Unemployment falls to 8.3%

Osama Bin Laden never held a US job??? That's a reply? Seriously?

So basically, you're one of those "Everything is BAD! Just keep thinking negatively and it will be alright! (for the GOP)" guys.

Obama has done a lot wrong but he's also done some things well.
You Doom n Gloom types discredit ConservaRepubLitarians with everyone who isn't one.

Such as...?

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 8 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 22 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.

Well I'm not nearly as enthused about him as you are. I think ObamaCare sucks and wasting time on that POS during a financial crisis was stupid plitical posturing that backfired on him anyway. I can't really say I believe he stopped a great depression or extended a recession. I think his bank bailouts were complete bs. Actually I thought he pretty much sucked balls for his first two years and he has done some REALLY BAD things.
But things that are good? Sure. Only kool-aid drinkers think that magically, their candidate does everything right and / or the other candidate NEVER deserves credit for anything.

Repealed DADT. I have friends who are still in the military. Force Recon Marines. They don't give a flying fruck if someone is gay - if they speak fluent Arabic and can save their azzes, we need them. We lost translators and we didn't have enough to begin with. I also do a LOT of work with Vets. 99% of them think this is a good thing. Most of us knew at least a few people who were gay or lesbian but who no one said anything about because they were so danm good at their jobs.

Bailing out GM. Historically speaking, this was sound. When we have bailed out the manufacturing sector, we have been repaid and also made a profit 90%+ of the time. Additionally, unlike the banks, the number of middle class jobs that are saved are solid and measurable. We may not get full repayment on this one but the result of not doing it would have been worse. Still, I would have broken the company up into its respective divisions so the "too big to fail" thing would be eliminated.

Pulling us out of Iraq as promised. Sure it was all arranged before he got in but so what? How many presidents (including this one) break promises? So okay that's good.

He promised to shift the focus on Afghanistan and track down bin Laden. I was against our presence there for a while but then I connected the dots from N. Afghanistan to Islamibad in Feb to bin Laden in May. So he actually followed the leads, took some risks, negotiated the release of an undercover American spy who had critical intel, then invaded a nuclear country that at best only pretends to be an ally, while his political opponents were waiting like sharks in the water for something to go wrong. Well Done Mr. President!

Also, as a small business owner, I like that a president has finally given the only REAL "job creators" a seat at the table by making the SBA a cabinet position. Of course because Obama did it, the ConservaRepubs immediately found fault with it.

So he's done a lot wrong, a few things that were pretty good and one that was fantastic. This would be where the hardcore extreme members of The Right freak out because OMG I don't believe every single thing he's done is horrible! Just a lot of them.
Not sure about other states, but we had to throw a Democrat governor out before we could fix things here in Michigan. Now we have a surplus, all be it a small one.

We had to throw out a Republican governor here in Virginia because we were a billion dollars in the hole.

During the boom years....

Then why the fawk are you supporting Obama???? Just look at what he has done to the deficit!!!

Jeezus you are stupid!

Don't you mean the debt? Most cons don't know the difference. Because ONLY Ron Paul dares talk about solving the Debt problem. And that is why he is ignored by the mainstream GOP. Dems don't want to talk about it either, except maybe Bernie Sanders.
My 5 year old wants a job, doesn't make him unemployed.

The point is that if you're not trying to work, you have no impact on the labor market, anymore than someone who doesn't want to work. Zero chance of changing their status, and it's just not an objective measure. Seriously, if someone hasn't bothered to look in over a year, how reliable is the idea they want to work or they couldn't find work if they tried?

If someone tries to get a job, and fails, I know they can't get a job. Someone doesn't try to get a job, I don't know...I only know their opinion and that's not good enough.

However the question is what happens to those who have run out of EI and are no longer eligible to receive anymore unemployment checks? Are they counted as unemployed even though they havn't been back to work?

They are the ones going back to work.

A lot of people don't really look for work until the checks run out.
I'm sure you can produce records that show those people who have run out of unemployment benefits and when they started a new job.
Just because your discouraged, doesn't mean you don't want or need a job....

My 5 year old wants a job, doesn't make him unemployed.

The point is that if you're not trying to work, you have no impact on the labor market, anymore than someone who doesn't want to work. Zero chance of changing their status, and it's just not an objective measure. Seriously, if someone hasn't bothered to look in over a year, how reliable is the idea they want to work or they couldn't find work if they tried?

If someone tries to get a job, and fails, I know they can't get a job. Someone doesn't try to get a job, I don't know...I only know their opinion and that's not good enough.

However the question is what happens to those who have run out of EI and are no longer eligible to receive anymore unemployment checks? Are they counted as unemployed even though they havn't been back to work?

Again, they are counted. You keep citing the sectio about INSURED unemployed, when it's clear to everyone but you that BLS is talking about a seperate program they have nothing to do with.
My 5 year old wants a job, doesn't make him unemployed.

The point is that if you're not trying to work, you have no impact on the labor market, anymore than someone who doesn't want to work. Zero chance of changing their status, and it's just not an objective measure. Seriously, if someone hasn't bothered to look in over a year, how reliable is the idea they want to work or they couldn't find work if they tried?

If someone tries to get a job, and fails, I know they can't get a job. Someone doesn't try to get a job, I don't know...I only know their opinion and that's not good enough.

However the question is what happens to those who have run out of EI and are no longer eligible to receive anymore unemployment checks? Are they counted as unemployed even though they havn't been back to work?

Again, they are counted. You keep citing the sectio about INSURED unemployed, when it's clear to everyone but you that BLS is talking about a seperate program they have nothing to do with.

It's clear you don't read. When people go off unemployment but do not go back to work, they are no longer recorded as unemployed. When that happens the unemployment numbers drop. Doesn't matter that they aren't working. if you want to really make a big drop in Unemployment numbers kill the system all together.
However the question is what happens to those who have run out of EI and are no longer eligible to receive anymore unemployment checks? Are they counted as unemployed even though they havn't been back to work?

Again, they are counted. You keep citing the sectio about INSURED unemployed, when it's clear to everyone but you that BLS is talking about a seperate program they have nothing to do with.

It's clear you don't read. When people go off unemployment but do not go back to work, they are no longer recorded as unemployed. When that happens the unemployment numbers drop. Doesn't matter that they aren't working. if you want to really make a big drop in Unemployment numbers kill the system all together.
You keep parroting that lie and guess what, it is still a lie. As I have shown so often, once a CON$ervative sinks their teeth into a lie, they never stop lying.
Again, they are counted. You keep citing the sectio about INSURED unemployed, when it's clear to everyone but you that BLS is talking about a seperate program they have nothing to do with.

It's clear you don't read. When people go off unemployment but do not go back to work, they are no longer recorded as unemployed. When that happens the unemployment numbers drop. Doesn't matter that they aren't working. if you want to really make a big drop in Unemployment numbers kill the system all together.
You keep parroting that lie and guess what, it is still a lie. As I have shown so often, once a CON$ervative sinks their teeth into a lie, they never stop lying.
So you're disagreeing that people when they become disqualified from receiving unemployment for what ever reason the unemployment rate does not drop?
I am going to try and walk you through the steps.
From the BLS
How the Government Measures Unemployment

What are the basic concepts of employment and unemployment?
The basic concepts involved in identifying the employed and unemployed are quite simple:

People with jobs are employed.
People who are jobless, looking for jobs, and available for work are unemployed.
People who are neither employed nor unemployed are not in the labor force.

What do the unemployment insurance (UI) figures measure?

In addition, the insured unemployed exclude the following:

Unemployed workers who have exhausted their benefits
Unemployed workers who have not yet earned benefit rights (such as new entrants or reentrants to the labor force)
Disqualified workers whose unemployment is considered to have resulted from their own actions rather than from economic conditions; for example, a worker discharged for misconduct on the job
Otherwise eligible unemployed persons who do not file for benefits

That's part of the process that the government comes up with the unemployment numbers.
It's clear you don't read. When people go off unemployment but do not go back to work, they are no longer recorded as unemployed. When that happens the unemployment numbers drop. Doesn't matter that they aren't working. if you want to really make a big drop in Unemployment numbers kill the system all together.
You keep parroting that lie and guess what, it is still a lie. As I have shown so often, once a CON$ervative sinks their teeth into a lie, they never stop lying.
So you're disagreeing that people when they become disqualified from receiving unemployment for what ever reason the unemployment rate does not drop?
I am going to try and walk you through the steps.
From the BLS
How the Government Measures Unemployment
What are the basic concepts of employment and unemployment?
The basic concepts involved in identifying the employed and unemployed are quite simple:

People with jobs are employed.
People who are jobless, looking for jobs, and available for work are unemployed.
People who are neither employed nor unemployed are not in the labor force.

What do the unemployment insurance (UI) figures measure?

In addition, the insured unemployed exclude the following:

Unemployed workers who have exhausted their benefits
Unemployed workers who have not yet earned benefit rights (such as new entrants or reentrants to the labor force)
Disqualified workers whose unemployment is considered to have resulted from their own actions rather than from economic conditions; for example, a worker discharged for misconduct on the job
Otherwise eligible unemployed persons who do not file for benefits
That's part of the process that the government comes up with the unemployment numbers.
You've posted this lie over and over and it is still a lie with this posting. The BLS does not use unemployment insurance figures (UI) to measure unemployment. They use the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure unemployment. This has been pointed out to you repeatedly and shown to you from your OWN link, but you just continue to lie like a good CON$ervative.
Thank you.

From your own BLS link:

"Because unemployment insurance records relate only to persons who have applied for such benefits, and since it is impractical to actually count every unemployed person each month, the Government conducts a monthly sample survey called the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure the extent of unemployment in the country."
You've posted this lie over and over and it is still a lie with this posting. The BLS does not use unemployment insurance figures (UI) to measure unemployment. They use the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure unemployment. This has been pointed out to you repeatedly and shown to you from your OWN link, but you just continue to lie like a good CON$ervative.
Thank you.

From your own BLS link:

"Because unemployment insurance records relate only to persons who have applied for such benefits, and since it is impractical to actually count every unemployed person each month, the Government conducts a monthly sample survey called the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure the extent of unemployment in the country."

it's what he does. It's really ALL he does. He can't help it, it's pathological. His own sources have bitten him in the ass more times than I can relate.
You keep parroting that lie and guess what, it is still a lie. As I have shown so often, once a CON$ervative sinks their teeth into a lie, they never stop lying.
So you're disagreeing that people when they become disqualified from receiving unemployment for what ever reason the unemployment rate does not drop?
I am going to try and walk you through the steps.
From the BLS
What are the basic concepts of employment and unemployment?
The basic concepts involved in identifying the employed and unemployed are quite simple:

People with jobs are employed.
People who are jobless, looking for jobs, and available for work are unemployed.
People who are neither employed nor unemployed are not in the labor force.

What do the unemployment insurance (UI) figures measure?

In addition, the insured unemployed exclude the following:

Unemployed workers who have exhausted their benefits
Unemployed workers who have not yet earned benefit rights (such as new entrants or reentrants to the labor force)
Disqualified workers whose unemployment is considered to have resulted from their own actions rather than from economic conditions; for example, a worker discharged for misconduct on the job
Otherwise eligible unemployed persons who do not file for benefits
That's part of the process that the government comes up with the unemployment numbers.
You've posted this lie over and over and it is still a lie with this posting. The BLS does not use unemployment insurance figures (UI) to measure unemployment. They use the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure unemployment. This has been pointed out to you repeatedly and shown to you from your OWN link, but you just continue to lie like a good CON$ervative.
Thank you.

From your own BLS link:

"Because unemployment insurance records relate only to persons who have applied for such benefits, and since it is impractical to actually count every unemployed person each month, the Government conducts a monthly sample survey called the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure the extent of unemployment in the country."

You've posted this lie over and over and it is still a lie with this posting. The BLS does not use unemployment insurance figures (UI) to measure unemployment.

You are confusing the issue with your scatterbrain perception. Have I said they did? I said that when a person who is disqualified for unemployment insurance for what ever reason they are no longer considered unemployed, doesn't matter if they have found a job or not.
So you're disagreeing that people when they become disqualified from receiving unemployment for what ever reason the unemployment rate does not drop?
I am going to try and walk you through the steps.
From the BLS
What are the basic concepts of employment and unemployment?
The basic concepts involved in identifying the employed and unemployed are quite simple:

People with jobs are employed.
People who are jobless, looking for jobs, and available for work are unemployed.
People who are neither employed nor unemployed are not in the labor force.

That's part of the process that the government comes up with the unemployment numbers.
You've posted this lie over and over and it is still a lie with this posting. The BLS does not use unemployment insurance figures (UI) to measure unemployment. They use the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure unemployment. This has been pointed out to you repeatedly and shown to you from your OWN link, but you just continue to lie like a good CON$ervative.
Thank you.

From your own BLS link:

"Because unemployment insurance records relate only to persons who have applied for such benefits, and since it is impractical to actually count every unemployed person each month, the Government conducts a monthly sample survey called the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure the extent of unemployment in the country."

You've posted this lie over and over and it is still a lie with this posting. The BLS does not use unemployment insurance figures (UI) to measure unemployment.

You are confusing the issue with your scatterbrain perception. Have I said they did? I said that when a person who is disqualified for unemployment insurance for what ever reason they are no longer considered unemployed, doesn't matter if they have found a job or not.
And we keep telling you that's not true and that it says it's not true in your own link ... Insured unemployed is seperate an not part of the calculations.

Tell you what, though I doubt you'll do it, ask yourself at the CPS contact page or call 202-691-6378 and ask if, for the UE rate, people not on benefits are included and tell us what they say.
You've posted this lie over and over and it is still a lie with this posting. The BLS does not use unemployment insurance figures (UI) to measure unemployment. They use the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure unemployment. This has been pointed out to you repeatedly and shown to you from your OWN link, but you just continue to lie like a good CON$ervative.
Thank you.

From your own BLS link:

"Because unemployment insurance records relate only to persons who have applied for such benefits, and since it is impractical to actually count every unemployed person each month, the Government conducts a monthly sample survey called the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure the extent of unemployment in the country."

You've posted this lie over and over and it is still a lie with this posting. The BLS does not use unemployment insurance figures (UI) to measure unemployment.

You are confusing the issue with your scatterbrain perception. Have I said they did? I said that when a person who is disqualified for unemployment insurance for what ever reason they are no longer considered unemployed, doesn't matter if they have found a job or not.
And we keep telling you that's not true and that it says it's not true in your own link ... Insured unemployed is seperate an not part of the calculations.

Tell you what, though I doubt you'll do it, ask yourself at the CPS contact page or call 202-691-6378 and ask if, for the UE rate, people not on benefits are included and tell us what they say.
Who are the we you speak of? You and Ed the liar?
Why are you arguing with the BLS? What I posted came from their web site.

From the BLS
How the Government Measures Unemployment

What are the basic concepts of employment and unemployment?
The basic concepts involved in identifying the employed and unemployed are quite simple:

People with jobs are employed.
People who are jobless, looking for jobs, and available for work are unemployed.
People who are neither employed nor unemployed are not in the labor force.

What do the unemployment insurance (UI) figures measure?

In addition, the insured unemployed exclude the following:

Unemployed workers who have exhausted their benefits
Unemployed workers who have not yet earned benefit rights (such as new entrants or reentrants to the labor force)
Disqualified workers whose unemployment is considered to have resulted from their own actions rather than from economic conditions; for example, a worker discharged for misconduct on the job
Otherwise eligible unemployed persons who do not file for benefits

Last edited:
You've posted this lie over and over and it is still a lie with this posting. The BLS does not use unemployment insurance figures (UI) to measure unemployment. They use the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure unemployment. This has been pointed out to you repeatedly and shown to you from your OWN link, but you just continue to lie like a good CON$ervative.
Thank you.

From your own BLS link:

"Because unemployment insurance records relate only to persons who have applied for such benefits, and since it is impractical to actually count every unemployed person each month, the Government conducts a monthly sample survey called the Current Population Survey (CPS) to measure the extent of unemployment in the country."

You've posted this lie over and over and it is still a lie with this posting. The BLS does not use unemployment insurance figures (UI) to measure unemployment.

You are confusing the issue with your scatterbrain perception. Have I said they did? I said that when a person who is disqualified for unemployment insurance for what ever reason they are no longer considered unemployed, doesn't matter if they have found a job or not.
And we keep telling you that's not true and that it says it's not true in your own link ... Insured unemployed is seperate an not part of the calculations.

Tell you what, though I doubt you'll do it, ask yourself at the CPS contact page or call 202-691-6378 and ask if, for the UE rate, people not on benefits are included and tell us what they say.

careful with giving phone numbers for big to call. He tends to say he called and spoke to someone who agrees with him. Trouble is, the person he claims to speak to doesn't exist when you call to check on his story. When you tell him this, he'll call you a liar and claim victory.

Stupidity, thy name is Bigreb.
huh... raw data says we lost 2.3 million jobs. It has been fudged by how they are choosing to report the numbers with silly little tricks like seasonal adjustments and labor force participation rate decreases.

I would love to see the same standards applied to previous years and see how good the numbers would get while the 'bush recession' lie was going on post 9/11.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Record 1.2 Million People Fall Out Of Labor Force In One Month, Labor Force Participation Rate Tumbles To Fresh 30 Year Low | ZeroHedge

Latest Congressional Budget Outlook For 2012-2022 Released, Says Real Unemployment Rate Is 10% | ZeroHedge

Oh well, all's fair in politics and war in an election year, eh Obama-sycophants?
huh... raw data says we lost 2.3 million jobs. It has been fudged by how they are choosing to report the numbers with silly little tricks like seasonal adjustments and labor force participation rate decreases.

I would love to see the same standards applied to previous years and see how good the numbers would get while the 'bush recession' lie was going on post 9/11.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Record 1.2 Million People Fall Out Of Labor Force In One Month, Labor Force Participation Rate Tumbles To Fresh 30 Year Low | ZeroHedge

Latest Congressional Budget Outlook For 2012-2022 Released, Says Real Unemployment Rate Is 10% | ZeroHedge

Oh well, all's fair in politics and war in an election year, eh Obama-sycophants?

That's some scary looking stuff.

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