed of yourselves. You have allowed the rich to take over our country. Why? God gays and guns. Suckers. Brainwasheed.

There is no making sense to any of you. If the GOP could do everything they did to the American middle class over the past 30 years and you are still voting for them, I guess they got you hooked. Why, because of abortion or guns? Dopes!
Hmmm, I just looked at the U.S. Govt's Bureau of Labor Statistics monthly report.

Dec. 2011 . Jan. 2012
153.373 . . . 153.485 . . . Civilian labor force (millions)
140.681 . . . 139.944 . . . No. of persons employed (millions)
12.692 . . . . 13.541 . . . No. of persons unemployed (millions)
. . 8.3% . . . . 8.8% . . . . Unemployment rate (percent)

These are the raw numbers, compiled by the government. See them at: Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

Looks to me like the unemployment rate went UP from Dec. 2011 to Jan 2012. And the number of people unemployed went UP, by 849 thousand people. (6.7% MORE people were unemployed in Jan than in Dec).

"Seasonal adjustments" have somehow made this go away. I wonder how those 849,000 additional unemployed people feel about this?

It's all a sinister Obama plot! His fiendish statisticians cook the numbers by accounting for established rates of seasonal variance using a dastardly ARIMA X model.

Oh wait a second. That's not right. It was Eisenhower.
Hmmm, I just looked at the U.S. Govt's Bureau of Labor Statistics monthly report.

Dec. 2011 . Jan. 2012
153.373 . . . 153.485 . . . Civilian labor force (millions)
140.681 . . . 139.944 . . . No. of persons employed (millions)
12.692 . . . . 13.541 . . . No. of persons unemployed (millions)
. . 8.3% . . . . 8.8% . . . . Unemployment rate (percent)

These are the raw numbers, compiled by the government. See them at: Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

Looks to me like the unemployment rate went UP from Dec. 2011 to Jan 2012. And the number of people unemployed went UP, by 849 thousand people. (6.7% MORE people were unemployed in Jan than in Dec).

"Seasonal adjustments" have somehow made this go away. I wonder how those 849,000 additional unemployed people feel about this?

It's all a sinister Obama plot! His fiendish statisticians cook the numbers by accounting for established rates of seasonal variance using a dastardly ARIMA X model.

Oh wait a second. That's not right. It was Eisenhower.

Well, fuck him too then!

Papa Obama has spent at almost twice the rate of Bush per year

Straight up - that is just the facts

His pork bill was a failure

You are counting things that are Bush's fault. The bank bailout. The stimulus. The wars. Bush neglected infrastructure for 8 years.

Think about that. Bush ignores our infrastucture for 8 years and bankrupts the country, and then Obama takes office and has to fix what Bush broke, but you won't let him spend any money.

But our infrastructure is falling apart. Bush should have spent money rebuilding our infrastructure, but instead he gave it all to Haloburton. So now Obama has to spend money on things Bush should have done.

And then sending all those jobs overseas??? It is obvious to any thinking person the GOP did all this bad shit on purpose.

The bank bailout was the biggest bank robbery in world history. And Bush went on TV and told us to give the bankers the money or else.

You broke ass right wingers who vote with the billionaires should be ashamed of yourselves. You have allowed the rich to take over our country. Why? God gays and guns. Suckers. Brainwasheed.

There is no making sense to any of you. If the GOP could do everything they did to the American middle class over the past 30 years and you are still voting for them, I guess they got you hooked. Why, because of abortion or guns? Dopes!
Was it not Obama's campaign promise to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term??? He is going in the wrong direction!!

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