Unqualfied white man admitted into Harvard over more qualfied blacks

Blacks are living in countries run by blacks idiot.

But Black Americans don't have to go anywhere because you don't like us pointing out your racism. We were born here just like your whites asses. Abd since you whites want to bitch about the government all the time why don't YU move to another white country where you can live. Don't see any of you bitches getting on that plane to the Ukraine. We have a white polish racist here but he won't be moving back to Poland. I don't see any of you Irish in any hurry to move back there.

Yeah that was an interesting point, Seems that whites don't want to live in countries run by whites.

Why are many of those black countries in such disarray? All those African countries run by black living like savages in tribes are such a nice place to go.

Based on what many of you blacks say, the U.S. is a country run by whites. Since that is your claim, I'm already in one.

If all the whites move, who is going to fund the food stamps for the 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks using them?

The black countries are in disarray for the same reason as Latin American countries went from top of the world into disarray 80 years ago. Worldwide financial consolidation. You go on disarray when the Jews decide you go. America is not run by whites.

You are in disarray when you live like savage animals.

Depends on what you call running.

It is true that lifestyle expectations are different, but I think that is determined by climatic reasons in black countries.

Apparently coservative65 has never been to Africa. Nor does he know anything about the political aspects of the African economies ad how colonialism killed those economies and cultures to such an extent that they were basically forced to start over..

More excuses by blacks blaming anyone but themselves and the savage lifestyle they lead. They live the same lifestyle their ancestors did hundreds of years ago. How long is it going to take for them to figure out that isn't the way to go? Blacks in the U.S. think producing bastard babies at a 75% rate is going to make things better and they've had opportunities to learn that their counterparts in Africa didn't have. Why should we expect those in Africa to know any better?

There are little black kids walking around in Africa that look like skeletons. When are the people living there going to figure out to stop having them?
No. One must ask why do dumb ass, uneducated, inbred white idiots ask us why we stay when we were born in America and have the mother fucking right to demand we get treated fairly.

Nonsense, you don't wish to be treated fairly or equally, you play the victim and demand advantages not available to others. Quotas for instance.

You're talking crazy again. What advantages am I asking for that whites like you don't already get? Quotas? You Mean like the quotas whites established for at least 189 years of 100 percent white?

If I knew that all I had to do was be white in order to get ahead, I wouldn't have spent all that time and effort earning three college degrees. When I applied, all I would have put on the application and resume was "I'm white". I'll go with having an education and work ethic as being the cause of my success.
Says the man that also dismisses SAT scores.

YOu just don't like any measurements that don't give you the answer you want, do you.

Progressives are vehemently opposed to any sort of evaluation. They know their policies are failures and evaluating those failures are offensive to them. After all, if a program isn't working the obvious reason is that the program just needs MORE MONEY.

im2 is being a great example of that. He has come out against SAT scores and now IQ tests.

I wonder which one he will reject next, grades?
No. One must ask why do dumb ass, uneducated, inbred white idiots ask us why we stay when we were born in America and have the mother fucking right to demand we get treated fairly.

Nonsense, you don't wish to be treated fairly or equally, you play the victim and demand advantages not available to others. Quotas for instance.

You're talking crazy again. What advantages am I asking for that whites like you don't already get? Quotas? You Mean like the quotas whites established for at least 189 years of 100 percent white?

If I knew that all I had to do was be white in order to get ahead, I wouldn't have spent all that time and effort earning three college degrees. When I applied, all I would have put on the application and resume was "I'm white". I'll go with having an education and work ethic as being the cause of my success.

Education and work ethics? What nonsense. Whatever happened to the good old fast talking.
As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.
Great post

White people in the USA have had affirmative action non stop. The racially-restrictive housing policies that helped 15 million white families get homes with FHA loans from the 1930s to the ’60s, while black people were excluded.

White families, on average, have a net worth eleven times that of black families. In fact the value of preferences to whites over the years is so enormous that the current baby-boomer generation of whites is currently in the process of inheriting between $7-10 trillion in assets from their parents and grandparents: property handed down by those who were able to accumulate assets at a time when black people could not.

This amount of money is more than all the outstanding mortgage debt, all the credit card debt, all the savings account assets, all the money in IRA’s and 401k retirement plans, all the annual profits for U.S. manufacturers, and our entire merchandise trade deficit combined.

Yet whites think of their position as resulting from racial preference.

They pride themselves on their hard work and ambition, as if they have worked harder and ignore the advantages they have been afforded in every realm of activity: housing, education, employment, criminal justice, politics and business.

Whites ignore that at every turn, their hard work has been met with access to an opportunity structure to which millions of others have been denied similar access.

For example many universities like Michigan awarded twenty points to any student from a low-income background, regardless of race. Since those points could not be combined with those for minority status (in other words poor blacks don’t get forty points), in effect this was a preference for poor whites. Then Michigan awarded sixteen points to students from the Upper Peninsula of the state: a rural and almost completely white area.

But that’s not all. Many unis in the USA like Michigan award 10 points were awarded to students who attended top high schools, and another eight points were given to students who took an especially demanding AP and Honors curriculum.

So because racial isolation blk students will rarely attend the “best” schools. So even truly talented blk students would have been unable to access those extra points simply because of where they live and their economic status, and ultimately their race,

They offer points to students with a parent who attended their Uni's. I could go on but white affirmative action is the result of the normal workings of a racist society, can remain out of sight.

That's why whites who say “if I had only been black I would have gotten into my first-choice college.” kill me

This ignores the fact that whites are more likely than members of any group to get into their first-choice school, but it also presumes, if these whites were black, everything else about their life would have remained the same: that it would have made no negative difference as to where they went to school, what their family income was, or anything else.
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He is a Jew, moron.

Jews are disproportionately represented at Harvard, whites are UNDERrepresented.
Jewish people are white.

So Jewish William Shatner AKA Captain Kirk is not white ?


Yeah that black ass Jew Scarlet Johanssan !


Look at ol Harrison Ford with his black Jew self !!


But Jews like Einstein....I'm sure you'll wanna claim him. Right ? You know he's all sciencey n all that stuff. You know coz you love to talk about white inventions and all that stuff. Right ?


And I know you get black Jews, but those white Jews in Israel, don't give fk about that, they are sure as hell acting white, with how they acting toward black African Jews over there.

Jews are white in this society (and around the world) because to most anyone with whom they would interact, they will appear white.

Harrison Ford, Scarlett Johannssen, William Shatner and Einstein all through out there lives had white folks, look at them, presume their whiteness, and treat them accordingly.

Thus the presumptions of competence, and law-abidingness, and credit-worthiness, and general intelligence, (none of which blk ppl can assume others will presume about us) would have been given.

Whiteness is given by the society based on what people presume you to be. And that presumption has nothing to do with genotype (since ppl cannot know your DNA just by looking at you) but rather, everything to do with phenotype, which is to say the way certain genes are expressed outwardly, as with skin pigmentation, and a handful of other characteristics, which are controlled by about six genes out of 30,000 in the overall human genome.
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As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.
Great post

White people in the USA have had affirmative action non stop. The racially-restrictive housing policies that helped 15 million white families get homes with FHA loans from the 1930s to the ’60s, while black people were excluded.

White families, on average, have a net worth eleven times that of black families. In fact the value of preferences to whites over the years is so enormous that the current baby-boomer generation of whites is currently in the process of inheriting between $7-10 trillion in assets from their parents and grandparents: property handed down by those who were able to accumulate assets at a time when black people could not.

This amount of money is more than all the outstanding mortgage debt, all the credit card debt, all the savings account assets, all the money in IRA’s and 401k retirement plans, all the annual profits for U.S. manufacturers, and our entire merchandise trade deficit combined.

Yet whites think of their position as resulting from racial preference.

They pride themselves on their hard work and ambition, as if they have worked harder and ignore the advantages they have been afforded in every realm of activity: housing, education, employment, criminal justice, politics and business.

Whites ignore that at every turn, their hard work has been met with access to an opportunity structure to which millions of others have been denied similar access.

For example many universities like Michigan awarded twenty points to any student from a low-income background, regardless of race. Since those points could not be combined with those for minority status (in other words poor blacks don’t get forty points), in effect this was a preference for poor whites. Then Michigan awarded sixteen points to students from the Upper Peninsula of the state: a rural and almost completely white area.

But that’s not all. Many unis in the USA like Michigan award 10 points were awarded to students who attended top high schools, and another eight points were given to students who took an especially demanding AP and Honors curriculum.

So because racial isolation blk students will rarely attend the “best” schools. So even truly talented blk students would have been unable to access those extra points simply because of where they live and their economic status, and ultimately their race,

They offer points to students with a parent who attended their Uni's. I could go on but white affirmative action is the result of the normal workings of a racist society, can remain out of sight.

That's why whites who say “if I had only been black I would have gotten into my first-choice college.” kill me

This ignores the fact that whites are more likely than members of any group to get into their first-choice school, but it also presumes, if these whites were black, everything else about their life would have remained the same: that it would have made no negative difference as to where they went to school, what their family income was, or anything else.

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.
He is a Jew, moron.

Jews are disproportionately represented at Harvard, whites are UNDERrepresented.
He is a White Jew moron. Jews come on all races ..including "White."
You missed the entire point of his reply my friend. He is still classified as a minority. Racially he may be caucasian but ethnically he is semitic. Just like Sammy Davis Jr. double dipped on the minority factor Black and Jew or Elizabeth Warren White and wanna be Indian. You can be white and still a minority
As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.
Congratulations on your detective work. .... :thup:

Millions of unqualified, substandard IQ negro's get free college thru Affirmative Action.

And you were able to find 1 white man who gamed the system. ... :cool:

Millions? What data did you base this asinine ASSumption on?

Asian Versus Black SAT Scores
Asian Versus Black SAT Scores : EphBlog

Sorry to to tell you this fella , but just as white men can't jump Black ones STATISTICALLY have problems with intellectual endeavors. There most certainly are some brilliant ones , but when judged on level playing field Blacks allway come out on the lower end of the intellectual scale while Asians come out on top. Whitey is somewhere in the middle. I hate citing this sad reality because you can rest assured some racist will latch onto it to try and claim superiority
As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.
Congratulations on your detective work. .... :thup:

Millions of unqualified, substandard IQ negro's get free college thru Affirmative Action.

And you were able to find 1 white man who gamed the system. ... :cool:

Millions? What data did you base this asinine ASSumption on?

Asian Versus Black SAT Scores
Asian Versus Black SAT Scores : EphBlog

Sorry to to tell you this fella , but just as white men can't jump Black ones STATISTICALLY have problems with intellectual endeavors. There most certainly are some brilliant ones , but when judged on level playing field Blacks allway come out on the lower end of the intellectual scale while Asians come out on top. Whitey is somewhere in the middle. I hate citing this sad reality because you can rest assured some racist will latch onto it to try and claim superiority

And I hate to tell you that SAT scores are not accurate indicators if intellect. Because white men can jump.
As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.
He is a Jew, moron.

Jews are disproportionately represented at Harvard, whites are UNDERrepresented.
He is a White Jew moron. Jews come on all races ..including "White."
You missed the entire point of his reply my friend. He is still classified as a minority. Racially he may be caucasian but ethnically he is semitic. Just like Sammy Davis Jr. double dipped on the minority factor Black and Jew or Elizabeth Warren White and wanna be Indian. You can be white and still a minority

He's white. No you can't be white and a racial minority. Jew is a religious designation.
As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.
He is a Jew, moron.

Jews are disproportionately represented at Harvard, whites are UNDERrepresented.
He is a White Jew moron. Jews come on all races ..including "White."
You missed the entire point of his reply my friend. He is still classified as a minority. Racially he may be caucasian but ethnically he is semitic. Just like Sammy Davis Jr. double dipped on the minority factor Black and Jew or Elizabeth Warren White and wanna be Indian. You can be white and still a minority

He's white. No you can't be white and a racial minority. Jew is a religious designation.
That's your opinion for what its worth - however the powers that be would beg to differ particularly when it comes to Jews. Jews are generally born Jews and there are genetic markers that distinguish a Jewish lineage from that of a Gentile. Then of course there are sephardic Jews who are black but still have these genetic markers. CAN'T JUDGE EVERYTHING IN BLACK AND WHITE ... right litte fella ? THE POINT BEING THAT JEWISH IS NOT JUST A RELIGION
As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.
He is a Jew, moron.

Jews are disproportionately represented at Harvard, whites are UNDERrepresented.
He is a White Jew moron. Jews come on all races ..including "White."
You missed the entire point of his reply my friend. He is still classified as a minority. Racially he may be caucasian but ethnically he is semitic. Just like Sammy Davis Jr. double dipped on the minority factor Black and Jew or Elizabeth Warren White and wanna be Indian. You can be white and still a minority
In my many exchanges regading victims and beneficiaries of affirmative action in hiring and education, I've never heard or read that white Jews, Ashkenazi types like kirk Douglas, were separated statistically from other whites.
Says the man that also dismisses SAT scores.

YOu just don't like any measurements that don't give you the answer you want, do you.

Progressives are vehemently opposed to any sort of evaluation. They know their policies are failures and evaluating those failures are offensive to them. After all, if a program isn't working the obvious reason is that the program just needs MORE MONEY.

im2 is being a great example of that. He has come out against SAT scores and now IQ tests.

I wonder which one he will reject next, grades?

I suspect I know why he opposes SAT scores and IQ tests.
As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.
Great post

White people in the USA have had affirmative action non stop. The racially-restrictive housing policies that helped 15 million white families get homes with FHA loans from the 1930s to the ’60s, while black people were excluded.

White families, on average, have a net worth eleven times that of black families. In fact the value of preferences to whites over the years is so enormous that the current baby-boomer generation of whites is currently in the process of inheriting between $7-10 trillion in assets from their parents and grandparents: property handed down by those who were able to accumulate assets at a time when black people could not.

This amount of money is more than all the outstanding mortgage debt, all the credit card debt, all the savings account assets, all the money in IRA’s and 401k retirement plans, all the annual profits for U.S. manufacturers, and our entire merchandise trade deficit combined.

Yet whites think of their position as resulting from racial preference.

They pride themselves on their hard work and ambition, as if they have worked harder and ignore the advantages they have been afforded in every realm of activity: housing, education, employment, criminal justice, politics and business.

Whites ignore that at every turn, their hard work has been met with access to an opportunity structure to which millions of others have been denied similar access.

For example many universities like Michigan awarded twenty points to any student from a low-income background, regardless of race. Since those points could not be combined with those for minority status (in other words poor blacks don’t get forty points), in effect this was a preference for poor whites. Then Michigan awarded sixteen points to students from the Upper Peninsula of the state: a rural and almost completely white area.

But that’s not all. Many unis in the USA like Michigan award 10 points were awarded to students who attended top high schools, and another eight points were given to students who took an especially demanding AP and Honors curriculum.

So because racial isolation blk students will rarely attend the “best” schools. So even truly talented blk students would have been unable to access those extra points simply because of where they live and their economic status, and ultimately their race,

They offer points to students with a parent who attended their Uni's. I could go on but white affirmative action is the result of the normal workings of a racist society, can remain out of sight.

That's why whites who say “if I had only been black I would have gotten into my first-choice college.” kill me

This ignores the fact that whites are more likely than members of any group to get into their first-choice school, but it also presumes, if these whites were black, everything else about their life would have remained the same: that it would have made no negative difference as to where they went to school, what their family income was, or anything else.

It's not affirmative action when the points are rewarded for actually doing something. Affirmative action is for people that are incapable of doing it to that same level and have to be made to feel better for something they didn't earn.

There's a reason whites get their first choice. They earn it and don't expect it to be given to them due to skin color.
As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.
He is a Jew, moron.

Jews are disproportionately represented at Harvard, whites are UNDERrepresented.
He is a White Jew moron. Jews come on all races ..including "White."
You missed the entire point of his reply my friend. He is still classified as a minority. Racially he may be caucasian but ethnically he is semitic. Just like Sammy Davis Jr. double dipped on the minority factor Black and Jew or Elizabeth Warren White and wanna be Indian. You can be white and still a minority
In my many exchanges regading victims and beneficiaries of affirmative action in hiring and education, I've never heard or read that white Jews, Ashkenazi types like kirk Douglas, were separated statistically from other whites.
WOW ! You do impress - most of the leftarded dullards here would not even know what a 'Ashkenazi Jew' is - in fact I used that word a few years back and I recall one libtard thinking it referred to the Ash and Nazis and concentration camps...... But in summary 'Jewish' is a genetic designation which makes it a racial one ... sorry if you libtards don't like but it is what it is
There's a reason whites get their first choice. They earn it and don't expect it to be given to them due to skin color.
Just curious - how do you feel about the fact that Asians score higher than whites on most tests - any opinions or observations ?
As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.
He is a Jew, moron.

Jews are disproportionately represented at Harvard, whites are UNDERrepresented.
He is a White Jew moron. Jews come on all races ..including "White."
You missed the entire point of his reply my friend. He is still classified as a minority. Racially he may be caucasian but ethnically he is semitic. Just like Sammy Davis Jr. double dipped on the minority factor Black and Jew or Elizabeth Warren White and wanna be Indian. You can be white and still a minority

He's white. No you can't be white and a racial minority. Jew is a religious designation.
That's your opinion for what its worth - however the powers that be would beg to differ particularly when it comes to Jews. Jews are generally born Jews and there are genetic markers that distinguish a Jewish lineage from that of a Gentile. Then of course there are sephardic Jews who are black but still have these genetic markers. CAN'T JUDGE EVERYTHING IN BLACK AND WHITE ... right litte fella ? THE POINT BEING THAT JEWISH IS NOT JUST A RELIGION
You are referring to the patrilineal genetic marker known as the Cohen signature. As you have already pointed out, the marker can be found among Jews of all races. But that does not mean that it identifies all Jews. It only identifies descendants of Aaron...brother of Moses....and the ancient preisthood. The genes of other Jews from the era are just as viable as those known as the Cohen priest gene.
As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.
He is a Jew, moron.

Jews are disproportionately represented at Harvard, whites are UNDERrepresented.
He is a White Jew moron. Jews come on all races ..including "White."
You missed the entire point of his reply my friend. He is still classified as a minority. Racially he may be caucasian but ethnically he is semitic. Just like Sammy Davis Jr. double dipped on the minority factor Black and Jew or Elizabeth Warren White and wanna be Indian. You can be white and still a minority
In my many exchanges regading victims and beneficiaries of affirmative action in hiring and education, I've never heard or read that white Jews, Ashkenazi types like kirk Douglas, were separated statistically from other whites.
WOW ! You do impress - most of the leftarded dullards here would not even know what a 'Ashkenazi Jew' is - in fact I used that word a few years back and I recall one libtard thinking it referred to the Ash and Nazis and concentration camps...... But in summary 'Jewish' is a genetic designation which makes it a racial one ... sorry if you libtards don't like but it is what it is
I'm neither "lib" nor "tard." But your subscription to pseudoscience shows me what you are.See post #179 and learn about the cohen signature you think makes Jew a descriptor for race.
Consider too all the gentile proselytes that became Jews over the millenia.
Did they magically become another race when they converted? STFU and get off this page...moron.

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