United States Of America


Gold Member
Jun 6, 2011
There are plenty of things in the news around the world. There are plenty of negative things regarding the United States of America. We are the Bastion of Freedom. We are You. Whatever the makeup of your local tribe, We are You. People talk a lot of nonsense--as though America discovered war and strife. You made the Wars. You made the problems.

You came Here. You still come here.

This House is better than the rest of the world.

You've made it so.
Interesting. If America is so bad, why are people doing most anything to come here?

Other countries brought war to America. We have never been imperialistic. We fight for our freedoms and those of our allies.

One problem we have currently that is unique to us now is that we have people coming that want our freedoms but do not call themselves Americans first. They make their money here and send it back to "their homeland." They are coming in droves and welcomed by our president. Will our country be as great as is has always been if this continues? We need a country of real Americans.
Why is everyone so worried about whether we are "the Best" or not? If you like it here, then stay and put a little effort into improving things. If not, leave and find a new place. This whole "My country is better than yours" sounds like playground nonsense to me.
People living in poor countries have been trying to get into wealthier countries for a very long time. Not just the U.S. but any wealthy country.
I agree. If you don't like the ways things are here:

a] change them through the ballot box

b] get the hell out! :9:

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