Unpopular Opinion: Conservative Businesses Should Fire Woke Employees

This opinion is unpopular with both Liberals and Conservatives. Most Liberals believe that they do not hold any views for which they deserve to be punished. The vast majority of Conservatives believe that no one should lose their job for their political beliefs. I am neither Liberal nor Conservative.

In a perfectly just Society, very few people would lose their job for their political beliefs. Only the most extreme views would merit such penalty. Even though USA in the past was far from being perfect, firing people for their political opinions was relatively rare. To the best of my knowledge it was rare even in the first years of this Century.

Unfortunately, in recent years tens of thousands of people have been fired and/or blacklisted for even mildly offending Progressives. In my opinion, Conservative business owners should respond in kind. There are thousands of counties and small towns in which Conservatives are over 70% majority, and hundreds of counties in which they are 80% majority. Amazingly, in a few counties over 90% of people are Conservative. If Liberal supporters of Cancel Culture who live in these towns or counties lose their jobs, they would have a hard time finding other jobs in the same community. That would force them either to reconsider their views and make amends or to relocate to more Liberal urban areas.

Almost all Liberal supporters of Cancel Culture believe that private businesses have a right to fire any employee for their political opinions. They accuse opponents of Cancel Culture of opposing the First Amendment. Thus they would not object to being fired themselves.

Firing Cancel Culture proponents may have other benefits as well. They are likely to try to dictate to their employees how to run their business. For instance, some Amazon employees have been making a scene when Amazon carried books they do not like. The same is true for many bookstores and music stores. Some publishers have been pressured by their employees not to publish books they find offensive.

Cancel Culture proponents are likely to be walking lawsuits. Their Conservative and Independent coworkers have to walk on eggshells in their presence. This hardly benefits the working environment. A working team where all members share most ideas may be more friendly and more productive.

Another benefit of firing Cancel Culture proponents may be in liberation of work places for Conservatives and Independents who have been fired for their beliefs. Conservative business owners should be helping those hurt by Cancel Culture rather then those who support it. Hiring someone fired for his/her opinions may have additional benefits for a business. A cancelled employee is likely to understand that it would be difficult for them to find work elsewhere. Thus they are likely to work diligently rather then to risk losing their job.

I agree. Employees like this are a cancer. They will destroy a business in a heartbeat.

Far better to get rid of them.
Jews are NOT a minority. It is a religious faith.
Actually, while Judaism is a Faith, Jewish people are also an ethnicity since they share similar genotypes.

It was very rare for Jewish people to marry anybody but fellow Jews for many generations, and what established Jewishness was a matter more of blood than belief.
Conservative Businesses Should Fire Woke Employees-TopicTitle

Why do you want to destroy jobs?
This opinion is unpopular with both Liberals and Conservatives. Most Liberals believe that they do not hold any views for which they deserve to be punished. The vast majority of Conservatives believe that no one should lose their job for their political beliefs. I am neither Liberal nor Conservative.

In a perfectly just Society, very few people would lose their job for their political beliefs. Only the most extreme views would merit such penalty. Even though USA in the past was far from being perfect, firing people for their political opinions was relatively rare. To the best of my knowledge it was rare even in the first years of this Century.

Unfortunately, in recent years tens of thousands of people have been fired and/or blacklisted for even mildly offending Progressives. In my opinion, Conservative business owners should respond in kind. There are thousands of counties and small towns in which Conservatives are over 70% majority, and hundreds of counties in which they are 80% majority. Amazingly, in a few counties over 90% of people are Conservative. If Liberal supporters of Cancel Culture who live in these towns or counties lose their jobs, they would have a hard time finding other jobs in the same community. That would force them either to reconsider their views and make amends or to relocate to more Liberal urban areas.

Almost all Liberal supporters of Cancel Culture believe that private businesses have a right to fire any employee for their political opinions. They accuse opponents of Cancel Culture of opposing the First Amendment. Thus they would not object to being fired themselves.

Firing Cancel Culture proponents may have other benefits as well. They are likely to try to dictate to their employees how to run their business. For instance, some Amazon employees have been making a scene when Amazon carried books they do not like. The same is true for many bookstores and music stores. Some publishers have been pressured by their employees not to publish books they find offensive.

Cancel Culture proponents are likely to be walking lawsuits. Their Conservative and Independent coworkers have to walk on eggshells in their presence. This hardly benefits the working environment. A working team where all members share most ideas may be more friendly and more productive.

Another benefit of firing Cancel Culture proponents may be in liberation of work places for Conservatives and Independents who have been fired for their beliefs. Conservative business owners should be helping those hurt by Cancel Culture rather then those who support it. Hiring someone fired for his/her opinions may have additional benefits for a business. A cancelled employee is likely to understand that it would be difficult for them to find work elsewhere. Thus they are likely to work diligently rather then to risk losing their job.
We need another Joseph McCarthy/
All of my employees know that their politics stop as soon as they step foot on my property. It doesn't matter if you're conservative or liberal, don't bring it into the workplace.


Those who do get reprimanded. Those who do it to the nth degree get fired. No warning, Skippy, you're gone. Big Bob, my 6'7, 345 lb Facilities Manager will show you out.

Unfortunately, last year I showed four people the door. They insisted that their 1st Amendment right superseded my company policy. I assured them it did not. When one of them sued me for wrongful termination, the presiding judge assured her it did not.

I don't like firing people, but I'll do it in a New York minute. My employees know that, if they want to go toe to toe with me, I'm game...
This opinion is unpopular with both Liberals and Conservatives. Most Liberals believe that they do not hold any views for which they deserve to be punished. The vast majority of Conservatives believe that no one should lose their job for their political beliefs. I am neither Liberal nor Conservative.

In a perfectly just Society, very few people would lose their job for their political beliefs. Only the most extreme views would merit such penalty. Even though USA in the past was far from being perfect, firing people for their political opinions was relatively rare. To the best of my knowledge it was rare even in the first years of this Century.

Unfortunately, in recent years tens of thousands of people have been fired and/or blacklisted for even mildly offending Progressives. In my opinion, Conservative business owners should respond in kind. There are thousands of counties and small towns in which Conservatives are over 70% majority, and hundreds of counties in which they are 80% majority. Amazingly, in a few counties over 90% of people are Conservative. If Liberal supporters of Cancel Culture who live in these towns or counties lose their jobs, they would have a hard time finding other jobs in the same community. That would force them either to reconsider their views and make amends or to relocate to more Liberal urban areas.

Almost all Liberal supporters of Cancel Culture believe that private businesses have a right to fire any employee for their political opinions. They accuse opponents of Cancel Culture of opposing the First Amendment. Thus they would not object to being fired themselves.

Firing Cancel Culture proponents may have other benefits as well. They are likely to try to dictate to their employees how to run their business. For instance, some Amazon employees have been making a scene when Amazon carried books they do not like. The same is true for many bookstores and music stores. Some publishers have been pressured by their employees not to publish books they find offensive.

Cancel Culture proponents are likely to be walking lawsuits. Their Conservative and Independent coworkers have to walk on eggshells in their presence. This hardly benefits the working environment. A working team where all members share most ideas may be more friendly and more productive.

Another benefit of firing Cancel Culture proponents may be in liberation of work places for Conservatives and Independents who have been fired for their beliefs. Conservative business owners should be helping those hurt by Cancel Culture rather then those who support it. Hiring someone fired for his/her opinions may have additional benefits for a business. A cancelled employee is likely to understand that it would be difficult for them to find work elsewhere. Thus they are likely to work diligently rather then to risk losing their job.

I never understood people who air their religion or politics or personal life at work. How stupid can you get?

I agree 100%.

But also if they are found out to be progressive by other means -- like their Social Media posts, they should be fired.
Not at work? Hanging around on social media and speaking your thoughts? What if the biz owner is a conservative tea totaler and they fire the guy for having a martini while chatting?


So Joe should have every supervisor in all of the Fedeal Departments ask every employee about their politics and fire any who are not liberal?

Yeah, that's probably a dumb an idea as I've ever heard except for the one listed in the OP.
There is no need to ask them about their political beliefs. Progressives are so vile and hateful they can't but help give themselves away.

However, the entire notion is as anti-American as it gets.

No one should ever be made to pay the price for speech.

There simply is no line.

Do you know the difference between private and governmental?

Or do you really want socialism?
I certainly don't think people should be fired, or not hired, simply because of their political believes....it should be based on their ability to work, and be productive

If they are disruptive to the work place, then yes, they should be fired. Sadly, as we have seen over the last number of years, the left simply are intolerant people, that can't help but be uglyl, disrespectful and frankly angry. So, it's likely they will be fired
So Joe should have every supervisor in all of the Fedeal Departments ask every employee about their politics and fire any who are not liberal?

Yeah, that's probably a dumb an idea as I've ever heard except for the one listed in the OP.
There is no need to ask them about their political beliefs. Progressives are so vile and hateful they can't but help give themselves away.

However, the entire notion is as anti-American as it gets.

No one should ever be made to pay the price for speech.

There simply is no line.
it's the OP's idea....

I just cast a light onto the ridiculous nature of the suggestion.
So Joe should have every supervisor in all of the Fedeal Departments ask every employee about their politics and fire any who are not liberal?

Yeah, that's probably a dumb an idea as I've ever heard except for the one listed in the OP.
There is no need to ask them about their political beliefs. Progressives are so vile and hateful they can't but help give themselves away.

However, the entire notion is as anti-American as it gets.

No one should ever be made to pay the price for speech.

There simply is no line.

Do you know the difference between private and governmental?

Or do you really want socialism?
Of course, I know the difference. I am not sure you do or if you are following the conversation.

There is no line that can be drawn that would justify costing someone their livelihood on the basis of their political speech. Just remember, however; there ARE slander and defamation laws.
I worked for an employer who only took applications by mail sent to a generic PO Box. He very much screened his applicants for things like African American or Women's Studies type degrees or participation in groups he did not agree with.
How did you prove that?

I didn't need to prove it. It was something I observed while working for him. When someone dropped of a resume cold calling in case any opening happened once I gave it to the office manager who took one look and said something like "Well that'll go in the No file as soon as he sees it." I asked why, and she said what I stated. When there was an actual vacancy, he always ran an ad in the local paper without listing company name or number. That was how I got hired.
What exactly is woke? Not what white right wing racially challenged people think woke is, but what is it really?

Like “politically correct” before it, the word “woke” has come to connote the opposite of what it means. Technically, going by the Merriam-Webster dictionary’s definition, woke means “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)”, but today we are more likely to see it being used as a stick with which to beat people who aspire to such values, often wielded by those who don’t recognise how un-woke they are, or are proud of the fact.

How the word ‘woke’ was weaponised by the right | Social trends | The Guardian

So why is it it that "conservatives" have a problem with people being aware of racial and social justice issues? Do they want to continue the injustices by maintaning a racist system because it continues providing them with advantages?
I've always been of the mind that an employer should be able to terminate any person's employment for any reason whatsoever.
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