Unqualfied white man admitted into Harvard over more qualfied blacks

You said one, here' a few ....

University of Texas at Austin to use race in its undergraduate admissions decisions, to the detriment of some students and the benefit of others. In Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin
The old Abigail Noel Fisher case ?

Few things to remember she applied to UT (University of Texas) a highly ranked university with a GPA of 3.59 out of 4.00 and an SAT score of 1180 out of 1600.

UT has a “Top 10%” rule where they admit the top 10% of Texas high school students each year. 81% of the freshman class at UT is admitted through this process. Abigail Fisher was not among them.

Even if Fisher had high test scores (which she didn’t ) she may well not have got in.

Perfect test scores still do not entitle anybody to a seat at the university of their choice.

Thus even if affirmative action did not exist, Abigail Fisher still would not have been admitted at UT.

Schools like UT reject thousands of qualified applicants every year (Black and White)

In 2004, for example, 422 Black students with LSAT scores of 150 or more (out of a perfect score of 180) were denied admission to ALL (as in 100%) of the ABA-accredited law schools to which they applied.

Yet unlike Fisher, these Black students did not feel entitled to bring law suits against the schools which rejected them.
You said one, here' a few ....

University of Texas at Austin to use race in its undergraduate admissions decisions, to the detriment of some students and the benefit of others. In Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin
The old Abigail Noel Fisher case ?

Few things to remember she applied to UT (University of Texas) a highly ranked university with a GPA of 3.59 out of 4.00 and an SAT score of 1180 out of 1600.

UT has a “Top 10%” rule where they admit the top 10% of Texas high school students each year. 81% of the freshman class at UT is admitted through this process. Abigail Fisher was not among them.

Even if Fisher had high test scores (which she didn’t )

Perfect test scores still do not entitle anybody to a seat at the university of their choice.

Thus even if affirmative action did not exist, Abigail Fisher still would not have been admitted at UT.

Schools like UT reject thousands of qualified applicants every year (Black and White)

In 2004, for example, 422 Black students with LSAT scores of 150 or more (out of a perfect score of 180) were denied admission to ALL (as in 100%) of the ABA-accredited law schools to which they applied.

Yet unlike Fisher, these Black students did not feel entitled to bring law suits against the schools which rejected them.
NICE REPLY !!! You are a gentleman and a scholar . BUT One out of Three doesn't do it - what's your take on the other two ? Got a racist spin to apply ?
As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard.

In 1998, according to sources familiar with the gift, the New York University alumnus [Charles Kushner] pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000. ... At the time of the pledge, Kushner’s older son, Jared, was starting the college admissions process at the Frisch School, a Jewish high school in Paramus, New Jersey. A senior in 1998-99, Jared was not in the school’s highest academic track in all courses, and his test scores were below Ivy League standards. Frisch officials were surprised when he applied to Harvard — and dismayed when he was admitted.

“There was no way anybody in the administrative office of the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard,” a former school official told me. “His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought for sure, there was no way this was going to happen. Then, lo and behold, Jared was accepted. It was a little bit disappointing because there were at the time other kids we thought should really get in on the merits, and they did not” ...

... Margot Krebs, who was director of Frisch’s college preparatory program at the time, said, “Jared was certainly not anywhere near the top of his class. He had some very strong personal qualities. He’s a very charming young man with a great deal of poise, the sort of kid you would look at him and say, ‘This is a future politician.’ It was an unusual choice for Harvard to make.”

As Trump takes aim at affirmative action, let’s remember how Jared Kushner got into Harvard

Kushner is not the only example of someone white getting into a college they were not qualified to enter.
and he got in ahead of other white kids as well.
and you can't answer because you know real evidence of anti-white bias in education is extraordinarily rare.
Anti-White bias most certainly is rare ... But PRO-Black bias is not. When you give preferential treatment to one group over another, than the group that wasn't given preferential treatment has been discriminated against.

That's what affirmative action does. What bothers me as much as it doing it is the fact that the those who say using race is wrong if it denies someone something have no problem using race as long as it benefits someone.
Name one white male admitted to a college or university using the affirmative action program put in place by the government.
Read my reply to your a question here.

Your comments about affirmative action assume that whites are completely fair-minded.

I don't know of any study that shows them capable of that.

They will take a less qualified white over a black person.

Whites have been benefiting from that sort of white affirmative action for hundreds of years and continue to do so. But whites do not see it like that because they are blind to their own white privilege.

You overlook the much greater advantages that whites enjoy. Because you take those advantages for granted, because you never had to live without them. That shapes how you think.

There are not enough blacks, once you whittle down the numbers, to put a dent in the employment and educational prospects of whites. Dissect, trisect, quadruplesect this topic all you want. In fact it is white women who benefit the most. These criticisms are only a cloak for people who are racist and don’t want to be labeled as such. If these white men stuck to the argument of Affirmative Action being such a bane for equality, they would have to go after the white women! Now if they did that, they may not get laid for the most part would they?

Every year colleges admit legacies, athletes, kids with rich donor parents. But for some strange reason we don’t see Supreme Court cases against these admissions criteria, even though they have nothing to do with academic merit.

Whites like whites slide by all the time. I study white people. I've heard their convo's were they'll talk about how even if they fk up there grades, the school will let it slide and I've seen blk students get kicked out of the Nursing Programs for having a lower average in one course, after having a dispute with a teacher of that course. And shit like that happens all the time.

Besides anyone who answer a question with a question, is pretty much doing an internet tap-out


and you can't answer because you know real evidence of anti-white bias in education is extraordinarily rare.

Come back to when you can answer my question. You make the claim. You prove the claim. The fact that you can't makes your argument weak

Anyone that continues to make excuses as to why blacks have to have something whites don't get is a failure in life.

You say whites get an advantage due to affirmative action. Show the official government program that does that. I can show you one where blacks do.

You say white women benefit from affirmative action more than anyone. While that it true looking at the numbers, 100% of it has to do with being female and 0% has to do with being white. Affirmative action doesn't reward whites for skin color.

I am white and have taken advantage of my opportunities. Maybe that's because I'm white. Maybe blacks are where they are because they didn't and now want to blame white people for their ineptitude.

I answered your question, BOY. When blacks can do things without affirmative action let me know. As a white person, I don't have an official government program using my race because I don't need it. Blacks do. Tells me they can't do it on their own or they would.
I am white and have taken advantage of my opportunities. Maybe that's because I'm white. Maybe blacks are where they are because they didn't and now want to blame white people for their ineptitude.

Oppression Mentality
"The central belief of every moron is that he is the victim of a mysterious conspiracy against his common rights and true deserts. He ascribes all his failure to get on in the world, all of his congenital incapacity and damfoolishness, to the machinations of werewolves assembled in Wall Street, or some other such den of infamy." ..H.L. Mencken

"The once oppressed, now unwilling and unable to surrender their victim status are force fed a steady stream of tainted data by a Liberal Progressive Propaganda machine. Their need to feel victimized becomes justified and is nurtured and pandered to by a machine manned by 'useful idiots'." Oppression Mentality
I am white and have taken advantage of my opportunities. Maybe that's because I'm white. Maybe blacks are where they are because they didn't and now want to blame white people for their ineptitude.

Oppression Mentality
"The central belief of every moron is that he is the victim of a mysterious conspiracy against his common rights and true deserts. He ascribes all his failure to get on in the world, all of his congenital incapacity and damfoolishness, to the machinations of werewolves assembled in Wall Street, or some other such den of infamy." ..H.L. Mencken

"The once oppressed, now unwilling and unable to surrender their victim status are force fed a steady stream of tainted data by a Liberal Progressive Propaganda machine. Their need to feel victimized becomes justified and is nurtured and pandered to by a machine manned by 'useful idiots'." Oppression Mentality

“He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” - B. Franklin
Anyone that continues to make excuses as to why blacks have to have something whites don't get is a failure in life.

You say whites get an advantage due to affirmative action. Show the official government program that does that. I can show you one where blacks do.
I'm saying the system of racism gives whites an advantage by default and is the mother of all affirmative actions.

The official government program is the system racism - white supremacy

So white affirmative action can be :

(such as greater opportunity in the labor market, or greater net worth, due to a history in which whites had the ability to accumulate wealth to a greater extent than black people),

Social (such as presumptions of competence, creditworthiness, law-abidingness, intelligence, etc.) or

Psychological (such as not having to worry about triggering negative stereotypes, rarely having to feel out of place, not having to worry about racial profiling, etc.).

White privilege which is the flipside of racism.

There can be no down without an up

So that if black people are the targets of discrimination, in housing, employment, education, the justice system, or elsewhere, then whites are being elevated above those black ppl.
You say white women benefit from affirmative action more than anyone. While that it true looking at the numbers, 100% of it has to do with being female and 0% has to do with being white. Affirmative action doesn't reward whites for skin color.
So it's just coin-cedence that in system of racism - white supremacy that white women (Not black women. Not Asian woman. Not Hispanic women) benefitted from affirmative action ?

OK dude
I am white and have taken advantage of my opportunities. Maybe that's because I'm white. Maybe blacks are where they are because they didn't and now want to blame white people for their ineptitude.
Some of what white people have is unearned.

I think much of the anger that comes up around discussions of affirmative action has its roots in that secret.

You took advantage of your opportunities because when you sought admission to a university, applied for a job, or hunted for an apartment, 2 those people, you did not look threatening.

Almost all of the people evaluating you for those things looked like you. They were white. You're 1 of them. You're not dangerous. Even when if you got angry, you're cut some slack. After all, you're white.

Even if affirmative action policies were in place for the next 100 years, it's possible that at the end of that time the university could have as many mediocre black professors as it has mediocre white professors because white privilege has meant that scores of second rate white workers have slid through the system because their flaws were overlooked out of solidarity based on race

White folks have long cut other white folks a break. All throughout ur life, you have soaked up benefits for being white.
I answered your question, BOY.
Is that supposed to annoy me ?

When blacks can do things without affirmative action let me know.

As a white person, I don't have an official government program using my race because I don't need it. Blacks do. Tells me they can't do it on their own or they would
There is no such thing as AA for black people.

There was a guy called Joshua Solomon in 1999. He changed himself from black to white

He was like you, tried to walk all tough. and like you was one of those white people who did not believe his black people. He felt that many black people used racism as an an excuse and got handouts etc

So what did he do ? He went to a doctor who gave him pills to turn his white skin brown.

He shaved the hair off his head but dressed the same, acted the same, talked the same. He had the same money and education. It was just his brown skin and bald head that were different.

This is him.


After one week he was done.

Even though he was going to do it for about 4 months and visit different parts of the country.

As a white man he looks and smiles at White people and they smile back. But as a Black man whites look away, lock their doors, assume he is dangerous or up to no good.

The police would stop him even though he was just walking down the street minding his own business.

Restaurants would tell him they were full, even when they were not, restaurants where nearly everyone sitting down was – White.

White respect and friendliness that he took for granted was gone. Instead Whites regarded him with disdain, even fear.

By his 2nd day he was in tears.

Remember this was a tough talking white man. A real badass.


But (I repeat) by his 2nd day he was in tears.

Oprah did a programme about it.

Irony is, what he dealt was easiest part of racism. He didn't even get into the systematic part.

Real racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And this once tough talking white man did not experience any of that. This is why I laugh when white people like to come with any shaming tactics because they can't handle racism for a minute.
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Anyone that continues to make excuses as to why blacks have to have something whites don't get is a failure in life.

You say whites get an advantage due to affirmative action. Show the official government program that does that. I can show you one where blacks do.
I'm saying the system of racism gives whites an advantage by default and is the mother of all affirmative actions.

The official government program is the system racism - white supremacy

So white affirmative action can be :

(such as greater opportunity in the labor market, or greater net worth, due to a history in which whites had the ability to accumulate wealth to a greater extent than black people),

Social (such as presumptions of competence, creditworthiness, law-abidingness, intelligence, etc.) or

Psychological (such as not having to worry about triggering negative stereotypes, rarely having to feel out of place, not having to worry about racial profiling, etc.).

White privilege which is the flipside of racism.

There can be no down without an up

So that if black people are the targets of discrimination, in housing, employment, education, the justice system, or elsewhere, then whites are being elevated above those black ppl.
You say white women benefit from affirmative action more than anyone. While that it true looking at the numbers, 100% of it has to do with being female and 0% has to do with being white. Affirmative action doesn't reward whites for skin color.
So it's just coin-cedence that in system of racism - white supremacy that white women (Not black women. Not Asian woman. Not Hispanic women) benefitted from affirmative action ?

OK dude
I am white and have taken advantage of my opportunities. Maybe that's because I'm white. Maybe blacks are where they are because they didn't and now want to blame white people for their ineptitude.
Some of what white people have is unearned.

I think much of the anger that comes up around discussions of affirmative action has its roots in that secret.

You took advantage of your opportunities because when you sought admission to a university, applied for a job, or hunted for an apartment, 2 those people, you did not look threatening.

Almost all of the people evaluating you for those things looked like you. They were white. You're 1 of them. You're not dangerous. Even when if you got angry, you're cut some slack. After all, you're white.

Even if affirmative action policies were in place for the next 100 years, it's possible that at the end of that time the university could have as many mediocre black professors as it has mediocre white professors because white privilege has meant that scores of second rate white workers have slid through the system because their flaws were overlooked out of solidarity based on race

White folks have long cut other white folks a break. All throughout ur life, you have soaked up benefits for being white.
I answered your question, BOY.
Is that supposed to annoy me ?

When blacks can do things without affirmative action let me know.

As a white person, I don't have an official government program using my race because I don't need it. Blacks do. Tells me they can't do it on their own or they would
There is no such thing as AA for black people.

There was a guy called Joshua Solomon in 1999. He changed himself from black to white

He grew up in USA-Maryland and had plenty of Black friends. He was one of those white people who did not believe his black friends. He felt that many black people used racism as an an excuse.

So what did he do ? He went to a doctor who gave him pills to turn his white skin brown. The doctor warned him that it could lead to liver damage. He shaved the hair off his head but dressed the same, acted the same, talked the same. He had the same money and education. It was just his brown skin and bald head that were different.

This is him.


After one week he was done.

Even though he was going to do it for about four months and visit different parts of the country.

As a white man he looks and smiles at White people and they smile back. But as a Black man whites look away, lock their doors, assume he is dangerous or up to no good.

The police would stop him even though he was just walking down the street minding his own business.

Restaurants would tell him they were full, even when they were not, restaurants where nearly everyone sitting down was – White.

White respect and friendliness that he took for granted was gone. Instead Whites regarded him with disdain, even fear.

By his 2nd day he was in tears.

Oprah did a programme about it.

Irony is, what he dealt was easiest part of racism. He didn't even get into the systematic part.

Real racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And this once tough talking white man did not experience any of that. This is why I laugh when white people like to come with any shaming tactics because they can't handle racism for a minute.

In other words you don't have anything to provide on what I ASKED only excuses when you can't provide it. Thanks.
In other words you don't have anything to provide on what I ASKED only excuses when you can't provide it. Thanks.
Racism exists or does not.

Now that's either True or False.

I believe exists.

Now of course, you are gonna try to justify this.

So you will move the argument from what whites do to what you think blacks do

At one level all your arguments are just a cheap attempt to change the subject, to draw attention away from what whites do.

But at a deeper level it is also a moral argument – directed not at blacks but at whites.

Whites know blacks get screwed. Since they want to believe they are good people they either fight against that inequality – or make up excuses.

Making up excuses is way easier.

If they can blame blacks , then they have no reason to feel guilty at all.

So that's where all the
  1. Blacks are racist too.
  2. Blacks have a high crime rate.
  3. Blacks are to blame for their own troubles.
  4. Blacks like to “blame whitey”.
arguments come in. It's said so whites can still see themselves as good people.
In other words you don't have anything to provide on what I ASKED only excuses when you can't provide it. Thanks.
Racism exists or does not.

Now that's either True or False.

I believe exists.

Now of course, you are gonna try to justify this.

So you will move the argument from what whites do to what you think blacks do

At one level all your arguments are just a cheap attempt to change the subject, to draw attention away from what whites do.

But at a deeper level it is also a moral argument – directed not at blacks but at whites.

Whites know blacks get screwed. Since they want to believe they are good people they either fight against that inequality – or make up excuses.

Making up excuses is way easier.

If they can blame blacks , then they have no reason to feel guilty at all.

So that's where all the
  1. Blacks are racist too.
  2. Blacks have a high crime rate.
  3. Blacks are to blame for their own troubles.
  4. Blacks like to “blame whitey”.
arguments come in. It's said so whites can still see themselves as good people.

You've proven making up excuses is way easier. It's all you do.

Blacks do have a high crime rate. Look at the numbers.
Blacks produce bastard babies at a 75% rate. That produces all sorts of problems.
Blacks do blame white people. Look at YOUR posts.

I'm still waiting on the official law where whites are given a preference because they're white. Do you have a link to that law?
Blacks do have a high crime rate. Look at the numbers.
Virtually all the stock manipulators, unethical derivatives traders and shady money managers on Wall Street, whose actions ( a few years ago) brought the US economy to its knees (and who it might be worth noting are pretty much all white)

Bernie Madoff got caught stealing 50 000 000 000 dollars. That is 50 billion dollars.

Just one white guy.

These two examples beat all black street crime you could name for the past 10 years.

So who is the real criminal ?

And, as we now know it (financial crisis was partly caused by these guys), there were dozens more in the billions club in Wall street.

Now, I would like you to show me a single black American embezzler who has stolen by fraud lets say at least 100 million dollars.

It's also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so. As such, I think these guys are truly more dangerous to the public than street corner hustlers, whose activities I don’t accept either.

Many of the so called russian oligarkhs, bilionaires, were once criminals or did business with the mafiya. Many of the vory have good connections to the establishment over there, they have friends in Duma and other high places.

There are examples everywhere how the real big crime functions.

Street crime is bad and it should be dealt with

But at the same time one has to remember the really big players out there.

Stories of black-on-white crime spread faster and farther – from person to person and through the news – because they seem more terrible. Not because they they are more common. Hardly.

The higher black crime rate does not make life more dangerous for whites. That is because most of it is black-on-black. While there certainly are blacks who harm whites, overall the biggest threat to white people are other white people.

The belief that blacks commit most of the crime makes whites feel safer: they can avoid most crime by moving away from blacks. Except that it is not true: whites commit most of the crime – something that is lost sight of in all this talk about the black crime rate. So the sense of security is a false one.

Further, the stereotypes make crime into a race issue, which means crime is not fought intelligently. Instead we get stuff like racial profiling and making it hard for those with a felony conviction to make an honest living.
Blacks produce bastard babies at a 75% rate. That produces all sorts of problems.
The absolute numbers are considerably different because Blacks are only 13% of country. In 2008 out-of-wedlock births were:

  • 37.6% White
  • 31.7% Hispanic
  • 26.1% Black
  • 4.6% Asians and Other


Illegitimacy has been rising across the West. In France and Sweden, for example, most children are no longer born to married women. That is a sea change in Western society that goes way beyond Black America.


The birth rate among unmarried Black women has been dropping since 1992 – meaning that they are acting more responsibly, not less. The reason the illegitimacy rate goes up is because the birth rate among married Black women has been dropping even faster, something that has been going on since the 1950s.


An illegitimate birth tells you nothing about whether the mother lives with the father or gets married later, just as a legitimate birth tells you nothing about divorce, separation or incarceration. Single-parent households would be a better measure (and still cannot account for crime or poverty).


Blacks do blame white people. Look at YOUR posts.
No. It's you and your need to try and avert attention from the racist cause of the current effects of Black people with statements that basically boil down to this:

“The cause of your condition is your lack of willingness to implement my solution”

This is, of course, is a logical misrepresentation. A solution and a cause are two separate concepts.

If boxer 1 is beating up boxer 2 , the CAUSE of boxer 2's black eye is not that he didn’t try hard enough to fight back. The CAUSE is not that he couldn’t box fast enough to get away. Those all represent SOLUTIONS, not causes.

Similarly, the CAUSE of the present condition of Black people in the U.S. is not that they haven’t availed themselves of any number of possible solutions, the CAUSE (for the most part) is still racism.

You're attention is skewed in one direction. In the case of so called Black pathologies its Black people.

Yes… By all means have the discussion about why so many Black people appear to be caught up in perceived negative social and economic disorders.

But if you are also not prepared to focus the same attention discussing the perceived causes, (i.e racism) then you are either being disingenuous or not really serious.
I'm still waiting on the official law where whites are given a preference because they're white. Do you have a link to that law?
The law is racism-white supremacy

And that's a law that I'm subjected to on this planet. Because black people on this planet are subject to that system.
In other words you don't have anything to provide on what I ASKED only excuses when you can't provide it. Thanks.
Racism exists or does not.

Now that's either True or False.

I believe exists.

Now of course, you are gonna try to justify this.

So you will move the argument from what whites do to what you think blacks do

At one level all your arguments are just a cheap attempt to change the subject, to draw attention away from what whites do.

But at a deeper level it is also a moral argument – directed not at blacks but at whites.

Whites know blacks get screwed. Since they want to believe they are good people they either fight against that inequality – or make up excuses.

Making up excuses is way easier.

If they can blame blacks , then they have no reason to feel guilty at all.

So that's where all the
  1. Blacks are racist too.
  2. Blacks have a high crime rate.
  3. Blacks are to blame for their own troubles.
  4. Blacks like to “blame whitey”.
arguments come in. It's said so whites can still see themselves as good people.

Is it your position that "whites" are bad people? How about any other 'sort' of people?
No. One must ask why do dumb ass, uneducated, inbred white idiots ask us why we stay when we were born in America and have the mother fucking right to demand we get treated fairly.

Nonsense, you don't wish to be treated fairly or equally, you play the victim and demand advantages not available to others. Quotas for instance.

You're talking crazy again. What advantages am I asking for that whites like you don't already get? Quotas? You Mean like the quotas whites established for at least 189 years of 100 percent white?

If I knew that all I had to do was be white in order to get ahead, I wouldn't have spent all that time and effort earning three college degrees. When I applied, all I would have put on the application and resume was "I'm white". I'll go with having an education and work ethic as being the cause of my success.
I guess you don't know that Black women are the most educated Americans in the country as a group.
That kind of nullifies that high unwed birthrate as a weapon to use against them.

False narrative with no statistical support to back it up.
I know you are dumb but by now you ought to be familiar with google.
Is it your position that "whites" are bad people? How about any other 'sort' of people?

I try not call white people evil or bad or even white people racist.

Because I'll never win that conversation. Because it deals with motive and intentions, which are largely a matter of guesswork on my part, instead of words and actions, which are not. Whites know this and derail conversations about their words and actions into those about their inner state, which they know you can never win.

I make it about what white people do. When a thief takes your money you run after him not to tell him he is a thief but to get your money back.

Most ppl think racism is like tonsils: you either have it or you do not. Either-or. And once you are not racist you no longer have to work at it or be on your guard. But you are constantly being hit with racist messages every day and unless you keep fighting against it, it will make you more and more racist over time. So racism is more like dental hygiene, something you have to work at every day:
The very concept of race is a false one. The superficial differences between humans aren't broad enough to warrant the notion of different races.
I agree but that's our opinions and most of science would beg to differ. Anyway it's all semantic . Technically the divisions of the Human race into sub groups based on ethnicity / dna should have another word for it.
Top physical anthropologists have repeatedly debunked the pseudo concept of race. A good read on the topic is " Man's most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy Of Race."


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