Unemployment falls to 8.3%

It's important to note that --> if we're to use the real ue than the percentages under all Presidents must then be adjusted up, also, and the same standard used. So - it becomes inane.
The Country isn't in the best shape, but lying isn't necessary to beat Obama.

I can see the debates now.

Romney: "excuse me mr president, we're falling off of a cliff" (republican applause)
Obama: statistic statistic statistic
Romney: your foreign policy though! (republican applause)
Obama: take that up with my 4 star generals, decorated war heros, etc etc etc who advise me
Romney: you're a do nothing president!
Obama: lists legislative achievements in alphabetical order

*suddenly, in the back row, Crusaderfrank stands up with a tinfoil baseball cap on and says: YOU'RE NOT A CITIZEN OR A CHRISTIAN! *

Romney slaps his forehead and says, "alright, you know what, I'd make a much better vp than that dummy Biden."

Obama brushes his shoulders off and rubs his eyebrow with his middle finger in the direction of francis as he's carried out of the room screaming not to taz him.

It's easy for Republicans to have a circlejerk at the debates and say Obama is a do-nothing President with no record when nobody is there to defend it.

The country would be in far better shape if Obama were a "do-nothing" President. As it is we have record debt, deficits, ObamaCare and our first ever credit downgrade.

Doing nothing > Obama
The Country isn't in the best shape, but lying isn't necessary to beat Obama.

I can see the debates now.

Romney: "excuse me mr president, we're falling off of a cliff" (republican applause)
Obama: statistic statistic statistic
Romney: your foreign policy though! (republican applause)
Obama: take that up with my 4 star generals, decorated war heros, etc etc etc who advise me
Romney: you're a do nothing president!
Obama: lists legislative achievements in alphabetical order

*suddenly, in the back row, Crusaderfrank stands up with a tinfoil baseball cap on and says: YOU'RE NOT A CITIZEN OR A CHRISTIAN! *

Romney slaps his forehead and says, "alright, you know what, I'd make a much better vp than that dummy Biden."

Obama brushes his shoulders off and rubs his eyebrow with his middle finger in the direction of francis as he's carried out of the room screaming not to taz him.

You add so little to the debate

^ That's your entire internet existence, in a nutshell. Birther.
The Country isn't in the best shape, but lying isn't necessary to beat Obama.

I can see the debates now.

Romney: "excuse me mr president, we're falling off of a cliff" (republican applause)
Obama: statistic statistic statistic
Romney: your foreign policy though! (republican applause)
Obama: take that up with my 4 star generals, decorated war heros, etc etc etc who advise me
Romney: you're a do nothing president!
Obama: lists legislative achievements in alphabetical order

*suddenly, in the back row, Crusaderfrank stands up with a tinfoil baseball cap on and says: YOU'RE NOT A CITIZEN OR A CHRISTIAN! *

Romney slaps his forehead and says, "alright, you know what, I'd make a much better vp than that dummy Biden."

Obama brushes his shoulders off and rubs his eyebrow with his middle finger in the direction of francis as he's carried out of the room screaming not to taz him.

You add so little to the debate

^ That's your entire internet existence, in a nutshell. Birther.

I'm hurt.

Nah. I'm just fucking with you
Obama needs to run on his "Unemployment stimulates the economy" program so he needs to keep full employment under 85%.

Is that the Obama 2012 Theme?

You seem pretty hurt since Obama became President.

From birther, to your avatar, to your now famous broken record line "57 states" that you're obsessed with, to your blatant disregarding of any and all facts that you don't like.....

you're perhaps Obama's #1 fanboy. all you need is the tattoo.
Try this one...ir worked for me!

Record 1.2 Million People Fall Out Of Labor Force In One Month, Labor Force Participation Rate Tumbles To Fresh 30 Year Low | ZeroHedge

A month ago, we joked when we said that for Obama to get the unemployment rate to negative by election time, all he has to do is to crush the labor force participation rate to about 55%. Looks like the good folks at the BLS heard us: it appears that the people not in the labor force exploded by an unprecedented record 1.2 million. No, that's not a typo: 1.2 million people dropped out of the labor force in one month! So as the labor force increased from 153.9 million to 154.4 million, the non institutional population increased by 242.3 million meaning, those not in the labor force surged from 86.7 million to 87.9 million. Which means that the civilian labor force tumbled to a fresh 30 year low of 63.7% as the BLS is seriously planning on eliminating nearly half of the available labor pool from the unemployment calculation. As for the quality of jobs, as withholding taxes roll over Year over year, it can only mean that the US is replacing high paying FIRE jobs with low paying construction and manufacturing. So much for the improvement.

Who is Tyler Durden and why should we believe him?

Isn't that Brad Pitt from Fight Club?

Yes. It's a nom du plume of a group of anonymous bloggers. The handle is not an accident. They have an end of the world meme they've been pushing since they started, irrespective of political party.
The recovery continues....

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- American employers substantially stepped up their hiring in January, bringing the unemployment rate down for the fifth month in a row.

Employers added 243,000 jobs in January, the Labor Department reported Friday, marking a pick-up in hiring from December, when the economy added 203,000 jobs.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.3%. That is the lowest since February 2009.

Job growth was much stronger than expected. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had forecast 130,000 jobs added in the month, and that the unemployment rate likely ticked up to 8.6%.

January jobs report: Hiring ramps up, unemployment falls - Feb. 3, 2012

And you're still on Food Stamps? Shit man, get dressed and out of the trailer. There's shitload of "Shovel Ready" shit jobs you're probably qualified for. Make sure you fill 'er up at $4.00 a gallon before heading out...


I can tell this good news is really bothering you.

i really don't get it. good news for americans should be good news for all americans (no matter the political party). i guess some people just put party before country. that's about as un-american as it gets.
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How many posts if we were inclined to embarrass this dweeb do you think Francis made calling Palin the next POTUS? :lol:

Listening to Limbaugh right now, spinning as hard as he possibly can, throwing out statistics that completely ignore the trajectory of the unemployment rate or the economy. "If the economy is so good, why are X million men between the age of 25 and 34 living with their parents?" -- too funny.

Haven't heard anyone say the economy is "so good", Rush. That's one of your standard straw man arguments. The economy is slowly, very slowly, coming back after a historically massive, complicated, deep and widespread recession. The damage is far from being repaired, since the real estate market was so badly damaged and remains so (as many predicted).

This morning's unemployment rate was good news, Rush. It doesn't mean all is well, but if you really care about America, you'd admit that it was good news.

Whaddaya say, Rush?

Who is Tyler Durden and why should we believe him?

Isn't that Brad Pitt from Fight Club?

Yes. It's a nom du plume of a group of anonymous bloggers. The handle is not an accident. They have an end of the world meme they've been pushing since they started, irrespective of political party.

i enjoy zerohedge, but they have been consistently wrong in calling for a stock market and dollar collapse and gold going to $5000. they do have some good information though
The recovery continues....

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- American employers substantially stepped up their hiring in January, bringing the unemployment rate down for the fifth month in a row.

Employers added 243,000 jobs in January, the Labor Department reported Friday, marking a pick-up in hiring from December, when the economy added 203,000 jobs.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.3%. That is the lowest since February 2009.

Job growth was much stronger than expected. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had forecast 130,000 jobs added in the month, and that the unemployment rate likely ticked up to 8.6%.

January jobs report: Hiring ramps up, unemployment falls - Feb. 3, 2012

Your are being played my friend.

The 8.3% is jobs filled over jobs available.....

but since the number of jobs (the denominator)
has fallen due to the Obama administration, the rate is inflated:

"The private sector has 1.1 million fewer jobs - and the overall economy about 1.6 million fewer jobs - than in February 2009, when Obama and congressional Democrats approved a $787 billion economic stimulus that the White House said would save or create 3.5 million jobs."
Despite weak economy, history professor's system predicts Obama 'very strong' for reelection

The 8.3% doesn't mean more folks are working vis-a-vis original number of jobs...simply a greater percent of a smaller number of jobs.
My favorite pompous know-it-all proves just how ignorant she really is when she mindlessly parrots her MessiahRushie. :rofl::lmao:

The denominator is the total WORKFORCE not jobs!!! U-3 Total unemployed, as a percent of the civilian labor force (official unemployment rate).

LF = labor force = U + E
E = number employed
U = number of unemployed
e = rate of employment = E / LF
u = rate of unemployment = U / LF

November 22, 2011
RUSH: Well, I think the numbers are manipulated, but do you realize that since January of 2009 when Obama was immaculated, from then 'til now the number of jobs that are available to be filled in this country has been reduced by two and a half million. The regime has just erased them. They've just wiped them off the books. They have just said those jobs, they've not identified what they are, they said those jobs are gone. So if the universe of total jobs available has shrunk by two and a half million, then you can play some games with the unemployment numbers, the unemployment rate. The unemployment rate, if the number of jobs was constant today as it was when Obama was immaculated, the unemployment rate, the reported unemployment rate would be 12.3%. The only reason it's nine is because they just erased two million jobs from the total.
So, if you add the unemployed, who are the biggest engines driving the Obama recovery, then participation in the workforce is NOT at a 30 year low, mmmkay?
GT, don't worry, I'll respond directly as soon as you post something clever or thoughtful.
Hmmm, I just looked at the U.S. Govt's Bureau of Labor Statistics monthly report.

Dec. 2011 . Jan. 2012
153.373 . . . 153.485 . . . Civilian labor force (millions)
140.681 . . . 139.944 . . . No. of persons employed (millions)
12.692 . . . . 13.541 . . . No. of persons unemployed (millions)
. . 8.3% . . . . 8.8% . . . . Unemployment rate (percent)

These are the raw numbers, compiled by the government. See them at: Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

Looks to me like the unemployment rate went UP from Dec. 2011 to Jan 2012. And the number of people unemployed went UP, by 849 thousand people. (6.7% MORE people were unemployed in Jan than in Dec).

"Seasonal adjustments" have somehow made this go away. I wonder how those 849,000 additional unemployed people feel about this?
GT, don't worry, I'll respond directly as soon as you post something clever or thoughtful.

:lol: you wouldn't know how :lol:

Where's your credibility, on the scale of 1 to grand larceny?

Palin next POTUS? check
Obama a Kenyan? check
Colonies on the moon? check

Is no one concerned that we're being manipulated?

If these unemployment were real and a minimum 6.5 million unemployed Americans that aren't included in the statistics actually were. I'd be comfortable that were moving in the right direction and happy about it....but get real.

This link is an interesting read, though I expect rejected as partisan lies by Democrats..it's a start on the road to reality.

Manipulation 101: The Real Unemployment Rate

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