Unpopular Opinion: Conservative Businesses Should Fire Woke Employees

This is from Flash. A member of this forum.

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”
This is how it should be handled.
So Joe should have every supervisor in all of the Fedeal Departments ask every employee about their politics and fire any who are not liberal?

Yeah, that's probably a dumb an idea as I've ever heard except for the one listed in the OP.

You started this war. DId you think that we would never fight back?
Whether it’s popular or not is irrelevant.

The fact is that such a notion is wrong, reprehensible, and illegal.
No it's not. I mean... Gina Carano...

Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future. Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.

You are absolutely welcome to show these posts. Not hard to find.
So.....you are saying that denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities is tied to a particular political leaning? Interesting.
Firing an employee for a political opinions doesn't effect just the employee, but also risks reactions by the company's customers. Now such action may not harm a gun manufacturer, but say for example the company makes pillows.....

Definitely, as I have said, it is likely that only employers in mostly Conservative counties would be able to fire Progressives. Such a step would likely give them more business and popular support.
And apparently.....Con-servative political leanings include denigrating people based on their religion, nationality, sexuality, etc.
This opinion is unpopular with both Liberals and Conservatives. Most Liberals believe that they do not hold any views for which they deserve to be punished. The vast majority of Conservatives believe that no one should lose their job for their political beliefs. I am neither Liberal nor Conservative.

In a perfectly just Society, very few people would lose their job for their political beliefs. Only the most extreme views would merit such penalty. Even though USA in the past was far from being perfect, firing people for their political opinions was relatively rare. To the best of my knowledge it was rare even in the first years of this Century.

Unfortunately, in recent years tens of thousands of people have been fired and/or blacklisted for even mildly offending Progressives. In my opinion, Conservative business owners should respond in kind. There are thousands of counties and small towns in which Conservatives are over 70% majority, and hundreds of counties in which they are 80% majority. Amazingly, in a few counties over 90% of people are Conservative. If Liberal supporters of Cancel Culture who live in these towns or counties lose their jobs, they would have a hard time finding other jobs in the same community. That would force them either to reconsider their views and make amends or to relocate to more Liberal urban areas.

Almost all Liberal supporters of Cancel Culture believe that private businesses have a right to fire any employee for their political opinions. They accuse opponents of Cancel Culture of opposing the First Amendment. Thus they would not object to being fired themselves.

Firing Cancel Culture proponents may have other benefits as well. They are likely to try to dictate to their employees how to run their business. For instance, some Amazon employees have been making a scene when Amazon carried books they do not like. The same is true for many bookstores and music stores. Some publishers have been pressured by their employees not to publish books they find offensive.

Cancel Culture proponents are likely to be walking lawsuits. Their Conservative and Independent coworkers have to walk on eggshells in their presence. This hardly benefits the working environment. A working team where all members share most ideas may be more friendly and more productive.

Another benefit of firing Cancel Culture proponents may be in liberation of work places for Conservatives and Independents who have been fired for their beliefs. Conservative business owners should be helping those hurt by Cancel Culture rather then those who support it. Hiring someone fired for his/her opinions may have additional benefits for a business. A cancelled employee is likely to understand that it would be difficult for them to find work elsewhere. Thus they are likely to work diligently rather then to risk losing their job.

I never understood people who air their religion or politics or personal life at work. How stupid can you get?
freedom of expression is a real bitch for liberals to deal with
If con-servatives can't discriminate against others based on religion, race, sexuality, gender, handicap....are any of us truly free?
So.....you are saying that denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities is tied to a particular political leaning? Interesting.
Oh... You're going to have to quote where I said that. *chuckles*

You should also quote where she did that as well. That's what Disney said... Not what happened as far as I can see.
This opinion is unpopular with both Liberals and Conservatives. Most Liberals believe that they do not hold any views for which they deserve to be punished. The vast majority of Conservatives believe that no one should lose their job for their political beliefs. I am neither Liberal nor Conservative.

In a perfectly just Society, very few people would lose their job for their political beliefs. Only the most extreme views would merit such penalty. Even though USA in the past was far from being perfect, firing people for their political opinions was relatively rare. To the best of my knowledge it was rare even in the first years of this Century.

Unfortunately, in recent years tens of thousands of people have been fired and/or blacklisted for even mildly offending Progressives. In my opinion, Conservative business owners should respond in kind. There are thousands of counties and small towns in which Conservatives are over 70% majority, and hundreds of counties in which they are 80% majority. Amazingly, in a few counties over 90% of people are Conservative. If Liberal supporters of Cancel Culture who live in these towns or counties lose their jobs, they would have a hard time finding other jobs in the same community. That would force them either to reconsider their views and make amends or to relocate to more Liberal urban areas.

Almost all Liberal supporters of Cancel Culture believe that private businesses have a right to fire any employee for their political opinions. They accuse opponents of Cancel Culture of opposing the First Amendment. Thus they would not object to being fired themselves.

Firing Cancel Culture proponents may have other benefits as well. They are likely to try to dictate to their employees how to run their business. For instance, some Amazon employees have been making a scene when Amazon carried books they do not like. The same is true for many bookstores and music stores. Some publishers have been pressured by their employees not to publish books they find offensive.

Cancel Culture proponents are likely to be walking lawsuits. Their Conservative and Independent coworkers have to walk on eggshells in their presence. This hardly benefits the working environment. A working team where all members share most ideas may be more friendly and more productive.

Another benefit of firing Cancel Culture proponents may be in liberation of work places for Conservatives and Independents who have been fired for their beliefs. Conservative business owners should be helping those hurt by Cancel Culture rather then those who support it. Hiring someone fired for his/her opinions may have additional benefits for a business. A cancelled employee is likely to understand that it would be difficult for them to find work elsewhere. Thus they are likely to work diligently rather then to risk losing their job.
Ridiculous and communist, firing people for what they believe.
So Joe should have every supervisor in all of the Fedeal Departments ask every employee about their politics and fire any who are not liberal?

Yeah, that's probably a dumb an idea as I've ever heard except for the one listed in the OP.

You started this war. DId you think that we would never fight back?
Nobody is in danger of you firing them pee wee
This is from Flash. A member of this forum.

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

“Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid "affirmative action" hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity" demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”
A man or woman hired from equality and made sure they are not screwed over is one thing. A man or woman hired from equity is another. Equity rules in many jobs for years and decades. It is going to be made into real law soon enough. As we decline as a nation.
I wouldn't even hire somebody that indicated they voted for Democrats.

Proving that you are exactly the same as the democrats.

If you are a stupid uneducated Moon Bat, confused about your gender, woke asshole or a queer go work with the UAW or some filthy ass teacher's union. America doesn't need you because you have already proven you are scum.
I believe that any business should have the right to discriminate as they please as to who they hire, fire, or serve. The market will decide whether or not such businesses survive. Get the government out of our lives on yet another level.
Actually, while Judaism is a Faith, Jewish people are also an ethnicity since they share similar genotypes.

It was very rare for Jewish people to marry anybody but fellow Jews for many generations, and what established Jewishness was a matter more of blood than belief.

Which will become a very serious problem very soon.

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