Unemployment falls to 8.3%

No, that is the U-4 rate which gets you to 8.9%

From the BLS:
U-4 Total unemployed plus discouraged workers, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus discouraged workers

Just because your discouraged, doesn't mean you don't want or need a job....
True, but they are not looking for work and they are still counted as unemployed in the U-4 rate, just not in the U-3 rate that has been used for all the other presidents.
Ever wonder why they developed all those alternative measures? Most of the reasons are political.

Nope, they only count them if they are still looking for work, as reported in the survey. To count those who aren't looking gets you to about 16%. Confusing stuff huh?
No, that is the U-4 rate which gets you to 8.9%

From the BLS:
U-4 Total unemployed plus discouraged workers, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus discouraged workers

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization
Ever wonder why they developed all those alternative measures? Most of the reasons are political.
I would say that the sudden use of the U-6 number, which includes not only discouraged workers but also part time workers who would rather work full time and is presently 15.1%, rather than the traditional U-3 rate for this president which was used for Bush, is political.
Ever wonder why they developed all those alternative measures? Most of the reasons are political.
I would say that the sudden use of the U-6 number, which includes not only discouraged workers but also part time workers who would rather work full time and is presently 15.1%, rather than the traditional U-3 rate for this president which was used for Bush, is political.

For me, I just want an accurate count, so the seriousness of the situation is not lost on game play. Few of the jobs are at or above prior income levels for the newly employed.
Oh my god, can you people PLEASE stop reposting those annoying giant red fonts?

It's so annoying that I just skip past any post that contains them.

Do you all really think that posting in BIG RED FONTS will make your argument more convincing? I can guarantee, it does not.
Oh my god, can you people PLEASE stop reposting those annoying giant red fonts?

It's so annoying that I just skip past any post that contains them.

Do you all really think that posting in BIG RED FONTS will make your argument more convincing? I can guarantee, it does not.

The warranty card says double your money back....:eusa_whistle:
bigreb is admitting that unemployment is going down under the rules used by the Bureau of Labor, just like under the Bushes, Clinton, Reagan, etc.

biggie is not help the GOP with his arguments.
You are an idiot. Unemployment is going do but DOES THAT MEAN PEOPLE ARE GOING BACK TO WORK?
what the fuck is wrong with you butt hurt?

You and Jake seem very alike to me.

You have so much in common with bigreb: intelligence, analytical ability, grasp of context. :lol:
i owe you.

When they say unemployment is down to 8.3 are they counting people who no longer receive an unemployment check?

Nope, they only count them if they are still looking for work, as reported in the survey. To count those who aren't looking gets you to about 16%. Confusing stuff huh?

But they are not looking. And this is the same system used for a very long time. Let's do comparison for all GOP and Dem admins beginning with Carter . . . hmmm?

The economy is recovering, unemployment is down, manufacturing is up, but a lot of people are still hurting. We as a people and a government need to do more.
The economy is recovering, unemployment is down, manufacturing is up, but a lot of people are still hurting. We as a people and a government need to do more.

Not so much government help please. They already increased my UE insurance costs 850% this year. No one has ever been unemployed here.
My understanding is the BLS takes a monthly survey with the primary questions being have you found work and are you still looking for work. I do not know if people are called back after they answer no to both questions. I find it curious that I have never been called for this survey. How can you get an accurate count, if the employed are not called?

The census bureau conducts the survey for BLS. It is not a random telephone survey....it's carefully weighted to fully represent the country. Households are in the survey 4 months, out for 8, back in for 4. There are over 200 questions, though of course not all need to be asked of everyone. The questions note that there's not a single question about UI.
Full details of the survey are in tech paper 66 found at Current Population Survey (CPS) - A Joint Effort Between the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Census Bureau - U.S. Census Bureau
No, that is the U-4 rate which gets you to 8.9%

From the BLS:
U-4 Total unemployed plus discouraged workers, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus discouraged workers

Just because your discouraged, doesn't mean you don't want or need a job....

My 5 year old wants a job, doesn't make him unemployed.

The point is that if you're not trying to work, you have no impact on the labor market, anymore than someone who doesn't want to work. Zero chance of changing their status, and it's just not an objective measure. Seriously, if someone hasn't bothered to look in over a year, how reliable is the idea they want to work or they couldn't find work if they tried?

If someone tries to get a job, and fails, I know they can't get a job. Someone doesn't try to get a job, I don't know...I only know their opinion and that's not good enough.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
3.2 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
Auto sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Home sales are up.
Unemployment is down.

GM was saved, and is now the number one automaker in the world.

Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead, and we are out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.
Fox and Friends are winning us a lot of votes.

Nobody under 65 watches these idiots.

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