United HALTS vaccine mandates

Companies forcing employees to get this vaccine, or firing them for not, is breaking many federal laws, human rights, and human ethics. There are NO laws governing COVID or the vaccines. Anything any company does regarding COVID/vaccines and employees are setting themselves up for massive lawsuits. And there ARE laws protecting employees from such interference into employees private lives and their bodies.

did you even read your own link? They requested a restraining order, but it was not granted.

The mandate for the company still stands, but they will now listen to request for exemptions, that is the only thing that changed.
no it does not still stand, if it did people would be going home, on fucking ignore you go troll
no it does not still stand, if it did people would be going home, on fucking ignore you go troll

Giving out an occasional exception does not remove the mandate. Are you really that fucking stupid?
did you even read your own link? They requested a restraining order, but it was not granted.

The mandate for the company still stands, but they will now listen to request for exemptions, that is the only thing that changed.

Did you read it? It says they are temporarily halting the requirement, you're acting like a contrarian ass.
Did you read it? It says they are temporarily halting the requirement, you're acting like a contrarian ass.

Did you read it? They did not halt the mandate, all they halted, according ot the article, is a plans to place employees who submit exemption requests from its COVID-19 vaccine requirement on unpaid leave.

That is all, the mandate is still there and people still have to request an exemption, for which there is no guarantee they will receive. If their request for an exemption is not approved, they are still out of a job.
Did you read it? They did not halt the mandate, all they halted, according ot the article, is a plans to place employees who submit exemption requests from its COVID-19 vaccine requirement on unpaid leave.

That is all, the mandate is still there and people still have to request an exemption, for which there is no guarantee they will receive. If their request for an exemption is not approved, they are still out of a job.
400 Nurses resigned or were fired from a North Carolina Health Group over this with the dumbass health group playing chicken with other people's lives thinking that they will all knuckle under and comply.

I think they made a mistake. United might have wised up because they were about to do the same thing.
you have heard of them, but you have no clue what they are if you think they apply here.

you calling someone a moron, that is the ultimate in irony
Your employer has no right to know if you are vaccinated or not, nor can they force you to undergo any medical procedure. That is the basis of HIPPA Law so any mandate that violates that is a violation of The Law.

Joe and his gang of Evil Fools therefore are lawless.
400 Nurses resigned or were fired from a North Carolina Health Group over this with the dumbass health group playing chicken with other people's lives thinking that they will all knuckle under and comply.

I hope they enjoy serving fries at Wendy's.
So you would make a Jew eat Pork?

Yes there are religious exemptions for any medical procedure, especially one that is forced upon you like a rape.

Did you ever hear of HIPPA laws, moron?
Or a Muslim eat pork?

My wife has hyper-sensitivity to eggs and reacts to anything eaten that contains eggs. Many medications, including many vaccines, such as the one for the flu, are often made with an egg base. So no shots for her of certain types.

And as mentioned here often already, we both got covid back after Easter and got over it. Like having the flu a few days. Our immune systems are better protected than the vaccines would do, and it's possible the vaccines would counter act that immunity and make us less protected.
Or a Muslim eat pork?

My wife has hyper-sensitivity to eggs and reacts to anything eaten that contains eggs. Many medications, including many vaccines, such as the one for the flu, are often made with an egg base. So no shots for her of certain types.

And as mentioned here often already, we both got covid back after Easter and got over it. Like having the flu a few days. Our immune systems are better protected than the vaccines would do, and it's possible the vaccines would counter act that immunity and make us less protected.
Also there is a moral objection against abortion since they used aborted babies' fetal stem cells to develop the mRNA vaccine.
yet hospitals for one have been requiring flu vaccines for at least a decade.

Correct, they are free to find another job if they do not wish to undergo the medical procedure
And the hospital needs to fold when they find they cannot operate with 400 staff resigning, and finds that no one wants to work for them.

For a fake scamdemic that is so deadly we need all hands on deck, this exposes that as a lie. It always was a lie.

Who cares if they are without jobs, right?

So much for "We are all in this together" Kumbayah fraud.
My wife has hyper-sensitivity to eggs and reacts to anything eaten that contains eggs. Many medications, including many vaccines, such as the one for the flu, are often made with an egg base. So no shots for her of certain types.

Then your wife would qualify for a medical exemption

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