Unfortunately, Liberal Keep Being Liberals

I wonder if Chic is put-up by the liberals? She doesn't do much for conservatives but make them look even more stupid. Her posts are so simplistic that most posters cannot pass up an easy mark.
The notion that liberals are not Americans is probably the most retarded idea I've heard in my entire life. Get a life, chickie.

She's using a tactic popular with Lefties in that she has altered the definition of a word - in this case "American" to suit her needs for a particular preposition. She is basically stating that Liberals are "Un-American" . Most of what she had to say is too deep for you to comprehend ... I think "Special" people such as yourself should limit yourselves to conversations relative to spongebob and mickey mouse
For a girl that can't spell, I'd say your shoveling shit about Polivinylchic......

More like shoveling shit FOR polyvinylchic
"Liberal" teachers fired for their views:

Michael Baker and War

Michael Baker, a high school teacher in Nebraska, was a celebrated teacher in his district and the state. In 2006, he was one of only 47 teachers in the state to win National Board Certification. A celebrated and beloved teacher, there were no complaints about him until he showed the documentary “Baghdad ER” to his geography class.
The film, which “captures the humanity, hardships and heroism of the US Military,” likely troubled a few students and led to parental complaints. Some were displeased with the “unflinching and honest account of the realities of war,” and this was the cause of his firing.

Abby Nurre and Atheism

Abby Nurre, an eigth-grade math teacher in Iowa, taught in a private Catholic school. On day, while on Facebook, she saw a survey asking if she believed in God. She answered “No.” Her profile was private, meaning that only her friends could view her information and activities. Somehow, the information found it’s way to the school officials. Her religious beliefs and her survey answer were called into question, and she stated that she was not an atheist.
A few months later, Nurre posted a link to a New York Times article on an online discussion forum, Atheist Nexus. The article indicated that the U.S. government had spent $2.3 million on prayer research in the last ten years. Five weeks later she was called into the Monsignor’s office and handed a letter of suspension for “making atheist statements in a public forum.” Yet she didn’t make a statement about the article. She only posted it. Nurre was fired simply for acting in ways that the Catholic Church does not approve of. It had absolutely nothing to do with her teaching ability, which was never mentioned.

Seth Stambaugh and Homosexuality

Seth Stambaugh, a Beaverton School District student teacher in Oregon, was in the middle of teaching a fourth grade class when he was asked a very innocent question: whether or not he was married. Being an honest and openly gay 23-year-old, Seth replied that he was not. He then went on to explain that it would be illegal for him to marry in Oregon because he “would chose to marry another guy.” For this honesty, Stambaugh was fired.

Karen Salazar and Activism

Karen Salazar, an English teacher at Jordan High School in California, liked to engage her students. She wanted them to observe and think about the world around them. She encouraged their political activism, telling them they were “part of the long legacy, the strong history, of fighting back.”
Her course materials include The Autobiography of Malcolm X, which is approved for students, the poetry of Langston Hughes and even some lyrics by the late Tupac Shakur. This lead to complaints that she was too “Afro-centric.” Salazar was even accused of brainwashing students. It was these complaints from the administration that led to her dismissal.

Marianne Kearney-Brown and the Oath

Marianne Kearney-Brown, a California State University math teacher, was required to sign a loyalty oath before beginning her new teaching positions. She had signed it twice before, each time modifying it due to her Quaker beliefs.
When asked to “swear (or affirm)” that she would “support and defend” the US and state Constitutions “against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” Kearney-Brown inserted revisions. She wrote “nonviolently” in front of the word “support,” crossed out “swear,” and circled “affirm.” She was not doing this out of malice. Kearney-Brown only wished to establish that she would defend the Constitution as long as it didn’t require violence.
She was fired for injecting religious beliefs which were incompatible and inconsistent with the oath.

Sydney McGee and Art

Sydney McGee, an art teacher at Wilma Fisher Elementary School in Texas, lead her students through the Dallas Museum of Art. Accompanied by 89 students, 4 other teachers, 12 parents, and a museum docent, the large group observed and admired works of art that dated as far back as Ancient Greece. Everyone seemed to enjoy the trip.
Yet McGee received a memorandum from the principal the next day, citing complaints that the students were exposed to “nude statues and other nude art representations.” For this she was suspended and later fired, in spite of the fact that over the past decade, more than half a million students have toured the museum’s collection of 26,000 works spanning 5,000 years without a single complaint.

Steve Bitterman and Genesis

Steve Bitterman, an instructor at Southwestern Community College in Iowa, was teaching his Western Civilization class the Old Testament from an academic standpoint. Like any good professor, he delved deeper into the story, much to the chagrin of some of his students.
“I told them it was an extremely meaningful story, but you had to see it in a poetic, metaphoric or symbolic sense; that if you took it literally, that you were going to miss a whole lot of meaning there.” Then, in a private conversation with a student, he called the story of Adam and Eve a “fairy tale.” It was then that he discovered the students had threatened to see an attorney. He was fired over the telephone.

8. Jim Piculas and Wizardry

Jim Piculas, a substitute teacher in Florida, likes to start off his classes with a 30-second magic trick in which he makes a toothpick disappear then reappear. He heard no complaints from his Rushe Middle School class in Land O’ Lakes. That is until the middle of the day, when he got a call from his supervisor.
The Superintendent of the school district claimed that there were other performance issues, but Piculas knew nothing of these issues and believes they were just added to cover his initial accusation. It looks like Piculas did his wizardry in the wrong part of Florida.
8 Infuriatingly Outrageous Teacher Firings Online MBA

So, PC, since that puts me about 5 or more anecdotal examples ahead of you,

your turn. lol
I commented on your thread, what more do you want?

You want me to agree? Sorry, I will not, you are wrong.

Can I have some eggs with that spam?

In saying that I am 'wrong'....are you saying that you are just fine with Liberalism, the political view that controls the universities.....is behaving correctly in shutting down debate?

Is that your point, comrade?

BTW....you look lovely in that crisp new brown shirt.
OK, finally the motivation for your rant is revealed. you're tired of getting poor grades for your ill founded rants and figure it's some kind of conspiracy.

And you were able to glean that from this thread?

Actually, I did pretty well in a pretty good LIBERAL university, you moron.

I don't hide any motivations.....it's right there in the title.
Liberals hate free speech along with other American values: they despise the Founders, and the Constitution.

Understand now, you dope?
My apologies. I was under the impression that you were still a student. Probably because I can't understand how anyone who's not either a student or retired could spend as much time as you do here.

Did you manage to score a job in your chosen field?

Being independently and incalculably rich, I have no need for job, peasant.

I spend my time in study, I am an eternal student, .... and battling the forces of darkness: Liberalism.

Of course,supervising the serve-staff takes a large part of my time as well.
This little Korean maid cracks me up. If you did study you'd understand that you now live in a Liberal nation, founder by Liberals, who would never have let you get near the government decision-making for fear of you being exactly what you are, a box of tampons.
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The professor is a douchebag.

However, do you have anything other than anecdotes to conclude that liberals broadly don't want any discussion or debate about their beliefs such that any reasonable person would conclude that they are tantamount to Nazis or communists?

I'm trying to differentiate the professor's over-reaction and yours. I'm not seeing any.

"I'm not seeing any."

I'm responsible for what I post, not for the lack of comprehension you evince, as a result of your biases.

The professor is both courageous and correct.
In the thread, I've given not only the case of the university employee forbidding any exchange of opinion beyond that advanced by the Liberal agenda, but included the administration of the university taking the very livelihood of anyone....the professor....who dares to make the Liberal fascism known.

But...in the vain hope that yours was an honest post.....I will post more on this case.

Your OP reads that it was the instructor was suppressing dissent.

The conservative student should be allowed to express her views even if it offends others. Universities should be bastions of free thought, not straight jackets of political correctness. It's appalling that liberal universities would shackle discussion because they don't want someone's feelings hurt.

But you undermine your argument with your outlandish extremism.

That a reasonable post....

As for my style.....I have no intention of becoming wishy-washy.
As far as 'extreme'....nonsense.
You've agreed with the OP.....we both agree it is the truth, and that is the purpose of all of my posts.
Pretty much all of PoliticalChic's threads can be summed as:

"Demonize, Demonize, DEMONIZE!!!"

Well, in the case of Liberals, that is neither difficult nor untrue.

"Survey shocker: Liberal profs admit they’d discriminate against conservatives in hiring, advancement....Beyond that, conservatives represent a distinct minority on college and university campuses."
Survey shocker Liberal profs admit they d discriminate against conservatives in hiring advancement - Washington Times

How many liberal professors work at conservative colleges?
Why not make the thread about ONE individual who happened to do this, instead of making a wholly indefensible argument that this one individual's actions are representative of liberalism in general?

Because the actions highlighted in the OP are representative of liberalism in general.

True story.

And the shoe fit....that's why you're squealing like a stuck pig.

I'm trying to debate you on the facts of the issue.

To be representative of liberalism in general, an action would have to be characteristic of most liberals' actions in the same scenario on the same issue.

Prove that, please.

" [Steve] Hinkle attempted to post a flier in the common area of the campus Multicultural Center that advertised a speech by Mason Weaver, author of the book It’s OK to Leave the Plantation. Weaver argues that dependence on government puts many African Americans in circumstances similar to slavery. The flier displayed only the title of the book, the time and place of the event, and a picture of the author. Several students at the Multicultural Center objected that the poster was “offensive.” Hinkle offered to discuss the flier, but to no avail. After he left, a student called the university police, whose official report stated that officers had responded to complaints about “a suspicious white male passing out literature of an offensive racial nature.

The Cal Poly Judicial Affairs Office, after a seven-hour hearing in February 2003, found Hinkle guilty of “disruption of a campus event,” as several students in the Multicultural Center public area claimed that they were having a meeting at the time, although no sign, announcement, or record of that event existed. For engaging in constitutionally protected expression, he was ordered to write letters of apology to the offended students. Failure to do so could lead to severe disciplinary penalties. .... Cal Poly President Warren Baker and, after the university refused to restore Hinkle’s rights,...."
Major Victory for Free Speech at Cal Poly FIRE

Liberals inhibiting free speech and restrictions of opinions not authentically Liberal....proven.

Did you miss my post pointing out that the GOP wants to ban same sex marriage altogether, by law?

I'm waiting for your supported and documented post where you find the GOP depriving Liberals of the right to express opposing viewpoints.
That would have something to do with the thread,wouldn't it....
....rather than your nonstop attempts to obfuscate and change the subject.

You're a... you're not holdin' your breath are ya?

I've noticed all you talk about in this thread is the generic notion of Universities "teaching liberalism" or "talking about liberalism" and never going much into detail as to "what" exactly they are teaching/talking about or WHY exactly they teach/talk about those issues.

If someone were to put on this forum a post vilifying some organization "teaching conservatism" in just the bare generic sense of "teaching conservatism" without any subjects or ideas to go behind it I'm pretty sure they'd be called out on it pretty fast.

To further on this there is a common saying that "truth has a liberal bias"

"I've noticed all you talk about in this thread is the generic notion of Universities "teaching liberalism" or "talking about liberalism" and never going much into detail as to "what" exactly they are teaching/talking about or WHY exactly they teach/talk about those issues."

Well, then...you really haven't 'noticed' anything, have you.

Liberalism, per this thread, is about depriving those with alternative views from having the right to express same.

Liberals are drawn to educate others, it's the primary weapon of choice, like it or not. The fact that most people who choose a path of educating others are liberal is not a coincidence, it's natural selection.

Conservatism relies on keeping people dumbed down (see: the south) and the more ignorant they are the better (see: fox news). Every facet of high education in this country is liberal....high tech companies? Liberal. Universities? Liberal. Large cities? Liberal. People with post-graduates? Liberal.

The real issue at hand you have is that there aren't "enough" conservative educators...that's your problem, not ours. Stop relying on ignorance and have solid, factual politics points to sell and maybe people will be more willing to be an educator for your policy ideas.

While you're at it if you stop relying on ignorance then maybe conservatives will finally have a mainstream comedian on their side for a change like Colbert or Maher.
In saying that I am 'wrong'....are you saying that you are just fine with Liberalism, the political view that controls the universities.....is behaving correctly in shutting down debate?

Is that your point, comrade?

BTW....you look lovely in that crisp new brown shirt.
OK, finally the motivation for your rant is revealed. you're tired of getting poor grades for your ill founded rants and figure it's some kind of conspiracy.

And you were able to glean that from this thread?

Actually, I did pretty well in a pretty good LIBERAL university, you moron.

I don't hide any motivations.....it's right there in the title.
Liberals hate free speech along with other American values: they despise the Founders, and the Constitution.

Understand now, you dope?
My apologies. I was under the impression that you were still a student. Probably because I can't understand how anyone who's not either a student or retired could spend as much time as you do here.

Did you manage to score a job in your chosen field?

Being independently and incalculably rich, I have no need for job, peasant.

I spend my time in study, I am an eternal student, .... and battling the forces of darkness: Liberalism.

Of course,supervising the serve-staff takes a large part of my time as well.
This little Korean maid cracks me up. If you did study you'd understand that you now live in a Liberal nation, founder by Liberals, who would never have let you get near the government decision-making for fear of you being exactly who you are, a box of tampons.

1. You're a liar.....we established that earlier.

2. "...founder (sic) by Liberals,..."
Founded by classical liberals, based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
Communist John Dewey stole the name 'liberal' and applied it to the Socialist party.

3. The rest of your post, straight from the junior high school boys bathroom, is proof that the truth of this thread struck a nerve and you have no cogent response to same.

4. Time and again, when folks like you realize they have been skewered, their language falls to the vulgar. It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at being bested leaks out as vulgarity.

That is why I never have to do the same.
Last edited:
yeah PoliticalSpice :tinfoil: SERIOUSLY!!! :eusa_hand:

simple question for PoliticalSpice: You ever serve? when,where?

Comments about everything except the point: Liberals are out to prevent any discussion or debate about their dictums.
Afraid to draw the obvious conclusion that Liberals like nothing better than censoring opposing views.....and no where is this less appropriate than in universities???

I commented on your thread, what more do you want?

You want me to agree? Sorry, I will not, you are wrong.

Can I have some eggs with that spam?

In saying that I am 'wrong'....are you saying that you are just fine with Liberalism, the political view that controls the universities.....is behaving correctly in shutting down debate?

Is that your point, comrade?

BTW....you look lovely in that crisp new brown shirt.
OK, finally the motivation for your rant is revealed. you're tired of getting poor grades for your ill founded rants and figure it's some kind of conspiracy.

Joe, what precisely are you basing that conclusion upon.

I ask because there's nothing in the contribution which you cited as the subject of your conclusion, which could, on any level, lend to anything remotely akin to your conclusion. Such represents a a projection of unbridled conjecture.

My son just graduated college last fall from Florida Gulf Coast University, which exists in amongst the most conservative enclaves in the United States... and there's no potential foundation for an argument which claims that Academia, even in that University is not thoroughly infected with Leftist academics.

In truth scamp, it's not even a debatable point. Marxists have infected the US University System since Joe McCarthy RUINED himself trying to warn the nation of this... more than 60 YEARS AGO.

If, as you say, universities all over the country are "thoroughly infected with Leftist academics" it is likely only because there are either no rightist academics, or those who do exist are so lacking in basic academic skills that they don't warrant being hired on by most schools. You seem to be upset about it. Are you demanding that there to be some kind of affirmative action implemented on behalf of rightist "academics" or do you recognize that rightist academics (which may actually be an oxymoron) perhaps need to go back to school so they can figure out what they slept through the first time?
"I'm not seeing any."

I'm responsible for what I post, not for the lack of comprehension you evince, as a result of your biases.

The professor is both courageous and correct.
In the thread, I've given not only the case of the university employee forbidding any exchange of opinion beyond that advanced by the Liberal agenda, but included the administration of the university taking the very livelihood of anyone....the professor....who dares to make the Liberal fascism known.

But...in the vain hope that yours was an honest post.....I will post more on this case.

Your OP reads that it was the instructor was suppressing dissent.

The conservative student should be allowed to express her views even if it offends others. Universities should be bastions of free thought, not straight jackets of political correctness. It's appalling that liberal universities would shackle discussion because they don't want someone's feelings hurt.

But you undermine your argument with your outlandish extremism.

That a reasonable post....

As for my style.....I have no intention of becoming wishy-washy.
As far as 'extreme'....nonsense.
You've agreed with the OP.....we both agree it is the truth, and that is the purpose of all of my posts.
Pretty much all of PoliticalChic's threads can be summed as:

"Demonize, Demonize, DEMONIZE!!!"

Well, in the case of Liberals, that is neither difficult nor untrue.

"Survey shocker: Liberal profs admit they’d discriminate against conservatives in hiring, advancement....Beyond that, conservatives represent a distinct minority on college and university campuses."
Survey shocker Liberal profs admit they d discriminate against conservatives in hiring advancement - Washington Times

How many liberal professors work at conservative colleges?
Because the actions highlighted in the OP are representative of liberalism in general.

True story.

And the shoe fit....that's why you're squealing like a stuck pig.

I'm trying to debate you on the facts of the issue.

To be representative of liberalism in general, an action would have to be characteristic of most liberals' actions in the same scenario on the same issue.

Prove that, please.

" [Steve] Hinkle attempted to post a flier in the common area of the campus Multicultural Center that advertised a speech by Mason Weaver, author of the book It’s OK to Leave the Plantation. Weaver argues that dependence on government puts many African Americans in circumstances similar to slavery. The flier displayed only the title of the book, the time and place of the event, and a picture of the author. Several students at the Multicultural Center objected that the poster was “offensive.” Hinkle offered to discuss the flier, but to no avail. After he left, a student called the university police, whose official report stated that officers had responded to complaints about “a suspicious white male passing out literature of an offensive racial nature.

The Cal Poly Judicial Affairs Office, after a seven-hour hearing in February 2003, found Hinkle guilty of “disruption of a campus event,” as several students in the Multicultural Center public area claimed that they were having a meeting at the time, although no sign, announcement, or record of that event existed. For engaging in constitutionally protected expression, he was ordered to write letters of apology to the offended students. Failure to do so could lead to severe disciplinary penalties. .... Cal Poly President Warren Baker and, after the university refused to restore Hinkle’s rights,...."
Major Victory for Free Speech at Cal Poly FIRE

Liberals inhibiting free speech and restrictions of opinions not authentically Liberal....proven.

Did you miss my post pointing out that the GOP wants to ban same sex marriage altogether, by law?

I'm waiting for your supported and documented post where you find the GOP depriving Liberals of the right to express opposing viewpoints.
That would have something to do with the thread,wouldn't it....
....rather than your nonstop attempts to obfuscate and change the subject.

You're a... you're not holdin' your breath are ya?


The GOP wants to ban same sex marriage outright as well as end all abortion rights.

If you had a brain you'd recognize that as a far more egregious deprivation of rights than the occasional, anecdotal, example of some teacher messing with some kid.
OK, finally the motivation for your rant is revealed. you're tired of getting poor grades for your ill founded rants and figure it's some kind of conspiracy.

And you were able to glean that from this thread?

Actually, I did pretty well in a pretty good LIBERAL university, you moron.

I don't hide any motivations.....it's right there in the title.
Liberals hate free speech along with other American values: they despise the Founders, and the Constitution.

Understand now, you dope?
My apologies. I was under the impression that you were still a student. Probably because I can't understand how anyone who's not either a student or retired could spend as much time as you do here.

Did you manage to score a job in your chosen field?

Being independently and incalculably rich, I have no need for job, peasant.

I spend my time in study, I am an eternal student, .... and battling the forces of darkness: Liberalism.

Of course,supervising the serve-staff takes a large part of my time as well.
This little Korean maid cracks me up. If you did study you'd understand that you now live in a Liberal nation, founder by Liberals, who would never have let you get near the government decision-making for fear of you being exactly who you are, a box of tampons.

1. You're a liar.....we established that earlier.

2. "...founder by Liberals,..."
Founded by classical liberals, based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
Communist John Dewey stole the name 'liberal' and applied it to the Socialist party.

3. The rest of your post, straight from the junior high school boys bathroom, is proof that the truth of this thread struck a nerve and you have no cogent response to same.

4. Time and again, when folks like you realize they have been skewered, their language falls to the vulgar. It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at being bested leaks out as vulgarity.

That is why I never have to do the same.

Is the primary purpose of the Constitution to protect individual rights?

Such as, the right of same sex marriage and the right to an abortion?
I've noticed all you talk about in this thread is the generic notion of Universities "teaching liberalism" or "talking about liberalism" and never going much into detail as to "what" exactly they are teaching/talking about or WHY exactly they teach/talk about those issues.

If someone were to put on this forum a post vilifying some organization "teaching conservatism" in just the bare generic sense of "teaching conservatism" without any subjects or ideas to go behind it I'm pretty sure they'd be called out on it pretty fast.

To further on this there is a common saying that "truth has a liberal bias"

"I've noticed all you talk about in this thread is the generic notion of Universities "teaching liberalism" or "talking about liberalism" and never going much into detail as to "what" exactly they are teaching/talking about or WHY exactly they teach/talk about those issues."

Well, then...you really haven't 'noticed' anything, have you.

Liberalism, per this thread, is about depriving those with alternative views from having the right to express same.

Liberals are drawn to educate others, it's the primary weapon of choice, like it or not. The fact that most people who choose a path of educating others are liberal is not a coincidence, it's natural selection.

Conservatism relies on keeping people dumbed down (see: the south) and the more ignorant they are the better (see: fox news). Every facet of high education in this country is liberal....high tech companies? Liberal. Universities? Liberal. Large cities? Liberal. People with post-graduates? Liberal.

The real issue at hand you have is that there aren't "enough" conservative educators...that's your problem, not ours. Stop relying on ignorance and have solid, factual politics points to sell and maybe people will be more willing to be an educator for your policy ideas.

While you're at it if you stop relying on ignorance then maybe conservatives will finally have a mainstream comedian on their side for a change like Colbert or Maher.

"Liberals are drawn to educate others..."

Are you totally insane????

Look at the level of education in universities today....those bastions of Liberalism!!!
Today, in universities, there are only three elements taught...it's the Left-wing ‘trinity’= race, gender, class.
And no alternative views allowed!

17. " Professor Called Racist for Correcting Black Student’s Grammar and Punctuation
...UCLA this week .... 25 University of California Los Angeles students participated in a sit-in protest because, get this, one of their professors had the gall to correct grammar and spelling issues on some black students’ papers.

Val Rust, a professor of education and information, was the target of the protestors for what they feel was racial insensitivity. Describing themselves as “aggrieved minority students,” they claim that the professor was wrong to correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar in the papers of black students.

Call 2 Action: Graduate Students of Color, the group which launched the sit-in, said the act of correcting a black student was “micro-aggression.” But it’s much worse than you think. The group issued the following statement:

“A hostile campus climate has been the norm for Students of Color in this class throughout the quarter as our epistemological and methodological commitments have been repeatedly questioned by our classmates and our instructor. The barrage of questions by white colleagues and the grammar ‘lessons’ by the professor have contributed to a hostile class climate.”

.... the only example the protesters could put forth was this: he told a black female student that the word “indigenous” should not be capitalized. The student felt this correction was “ideologically motivated.” Indigenous is an adjective and should not be capitalized unless it’s at the beginning of a sentence like the way I just used it. I learned that in grade school."
Professor Called Racist for Correcting Black Student s Grammar and Punctuation ReaganCoalition.com
I've noticed all you talk about in this thread is the generic notion of Universities "teaching liberalism" or "talking about liberalism" and never going much into detail as to "what" exactly they are teaching/talking about or WHY exactly they teach/talk about those issues.

If someone were to put on this forum a post vilifying some organization "teaching conservatism" in just the bare generic sense of "teaching conservatism" without any subjects or ideas to go behind it I'm pretty sure they'd be called out on it pretty fast.

To further on this there is a common saying that "truth has a liberal bias"

"I've noticed all you talk about in this thread is the generic notion of Universities "teaching liberalism" or "talking about liberalism" and never going much into detail as to "what" exactly they are teaching/talking about or WHY exactly they teach/talk about those issues."

Well, then...you really haven't 'noticed' anything, have you.

Liberalism, per this thread, is about depriving those with alternative views from having the right to express same.

Liberals are drawn to educate others, it's the primary weapon of choice, like it or not. The fact that most people who choose a path of educating others are liberal is not a coincidence, it's natural selection.

Conservatism relies on keeping people dumbed down (see: the south) and the more ignorant they are the better (see: fox news). Every facet of high education in this country is liberal....high tech companies? Liberal. Universities? Liberal. Large cities? Liberal. People with post-graduates? Liberal.

The real issue at hand you have is that there aren't "enough" conservative educators...that's your problem, not ours. Stop relying on ignorance and have solid, factual politics points to sell and maybe people will be more willing to be an educator for your policy ideas.

While you're at it if you stop relying on ignorance then maybe conservatives will finally have a mainstream comedian on their side for a change like Colbert or Maher.


Ya can't hide the imbeciles. They simply will NOT allow its.

Liberal academics are academics because they are FEARFUL of "TRYING". They lack the means to be FREE... so, they 'teach', those who represent the least 'threat'.

There's nothing particularly complex about any of this... yet you seem to be rather confused by it all.
Is the primary purpose of the Constitution to protect individual rights? Such as, the right of same sex marriage and the right to an abortion?

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Abortion is the morally unjustifiable taking of a pre-born human life... thus where a right is defined as that to which everyone is entitled... there can be NO POTENTIAL for a 'right' which precludes SOMEONE ELSE of exercising their rights.

Again... such is a VERY simple equation... yet there you are completely flummoxed by it.

OK, finally the motivation for your rant is revealed. you're tired of getting poor grades for your ill founded rants and figure it's some kind of conspiracy.
And you were able to glean that from this thread?

Actually, I did pretty well in a pretty good LIBERAL university, you moron.

I don't hide any motivations.....it's right there in the title.
Liberals hate free speech along with other American values: they despise the Founders, and the Constitution.

Understand now, you dope?
My apologies. I was under the impression that you were still a student. Probably because I can't understand how anyone who's not either a student or retired could spend as much time as you do here.

Did you manage to score a job in your chosen field?

Being independently and incalculably rich, I have no need for job, peasant.

I spend my time in study, I am an eternal student, .... and battling the forces of darkness: Liberalism.

Of course,supervising the serve-staff takes a large part of my time as well.
This little Korean maid cracks me up. If you did study you'd understand that you now live in a Liberal nation, founder by Liberals, who would never have let you get near the government decision-making for fear of you being exactly who you are, a box of tampons.

1. You're a liar.....we established that earlier.

2. "...founder by Liberals,..."
Founded by classical liberals, based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
Communist John Dewey stole the name 'liberal' and applied it to the Socialist party.

3. The rest of your post, straight from the junior high school boys bathroom, is proof that the truth of this thread struck a nerve and you have no cogent response to same.

4. Time and again, when folks like you realize they have been skewered, their language falls to the vulgar. It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at being bested leaks out as vulgarity.

That is why I never have to do the same.
I enjoy your ego that won't stop. Too bad you don't have the brains God gave a goat.
yeah PoliticalSpice :tinfoil: SERIOUSLY!!! :eusa_hand:

simple question for PoliticalSpice: You ever serve? when,where?

Comments about everything except the point: Liberals are out to prevent any discussion or debate about their dictums.
Afraid to draw the obvious conclusion that Liberals like nothing better than censoring opposing views.....and no where is this less appropriate than in universities???

I commented on your thread, what more do you want?

You want me to agree? Sorry, I will not, you are wrong.

Can I have some eggs with that spam?

In saying that I am 'wrong'....are you saying that you are just fine with Liberalism, the political view that controls the universities.....is behaving correctly in shutting down debate?

Is that your point, comrade?

BTW....you look lovely in that crisp new brown shirt.
OK, finally the motivation for your rant is revealed. you're tired of getting poor grades for your ill founded rants and figure it's some kind of conspiracy.

And you were able to glean that from this thread?

Actually, I did pretty well in a pretty good LIBERAL university, you moron.

I don't hide any motivations.....it's right there in the title.
Liberals hate free speech along with other American values: they despise the Founders, and the Constitution.

Understand now, you dope?

My apologies. I was under the impression that you were still a student. Probably because I can't understand how anyone who's not either a student or retired could spend as much time as you do here.

Did you manage to score a job in your chosen field?

Being independently and incalculably rich, I have no need for job, peasant.

I spend my time in study, I am an eternal student, .... and battling the forces of darkness: Liberalism.

Of course,supervising the serve-staff takes a large part of my time as well.
This little Korean maid cracks me up. If you did study you'd understand that you now live in a Liberal nation, founder by Liberals, who would never have let you get near the government decision-making for fear of you being exactly who you are, a box of tampons.

1. You're a liar.....we established that earlier.

2. "...founder by Liberals,..."
Founded by classical liberals, based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
Communist John Dewey stole the name 'liberal' and applied it to the Socialist party.

3. The rest of your post, straight from the junior high school boys bathroom, is proof that the truth of this thread struck a nerve and you have no cogent response to same.

4. Time and again, when folks like you realize they have been skewered, their language falls to the vulgar. It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at being bested leaks out as vulgarity.

That is why I never have to do the same.

Is the primary purpose of the Constitution to protect individual rights?

Such as, the right of same sex marriage and the right to an abortion?

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.
Truly, give it a rest. The fags won and you lost. Take it like a man for once.
My apologies. I was under the impression that you were still a student. Probably because I can't understand how anyone who's not either a student or retired could spend as much time as you do here.

Did you manage to score a job in your chosen field?

Being independently and incalculably rich, I have no need for job, peasant.

I spend my time in study, I am an eternal student, .... and battling the forces of darkness: Liberalism.

Of course,supervising the serve-staff takes a large part of my time as well.
This little Korean maid cracks me up. If you did study you'd understand that you now live in a Liberal nation, founder by Liberals, who would never have let you get near the government decision-making for fear of you being exactly who you are, a box of tampons.

1. You're a liar.....we established that earlier.

2. "...founder by Liberals,..."
Founded by classical liberals, based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
Communist John Dewey stole the name 'liberal' and applied it to the Socialist party.

3. The rest of your post, straight from the junior high school boys bathroom, is proof that the truth of this thread struck a nerve and you have no cogent response to same.

4. Time and again, when folks like you realize they have been skewered, their language falls to the vulgar. It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at being bested leaks out as vulgarity.

That is why I never have to do the same.

Is the primary purpose of the Constitution to protect individual rights?

Such as, the right of same sex marriage and the right to an abortion?

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Says who?
I think this situation got a bit mischaracterized in the OP, or perhaps stuff was left out....

Marquette TA sparks international controversy after squelching gay marriage discussion in ethics class - JSOnline

A controversy involving a teaching assistant, a tenured faculty member and a recorded conversation about whether gay marriage should have been allowed as part of a discussion in an ethics theory class has put Marquette University in the international spotlight.

A student who objected to a teaching assistant's handling of the class discussion recorded his conversation with her after class, shared that recording with several faculty members, and the recording took on a life of its own. It ended up being the subject of a faculty member's blog, and landed in the hands of a reporter for Inside Higher Ed, a national online source for news, opinions and jobs in higher education.

Now an open letter to Marquette's top administrators written and posted online by a Louisana State University professor in support of the teaching assistant is gathering co-signatures from professors and graduate students around the world. The first to co-sign it is Bonnie Honig, a feminist and prominent political science professor at Brown University.

"Even if everything printed were true and the grad student said and did everything attributed to her (which I do not grant), this response -- public calling out, exposure to public condemnation, political labeling-- by a faculty member violates every expectation of graduate training and collegiality," Honig wrote. "It is a betrayal of the trust invested in faculty to mentor and guide students, not to make of them casualties in larger battles whether inside or outside their institutions."

Marquette responded in an email to The Journal Sentinel that it is "reviewing both a concern raised by a student and a concern raised by a faculty member. We are taking appropriate steps to make sure that everyone involved is heard and treated fairly. In compliance with state and federal privacy laws, we will not publicly share the results of the reviews."

The ethics theory class and the recorded conversation with a student over whether gay marriage should have been allowed as part of the discussion occurred weeks ago.

The conflict became publicly ugly Nov. 9, when John McAdams, an associate professor of political science at Marquette, strongly criticized the teaching assistant on his conservative-leaning blog, Marquette Warrior, under the headline:“Marquette Philosophy Instructor: ‘Gay Rights’ Can’t Be Discussed in Class Since Any Disagreement Would Offend Gay Students.”

In his blog post, McAdams accused teaching assistant Cheryl Abbate of limiting free speech by “using a tactic typical among liberals now."

"Opinions with which they disagree are not merely wrong, and are not to be argued against on their merits, but are deemed ‘offensive’ and need to be shut up,” McAdams alleged.

Abbate reportedly had been leading a class discussion about the philosopher John Rawls’ equal liberty principle. That principle says every person has a right to as many basic liberties as possible, as long as they don’t conflict with those of others.

When she asked students to name possible violations of the principle, such as laws that require seat belts and laws that prevent people from selling their own organs, one student suggested that a ban on gay marriage violated the principle. Abbate quickly moved on to the next topic, as there were more nuanced examples to discuss before the end of class, according to an email interview with her that Inside Higher Ed reported.

After class, another student approached Abbate to tell her that he was “very disappointed” and “personally offended” that she hadn’t considered his classmate's example about gay marriage more thoroughly, according to the student’s recording of the conversation obtained by Inside Higher Ed.

Inside Higher Ed characterized that conversation as follows:

"The student said he had seen data suggesting that children of gay parents “do a lot worse in life,” and that the topic merited more conversation. Abbate told the student that gay marriage and parenting were separate topics, since single people can have and adopt children. She also said she would “really question” data showing poor outcomes for children of gay parents, since peer-reviewed studies show the opposite (indeed, the major study showing negative outcomes for children of gay parents, by Mark Regnerus, an associate professor of sociology at the University of Texas at Austin, has been widely discredited).

"Regardless, the student said, “it’s still wrong for the teacher of a class to completely discredit one person’s opinion when they may have different opinions.” Abbate responded: “There are opinions that are not appropriate, that are harmful, such as racist opinions, sexist opinions, and quite honestly, do you know if someone in the class is homosexual? And do you not think it would be offensive to them, if you were to raise your hand and challenge this?”

"The student then said it was his “right as an American citizen” to challenge the idea. Abbate told the student he didn’t, in fact, “have the right, especially [in an ethics class], to make homophobic comments or racist comments.”

"His opinions weren’t homophobic, the student argued. Abbate said he could have whatever opinions he liked, but reiterated that homophobic, racist and sexist comments wouldn’t be tolerated in the class. She said the class discussion was centered on restricting the rights and liberties of individuals, but said that making arguments against gay marriage in the presence of a gay person was comparable to telling Abbate that women's professional options should be limited. She invited him to drop the course if he opposed her policy.

Kind of sounds like a group of students and/or faculty contrived to set someting up.

Yes... a group of Leftists conspired (set sumpin' up) to squelch the means of those who oppose their 'feelings' to exercise their right to speak in opposition to the debauched perversion of human reasoning, OKA: Left-think.

If that were true, why aren't you taking them to court? Oh right. BS. You know, you really should wait until make up shit Thursday before you post this drivel.
Is the primary purpose of the Constitution to protect individual rights? Such as, the right of same sex marriage and the right to an abortion?

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Abortion is the morally unjustifiable taking of a pre-born human life... thus where a right is defined as that to which everyone is entitled... there can be NO POTENTIAL for a 'right' which precludes SOMEONE ELSE of exercising their rights.

Again... such is a VERY simple equation... yet there you are completely flummoxed by it.


You're wrong. Same sex couples have been entering into de facto marriages for thousands of years. Polygamy was most likely the original form of marriage.

Abortion is a Right under the Constitution of the United States.
And you were able to glean that from this thread?

Actually, I did pretty well in a pretty good LIBERAL university, you moron.

I don't hide any motivations.....it's right there in the title.
Liberals hate free speech along with other American values: they despise the Founders, and the Constitution.

Understand now, you dope?
My apologies. I was under the impression that you were still a student. Probably because I can't understand how anyone who's not either a student or retired could spend as much time as you do here.

Did you manage to score a job in your chosen field?

Being independently and incalculably rich, I have no need for job, peasant.

I spend my time in study, I am an eternal student, .... and battling the forces of darkness: Liberalism.

Of course,supervising the serve-staff takes a large part of my time as well.
This little Korean maid cracks me up. If you did study you'd understand that you now live in a Liberal nation, founder by Liberals, who would never have let you get near the government decision-making for fear of you being exactly who you are, a box of tampons.

1. You're a liar.....we established that earlier.

2. "...founder by Liberals,..."
Founded by classical liberals, based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
Communist John Dewey stole the name 'liberal' and applied it to the Socialist party.

3. The rest of your post, straight from the junior high school boys bathroom, is proof that the truth of this thread struck a nerve and you have no cogent response to same.

4. Time and again, when folks like you realize they have been skewered, their language falls to the vulgar. It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at being bested leaks out as vulgarity.

That is why I never have to do the same.
I enjoy your ego that won't stop. Too bad you don't have the brains God gave a goat.

Clever come-back (yawnnnnnn)

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