Union Workers Betray Trump After All He Has Done For Them


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"On a damp and windy day, members of the United Auto Workers (UAW) picketed outside a sprawling Ford plant in Wayne, Michigan, burning logs in barrels for warmth. The UAW strike has pushed into its third week, and unlike many strikes, it has managed to stay in the news – not least because on Tuesday, Joe Biden became the first US president to join strikers on a picket line in what feels like the unofficial kick-off to the 2024 campaign season. The speech may have been short and sweet but the reaction was overwhelmingly positive. “It’s about time a president stood up for workers instead of the billionaire class and donor class,” said Quintin Tucker, 57, who works in the plant’s final assembly department.

The Donald Trump campaign called Biden’s visit to the picket line a “cheap photo op”, but at least some workers disagree with that assessment. “That’s where his loyalties lie,” Walter Robinson, a 57-year-old quality inspector, said. “If he wants to be with working people who are struggling, then he would be here. I don’t know who he is playing for – is he playing for working people, or corporations?” “He has to go to a non-union plant because if he came here, we wouldn’t let him in,” added Hearn. “If he pulled up in his motherfuckin’ motorcade right now, we would not let him in.” But it’s too early to count Trump out, said Robinson. Trump gets a lot of support among union members because of “guns, gays and taxes”, Robinson said, and inflation has not helped Biden."

Trump has single-handedly brought back 85% of the manufacturing jobs that Obama and the Democrats sent off to China and Mexico; jobs that have helped these ungrateful union members keep food on the table -- food that was a lot more affordable when Trump was president, and some are saying, the food just tasted better when he was president too....How soon these low-skilled laborers forget; and now they are bad-mouthing Trump and telling him he isn't welcome? One darkie union member even used harsh language, which is very typical of their kind.

If I were Trump, I would use this opportunity to bust all of the unions and side with the corporate elites just to trigger the libs. It will be a win-win for Trump because as the guy said, as long as Trump talks about guns, opposing the gays and cutting taxes for rich people; he will always have the support of workers...and the majority of workers are not even union members, they know the union sucks and their days are long over...Trump needs to make it his mission to destroy unions once and for all - and besides, unions are made up of majority black workers -- so that is just a bonus to busting up unions.
If you are a member of an union then you are pretty well an asshole.

Especially if are a member of a stupid greedy union that contributes to Democrats. Like the filthy UAW.

Piss on unions.
When are lefties going to realize that Trump ain't the president? Trump has no power to mediate. What the hell is Biden doing? Does anybody know or care?
The president has no power to mediate a strike between non-federal workers either......but he can send a message to the country by standing with the workers instead of the corporate bosses

I mean, both parties are owned by the corporations; but one party at least tries to pretend they don't hate workers.....
The president has no power to mediate a strike between non-federal workers either......but he can send a message to the country by standing with the workers instead of the corporate bosses

I mean, both parties are owned by the corporations; but one party at least tries to pretend they don't hate workers.....
Biden has the power of the presidency but he seems confused as usual and unable to function. What do they expect from Trump?
Biden has the power of the presidency but he seems confused as usual and unable to function. What do they expect from Trump?
Trump is the one going to a non-union shop to pretend to stand with union workers -- while appointing strictly anti-union federal judges during his administration; who in turn rolled back labor rights all thru out his presidency

But hey, as long as you think he hates the same people you hate -- who cares what he actually DOES policy wise.
guess im an asshole.....:dunno:
Not my fault. If I can help it I don't buy anything made by union pukes.

My wife has great moral clarity.

She started her teaching career in 1969. She joined the teacher's Union because they offered good liability insurance and the dues were low.

However, in the 1970s the union became Communist. In 1976 the assholes endorsed that dipshit Jimmy Carter. They gave the DNC money. Can you imagine that level of stupidity?

My wife told them to shove it where the sun don't shine. If they were going to be a Communist organization she didn't want any part of it. She quit the union and told them the reason why. Thank goodness Florida is a Right to Work State and she was not required to be a member of the union filth.

Piss on unions.
Trump is the one going to a non-union shop to pretend to stand with union workers -- while appointing strictly anti-union federal judges during his administration; who in turn rolled back labor rights all thru out his presidency

But hey, as long as you think he hates the same people you hate -- who cares what he actually DOES policy wise.
Tell us how Joe was going to create the 18.2 million high paying jobs.

"On a damp and windy day, members of the United Auto Workers (UAW) picketed outside a sprawling Ford plant in Wayne, Michigan, burning logs in barrels for warmth. The UAW strike has pushed into its third week, and unlike many strikes, it has managed to stay in the news – not least because on Tuesday, Joe Biden became the first US president to join strikers on a picket line in what feels like the unofficial kick-off to the 2024 campaign season. The speech may have been short and sweet but the reaction was overwhelmingly positive. “It’s about time a president stood up for workers instead of the billionaire class and donor class,” said Quintin Tucker, 57, who works in the plant’s final assembly department.

The Donald Trump campaign called Biden’s visit to the picket line a “cheap photo op”, but at least some workers disagree with that assessment. “That’s where his loyalties lie,” Walter Robinson, a 57-year-old quality inspector, said. “If he wants to be with working people who are struggling, then he would be here. I don’t know who he is playing for – is he playing for working people, or corporations?” “He has to go to a non-union plant because if he came here, we wouldn’t let him in,” added Hearn. “If he pulled up in his motherfuckin’ motorcade right now, we would not let him in.” But it’s too early to count Trump out, said Robinson. Trump gets a lot of support among union members because of “guns, gays and taxes”, Robinson said, and inflation has not helped Biden."

Trump has single-handedly brought back 85% of the manufacturing jobs that Obama and the Democrats sent off to China and Mexico; jobs that have helped these ungrateful union members keep food on the table -- food that was a lot more affordable when Trump was president, and some are saying, the food just tasted better when he was president too....How soon these low-skilled laborers forget; and now they are bad-mouthing Trump and telling him he isn't welcome? One darkie union member even used harsh language, which is very typical of their kind.

If I were Trump, I would use this opportunity to bust all of the unions and side with the corporate elites just to trigger the libs. It will be a win-win for Trump because as the guy said, as long as Trump talks about guns, opposing the gays and cutting taxes for rich people; he will always have the support of workers...and the majority of workers are not even union members, they know the union sucks and their days are long over...Trump needs to make it his mission to destroy unions once and for all - and besides, unions are made up of majority black workers -- so that is just a bonus to busting up unions.

Briben barely spent 12 whole minutes at the picket line….with a dozen picketers?

Then they had to whisk him off for his diaper change and nap.
The President has no business doing what Joe Biden did today. What a despicable desperate piece of shit.

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