Unemployment falls to 8.3%

Looks like we can't even get one of these dug-in nutters to admit that 23 consecutive months of private sector job growth is something to be happy about.

No different than left wing fisters who CAN'T admit
Papa Obama has had

The Worst Economic Recovery Since The Great Depression

The record of President Obama’s first three years in office is in, and nothing that happens now can go back and change that.
What that record shows is that President Obama, with his throwback, old-fashioned, 1970s Keynesian economics,
has put America through the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression.

Great, you use a right-wing blog to back up your right-wing blog post.
The arithmetic is quite easy, 1.2 million dropped off the rolls and 1.7 million were added yielding a net increase in the labor force of 500 thousand. CON$ only report the 1.2 million dropping but not the 1.7 added.

A half-truth is a whole lie.
- Yiddish Proverb

Ummmmm, not at all.
First, there are no "rolls." Seriously, do people really think there's a giant list of everyone in the country and everyone is classified every month?
The data comes from a monthly survey. If you worked, you're employed. If you didn't work and tried to find a job, you're unemployed (they don't ask about UI benefits), if you didn't work or look for work, you 're "not in the labor force."

Second, there was a revision of the population estimates and the population for jan is thus 1,685,000.
So 1.2 million of tha was an increase in. "not in the labor force." the rest are in employed...unemployment went down.

2.5 million jobs lost so the BLS looks and says ""Well, we think 1.2 million have just decided to give up looking for work so we won't count half of them, just to make things more accurate."

Huh? 1.2M have not given up looking for work.
It is ok news. The LFPR held constant. It is better, but nothing to brag about.

We are still not addressing long term problems.
Looks like we can't even get one of these dug-in nutters to admit that 23 consecutive months of private sector job growth is something to be happy about.

No different than left wing fisters who CAN'T admit
Papa Obama has had

The Worst Economic Recovery Since The Great Depression

The record of President Obama’s first three years in office is in, and nothing that happens now can go back and change that.
What that record shows is that President Obama, with his throwback, old-fashioned, 1970s Keynesian economics,
has put America through the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression.

Great, you use a right-wing blog to back up your right-wing blog post.

ad hominem arguments do not support your position or make a case
nor does it make the facts in the article not true
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no your not , unless the english language has changed, go read what I said, again.

I am discounting nothing, you are obfuscating , see my prior post just above. the recession ended 30 months ago......

To the average Joe, it doesn't matter what the cause of the recession is, or what the cause of the continuation of the recession is.

The average Joe just cares about whether he has a job or not, or whether he can afford his house or not.

The reason why I'm using the numbers here is that, to the average American, they are what matters: How many people are out of work, and how much money is being used to make that happen.

Do you really think a factory worker is going to care a whit about the purpose behind the Volcker recession? Or who started it?

They are not, they don't care. If what Obama does and what Reagan does comes out to be the same thing in the end, then all of that other stuff doesn't matter at all.
No different than left wing fisters who CAN'T admit
Papa Obama has had

The Worst Economic Recovery Since The Great Depression

The record of President Obama’s first three years in office is in, and nothing that happens now can go back and change that.
What that record shows is that President Obama, with his throwback, old-fashioned, 1970s Keynesian economics,
has put America through the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression.

Great, you use a right-wing blog to back up your right-wing blog post.

ad hominem arguments do not support your position or make a case

Where was the ad hom? Heck, I didn't even look at the sites...yet.

All he did was challenge your references. He never called you names.
ad hominem arguments do not support your position or make a case
nor does it make the facts in the article not true

Quoting someone else's opinion who shares the same view as you do also does not make a case.

And if there are "facts" in the article, then list their original source, not some opinion piece.
Ummmmm, not at all.
First, there are no "rolls." Seriously, do people really think there's a giant list of everyone in the country and everyone is classified every month?
The data comes from a monthly survey. If you worked, you're employed. If you didn't work and tried to find a job, you're unemployed (they don't ask about UI benefits), if you didn't work or look for work, you 're "not in the labor force."

Second, there was a revision of the population estimates and the population for jan is thus 1,685,000.
So 1.2 million of tha was an increase in. "not in the labor force." the rest are in employed...unemployment went down.

2.5 million jobs lost so the BLS looks and says ""Well, we think 1.2 million have just decided to give up looking for work so we won't count half of them, just to make things more accurate."

Huh? 1.2M have not given up looking for work.

MSN Money

Why the job market still stinks

The drop in the unemployment rate is coming mainly from people leaving the work force in record numbers -- 1.2 million, mostly young folks who we need to support the housing market. Those who are finding work are finding part-time, low-wage positions. No wonder "hard" economic data such as a drop in retail sales and a rise in the savings rate suggest a lack of progress out there.

Who knew MSN Money is part of the evil right wing cabal
exactly. and when did his recession end?

come now, we have been over this before, pony up....:lol:

His first recession ended within a year of him taking office.

His SECOND recession ended significantly later.

What bearing would that have on whether or not he had better unemployment figures, and whether or not he spent as much money as Obama?

I said the REAGAN recession, HIS the one he let Volcker run, not the carter hangover recession.....don't play games.

and WHEN was later and what were the figures? you have seen them, I posted them for you last time we had this out, goggle stills exists.

what bearing? please huh...:lol:
There was no Carter "hangover recession." The Carter recession was the shortest and ended July 1980, the Reagan Recession began in July 1981 and was the longest recession since the Great Depression.
ad hominem arguments do not support your position or make a case
nor does it make the facts in the article not true

Quoting someone else's opinion who shares the same view as you do also does not make a case.

And if there are "facts" in the article, then list their original source, not some opinion piece.

As expected,
you have no facts to refute it

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is their worst enemy
ad hominem arguments do not support your position or make a case
nor does it make the facts in the article not true

Quoting someone else's opinion who shares the same view as you do also does not make a case.

And if there are "facts" in the article, then list their original source, not some opinion piece.

As expected,
you have no facts to refute it

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

As expected,
you have no facts to refute it

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

Refute what?

We've been having a nice conversation here, on this very thread, about the economy, and whether the current recovery is good or bad.

Why would I want to go read someone else's conversation?

Is the author of the opinion piece you're quoting currently posting on this board?


Well then, why don't you post the pertinent facts, in your own words, with sourcing, just like everyone else?
2.5 million jobs lost so the BLS looks and says ""Well, we think 1.2 million have just decided to give up looking for work so we won't count half of them, just to make things more accurate."

Huh? 1.2M have not given up looking for work.

MSN Money

Why the job market still stinks

The drop in the unemployment rate is coming mainly from people leaving the work force in record numbers -- 1.2 million, mostly young folks who we need to support the housing market. Those who are finding work are finding part-time, low-wage positions. No wonder "hard" economic data such as a drop in retail sales and a rise in the savings rate suggest a lack of progress out there.

Who knew MSN Money is part of the evil right wing cabal

I'm not sure if they are part of a cabal, but they are wrong. The change in the benchmark by adding 1.5M to the noninstitutionalized population is what created the appearance of 1.2M leaving. The actual numbers don't reflect it because it didn't happen.

But it's not as if the BLS hid this fact. It's right there in the report!

"Effective with data for January 2012, updated population estimates which reflect the results of Census2010 have been used in the household survey. Population estimates for the household survey are developed by the U.S. Census Bureau. Each year, the Census Bureau updates the estimates to reflect new information and assumptions about the growth of the population during the decade. The change in population reflected in the new estimates results from the introduction of the Census 2010 count as the new population base, adjustments for net international migration, updated vital statistics and other information, and some methodological changes in the estimation process. The vast majority of the population change, however, is due to the change in base population from Census 2000 to Census 2010.

In accordance with usual practice, BLS will not revise the official household survey estimates for December 2011 and earlier months. To show the impact of the population adjustment, however, differences in selected December 2011 labor force series based on the old and new population estimates are shown in table B"
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As expected,
you have no facts to refute it

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

Refute what?

We've been having a nice conversation here, on this very thread, about the economy, and whether the current recovery is good or bad.

Why would I want to go read someone else's conversation?

Is the author of the opinion piece you're quoting currently posting on this board?


Well then, why don't you post the pertinent facts, in your own words, with sourcing, just like everyone else?

Does that include the graphs from Think Progress by your comrades

Get real
no your not , unless the english language has changed, go read what I said, again.

I am discounting nothing, you are obfuscating , see my prior post just above. the recession ended 30 months ago......

To the average Joe, it doesn't matter what the cause of the recession is, or what the cause of the continuation of the recession is.

The average Joe just cares about whether he has a job or not, or whether he can afford his house or not.

The reason why I'm using the numbers here is that, to the average American, they are what matters: How many people are out of work, and how much money is being used to make that happen.

Do you really think a factory worker is going to care a whit about the purpose behind the Volcker recession? Or who started it?

They are not, they don't care. If what Obama does and what Reagan does comes out to be the same thing in the end, then all of that other stuff doesn't matter at all.

I have no idea who you are talking too, you quoted me though.....

thats right, no one cares what they do really as long as they fix it, its been 30 months since the recession ended.....at the 30 months mark in the Reagan recession where were we?

450,000, 1.1 MILLION, 700,000 those are some of the numbers generated within how long after the Reagan recession ended?

go look, oh hell you don't need to do that, you remember, thats why you are dancing around posting information and views I have not asked nor matter....and now we are supposed to bust a nut over 230k jobs?

Now as I said, I am glad if even one person finds a job, but this slobbering is ridiculous, most especially and what galls me to no end and is the real center of my angst, the media beating the shit out of bush with a 5.5 and 6% unemployment rate...see now?

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