United States Imperialism

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When Trump was president >>
1. There was no war in Ukraine
2. Taxes were LOWERED
3. Inflation was 1.4% when Trump left office
4. Deaths and violent crime are in Democrat cities
Taxes were lowered mostly for the very wealthy as always happens when ever are in charge. Trump did diddly squat for the average joe and at the end of his miserable time office, he tried to over throw our government. The plan was in his mind to have his vice president killed if necessary. I know you're not a youngster because you've been posting for years and years. And yet, you have the mentality of an imbecile.
Your silly, worthless ad hominom mud slings only discredit you, not me.

As for the rest of your post, you are still saying "founded"..."trained"....."supported"....."reverted" >> ALL PAST TENSE words.
So guess I have to repeat what I said previously in Post # 351 >>

My request said > "where the USA is constantly involved" (ie. present tense), not "history", or the "past 70 years"
So if you want to answer my request (as I asked it), the request still stands. 😐
I told you idiot to read up the present MSM articles and history backwards if you wish - do it, or keep your silly trap closed.
If you ignorantly believe that the USA is PRESENTLY not supporting terrorist groups in e.g. Syria, is PRESENTLY not involved in Ukraine - and PRESENTLY not involved in regards to Taiwan, etc, etc, - then you need to consult with your Q-Anon leadership.

Furthermore my "original" statement was:
Since 1945 the USA was and is constantly involved in instigating political unrest throughout South-East-Asia, toppling non favorable governments and aiding totally corrupt and suppressive leaders and governments. WAS and IS - and not just is.

Now stop wasting my time - with your infantile and ridiculous postings.
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I agree that the Monroe Doctrine was the more famous instance of this “Spreading of Liberty” ideology being applied externally, but it was also applied earlier during Westward Expansion (the conquest of Native Americans peoples, the Louisiana Purchase, the seizing of once Mexican lands).

The expansion of the Czarist Empire all the way to the Pacific was seen by Russians as a “civilizing mission.” Jefferson and all European Americans had similar views toward Native Americans. Of course the American Continental Empire builders were eventually more numerous and had an overall very different political culture than existed among Russian pioneers and Russian Empire builders. The American Midwest and West were also mostly more temperate and livable for new settlers than freezing Siberia.

Jefferson and Thomas Paine (even more dramatically) went to France and were active supporters of the French Revolution. They both hoped it would bring to the Old World the same revolutionary impulses against Kings, Aristocracies and old forms of Tyranny as the American Revolution did in the New. Both actually worked on early declarations of the “rights of man” and pushed for Constitutionally-defined republican forms of government there.

I disagree that any of the Founding Fathers were anarchists or were advocating “Liberty from Government.” Not at all. They wanted representative government (“no taxation without representation”) separation of powers, rule of law, and basic freedoms. Settlers out West mostly looked forward to setting up territorial and then state governments recognized by the U.S. government, and when threatened looked for protection from the national government too.

The early crushing of the Whiskey Rebellion, the traditions of early state governments and state constitutions, everything demonstrates that the American Revolution was not at all a fight against government itself. It was a fight for independence and self-government. The vast majority of American born settlers and new immigrants alike sought both new economic opportunities, and the blessings of liberty and freedom, guaranteed by elected government ruling according to fair and reasonable laws.
The Monroe Doctrine - isn't about spreading "liberty" - but to preserve and safeguard US national interests in it's vicinity. Especially when taking into account that ALL surrounding territory and countries were ruled by non-democratic governments aka - monarchies. The classic-natural born enemies of the USA constitution.

The war against Spain brought about US national interests towards Central-America and Asia, due to the "liberation" aka conquest of the Philippines - therefore also resulting in US interests towards Japan. Shortly afterwards US interests in regards to Africa and Europe via getting themselves involved in the Moroccan crisis. Setting up e.g. "concessions" in China. Before that, the "dubious" acquisition of the Hawaiian islands, and the legal acquisition of Alaska. In between driving out by force, or buying out French, Mexican/Spanish owned territory. The entire US history is one of non-stop expansion. - so far!

BTW, I am not blaming the USA for having done this or still doing it - every nation that has the means, has and is actively participating in this quest for global supremacy/control.
However the ones to bring it about, enforce it via military means since 1990, are simply and only the USA and NATO. - thus resulting amongst others in the Ukraine-Russia war.
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2. You don't know the standing of the US in imperialist victimization

And you are apparently not even aware that such money sent overseas actually helps increase the value of the US Dollar.

Every dollar sent overseas, be it to friend and family or for purchases is no longer circulating inside the US. Which in turn raises the value of the currency. This is nothing magical, it is simply supply and demand. With less internal supply, the value and demand domestically increases.

And in the modern economy, it is really almost ridiculous, as so many International currencies are pegged to the US Dollar. The Bahamian Dollar, Bermucian Dollar, and Panamian Balboa are pegged 1 to 1 to the US Dollar, and have been that way for decades. The same with the Barbadian Dollar and Belize Dollar, which are pegged 2 for 1 to the US Dollar ($2 of their for $1 of ours). In total, 23 nations peg their currency values directly to the US Dollar, which is why if one visits those nations there is never any worry about exchange rates. Go to Belize, and they accept either their own currency or US. The same for Panama, and they do not even have a "national currency". The only thing that Panama mints is coins from $0.01 to $1. All paper money used in Panama is US money.

That is why it almost crashed their economy when the US cut off currency going to and from Panama in 1989 it almost destroyed their economy. Their currency was still the Dollar, but they had no way to spend what they had or to obtain more. And yes, somewhere in my safe deposit box I have a bunch of Panamanian Balboa coins I got when I was there in 1987. They are the exact same size and weight as US coins, and even vending machines will accept either equally.

I have been laughing as you have gone on and on about this nonsense, but I have finally had enough. Almost everything you have been going on about not only is wrong, it is almost completely backwards from reality. Especially as in most cases, it is not even "US Dollars" sent overseas. And compared to out GDP of over $23 trillion, an export trade of over $7 trillion and an internal trade of over $80 trillion, that few hundred billion really is insignificant.
You're a fucking idiot, pinochet was a horrifying man, and allende did many great things, and was supported by his people. Of course, you're just like an american imperialist, fuck democracy if it doesn't allow capitalists to exploit the people.
What country are you from?

Obviously not America
I agree that the Monroe Doctrine was the more famous instance of this “Spreading of Liberty” ideology being applied externally, but it was also applied earlier during Westward Expansion (the conquest of Native Americans peoples, the Louisiana Purchase, the seizing of once Mexican lands).

Actually, there really was not any land "seized" from Mexico. Both California and New Mexico were in open revolt already, or on the verge of revolting. In fact, most of Mexico was in revolt in 1846, both north and south. The government actually was only in control of Central Mexico around Mexico City, most of the rest of the nation was in revolt against Santa Anna. However, only California and New Mexico were able to make it stick as they both invited the US to come on almost immediately. And both Manuel Armijo and Mariano Vallejo remained there until they died. The last Mexican Governor of New Mexico was buried in Socorro in 1853, the last Mexican Governor of California was buried in Sonoma in 1890.

And there was really no "Conquest" of the Indians. Most tribes existed rather peacefully with those of European descent that arrived. And most still live on their tribal lands to this day. It is only the battled with the more warlike tribes that people seem to have ever heard about. And in almost every case, those tribes fought against everybody. So their fighting the US was only to be expected for them.
What country are you from?

Well, Pinochet was actually quite a scientist. For example, proving that Newton's Laws apply to Communists.


“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”​

Karl Rove

“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”​

Karl Rove
If true that's disturbing

But its unsourced and could be a lib lie
Actually, there really was not any land "seized" from Mexico. Both California and New Mexico were in open revolt already, or on the verge of revolting. In fact, most of Mexico was in revolt in 1846, both north and south. The government actually was only in control of Central Mexico around Mexico City, most of the rest of the nation was in revolt against Santa Anna. However, only California and New Mexico were able to make it stick as they both invited the US to come on almost immediately. And both Manuel Armijo and Mariano Vallejo remained there until they died. The last Mexican Governor of New Mexico was buried in Socorro in 1853, the last Mexican Governor of California was buried in Sonoma in 1890.

And there was really no "Conquest" of the Indians. Most tribes existed rather peacefully with those of European descent that arrived. And most still live on their tribal lands to this day. It is only the battled with the more warlike tribes that people seem to have ever heard about. And in almost every case, those tribes fought against everybody. So their fighting the US was only to be expected for them.
Again…how does one condemn imperialism committed by Russia while supporting it by the USA?
Foreign America haters have a distinctive odor

And there are a lot of them infesting this board
The worst odor in the universe imminents from imperialist warmongers.

You love the smell of napalm in the morning…burning women and children alive.
Again…how does one condemn imperialism committed by Russia while supporting it by the USA?
You are correct that the US seized land from mexico following their military defeat in 1848

And its lucky for the shoeless migrants pouring across our southern border today

Otherwise they would have to walk an extra 1000 miles to find a better life
I guess you are one of those libs who really would rather be red than dead
Lol. You’ve been here a long time. You should know I’m not a lib, but maybe you come here new every day. Lol.

You’re stuck in the uniparty matrix, but too dumb to know it.
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