Unless this is a giant conspiracy

I didn't post the poll. The Trumpies did. They were very excited that Clinton was losing a third of her voters thanks to what would later turn out to be Russia giving Trump a leg up.

Got any more stupid responses before I write you off as another birther-level creduloid?
You just used that poll to support your argument, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck.
No, I provided a link which was posted by the pseudocons prior to the election. This was to demonstrate the level of their schizophrenia. You have a serious comprehension problem.

All summer and fall, the pseudocons were citing the damage done by the leaks. They were overjoyed and attributed massive losses to Clinton on account of those leaks.

Then, after the election, when it became known those leaks were orchestrated by Russia, you suddenly see the parroting schizophrenic dumb fucks saying Russia's efforts had NO effect.

All caught up now?
Oh, so in an argument involving you and me you cited other people and then used their poll to prove your argument. Lol
I cannot help you any further with your comprehension deficits.
You are old and senile
Lutsenko's chief prosecutor was caught on tape coaching witnesses how to avoid prosecution by his office. Once he was outed for this, Lutsenko refused to fire him.

That's the level of shittery the guy that Trump and Giuliani dropped to their knees to drink piss from.
Bullshit. Lutsenko is Biden's "solid guy" that he had installed ostensibly to fight corruption, despite the fact that he just did prison time for corruption.
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It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
You’re a partisan hack. If that’s a violation then let’s line up every politician for the last 200 years.
What party do I belong to, dipshit?
We all know you’re a Leftard. Every post you make. We are on to your BS partisan game you and gator breath play. You’re a joke.
Every post I make? Are you fucking joking?
Are you a bot? You are a bot ain't ya?
You and RIghtwinger sit beside each other striking each others ducks sounding like a dumbfuck on purpose, doncha?
Btw, leftism isnt a party. Learn english.
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Proof facebook ads swayed any votes or shut your non self awareness having ass up
The Russians did way more interference than just Facebook ads, retard. My god! Your propagandists totally punked you! Have you no self respect? Why do you keep going back to them to be lied to again and again and again?!?

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

All during the summer and fall of 2016, the pseudocons were celebrating the effect the meddling was having on the election.

Suck on it libs. Hillary is done for. She just can't win if one third of her voters are considering voting for someone else.

The Clintonites of the forum live in denial.

And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many...

That means 1/3 of them were going to vote for HIllary. You can't win an election when 1/3 of your supports jump ship.

Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

"And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many..."

"Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her."

Now that the tards know Russia was behind those leaks which affected the outcome, they are trying to pretend it had NO impact.

Sorry, but I"m not as stupid or as forgetful as you tards are.

A poll? :lol:
I didn't post the poll. The Trumpies did. They were very excited that Clinton was losing a third of her voters thanks to what would later turn out to be Russia giving Trump a leg up.

Got any more stupid responses before I write you off as another birther-level creduloid?
You just used that poll to support your argument, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck.
No, I provided a link which was posted by the pseudocons prior to the election. This was to demonstrate the level of their schizophrenia. You have a serious comprehension problem.

All summer and fall, the pseudocons were citing the damage done by the leaks. They were overjoyed and attributed massive losses to Clinton on account of those leaks.

Then, after the election, when it became known those leaks were orchestrated by Russia, you suddenly see the parroting schizophrenic dumb fucks saying Russia's efforts had NO effect.

All caught up now?

Retarded shit eaters like g5000 here’s never mention that not ONE thing in those emails was ever denied by the DNC. Because all they did was expose the truth, which partisan hacks like you can’t take. As for the “Russia. Interference”, studies showed that people may have seen 2 ads on Facebook. If they even paid attention to the ads. Thus you show your ignorance of reality once again. While ignoring Ukraine and Chinese interference to aid Clinton. Are you caught up now retard?
I am a constitutionalist.
I am a nationalist
I dont believe in AGW
I support individual liberty and personal responsibility.
But I'm a leftist according to Weatherman2020 the guy who doesnt know what a partisan is
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
You’re a partisan hack. If that’s a violation then let’s line up every politician for the last 200 years.
What party do I belong to, dipshit?
We all know you’re a Leftard. Every post you make. We are on to your BS partisan game you and gator breath play. You’re a joke.
Every post I make? Are you fucking joking?
Are you a bit? You are a bit ain't ya?
You and RIghtwinger sit beside each other striking each others ducks sounding like a dumbfuck on purpose, doncha?
Btw, leftism isnt a party. Learn english.
You’re a partisan hack trying to play games. IE Troll.

BTW: that’s LEFTARD, get your quotes straight, Leftard.
I am a constitutionalist.
I am a nationalist
I dont believe in AGW
I support individual liberty and personal responsibility.
But I'm a leftist according to Weatherman2020 the guy who doesnt know what a partisan is
I’m a free market capitalist who is fiscally responsible and a free trader. That seems to be leftist too. Anyone who ever questions trump is a leftist on this board.
Former Ukraine prosecutor says Hunter Biden ‘did not violate anything’
“Hunter Biden cannot be responsible for violations of the management of Burisma that took place two years before his arrival,” Lutsenko said.

Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Bidens

It Doesn’t Take a Genius to Interfere in the U.S. Presidential Election

As the whistleblower’s report notes, even before Trump was repeating Lutsenko’s lines to Zelensky, the prosecutor was already walking them back. And since the release of the whistleblower report, Lutsenko has told multiple major U.S. newspapers that, regardless of what he said earlier, he doesn’t have dirt on Biden of any consequence whatsoever.

What To Know About The Ukrainian Company At The Heart Of Trump's Biden Allegations

On Friday, Ruslan Ryaboshapka, Ukraine's newly appointed chief prosecutor, told reporters his office will review all investigations shelved by his predecessors, including those involving Burisma and Zlochevsky. Those investigations were into activities that took place before Hunter Biden joined the board in 2014.
Lutsenko is Biden's "solid guy" he installed into the Prosecutor General's office after the failed assassination attempt and firing of PG Shokin despite the fact that Lutsenko had recently served time in prison for embezzlement and abuse of office and had no law degree or experience.

Facing new criminal charges, Lutsenko has fled the country.
Lutsenko is the one who led Giuliani and Trump around by the nose about Biden.
Only in your feeble brainwashed mind. Giuliani interviewed Lutsenko because that's what investigators do. Interrogating criminals is an important part of the job, you imbecile.

Fuckin' moonbat. :cuckoo:
Giuliani fell for Lutsenko's bullshit because it fit with his birther-level mindset. He fell for Lutsenko's story hook, line, and sinker.

Like a total rube. Rudy and Donnie got punked by a criminal.
The facts don't support your moonbattery.
William Taylor's testimony
"That was my clear understanding, security assistance money would not come until the president committed to pursue the investigation"
Sondland etc
why in the world would someone need to hold money over someone's head to do something they will willingly do anyway by just asking? It's not like you would be asking them to do some unpleasant risky act, checking on acts of admission is not a pay me first favor, it's common requests between nations to check on things floating around. IN THE CASE OF ONGOING STATE DEPT INVESTIGATIONS AND THEIR Headsup we want to talk to the Ukraine President REQUEST asked to be forwarded by the U.S. President, the context is 100% on the up and up and it's the interferances by those who don't have investigative privilege that break obstruction violations especially when they ask Barr about it when he's got to be silent and can't admit anything on the ongoing investigation of Dems colluding with Ukraine to interfere with our 2016 election and lesser discussed 2018 mid terms interferance.
And openly Dems are still using Ukraine to interfere with the 2020 election.
BUT YEAH IGNORE ALL THAT AND BIDEN COULDNCT RUN, but since they alliw him to run then that oroves this is all a political hit job.
And the MSM are the mobsters (literally and figuratively).
I am a constitutionalist.
I am a nationalist
I dont believe in AGW
I support individual liberty and personal responsibility.
But I'm a leftist according to Weatherman2020 the guy who doesnt know what a partisan is
I question your claim of being a constitutionalist,,,you seem to think the president cant look into corruption as per his oath of office,,,
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
I would hold any President to the same standard- don't ask foreign governments to dig up dirt on your political opponents.
Sorta like some Russian shit from a sick bitch candidate who dug up bogus dirt on a presidential candidate, and still is walking free?
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
You’re a partisan hack. If that’s a violation then let’s line up every politician for the last 200 years.
What party do I belong to, dipshit?
We all know you’re a Leftard. Every post you make. We are on to your BS partisan game you and gator breath play. You’re a joke.
Every post I make? Are you fucking joking?
Are you a bit? You are a bit ain't ya?
You and RIghtwinger sit beside each other striking each others ducks sounding like a dumbfuck on purpose, doncha?
Btw, leftism isnt a party. Learn english.
You’re a partisan hack trying to play games. IE Troll.

BTW: that’s LEFTARD, get your quotes straight, Leftard.
View attachment 288354
You have zero integrity. You must not have any with a mentality like that.
I am a constitutionalist.
I am a nationalist
I dont believe in AGW
I support individual liberty and personal responsibility.
But I'm a leftist according to Weatherman2020 the guy who doesnt know what a partisan is
I question your claim of being a constitutionalist,,,you seem to think the president cant look into corruption as per his oath of office,,,
I question your intelligence with your straw man.
I am a constitutionalist.
I am a nationalist
I dont believe in AGW
I support individual liberty and personal responsibility.
But I'm a leftist according to Weatherman2020 the guy who doesnt know what a partisan is
You’re a liar too. Your posts speak volumes.
I questioned your great sultan!
I must be antifa! :lol:
Good gawd. I hope we, as in humans, grow up one day..
You’re a partisan hack. If that’s a violation then let’s line up every politician for the last 200 years.
What party do I belong to, dipshit?
We all know you’re a Leftard. Every post you make. We are on to your BS partisan game you and gator breath play. You’re a joke.
Every post I make? Are you fucking joking?
Are you a bit? You are a bit ain't ya?
You and RIghtwinger sit beside each other striking each others ducks sounding like a dumbfuck on purpose, doncha?
Btw, leftism isnt a party. Learn english.
You’re a partisan hack trying to play games. IE Troll.

BTW: that’s LEFTARD, get your quotes straight, Leftard.
View attachment 288354
You have zero integrity. You must not have any with a mentality like that.
Why can’t I find your OP on Biden using money to stop another nation investigating his son?
What party do I belong to, dipshit?
We all know you’re a Leftard. Every post you make. We are on to your BS partisan game you and gator breath play. You’re a joke.
Every post I make? Are you fucking joking?
Are you a bit? You are a bit ain't ya?
You and RIghtwinger sit beside each other striking each others ducks sounding like a dumbfuck on purpose, doncha?
Btw, leftism isnt a party. Learn english.
You’re a partisan hack trying to play games. IE Troll.

BTW: that’s LEFTARD, get your quotes straight, Leftard.
View attachment 288354
You have zero integrity. You must not have any with a mentality like that.
Why can’t I find your OP on Biden using money to stop another nation investigating his son?

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