United HALTS vaccine mandates

You over look that about 95%+/- of those covid patients also have co-morbidity conditions that aggravate their reactions to getting covid.

More than 60% of the people in this country have at least one comorbidity, in other words it is not rare at all, it is the norm to have at least one. And that did not make the work any less tasking.

I'm not against covid vaccines as a matter of personal choice. You want to get the jab, take it. I'm against something this new and not fully tested or vetted being forced/mandated.

I am against the government mandating it onto private companies.

Many government workers are also getting this mandate

actually the entire Fed workforce has been mandated to to get it.

and in cases like my oldest son whom works in Immigration and has health issues that could give adverse reaction, the mandate of get the vaccine or lose your employment is not only an infringement upon his Rights and Liberties,

Nobody has a right to a job or a paycheck. Sorry, they just do not.

While your at it, care to tell us why Federal Postal Workers are exempted from the mandate? After all, they are one class of guv'mint workers with the largest element of public contact in terms of persons they deal with and material they handle.

They are not.

They do not fall under the Executive Branch so they could not be included in that EO, but they do fall under the the mandate for large companies.
That's not true either. Businesses like individuals will be held accountable to God. All those working for them and those running them.

It seems based upon your posting habits on this forum you should be far, far more worried about your own soul.
But you think people who refuse should be jobless and homeless because they refuse to submit to medical experiments and mandated medical procedures, am I right?

I wish them luck finding a job, but still support the right of a private business to make it own rules.
More than 60% of the people in this country have at least one comorbidity, in other words it is not rare at all, it is the norm to have at least one. And that did not make the work any less tasking.

I am against the government mandating it onto private companies.

actually the entire Fed workforce has been mandated to to get it.

Nobody has a right to a job or a paycheck. Sorry, they just do not.

They are not.

They do not fall under the Executive Branch so they could not be included in that EO, but they do fall under the the mandate for large companies.
They do have a right to Privacy which is what Roe V Wade decided their case largely upon. They also have a right to keep their medical history private from their employers, and this is written in HIPPA Law.

"My Body, My Choice" is still the law of the land unfortunately.
I wish them luck finding a job, but still support the right of a private business to make it own rules.
Not when it comes to them prying in to your medical information. A Private business has no business in your bedroom, your doctor's office, or in your medical records.
It seems based upon your posting habits on this forum you should be far, far more worried about your own soul.
I always worry about my own soul, and tell the damned, the deluded, and misguided about the perils of Hell, and the Path to The Pit that they travel upon.

Maybe you should make a UTURN.
They also have a right to keep their medical history private from their employers, and this is written in HIPPA Law.

you are correct, they cannot be forced to show their medical history, and their employer cannot be forced to keep giving them a pay check. It works both ways
Not when it comes to them prying in to your medical information. A Private business has no business in your bedroom, your doctor's office, or in your medical records.

And they also have no business giving a pay check to those who will not follow the company rules.
There is no legitimate reason to make a person who has natural immunity (after or before contact), to get a vaccine for something they are already naturally immune too. It will be a lawsuit from hell about to take place if a person is harmed by a forced vaccine that they didn't need in the first place. Talk about playing with fire. Wow.
What you shared is fact so that won’t work in fear feelings land?
you are correct, they cannot be forced to show their medical history, and their employer cannot be forced to keep giving them a pay check. It works both ways
But their employer should have no way to know, and if they do know, they have violated not only HIPPA laws but anti discrimination laws as well as ADA laws if that applies.

So it does not work both ways. Those laws are to protect employees from predatory employers.

I see lots of lawsuits for Fascist Law Breaking Employers in the future.
And they also have no business giving a pay check to those who will not follow the company rules.
Rules that violate an employee's Constitutional rights are illegal.

If an Employer made a rule to check the panties and bras of female employees to see if they are walking out with merchandise, even if they included males in their rule that is still an illegal and immoral and unethical rule.

You cannot simply search someone because it makes you feel safer and more secure.
That’s extortion. Illegal.

sure, just like telling you what you can and cannot wear to work is extortion and telling you waht time to be at work is extortion and all the other rules that employers have...do them or do not have a job.

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