Unequal distribution of wealth

The real redistribution of wealth....

To celebrities earnings of a million dollars is paltry. Successful sports stars and movie stars earn more than that for a single movie or game.

To others, they earned their money because they had a good idea or made a wise decision. They didn't steal the idea, nor did they someone rob someone else of a wise decision.

Still others earn their money by creating something that others want. They paint a picture, design a gown, write a book. They did not strong arm someone else out of their talent and seize it for themselves.

All these things are earning their million or hundred million or trillion.
There was a time in America when producing something of value was the way to acquire a fortune but the present situation is substantially different. The way most fortunes have been accumulated in recent years is by exploiting deviously conceived manipulations of the Nation's financial mechanisms. The most successful of these financial manipulations been facilitated by lobbying (bribing) our legislators to eliminate regulations (E.g. the Glass/Steagall act, for one) which for decades had protected the working class and ensured the equitable distribution of the Nation's wealth resources.

Prior to the Reagan Presidency the average corporate CEO was paid about ten times as much as the highest paid employee. Today the percentage has increased tenfold.

Schemes like "Credit Default Swaps" and "Collateralized Debt Obligations," which once were prevented by regulations, have enabled bankers and Wall Street sharks to accumulate immense fortunes by nearly collapsing the Economy and creating the worst financial catastrophe since the Great Depression.

Greedy corporatists have created huge fortunes by moving jobs overseas and putting millions of Americans out of work.

Those are just a few of the ways fortunes are made today. The days of Horatio Alger style initiative and "hard work" are over.

Anyone who wishes to see a clear picture of how the Nation's wealth has been looted by just 4% of the population need only Google "Wealth Distribution In America" for access to dozens of authoritative articles and charts.
Which regulations prevented "schemes"? Name them. Links?
Now, according to those on your side , Obama has created 4 million jobs since Jan 20th 2009..
Now you write that "corporatists" have cost millions of jobs. So which is it? Has Obama created those 4 million jobs? Or has the nation LOST millions of jobs?
Stop with the China shit.
The truth is our manufacturing base eroded itself. Business owners were kowtowing to unions while non union plants were forced to keep wages artificially high to keep unions out. Also, many mfg plant owners refused to believe the world was catching up to the US in technology. They did not bother to modernize plants.
The reality is many of the jobs that have moved to other countries are entry level and low level clerical and support positions.
Not a very devastating thing.
This entire notion of "wealth distribution" is false. It merely is the explanation of class warfare. Class warfare is a merely a plank in Obama's campaign platform.
Wealth is created. It does not exist in a vacuum. There is no "zero sum game".
To celebrities earnings of a million dollars is paltry. Successful sports stars and movie stars earn more than that for a single movie or game.

To others, they earned their money because they had a good idea or made a wise decision. They didn't steal the idea, nor did they someone rob someone else of a wise decision.

Still others earn their money by creating something that others want. They paint a picture, design a gown, write a book. They did not strong arm someone else out of their talent and seize it for themselves.

All these things are earning their million or hundred million or trillion.
There was a time in America when producing something of value was the way to acquire a fortune but the present situation is substantially different. The way most fortunes have been accumulated in recent years is by exploiting deviously conceived manipulations of the Nation's financial mechanisms. The most successful of these financial manipulations been facilitated by lobbying (bribing) our legislators to eliminate regulations (E.g. the Glass/Steagall act, for one) which for decades had protected the working class and ensured the equitable distribution of the Nation's wealth resources.

Prior to the Reagan Presidency the average corporate CEO was paid about ten times as much as the highest paid employee. Today the percentage has increased tenfold.

Schemes like "Credit Default Swaps" and "Collateralized Debt Obligations," which once were prevented by regulations, have enabled bankers and Wall Street sharks to accumulate immense fortunes by nearly collapsing the Economy and creating the worst financial catastrophe since the Great Depression.

Greedy corporatists have created huge fortunes by moving jobs overseas and putting millions of Americans out of work.

Those are just a few of the ways fortunes are made today. The days of Horatio Alger style initiative and "hard work" are over.

Anyone who wishes to see a clear picture of how the Nation's wealth has been looted by just 4% of the population need only Google "Wealth Distribution In America" for access to dozens of authoritative articles and charts.
Which regulations prevented "schemes"? Name them. Links?
Now, according to those on your side , Obama has created 4 million jobs since Jan 20th 2009..
Now you write that "corporatists" have cost millions of jobs. So which is it? Has Obama created those 4 million jobs? Or has the nation LOST millions of jobs?
Stop with the China shit.
The truth is our manufacturing base eroded itself. Business owners were kowtowing to unions while non union plants were forced to keep wages artificially high to keep unions out. Also, many mfg plant owners refused to believe the world was catching up to the US in technology. They did not bother to modernize plants.
The reality is many of the jobs that have moved to other countries are entry level and low level clerical and support positions.
Not a very devastating thing.
This entire notion of "wealth distribution" is false. It merely is the explanation of class warfare. Class warfare is a merely a plank in Obama's campaign platform.
Wealth is created. It does not exist in a vacuum. There is no "zero sum game".

The tax system redistributes wealth....most of it to the rich.


By taxing capital gains at a much lower rate than real work.

Capital gains should be taxed as INCOME.

Thank you for not adding anything to the thread.

Why is it bad for some people to have more money than others?

How is your last photograph at all relavent to the discussion?
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I'd like to know why the unequal distribution of wealth is a bad thing. This seems to be a major premise from those on the left, but it's like you just assume it's a bad thing without every really providing evidence or justifying the premise.

Because losers want to be rich too.

Thank you for not adding anything to the thread.

Why is it bad for some people to have more money than others.

How is your last photograph at all relavent to the discussion?

Because not having money can kill children.
There was a time in America when producing something of value was the way to acquire a fortune but the present situation is substantially different. The way most fortunes have been accumulated in recent years is by exploiting deviously conceived manipulations of the Nation's financial mechanisms. The most successful of these financial manipulations been facilitated by lobbying (bribing) our legislators to eliminate regulations (E.g. the Glass/Steagall act, for one) which for decades had protected the working class and ensured the equitable distribution of the Nation's wealth resources.

Prior to the Reagan Presidency the average corporate CEO was paid about ten times as much as the highest paid employee. Today the percentage has increased tenfold.

Schemes like "Credit Default Swaps" and "Collateralized Debt Obligations," which once were prevented by regulations, have enabled bankers and Wall Street sharks to accumulate immense fortunes by nearly collapsing the Economy and creating the worst financial catastrophe since the Great Depression.

Greedy corporatists have created huge fortunes by moving jobs overseas and putting millions of Americans out of work.

Those are just a few of the ways fortunes are made today. The days of Horatio Alger style initiative and "hard work" are over.

Anyone who wishes to see a clear picture of how the Nation's wealth has been looted by just 4% of the population need only Google "Wealth Distribution In America" for access to dozens of authoritative articles and charts.
Which regulations prevented "schemes"? Name them. Links?
Now, according to those on your side , Obama has created 4 million jobs since Jan 20th 2009..
Now you write that "corporatists" have cost millions of jobs. So which is it? Has Obama created those 4 million jobs? Or has the nation LOST millions of jobs?
Stop with the China shit.
The truth is our manufacturing base eroded itself. Business owners were kowtowing to unions while non union plants were forced to keep wages artificially high to keep unions out. Also, many mfg plant owners refused to believe the world was catching up to the US in technology. They did not bother to modernize plants.
The reality is many of the jobs that have moved to other countries are entry level and low level clerical and support positions.
Not a very devastating thing.
This entire notion of "wealth distribution" is false. It merely is the explanation of class warfare. Class warfare is a merely a plank in Obama's campaign platform.
Wealth is created. It does not exist in a vacuum. There is no "zero sum game".

The tax system redistributes wealth....most of it to the rich.


By taxing capital gains at a much lower rate than real work.

Capital gains should be taxed as INCOME.

Capital gains were taxed as income. BEFORE they saved the $ while most people spent it.
Capital is invested from THE SAVINGS PEOPLE MAKE.
And taxing them again is DOUBLE TAXATION.
And guess what MOE: if one loses $$ on their capital investments, they lost the $$ they saved which in most cases is their life savings, THE MONEY IS GONE and IRS only allows a 3k tax liability write off for 5 years on the losses.
Respectfully, you have no clue and should not post anything about capital gains here. You are uneducated as to the facts of the subject.
There should be zero taxes on capital gains. THAT MONEY HAS ALREADY BEEN TAXED ONCE.

Thank you for not adding anything to the thread.

Why is it bad for some people to have more money than others?

How is your last photograph at all relavent to the discussion?

Because not having money can kill children.

So can lying to them, and yet that hasnt stopped you.

You really havent attempted to answer the question. Just because one person has more money than another doesn't mean that they dont have any money.
Which regulations prevented "schemes"? Name them. Links?
Now, according to those on your side , Obama has created 4 million jobs since Jan 20th 2009..
Now you write that "corporatists" have cost millions of jobs. So which is it? Has Obama created those 4 million jobs? Or has the nation LOST millions of jobs?
Stop with the China shit.
The truth is our manufacturing base eroded itself. Business owners were kowtowing to unions while non union plants were forced to keep wages artificially high to keep unions out. Also, many mfg plant owners refused to believe the world was catching up to the US in technology. They did not bother to modernize plants.
The reality is many of the jobs that have moved to other countries are entry level and low level clerical and support positions.
Not a very devastating thing.
This entire notion of "wealth distribution" is false. It merely is the explanation of class warfare. Class warfare is a merely a plank in Obama's campaign platform.
Wealth is created. It does not exist in a vacuum. There is no "zero sum game".

The tax system redistributes wealth....most of it to the rich.


By taxing capital gains at a much lower rate than real work.

Capital gains should be taxed as INCOME.

Capital gains were taxed as income. BEFORE they saved the $ while most people spent it.
Capital is invested from THE SAVINGS PEOPLE MAKE.
And taxing them again is DOUBLE TAXATION.
And guess what MOE: if one loses $$ on their capital investments, they lost the $$ they saved which in most cases is their life savings, THE MONEY IS GONE and IRS only allows a 3k tax liability write off for 5 years on the losses.
Respectfully, you have no clue and should not post anything about capital gains here. You are uneducated as to the facts of the subject.
There should be zero taxes on capital gains. THAT MONEY HAS ALREADY BEEN TAXED ONCE.

The old bogus tax argument.

Guess what? Wages come out of the same net profit as capital gains.

So wages have already been taxed once as well.

Capital gains should be taxed as INCOME because they are INCOME.
Liberals hate CEOs that many times work 12 hour workdays sometimes every day of the week, yet they adore music and movie stars that get paid millions working sometimes less than 1 month a year for a movie that pays them $10M for "acting."

Liberals are just stupid people.
Liberals hate CEOs that many times work 12 hour workdays sometimes every day of the week, yet they adore music and movie stars that get paid millions working sometimes less than 1 month a year for a movie that pays them $10M for "acting."

Liberals are just stupid people.

No, you are stupid.

A lot of CEOs are liberals

Buffett, Gates, etc....
Republicans don't think that distribution of wealth matters....


Except that, there is no distribution of wealth in America. There never was and there never will be. Wealth is not "distributed" by anyone to anyone. There are just those who earn and those that sit at home like Chris smoking pot and crying about their lack of success in life.

Nobody "distributed" wealth to Steve Jobs - he earned billions by working 18 hour days creating the iPod, iPhone, and iPad.

Nobody "distributed" wealth to Bill Gates - he earned billions by working 18 hour days creating Windows and growing Microsoft.

It's just a FACT that the self-pity, crying, whining, pitty-party crowd of lazy liberals refuse to accept.
The tax system redistributes wealth....most of it to the rich.


By taxing capital gains at a much lower rate than real work.

Capital gains should be taxed as INCOME.

Capital gains were taxed as income. BEFORE they saved the $ while most people spent it.
Capital is invested from THE SAVINGS PEOPLE MAKE.
And taxing them again is DOUBLE TAXATION.
And guess what MOE: if one loses $$ on their capital investments, they lost the $$ they saved which in most cases is their life savings, THE MONEY IS GONE and IRS only allows a 3k tax liability write off for 5 years on the losses.
Respectfully, you have no clue and should not post anything about capital gains here. You are uneducated as to the facts of the subject.
There should be zero taxes on capital gains. THAT MONEY HAS ALREADY BEEN TAXED ONCE.

The old bogus tax argument.

Guess what? Wages come out of the same net profit as capital gains.

So wages have already been taxed once as well.

Capital gains should be taxed as INCOME because they are INCOME.

Give it up Chris. You are ignorant.
I own 3 corporations. Wages do not come out of the same net profit as capital gains. You are a damn fool for about eveything you post.
Wages have nothing to do with capital gains. Please tell us DUMB ASS how much capital the employees invested in the business before they worked for their wages.
You have not one clue about where the investment dollars come from. You are so stupid you compare wages with investment dollars because you are completely ignorant about the free market investment system. Stick to your day job. I am sure you have down pat "Do you want fries with that"?
Do you even have a clue Chris how foolish you look with your uninformed posts?
Republicans don't think that distribution of wealth matters....


Except that, there is no distribution of wealth in America. There never was and there never will be. Wealth is not "distributed" by anyone to anyone. There are just those who earn and those that sit at home like Chris smoking pot and crying about their lack of success in life.

Nobody "distributed" wealth to Steve Jobs - he earned billions by working 18 hour days creating the iPod, iPhone, and iPad.

Nobody "distributed" wealth to Bill Gates - he earned billions by working 18 hour days creating Windows and growing Microsoft.

It's just a FACT that the self-pity, crying, whining, pitty-party crowd of lazy liberals refuse to accept.

I made 100K last year.

And tax policy distributes wealth.

Always has, always will.
I made 100K last year.

And tax policy distributes wealth.

Always has, always will.

So why is it wrong to allow the people to work less for the government and more for themselves?

You keep making these bold assertions but not establishing or providing evidence for a single one.

Thank you for not adding anything to the thread.

Why is it bad for some people to have more money than others.

How is your last photograph at all relavent to the discussion?

Because not having money can kill children.

And yet here you sit on your very expensive computer with your very expensive high speed internet like a typical hypocrite liberal crying about "the children". Here's an idea - why don't you sell your computer, cancel your high speed internet service, and donate all of that money to "the children" Chris? It's a win-win. "The children" would have money for food and the world would not have to see your bullshit posts of lies and hypocrisy. Oh, that's right, you're a hypocrite liberal. That's why you won't do it. Silly me, forgot I was talking to a hypocrite liberal...

Thank you for not adding anything to the thread.

Why is it bad for some people to have more money than others?

How is your last photograph at all relavent to the discussion?

Because not having money can kill children.

So can lying to them, and yet that hasnt stopped you.

You really havent attempted to answer the question. Just because one person has more money than another doesn't mean that they dont have any money.

Yes it does.

Thank you for not adding anything to the thread.

Why is it bad for some people to have more money than others.

How is your last photograph at all relavent to the discussion?

Because not having money can kill children.

And yet here you sit on your very expensive computer with your very expensive high speed internet like a typical hypocrite liberal crying about "the children". Here's an idea - why don't you sell your computer, cancel your high speed internet service, and donate all of that money to "the children" Chris? It's a win-win. "The children" would have money for food and the world would not have to see your bullshit posts of lies and hypocrisy. Oh, that's right, you're a hypocrite liberal. That's why you won't do it. Silly me, forgot I was talking to a hypocrite liberal...

Why don't you shove it up your ass.

I work seven days a week to take care of my GF who has very serious and expensive health issues, so fuck you.

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