Unpatriotic Dems In Virginia Erases Confederate Holiday

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Virginia back to the Union
I did say that. But I dont' believe that you care about them, so why are you asking for a link to them?

It seems like you are just being a troll boy, and asking me, to get some type of pathetic "win" by making me do what you want.

I'm not interested in playing such a silly game, with something like you.

So let's recap the last few rants.
"RW called for whites to be enslaved" or whatever it was --- yet you don't have to present any evidence of it.
"Polls say most whatevers support statues" --- yet you don't have to present any evidence of it.
"Nobody had a problem with the Lost Cause propaganda for decades" --- yet you don't have to present any evidence of it.

A pattern I smell.

1. No, RW called for whites to be oppressed, not enslaved. And he is right here, so you can ask him.

2. That is what I heard. No need to post them, because no one cares about what they say.

3. I've already pointed out to you, that what we are discussing is not the "Lost Cause", so, why are you lying?

Link or admit you are lying

Stop playing games. We discussed this many times. I told them that you thought it would be fine, because whites would just accept it.

Link to where I said any such thing or admit you are lying

Why? Have you experienced serious memory loss? Have you taken a bullet wound to the brain? Do you have alzheimer's disease?
"The hate"....this from the person who name-calls people when he (or is it she?) doesn't get his way...........and cries about being picked on......

Funny, you could have denied hating me. But, I guess there is a limit to how stupid, even you want to look.

My point stands.

IN this multicultural society we have build, all cultures are supposed to be able to live in harmony and peace and tolerance.

But, some cultures are less tolerated than others. As you and rw are demonstrating with your hate.
Over a 150 years later and Confederates and their racist fanboys continue lying when faced with righteousness..

Maybe if God was on the side of the Confederates, the truth wouldn't sting you so much....

YOu can shove your race baiting up your ass, fucktard.
See? There we go again.

YOu mean how he called me a name, and I responded appropriately? Correct, there we go again.

I tend to call people who are being fucktards, fucktards.
Why is it that male trump supporters are the biggest crybabies out there today?
Blacks in the Confederacy always had an awkward position. 4 million out of 9 million in the Confederacy were slaves.

Yet afterwards, nobody cared what they thought about the Confederacy

You made a point about TODAY'S blacks.

I asked you why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism.

Your reply did nothing to explain your point about modern blacks.
We are talking about today’s blacks who feel no loyalty to the confederacy. Neither do most whites

Yes. Neither of us are confused about that. So, please stop discussing it.

You made a point about TODAY'S blacks.

I asked you why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism.
Who, besides yourself, is implying that today's blacks are "more important than the rest of the nation"?

RW. I pointed out that the nation as a whole was fine with the memorials, and he stated that the modern blacks were not.

But I cant' get him to explain why.

Could you ask him? Maybe he will be more comfortable explaining his reasoning, if the question comes from you.
WTF is wrong with you?

You have no clue as to why modern blacks oppose Confederate celebrations?
So let's recap the last few rants.
"RW called for whites to be enslaved" or whatever it was --- yet you don't have to present any evidence of it.
"Polls say most whatevers support statues" --- yet you don't have to present any evidence of it.
"Nobody had a problem with the Lost Cause propaganda for decades" --- yet you don't have to present any evidence of it.

A pattern I smell.

1. No, RW called for whites to be oppressed, not enslaved. And he is right here, so you can ask him.

2. That is what I heard. No need to post them, because no one cares about what they say.

3. I've already pointed out to you, that what we are discussing is not the "Lost Cause", so, why are you lying?

Link or admit you are lying

Stop playing games. We discussed this many times. I told them that you thought it would be fine, because whites would just accept it.

Link to where I said any such thing or admit you are lying

Why? Have you experienced serious memory loss? Have you taken a bullet wound to the brain? Do you have alzheimer's disease?
I will accept that as your admission you are lying
You made a point about TODAY'S blacks.

I asked you why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism.

Your reply did nothing to explain your point about modern blacks.
We are talking about today’s blacks who feel no loyalty to the confederacy. Neither do most whites

Yes. Neither of us are confused about that. So, please stop discussing it.

You made a point about TODAY'S blacks.

I asked you why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism.
The people of Virginia have spoken

They don’t want a Confederate Holiday

Yes, a majority of the people, driven primarily as you stated, by modern blacks.

I ask again, since you brought it up.

why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism?
You really don’t understand how a Democracy works

I understand how multicultualism is supposed to work. We are supposed to all live in harmony.

Why are the people of Virginia, primary, as you stated, the modern black ones, not being tolerant of Southern Whites who want to celebrate their culture and heritage?

And why do you support it? Does it not pose a huge problem for your multiculturalism and diversity agenda?
Funny, you could have denied hating me. But, I guess there is a limit to how stupid, even you want to look.

My point stands.

IN this multicultural society we have build, all cultures are supposed to be able to live in harmony and peace and tolerance.

But, some cultures are less tolerated than others. As you and rw are demonstrating with your hate.
Over a 150 years later and Confederates and their racist fanboys continue lying when faced with righteousness..

Maybe if God was on the side of the Confederates, the truth wouldn't sting you so much....

YOu can shove your race baiting up your ass, fucktard.
See? There we go again.

YOu mean how he called me a name, and I responded appropriately? Correct, there we go again.

I tend to call people who are being fucktards, fucktards.
Why is it that male trump supporters are the biggest crybabies out there today?

Your request for conservatives to go back to letting fucktards like yourself, just call us names, while we are completely civil to you, is denied.
You made a point about TODAY'S blacks.

I asked you why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism.

Your reply did nothing to explain your point about modern blacks.
We are talking about today’s blacks who feel no loyalty to the confederacy. Neither do most whites

Yes. Neither of us are confused about that. So, please stop discussing it.

You made a point about TODAY'S blacks.

I asked you why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism.
Who, besides yourself, is implying that today's blacks are "more important than the rest of the nation"?

RW. I pointed out that the nation as a whole was fine with the memorials, and he stated that the modern blacks were not.

But I cant' get him to explain why.

Could you ask him? Maybe he will be more comfortable explaining his reasoning, if the question comes from you.
WTF is wrong with you?

You have no clue as to why modern blacks oppose Confederate celebrations?

I asked you a simple question. Why do they get to have their way and you support it, when Multiculturalism, requires tolerance so we can all live happily ever after?

Does not this act, and your support of it, prove that multiculturalism was always a lie, doomed to fail?
I did say that. But I dont' believe that you care about them, so why are you asking for a link to them?

It seems like you are just being a troll boy, and asking me, to get some type of pathetic "win" by making me do what you want.

I'm not interested in playing such a silly game, with something like you.

So let's recap the last few rants.
"RW called for whites to be enslaved" or whatever it was --- yet you don't have to present any evidence of it.
"Polls say most whatevers support statues" --- yet you don't have to present any evidence of it.
"Nobody had a problem with the Lost Cause propaganda for decades" --- yet you don't have to present any evidence of it.

A pattern I smell.

1. No, RW called for whites to be oppressed, not enslaved. And he is right here, so you can ask him.

2. That is what I heard. No need to post them, because no one cares about what they say.

3. I've already pointed out to you, that what we are discussing is not the "Lost Cause", so, why are you lying?

Link or admit you are lying

Stop playing games. We discussed this many times. I told them that you thought it would be fine, because whites would just accept it.

Link to where I said any such thing or admit you are lying
That's already been established since he cannot provide us links to any of those "polls" he claimed existed. Must be part of his "culture".
1. No, RW called for whites to be oppressed, not enslaved. And he is right here, so you can ask him.

2. That is what I heard. No need to post them, because no one cares about what they say.

3. I've already pointed out to you, that what we are discussing is not the "Lost Cause", so, why are you lying?

Link or admit you are lying

Stop playing games. We discussed this many times. I told them that you thought it would be fine, because whites would just accept it.

Link to where I said any such thing or admit you are lying

Why? Have you experienced serious memory loss? Have you taken a bullet wound to the brain? Do you have alzheimer's disease?
I will accept that as your admission you are lying

Err, no. We've discussed this many times. It is silly for you to pretend we have not. I have represented your position, as well as I could.

I note that you do not deny that we have discussed this, nor have you denied making these statements.

You just are demanding a link, to something you know all about.

I can only conclude this is some silly troll boy game. So, knock this shit off. Tell Bodacia, all about your Vision of the Future, and how you think it will be fine.
So let's recap the last few rants.
"RW called for whites to be enslaved" or whatever it was --- yet you don't have to present any evidence of it.
"Polls say most whatevers support statues" --- yet you don't have to present any evidence of it.
"Nobody had a problem with the Lost Cause propaganda for decades" --- yet you don't have to present any evidence of it.

A pattern I smell.

1. No, RW called for whites to be oppressed, not enslaved. And he is right here, so you can ask him.

2. That is what I heard. No need to post them, because no one cares about what they say.

3. I've already pointed out to you, that what we are discussing is not the "Lost Cause", so, why are you lying?

Link or admit you are lying

Stop playing games. We discussed this many times. I told them that you thought it would be fine, because whites would just accept it.

Link to where I said any such thing or admit you are lying
That's already been established since he cannot provide us links to any of those "polls" he claimed existed. Must be part of his "culture".

You made it clear that you did not care about the polls. So, your request to get me to do something, for whatever stupid ass reason you have, is denied.
Blacks in the Confederacy always had an awkward position. 4 million out of 9 million in the Confederacy were slaves.

Yet afterwards, nobody cared what they thought about the Confederacy

You made a point about TODAY'S blacks.

I asked you why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism.

Your reply did nothing to explain your point about modern blacks.
We are talking about today’s blacks who feel no loyalty to the confederacy. Neither do most whites

Yes. Neither of us are confused about that. So, please stop discussing it.

You made a point about TODAY'S blacks.

I asked you why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism.
Who, besides yourself, is implying that today's blacks are "more important than the rest of the nation"?

RW. I pointed out that the nation as a whole was fine with the memorials, and he stated that the modern blacks were not.

But I cant' get him to explain why.

Could you ask him? Maybe he will be more comfortable explaining his reasoning, if the question comes from you.
"The nation as a whole was fine with the memorials".....prove it.
I can see that you would not want to celebrate such ancestors if they were your ancestors.


I’d be ashamed and embarrassed of them.

Well, lots of other people, are more forgiving of their ancestors and celebrate them.
There's "forgiving"....and then there is "celebrating". Two different things.

That is correct. Perhaps that is why I used the word "and" to show that the people in question were doing TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.

Thank GOD you were here. Someone might have been confused otherwise.
So...what is to "celebrate" about what the Con-federacy stood for?
You made a point about TODAY'S blacks.

I asked you why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism.

Your reply did nothing to explain your point about modern blacks.
We are talking about today’s blacks who feel no loyalty to the confederacy. Neither do most whites

Yes. Neither of us are confused about that. So, please stop discussing it.

You made a point about TODAY'S blacks.

I asked you why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism.
Who, besides yourself, is implying that today's blacks are "more important than the rest of the nation"?

RW. I pointed out that the nation as a whole was fine with the memorials, and he stated that the modern blacks were not.

But I cant' get him to explain why.

Could you ask him? Maybe he will be more comfortable explaining his reasoning, if the question comes from you.
"The nation as a whole was fine with the memorials".....prove it.

Why? Will you accept ANYTHING as proof, or are you just playing silly games?
We are talking about today’s blacks who feel no loyalty to the confederacy. Neither do most whites

Yes. Neither of us are confused about that. So, please stop discussing it.

You made a point about TODAY'S blacks.

I asked you why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism.
The people of Virginia have spoken

They don’t want a Confederate Holiday

Yes, a majority of the people, driven primarily as you stated, by modern blacks.

I ask again, since you brought it up.

why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism?
You really don’t understand how a Democracy works

I understand how multicultualism is supposed to work. We are supposed to all live in harmony.

Why are the people of Virginia, primary, as you stated, the modern black ones, not being tolerant of Southern Whites who want to celebrate their culture and heritage?

And why do you support it? Does it not pose a huge problem for your multiculturalism and diversity agenda?
Southern culture is NOT a 4 year period where slave owners started a war they couldn't win. And yet, that's what you want the sum total to be....and you want to "celebrate" it.
I can see that you would not want to celebrate such ancestors if they were your ancestors.


I’d be ashamed and embarrassed of them.

Well, lots of other people, are more forgiving of their ancestors and celebrate them.
There's "forgiving"....and then there is "celebrating". Two different things.

That is correct. Perhaps that is why I used the word "and" to show that the people in question were doing TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.

Thank GOD you were here. Someone might have been confused otherwise.
So...what is to "celebrate" about what the Con-federacy stood for?

Why do you ask a question, when you plan to reject any answer that is given?

THe fact is, that some people celebrate their ancestors that were part of the Confederacy. That you will not agree with them, is not relevant.
We are talking about today’s blacks who feel no loyalty to the confederacy. Neither do most whites

Yes. Neither of us are confused about that. So, please stop discussing it.

You made a point about TODAY'S blacks.

I asked you why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism.
The people of Virginia have spoken

They don’t want a Confederate Holiday

Yes, a majority of the people, driven primarily as you stated, by modern blacks.

I ask again, since you brought it up.

why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism?
You really don’t understand how a Democracy works

I understand how multicultualism is supposed to work. We are supposed to all live in harmony.

Why are the people of Virginia, primary, as you stated, the modern black ones, not being tolerant of Southern Whites who want to celebrate their culture and heritage?

And why do you support it? Does it not pose a huge problem for your multiculturalism and diversity agenda?
Forcing people to celebrate the Confederacy is not harmony

The culture of the Confederacy is not worth honoring, it is a stain on our nation
Link or admit you are lying

Stop playing games. We discussed this many times. I told them that you thought it would be fine, because whites would just accept it.

Link to where I said any such thing or admit you are lying

Why? Have you experienced serious memory loss? Have you taken a bullet wound to the brain? Do you have alzheimer's disease?
I will accept that as your admission you are lying

Err, no. We've discussed this many times. It is silly for you to pretend we have not. I have represented your position, as well as I could.

I note that you do not deny that we have discussed this, nor have you denied making these statements.

You just are demanding a link, to something you know all about.

I can only conclude this is some silly troll boy game. So, knock this shit off. Tell Bodacia, all about your Vision of the Future, and how you think it will be fine.
I have never said any such thing that you are claiming and challenge you to prove me wrong
Yes. Neither of us are confused about that. So, please stop discussing it.

You made a point about TODAY'S blacks.

I asked you why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism.
The people of Virginia have spoken

They don’t want a Confederate Holiday

Yes, a majority of the people, driven primarily as you stated, by modern blacks.

I ask again, since you brought it up.

why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism?
You really don’t understand how a Democracy works

I understand how multicultualism is supposed to work. We are supposed to all live in harmony.

Why are the people of Virginia, primary, as you stated, the modern black ones, not being tolerant of Southern Whites who want to celebrate their culture and heritage?

And why do you support it? Does it not pose a huge problem for your multiculturalism and diversity agenda?
Southern culture is NOT a 4 year period where slave owners started a war they couldn't win. And yet, that's what you want the sum total to be....and you want to "celebrate" it.

Correct. It is more than that period. OF course a period of time in a region, where they were operating as an independent country, would loom large in any regional heritage.

So what? Who cares? Why is that important? I dont' care about that? DO you?
We are talking about today’s blacks who feel no loyalty to the confederacy. Neither do most whites

Yes. Neither of us are confused about that. So, please stop discussing it.

You made a point about TODAY'S blacks.

I asked you why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism.
Who, besides yourself, is implying that today's blacks are "more important than the rest of the nation"?

RW. I pointed out that the nation as a whole was fine with the memorials, and he stated that the modern blacks were not.

But I cant' get him to explain why.

Could you ask him? Maybe he will be more comfortable explaining his reasoning, if the question comes from you.
"The nation as a whole was fine with the memorials".....prove it.

Why? Will you accept ANYTHING as proof, or are you just playing silly games?
I would like to see at least one of those polls you claim exist.

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