Unfreaking real! Demoted DOJ official's wife worked for Fusion GPS during campaign.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This is such a pity that the DOJ and the FBI's reputations are being ruined by the likes of this man and his wife. Conflict of interest much????????????????

His wife was working for the firm that solicited the dossier for freaking Clinton??????

"The wife of Bruce Ohr, the demoted DOJ official, worked during the campaign for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that commissioned the dossier as part of a project financed by the Clinton campaign and DNC.

Fox News broke the news on Monday. A source familiar with the matter confirmed the discovery to The Daily Caller.

Bruce Ohr held two positions at the Justice Department until last week, when Fox News inquired about his encounters last year with Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson."

More at link:

Wife Of Demoted DOJ Official Worked For Fusion GPS During The Campaign
Great Article well worth the read
The FBI Is No Friend of Liberty and Justice
The FBI's handling of the Michael Flynn case is disturbing.

One of the unfortunate ironies of the manufactured "Russiagate" controversy is the perception of the FBI as a friend of liberty and justice. But the FBI has never been a friend of liberty and justice.

Rather, as James Bovard writes, it "has a long record of both deceit and incompetence. Five years ago, Americans learned that the FBI was teaching its agents that 'the FBI has the ability to bend or suspend the law to impinge on the freedom of others.' This has practically been the Bureau's motif since its creation in 1908…. The FBI has always used its 'good guy' image to keep a lid on its crimes." (Bovard has made a vocation of cataloging the FBI's many offenses against liberty and justice, for which we are forever in his debt.)
The FBI Is No Friend of Liberty and Justice
Tip of the iceberg of corruption. The bizarre behaviors of Comey and Lynch. Secret meetings on an airport tarmac between Hillary's husband and the AG during the investigation. Comey making the decision not to charge Hillary before even interviewing her, plus that's not even his call its the DOJ's. Comey leaking to the press via a third party. Collusion between the Obama administration, FBI, Hillary's campaign on this debunked dossier, paying/working with foreign nationals to influence the outcome of a US presidential race. Its a damn Tom Clancy novel. :laugh:
This is such a pity that the DOJ and the FBI's reputations are being ruined by the likes of this man and his wife. Conflict of interest much????????????????

His wife was working for the firm that solicited the dossier for freaking Clinton??????

"The wife of Bruce Ohr, the demoted DOJ official, worked during the campaign for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that commissioned the dossier as part of a project financed by the Clinton campaign and DNC.

Fox News broke the news on Monday. A source familiar with the matter confirmed the discovery to The Daily Caller.

Bruce Ohr held two positions at the Justice Department until last week, when Fox News inquired about his encounters last year with Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson."

More at link:

Wife Of Demoted DOJ Official Worked For Fusion GPS During The Campaign
Wives aren't supposed to have jobs?
This is such a pity that the DOJ and the FBI's reputations are being ruined by the likes of this man and his wife. Conflict of interest much????????????????

His wife was working for the firm that solicited the dossier for freaking Clinton??????

"The wife of Bruce Ohr, the demoted DOJ official, worked during the campaign for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that commissioned the dossier as part of a project financed by the Clinton campaign and DNC.

Fox News broke the news on Monday. A source familiar with the matter confirmed the discovery to The Daily Caller.

Bruce Ohr held two positions at the Justice Department until last week, when Fox News inquired about his encounters last year with Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson."

More at link:

Wife Of Demoted DOJ Official Worked For Fusion GPS During The Campaign
Wives aren't supposed to have jobs?
Six Katyushas in the mail tonite.
He is either a Fool, or he is being Blackmailed.

His term as Attorney General is one of the saddest episodes of the last few years, it is like the Tale of Rip Van Winkle.

The last straw is the news that the high ranking lawyer in the Justice Department, who was caught meeting surreptitiously with Fusion GPA, had a WIFE working at Fusion GPA.

Not just that, but when he was recently demoted for this, the Justice Department claimed that it was because he had two titles...that is, they LIED, and the House Intelligence Committee had to drag this damning info out of them over almost a year.

In short, the Obama Deep State is still being allowed to COVER UP the corruption in both the DOJ and FBI...even though Sessions has been Attorney General for most of the year.

Same thing appears to be true for Wray at the FBI.

It is sad to say, but Draining the Swamp is going to include getting rid of this obvious Pussy--Jeff Sessions.
This is such a pity that the DOJ and the FBI's reputations are being ruined by the likes of this man and his wife. Conflict of interest much????????????????

His wife was working for the firm that solicited the dossier for freaking Clinton??????

"The wife of Bruce Ohr, the demoted DOJ official, worked during the campaign for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that commissioned the dossier as part of a project financed by the Clinton campaign and DNC.

Fox News broke the news on Monday. A source familiar with the matter confirmed the discovery to The Daily Caller.

Bruce Ohr held two positions at the Justice Department until last week, when Fox News inquired about his encounters last year with Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson."

More at link:

Wife Of Demoted DOJ Official Worked For Fusion GPS During The Campaign
Wives aren't supposed to have jobs?
Does Mary Matalin know about this?
Nobody watching the watchdogs. And like every other government agency it has gone to shit.
Wives aren't supposed to have jobs?
There's probably something to that.

I believe Sessions is in way over his head, and doesn't have the intellect
to know how to reach the surface.
This bullshit Russian investigation has been unraveling for a while with all this drip drip of total corruption.....It has been bullshit from the get go starting with the made up dossier bought and paid for by hillary....

Bats will fly out of hillary clintons ass before
any of this hurts President Donald J. Trump.

In fact the left will RUE the day they started
this because it is all going to fly right back up their ass.

You guys are so deeply buried in your own bullshit narratives that you can't even see reality anymore.

A DoJ official's wife worked for Fusion GPS.

So what?

Why am I supposed to be outraged by that? Is there any reason why a DoJ official's wife shouldn't work for a consulting company?
It seems like every single person on Mueller's team is in the tank for Hillary.

That doesnt seem fair, does it?

This guy isn't on "Mueller's team".

Even if he was, there would still be no conflict of interest. You guys don't seem to understand how this works.

You guys are so deeply buried in your own bullshit narratives that you can't even see reality anymore.

A DoJ official's wife worked for Fusion GPS.

So what?

Why am I supposed to be outraged by that? Is there any reason why a DoJ official's wife shouldn't work for a consulting company?
Why did Ohr lie about his meetings with high ranking employees of Fusion? That is why he was demoted.

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