United States: Russia directly involved in battles in Ukraine

[QUOTE="Camp, post: 9859811, member: 44680"

Ex-NSA Director US Intelligence Veterans Write Open Letter To Merkel To Avoid All-Out Ukraine War Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind
That letter was written by a guy with a political agenda against President Obama and he is not taken seriously. Perhaps you are not permitted to read about captured Russian soldiers and mothers in Russia protesting their sons coming home in body bags or injured from Ukraine. And perhaps you are not aware of admissions of Russians in Ukraine with the excuse that they are "on leave" and "vacation" and "volunteers".

FYI, volunteers from several countries are fighting for both sides, it's no secret.
And according to the polls more than half of the country does not support Obama, should they all just shut up till the next Presidential election???
[QUOTE="Camp, post: 9859811, member: 44680"

Ex-NSA Director US Intelligence Veterans Write Open Letter To Merkel To Avoid All-Out Ukraine War Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind
That letter was written by a guy with a political agenda against President Obama and he is not taken seriously. Perhaps you are not permitted to read about captured Russian soldiers and mothers in Russia protesting their sons coming home in body bags or injured from Ukraine. And perhaps you are not aware of admissions of Russians in Ukraine with the excuse that they are "on leave" and "vacation" and "volunteers".

FYI, volunteers from several countries are fighting for both sides, it's no secret.
And according to the polls more than half of the country does not support Obama, should they all just shut up till the next Presidential election???
Of course he should not shut up and has a right to voice his opinion and say whatever he wants to say. But people who write of speak with such obvious political leanings or agenda's and omit pertinent facts are not taken very seriously. I was just putting the letter you posted in perspective. We have access here from the international press and even some Russian press that has shown us the mothers protesting their sons being sent to Ukraine. We have seen articles about burials of Russian soldiers and injured soldiers. We have seen interviews of captured Russian soldiers. When the so called invasion began the separatist were led by "former" Russian military and security officers.
Why haven't you seen Polish, Lithuanian, Georgian, American (BlackWaters) and mothers from many other countries who's sons were fighting for Kiev junta's side? Whole bunch of IDs from those countries were found. Why do they only show you Russian mothers? Smells like propaganda and brainwash...
Why haven't you seen Polish, Lithuanian, Georgian, American (BlackWaters) and mothers from many other countries who's sons were fighting for Kiev junta's side? Whole bunch of IDs from those countries were found. Why do they only show you Russian mothers? Smells like propaganda and brainwash...
We do here about those guys, but the mothers aren't protesting because those guys volunteered and they weren't soldiers in those counties armies. They were and are civilian volunteers.
I'm not aware about any mothers' protests in Russia, I've seen hundreds of mothers in several areas of Ukraine for several days blocking the main roads and demanding their sons back from the war. Those protests were going on for a long time
The leaders and military of Ukraine are not "Nazis," that is a lie being spread by Putin to justify his invasion of Ukraine.

Putin knows calling someone a Nazi puts them at the top of the hate list in Russia because of WW2...but he doesn't mention Russia was in bed with the Nazis until Hitler duped them.
15 years in a row Putin does not allow the opposition and USA to make Russia a powerful and flourishing country such as Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Ukraine.

While telling the whole world that Russia is directly involved in Ukrainian crisis, Washington keeps supporting and producing Kiev junta, exterminating the people from SE Ukraine, who disagree with their Nazi policy.

The Pentagon has dispatched more than a dozen military personnel to Kiev this week to provide tips to Ukrainian security forces on counterinsurgency and military planning tactics.

Military staff will share with the Ukrainians some of the Pentagon’s planning tactics, techniques and procedures while collecting data on the needs of its security forces, according to Pentagon spokeswoman Eileen Lainez. Staff arrived in Kiev, the country’s capital, on Thursday and Friday and are beginning to assess the operations of the Ukraine Ministry of Defense, Ms. Lainez told The Washington Times.

Ukraine gets U.S. counterinsurgency experts after saying it can t win the war with blankets - Washington Times
It would seem that the US and Nato are not prepared to eject the soviet forces from the Ukraine even if that means a Georgia type solution
Happy birthday, Mr. Putin!!!

Be a Dzudo & Sambo master, be a professional Special Service agent, be a personality, which prevents your country from collapse, be a nightmare for your geopolitical enemies... and after that I may listen to you when you start criticizing this person!
Last I heard he was still alive and "at large," kevin. any other digressions you'd like to add?
Last I heard he was still alive and "at large," kevin. any other digressions you'd like to add?
And for how long will he be free? Point being that the U.S. government is no friend to a free and adversarial press either.
I think Russia should not supported the pro-Russian rebles and they would also try to end the violence.
Ukraine has been holding their own in recent battles...Putin has a hard time explaining body bags of troops sent out for "training."
Last I heard he was still alive and "at large," kevin. any other digressions you'd like to add?
And for how long will he be free? Point being that the U.S. government is no friend to a free and adversarial press either.
If you have any information on the US govt assassinating reporters, post it, or stfu. Yes the US govt is not happy with "leaks." Sgt Manning is in jail, but receiving decent treatment, and soldiers cannot disobey orders. Snowden .... he'd have done time, but I don't think public opinion in the US would allow for him being sentenced like Pollard. There's a distinction you are dishonestly attempting to evade.

I don't know that Putin can disengage from Ukraine. I don't think there's any disagreement amongst non Russians that Putin's goals are to stay in power, and either as part of that end, or sheer patriotism, he does not want Russia folded into a capitalist, private property state in the European markets because .... Russia's economy is smaller than Belgium, and aside for energy it cannot produce anything. Russians take pride in being a world power. But, Russia can't produce anything because the powers of capital exist solely to the Oligarchs who only answer to Putin, who allows them to keep the capital so long as they swear allegiance to him, personally. He sees, quite clearly, that being in a union with a post-soviet state is not attractive to former soviet cold bloc "republics." So, the West is creeping eastward. And now, Putin is taking from one Oligarch to prop up another who suffers from sanctions.

There needs to be a way to let him out of the box he's in. But, the problem is that negotiation is premised upon all players wanting the same end result, so they compromise and achieve less than their full agenda. The West can pressure Ukraine to offer decent civil protections to ethnic Russians, but it's not really about that. It's about Russia's sphere of economic influence and trade. Some in the EU would be happy to let Putin dominate Ukraine, which offers the West little beyond natl gas, which no doubt is part of Putin's goal. But, Putin would dearly love to have the Baltics back in Russian orbit.
Last I heard he was still alive and "at large," kevin. any other digressions you'd like to add?
And for how long will he be free? Point being that the U.S. government is no friend to a free and adversarial press either.
If you have any information on the US govt assassinating reporters, post it, or stfu. Yes the US govt is not happy with "leaks." Sgt Manning is in jail, but receiving decent treatment, and soldiers cannot disobey orders. Snowden .... he'd have done time, but I don't think public opinion in the US would allow for him being sentenced like Pollard. There's a distinction you are dishonestly attempting to evade.

I don't know that Putin can disengage from Ukraine. I don't think there's any disagreement amongst non Russians that Putin's goals are to stay in power, and either as part of that end, or sheer patriotism, he does not want Russia folded into a capitalist, private property state in the European markets because .... Russia's economy is smaller than Belgium, and aside for energy it cannot produce anything. Russians take pride in being a world power. But, Russia can't produce anything because the powers of capital exist solely to the Oligarchs who only answer to Putin, who allows them to keep the capital so long as they swear allegiance to him, personally. He sees, quite clearly, that being in a union with a post-soviet state is not attractive to former soviet cold bloc "republics." So, the West is creeping eastward. And now, Putin is taking from one Oligarch to prop up another who suffers from sanctions.

There needs to be a way to let him out of the box he's in. But, the problem is that negotiation is premised upon all players wanting the same end result, so they compromise and achieve less than their full agenda. The West can pressure Ukraine to offer decent civil protections to ethnic Russians, but it's not really about that. It's about Russia's sphere of economic influence and trade. Some in the EU would be happy to let Putin dominate Ukraine, which offers the West little beyond natl gas, which no doubt is part of Putin's goal. But, Putin would dearly love to have the Baltics back in Russian orbit.
UN Torture Chief 8217 s Report Officially Condemns US Treatment of Bradley Manning The Dissenter

Yeah, "decent treatment." It's not saying that Obama is as bad as Putin on press freedom when pointing out that the U.S. has no leg to stand on in criticizing others on that issue. No Risen isn't going to be killed, but he is being investigated and will likely be prosecuted despite the First Amendment. So, again, look to your own backyard before criticizing somebody else's.

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